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. �� r� . �;-- _ <br /> � .. , , •, , -;:.--� :,�.- -- <br /> . <br /> ��' , ., • .���:: <br /> � � � _ <br /> "� - --- _----- <br /> - E,• <br /> �; . <br /> , . <br /> ..� . 91�-•],02�8� <br /> .��� <br /> -�:� <br /> candemnatian ar aher�alcin�ot'any pan af�i►c Propcny,or(or cunvcywxc in licu.�i cu�aiemnutiun.un:i�reby w+si�ned und <br /> ��� �hall lx:paid to Lende�. <br /> '' In thc event ot'u uHal tuking of Ihc F'ropeAy. Ihe pnx'erds +ha�� hc upplied tu thc �amv�ccured by ihin Sau�ily �- <br /> ��'� imtrum�nt.whethcr or n�t Ihen duc, wid�any cxcc�+paiJ to Surtowe�. In thc cvcnt uf u partiul wking of ihc Pr<�peAy in <br /> which Ihc fuir ntnrket vuluN oi'Ihc Property immcdiutcly l+cfim�hc tuking i.r cyuol U►or gRUicr thun ihc umnun�c�f thc hums <br /> ���t , M�uml by Ihi�Sr.cudty InMn�ment immeJiu�cly t�efiwr�he tuking,unlc.r��urn�wer ond l.end�r ah�:rwi�ugrt�r in w►iting, <br /> �It-�'" thc tiums�ccurcd by thi� Sccu�ily In.�n�menl +hnll he reJurcd by�ix� amuum nf�Iw pr�x:cedti multiplicd by Ihc fulN�wing <br /> - fraction: (u1 tlx�total umounl of Ihe tumK srcun�d immedlutely lxfan lix tuking,divf�lyd hy Ib1 ihe(ai�markei vulur uf tl►e <br /> �•'��, Pmpeny immt:diately Ixfore thc tuking. Any huluncc shull h�: paiJ to Bam�wcr. (n �he evem ot'u punful iuking of' thc _ <br /> -. propcny in which Ihe iuir murkc�vuluc of�he Pmpeny immediately Ixt�n thc luking ih lexs tlwn dk um��um nf�hc�umw <br /> �__,s„,.�,:'=� securcd immediutely tx�fot+e�he�nkiog, unles� Bomower und Lendcr cNhenvin� ugreo in wd�ing ur uale.s upplicuble luw <br /> --- nthenvi:+e pmvidex,the uroceecl++xhull F�r applied to�ha sum,tiecurcd by thir Securi�y Inxtrument whe�her or not�he �umx are <br /> "ti' �� then due. <br /> _�:�n��,��i'Y��,� If thc Pmperiy is abundoncd by&►rrowcr.�ii,afrer noiicc by Lrnder tu Bormwcr�hut�he cun�kmnor�►ffcrc io mokc � <br /> __ ___,,,�,; an uwurd or settte a claim fur damage�.Barower faik tu re�p�ne1 w Lendrr within 311 dny�aRrr thc Jale the notice ix giv��n. _ <br /> _-_ -_---e,u . Lender i,ruthorizcJ tu collect und upply�he pmceeci.r-,w itti�ia�,eilher to rc�taralian�x repair�i'ihe Propehy or�a the' c-_- <br /> ;y.�T.:v����:� : <br /> . ..-.•wa�,.u .umx securcd by thix Securi�y Imlrument,whether or not then dur. <br /> �"."'�;..',�.: U�le�ti Lender und Burrower otherwitie agrcc in Nming, uay upplicatiun��i pr�x-c�f��o prin�ipul,twll n►M exiend or <br /> ,�"y��,�,..-'�w�'� pu.tpane the duc dutc of thc monthlY�Ymrnn mterrt�i tu in paragruphx 1 und 2�x eh:u�ge thr amoum uf�w:h�aymenlx. �;--. <br /> .,. . .. y__, . <br /> ----_-°y�'`,• Il. Borrower NW Releascd; PorbearAair Bv l,ender Not a Waiver. Ex�en�ion of thr �ime tix pnyment or t::;;- <br /> �'�''""'� madificulion of umorti�alic►n of�hc:+um��ured by�h1+5ecurity In��rument gran�ed by Lender io:u►y ,ucce+wr in imet�est __ <br /> —�i'i�_'asfe.d;� -- <br /> ` � , i � of enrrowcr.hull not opemtc to�leax�h�iiubilit�•of Ihc ori�inal Borrower ur Borr�,wrr:�u�»�+�on m interest.I.endcr _- <br /> '`�'`�'� { � shall nu�be rcyuired ta commcixe p�o�ec�lingc aguin��any succes,or in intcrcxt��r rciu�e te����ar•n�1 timr f��r puyment ur �„ <br /> l,;�y,{;,�:r <br /> _ �—=a�`k-��',: othenvir�madify umonizulian ot'the wm�+ecured h�tbis S��cu�iiy Instrument by reu.on��I w�y dtnl•.