� .: ' '......i Ls.�....:�f°"" _. ...�..iw:'`"—
<br /> ��'�'`-W':: - –
<br /> . .:Jl:�.' _ _—_. —_
<br /> `"' _ __ ' _'f"�'Z:n..._
<br /> i: -. .....-..r�t: ...-A, ` I •� . __
<br /> • �,;�r
<br /> � .•t�.��s�j�+�th."^ ' I . .. • . .- -
<br /> ��i7i3t�}!��•f'..�._ . .'i._ ✓er�.. - ---��- ,. _""'c-- --
<br /> ��i _ - _ — _ _ - .-.. ..._... ..
<br /> �,. ���,� - gi-- io2s�r� �--.__ ..
<br /> q�Prop�rcy I�w t�k�n or d�m�p�d,t,�nda�h�ll h�v�ih�opdon,In Ib sol�and�bwlut�dl�crNlory.W�pply dl wah ProeMd�. �,
<br /> }` NMr d�duoHnp th�nlrom NI co�u ond�xp�nsa Inournd by It in aonn�atlon wNh�uah ProcNd�,upon any Ind�btMnMS weur�0 �
<br /> h�r�by�nd I�wah order o L�nd�r m�y ddemin�,or to appiy�II�uch ProcNd�,elhr�uch dWuctlon�,to tM►Mtontlon o1!h� �,.
<br /> . ' Prop�rry upon wah oondltlon�a�L�nd�r m�y d�termino.An�applloetlon ot Proc�ed�lo fnd�btedn�u�holl not�xt�nd or po�tpon� ��-•_
<br /> � � ' �• •" th�dw dat�of any p�ymrnf�und�r th�Not�,or cur��ny d�f�ult th�nundu or h�aundu.llny un�ppll�d funds�II b�W�Id to �
<br /> t; ,.;t .''.k�'��'1 Trustor.
<br /> '�:'�':"-"`"� 6. P1rAo�lnnna�by LM1da.Upon Ihe aaaurrenca of an Event of Qotault hereunder,or If any act le teken or legel proeeading .,.�._., r _
<br /> • comm�nced whlah m�1��INly affsab I.�nd�r's Intere�t In th�Prop�Ay,Lender m�y In iq own dl�arstlon,but wlthout obNp�don to do
<br /> � �` • w,snd wilhoul notlae to a dem�nd upon Trustor and wlthout releasinp Tru�tor Irom any oblipitlon,do any aat whlch Tru�tor hes
<br /> - apre�d bul fall�to do and may al�o do any othar aat it deem�naces�Rry to protect ths security he►eof.Tru�tor�h111,Immedlately
<br /> R
<br /> • -.• upon dem�nd therefor by I.endar,ppy fo lender ell coab end expenaes incur�ed and sums expended by Lender In connucUon wflh
<br /> _,y�: , � ._.� , the sxerClee by I.�nder of lhe loregolnp riphb,topether wlTh Intereet thereon at tha delault rete provided In the Note,whlch sfwll b� — -
<br /> ,�n .-�� pdded to Ih�M�dobMdn� �curod IwrobY. 1���►oll not Inaur any li�bility bocauw of anythiny it m�y do a omit b do
<br /> ��. � � �� — -
<br /> .���:`.� IM�uut�x. in app ' __ :
<br /> . . � ; 9. M�tlKdou�M�M�t1N.T�uator shpll kvep the ProDOhlf compliance with all I�able Iawa.ordinances and�ulaUaw �4�'��'�''
<br /> �:�� �l't -�� ��tinp to Indushfal hyplene o�eavirvnn��tal protecUon(GO1Jeci(vefy refeaed to hatoin as"Environmental l.awe').Tn,�lo►eh�ll �f ����h� -
<br /> <<y;.�{;i3, : keep the Property hee from all aubs9an��s de8meR1 to be hpza�dous c��toxic under a�y En�Ircnmental laws(collactiv+el�ralQr�d b � ���1x�;�,�< :�,�,---
<br />-- �- � i;t.�';'t,��:� fwrein 1�s"Hwudous M�116ria19'1�'9Yuetar hereby�wAannts and reP�esents to(.ender Ih�t there a�6 no Ha�xardous Mala►iat�on�a �,:c„t -;:
<br /> , .t� 1'�:r,.�l��;l:i�:K.;.� .
<br />;'�;;;:��R;,;,i� +;::�; �f.ft,.'i-;},���;•t;4� under dte P�operty 7vusta M�Teby agreea to��ndEmnify and hold harmles�4eRd4+r,i�a directors,oliicar�,empto�e�s�r+dayeMa a�d ___-
<br /> �/, ,;, �,����� ,������,�r!• �}• , �ny suacessa�to Lenpei's 1�tere&1.1rom an0 a8ainst any and all claims.damagea.��ssos and IlabNities�c�si�g in coenection tivit� `
<br /> .:.r:,•'y�± �r;f,� � �rl;�FirK�t.�i�:.,'��i�� tt�e presenco.u8e,dtapoea7 vr dan�part ot ar�y Haaardaus Mate�ia99 on, ande�.Irom aT abaul lhe 6'�apertl�.THE FO�iEG01NQ
<br /> ;� '��� � �+i�i, `'>�' ,�r��' LtiA�.A41NTiESAiVA�flEQAES�NTAT1aNS,ANDT6iUSTOFi'S�BLITiA�'IOIVS PUfiSUd1NT'POT�tE FOR�fiOM1t31NOEMNIIY,SHALL __ ~_ �
<br /> �i iy �`'�i' _'�j ���� '� ,t1 c':c SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF TH13 DEEO OF TRUST.
<br /> <<•"�: '; ;�'°,;� '''"'��:''• 1p. Aalpnm�nt o1 R�nb.Trostor hereby aeaigns lo Lender the rente,isaues and prollla of the Property;provlded that Trustor � °�
<br /> i^} ;?:;. �.- -
<br /> '� :,:,��• � ahall,undl the occurrence ot an Event of De(aull hereunder,have the rlpht to coltect and reteln auch ranta,ieauee and proflte as they _
<br /> :,:;, � ' become due and peyable.Upon the xcurrence of an Event ol Defaull,l.ender may,elther In peraon or by aqent,wllh or wllhoul =_-
<br /> ��'"'�'{ brinpfnp any aoNon or proceedinp,or by a recelver appoMted by a court end wilhout repard ro the edequecy ol ib eecurlry,enter __
<br /> � , ,,,,.'f . upon and lake posteselon of the Propery,or any pert thereof,in Its own nama or In the name ot the Truatee,and do any ects whlch It __.__
<br /> ,,: . deeme n�cos�ery o�deslreble to preeerve the relue,markeubillty or rentabfllly of the Property.or any pert thereol or Inlereat therefn,
<br /> . ' :„��� � Inoreaw tho Income therolrom or protect the aecuriry horeof and,wlth or without teklnp po�ws�lon o1 tha Properly,aue lor or
<br /> ti �.. _, otherwl�e collact the renb,ia�ue�end proflts thereol,Includlnp those pest due and unpold,and appty the eama,le�s corif and
<br /> , f•. ., " , tl�p�nfe�ol op�ratlon and coltecllon includlnp atlorneys'I�es,upon any indebtednete sacured haraby,all in such ordor a�Londer
<br /> . ,y�,;�,• m�y d�t�tmfns.Tho enterinp upon and taklnq posfeufan of the P►operty.lhe collectlon ol such rents,itsues ond prollte and the _
<br /> - • appllaeQon th�raof a�eloresald,ahell not cure or weive eny dalault or notice ol dolault heraundor or�nvalld�te any ect done�n _____
<br /> . ..
<br /> < . r�sponw lo�uoh dalwlt or punuant to such notice ol dateult and,notw�thstandinp Ihe a�nllnuance In poaaesslon ot the Property or -�_�--
<br /> • • � the colleotlon,recelpt end appliaauon ot renn,i�9ue�ur w�tii.,and Truziea and Londar shsll be ent!!!sd to exerclee evMy�IQht __�
<br /> ' : � r, provldsd lor In any o1 the Loan Inetrum�tnb or by lew upon ocaurrence ot any Event ol Delault.Includl�p wUhout I lmltetlon Ihe ripht �•�,�� ,�;_--
<br /> - � • �� � to exercbe the power of eele.Fwlher,Lender's r�phts and remedion under thls parayraph ehAU be cumulaUve wlth,and in no way a ���
<br /> • ' t l I nd the recelver shellrbe Ilable to ac o+unt onlyrPot th s�renta actuaelly received.�recotded a9aln�t tl►e Property.Lendar,Truate� ___ _-
<br /> , 11. Ev�nb Ot DN�uN.The following ahall constltule an Event o1 Defaul!under thfa Oeed of TruBk '';,;4;,;t�
<br /> �� • (p) FaNure to pay any fnstallment ol princlpal or mterest ol any other sum aecured hereby when due; ��� ."�":�' �'tiv',
<br /> (b) A breaah o1 or delault under any provlslon contaf ned In the Note,lhfa Deed ot Trust,eny ot the Loan Imtruments,or any = -� -
<br /> � • other lien or encumbrence upon the Property; ----__-
<br /> t ' (c) A wrlt of executton or attachmaM or any eknilar procesa ahell be e�tered ayainst Trustor whfch shall become a Ilen on �f�';� .��_�
<br /> � � the Property or any portlon thereot or Interest therein; %.u�.M. ,i,__,-•-
<br /> • ' (d) There shall he ffled by or against Trustor or Borrower en actlon under any present or luture ledaral,alate or other ,,5.,�...�,,�-_._
<br /> . ` � . sWtute,lew or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or othar reliet for debtora;or there shall be appolnted any trustee, ,��,,�,K�t,.,:.:-
<br /> •'��� - recelver or Ilqufdatar of Truetor or Borrower or o1 all or any part o1 the Properry,ar Ihe rents,issuas or proflN thereof,or Trustor ,:��'�,.};..,�___
<br /> ' �.y � • : or 8orrower shall meko any generel ass�gnmem lor the benelit of credltors; �. �j� �Y•_W
<br /> Y Part ot or an �! .,;..._
<br /> • (e) The sale,tranafer,lease,asslgnrr,ent,conveyance or turther encumbrance ol all or an y mtereat In the j � �`'`, `
<br /> ,.{ ' ` Property,elther vOluntarlly or Involunterily, wilhout the express wrltten consent ol Lender,provlded lhat Truator shall be f „
<br /> �•.'�>r permltted t0 execute a lease ot the Property that does not contam an optlon to purchaee and the term ol wh�ch does not exceed ' �••.:� •'��±�,` �
<br /> �'��t:;,'- 1.