�ncl ma.l�by the original e: <br /> -_--'�����y..�.� �'#°:. � - <br /> y�-;�Q,l�k,�� , Bonuwcr or Borro�ver:tiuccex,on in inte�e.t. Am ic�rbzuruncc hy Lender in any richt ar rcmc�ly shull no�be a - <br /> ` . ___u+:.�L�.:� _"'_'_ <br /> __ -=-_�;�,:;,..;�. , wuiver of or preclude the ezerci.e uti any right ar mmedy. <br />___ ' �,,.... C goers, Thr ek��rnants su�d u reements ot this _ <br /> 12. tiuccescors and Assigas Bouod:Ju1at and tiererAl l.lability; o-�ci F <br /> ���%�>�A�',�� Se�:urity Ins�rument sh•rll binJ aa1 t+rn�rtit the xucce.,on und ussign,ut'Lcndrr:►rid Bw�v��cr.�ubject �o thc pruvitiiom of _ <br /> .•��.,�r,,a'�'"� pnrugruph 17. Bomawer±�vYenant.a�ci a�riement��hull be joint unJ tievcrul. An� Burn►wer who co-.ign+thi�Socurily <br /> - --:�[t;;. �'. <br /> Instrument but d�xs not execute thc Nnt�: �a)is ca-�cigning�hi.Seruriry Intitrum�n�unly to mort@uge.gront nnd conv�y Ihut � <br />---���•�• ���I•��' � Bornawer's interc+t in the�lvpem•u�nirr the t�rms of thi.Sccurity Intitrument: Ibl i.nul�nunally aBliguted to pay ihc xumr <br /> �_��,��w � ' � ' secumci by tbis Security I�numrnt:iind Icl a�reeti thut l,ender anJ uny rnher Bormwer muy u�er�e to extend,modify,forhear �_='' <br /> — ��"�**'� � a m�k,;any ac��a�unvd�oans wtith repard to thr terms cif�Izi,Security Imtrument or the Nae withiwt that Bom�wer� �, <br /> �,r,.an4 ? C01�tigW, °—•... <br /> ,�, �* � ` /,�. l,o�CkarRes. If the loan +ecured by ihis aecumy in+irument i�,.uhj�:ci to a la�•which �.et+ snuxirnum I�nn <br /> ��"' rl�tges,artd ihut iaH•i.tinully interQrcted so Ih�U Ihe imer�+t or�dhcr I��un chur�e,collceted or ta tx ccillectecl in eannec[ion <br /> '�•> ' W ed��I,.,un exceeJ thc pcmiined I�mits.then: (+U uny such I�r.m rhur�e xhull hc reduceJ by the umount nece.wry io reduce <br /> • hRr=: <br />?�F��5r ~�'� : :"' a� '� �he rh:�rge Io�he permilted limil;und Ib►uny xum+ulreudy collecteJ trom Burn�wer which etcreded Exrtniurd limi�s will he - <br />_.. 'l.�� !�;g; — <br /> � ��'" �fun�d to Barrower. Lender muy rh�xisc to muke�hi,ret'und hy reducin�thr pmiripul owcJ undcr ihe fvolc or hy mukiag a <br />_1.��,',,. ,..�.k::,"',,;�"y�''�':,�•: � <br />_- ,. L::.,, � � t direct puyment�o B�rmwer. If u refund reduce+pri��cipal.�he reduclion will he Ireuted u+n puniid prrpuymeM wiihout any <br />-".'�I';`�`'' " }�;�.`. ., prepayment churge unJer the Nrnc. <br />-��s�:�,� ` . �.: <br />_..-f,: i: ..��•r.• 14. Notices� Any n�dirc��� BoROwcr pmvidcd fiK in thi�Sccurity In4trument .hull ix�glven by delivcring i�or by �:;_ <br /> " a:.w;a-�� � mailin�t i�by f int cluss muil unlc.ti upplicublc luw reyuim� u.e.ri'anuthcr mrlhn�l.Thc nairc tihull he dim�:ted�o�he Propeny �= <br />- ;�����' _�• �ti+�y � Address or un o�hcr wldrc�+ Borcowcr Jc.ignutc+hy nntirc to Lcndrr. Any no�irc �o l.endcr shull tx givcn by lint rlu., N <br /> .�li�---s .�....�., qf,f,��':�-. y . <br />_��.�: 2t'-`• `a�;•;:;�,�,', muil�o Lendcr+uddrc,..�u�ed hercin ur any othcr uJdr�.. l.�nJcr dr,ignulr�hy nutirc tu Hum�wcr. Any nuticc proviJed for .�_ <br /> .s�,' �. - <br />`'"`�.. � :. r.'..., in Ihiti Security In�trument�hall Ix deemcd u� huve Ixen Fiven w Bnrri��v�r or LrnJer when gi�•en us pn►vidcd in �his <br /> - rl`� • r*.i[Tt7i-�� -_ <br /> _'-''!'�_•,' 4. �,.,r: pamgrnph. - <br /> "*�^� �is'.�'-', =.:..; IS. (iuvernfnR L�w; Severabllity. Thi+: Srcuri�y In+lrumcnl .hall ix gu�cm�d by federul luw and Ihc luw�►f ihc _ <br />- ." ' ='. . • jurizdiction in which�he Propeny i,Iixu�eJ. In the r�•rm�hai vny pruvi.iun ur cluu�r u(�hi,Sccurity�In��nmunt ur Ihe Note [�-,. <br /> �'�"�.. '�.;..:,''�•' �onflictx witN upplicuble law.�unc�onllir��hull no�at'Iert �dhcr pruvi,iun.ul Ihis Security In+tNmem or the N�►�e which ran [&;'; <br /> ' ���'... . �� 6e given effect wi�how t�x conflicting pro��i.ion. Ti�thi.rnd ihr p�ovi�ions nt �hiti Seruri�y Instrumenl��nd 1h�Note ure _._ <br /> ' � . ,;; declured lo t�e uuveruble. - <br /> „_"- , ��:. . l6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower,hull fx gi�rn��ne conliimud copy ot'�hc";oic nnd of thi,Securii�•Insinimem. <br />„'�,._,, { ;,;�' °�^ 17. 'llr�nsfer of the 1'ropert��ar a Beneficlul lntcrest in durr���+•er. Il.�u���i���y rart of ihr Pn►�x:rry��r uny imrresi in �,.. <br /> _2;_...-.�.:, :�;ci��' it ix sold or tran+i'erred f�r if u heneficiul interc�t in Rarruacr i..nld ur tr:in.fcrrcd and 8orro�ver i+ no�a nutur�l persnnl tt'- <br />-:£`%;� a` ?,:;' <br /> '�_ :�+.��,:;:•�t:1;.1t'�•: ' withoul Lendrr;prior wriurn consenl. Lcn�cr m•ry.:n il���ptiun.rcyuire immedi:nc pa��mcnt in 1'ull��I' by �'� <br /> _;1)f� •'^. + ;rp;7t.,.�,y ; -- <br /> ,, t .w7,.,,..k:�� ,t�,,�� thix Securiry Inx�rument. Huweve�.thix op�ian,hull no�Ix rx�rci.rd hy I.rn�kr il cx�rciu is prohibited by tederul luw a.oi - <br /> �;:"S. • ; 5 Ihe dutc ot'this$c�urity In�lrununt. ---. <br /> •:'tt4i}Jz+:�:�.�. <br />__�,'.',, •i�+i;�-,^�-., U Lender ezcrcixs thi�option.Lcndrr�hull givr B��rcuw cr nu�irc ul'c►rcrlcr.uion. Thr noticc.hull provid�a�xri�xl ot' �,� <br /> � • • not les.lhan 311 diryy frt�n�thc Jute th�noiirc i�drlivenJ ur maikd��ilhin��hirh Hon•u�err mu�i pa}•ul{,um.sccurcd My Ihis � <br /> ' J � Security Inxlrumcnt. If Bnrroa�cr ldil. �o p+�y tlx.c ,urr�.priur 1�► the ctipiratiun �►f Ihi, �rxK1. Lcndr��rwy invokr anp �, <br /> ' ' ,•,�;;, ,2,�,,. . remcdicti�rn�iucd by►hi+Scxuri�v In�trumrnt withou�lunhcr iwtirc ur dcmund un Buni���cr. � <br />• ' '���'�%�;� :� 16. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstute. lf B��rn��ver nkc�+rcnuin condiiiun+. H��Ra�v�r+hull huvr �hc rieh�a> huvc <br /> . ` ��::,`.�;�,ti'�E;l�•.• enli�rrement of Ihis Securily Inxtrunxnt di.con�inurJ :u am tinu pri��r to Ihr rarlirr of: �:u �da�.�ur w�h oth�r p�+ruxt as �9 <br /> • .'.� � tim�l.Famd�-•Frnnie�tae�Fr�ddk\lucl \IFIIR�II�rCB[�ti�.vL (li��,,�mt'�n.•naw. ��9H •;a�erJ,��n��,�c�„ . <br /> '' : ,�;i{�%�. ,:M':, <br /> , `t, t <br /> '+'• •S�i:���''"� n•. <br /> '�14t}�t.��Ft� : <br /> � . �f 1).i <br /> . ..e.� -�;�i - - �-- - � . �,.-.• �. :�at�..�lm:pva/'vkK:Yy <br /> . � 1'fi�.,���,:�1ii''; .'1� � . .�.� .. .. _ � ' . ., . . . ';��- .. <br /> � i,• <br /> , . . .., <br /> • . , , <br /> , . <br />... � .1�`.i��u:'.,' ' _ ' <br />..._ . . ..t , .. . . . . � <br /> - ` .. - ' � � , - , . <br /> ! � .�. ..„ ' . , .. <br /> ' � • . <br /> r . <br /> ; � <br /> ! � <br /> � � : <br />