<br /> i!� •• ' . ,. . . oneyear, �:,t ' ;;,j,��_
<br /> � , , 's:: " (Q AbandonmeM oT the Property;or __
<br /> �:� �; ,' (91 It Truator Is not an Indivldual,lhe issuance,sale.trensfer,assignmeM,conveyance or encumbranceof more than a total
<br /> . �1::.} y . , � , .}...
<br /> � � ` ot percent of pf a corporatlon)Its Issued and autstanding stock or pl a partnership)a 1o1a1 ot perCent ot � +�'`���'�`�°°_
<br /> s.cf�,<, • n:
<br /> - �.:�• � • pa►tnershlp Interests during the perfod thls Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the Property. ��:.,�:;,•, --_
<br /> ' ' 12. R�mNlbs;Acc�Nratlon Upon DN�uN.ln theeventol any Event of Oelaull Lender may,withoul not�ca except as required by •,„�:. ". "'
<br /> ' � law,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall Ihereupon become due and payable ' ;•'1'.•- , ;_,�
<br /> � . { � wlth0ut eny presentmenl.demand,ptoteet or notice ot any klnd.ThereaRer Lender may: . • �.'
<br /> � � , '. ' (a) Demand thet Trustee ezerclse the POWER OF SALE granted here�n,and Trustee shall thereafler cause Trustor's �
<br /> , , Interest In the Property to be sold and Ihe proceeds to be dlstributed,all in the manner prov�dt+d�n the Nebreska Trust Deed! I
<br /> . ',: Act; ,
<br /> ''• (b) ExerCise any and ell nphts provlded lor in any ot the Loan Inslrumente or by law upon occurrence ol any Event of
<br /> Defeul�and
<br /> .. • (c) Commence an action to loreclose thla Deud ol Trust as a mortgaye,appoint a recelver,or speclfically entorce any ot the •
<br /> ' covenents hereol. �
<br /> , No remedy hereln conlerred upon or reserved to Truetee or Lander ia mtenJed to be exGusrve ol eny other remedy hereln,in the
<br /> ' Loan Inelrumente or by lew provlded or permnted,but each shall be cumuiative.shell be m additlon to every other remedy glven
<br /> " hereunder,fn the Loan Inatruments or now or hereaHer exirtiny at law or in equlty or by sletute,and may be exarClt�d Concurrently,
<br /> independemly or aucce�elvely
<br /> 13. Tru�Na.The Trustce mny resign at any t�me without chutie.nnd Lc�nder may at any lime and withoul cause appoint e
<br /> � ' succe8sor or substilute Trustee.Truetae ahall not be lieble Io any pnrty.�ncluding without IlmUalion Lender,Borrower,Truator or any
<br /> ' .• puraheser ol the Property,(or any loss or demage unless due to reckleas or w�llful misconduct.and ahall not be iequued to teke any
<br /> �
<br /> _ . __.,__ ,_ ______.�.._ ....�� �w......�n.romon�ef th�n Deed ol TtuBt unless indemnd�ed.�n wndng,(Of ell COS�B.compensal�on or
<br />- -•- — � nc�wn o� VVUnVWwu ...... .........._.__. _ . .
<br />. � expenees whlch may be asaocleted therew�th.In add�tlon,Truslee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property Qudlcial or
<br /> under the power of sele grented herefn�;postpone Ine sele af all or any portlon ol the Property,as provided by 18w;or sell the
<br /> a Property es a whole,or in seperete parcels or lota at Truatee's discretfon
<br /> ' 14. FN�and Exp�m�s.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exe+ase of power at sale.Trustee shaM be entltled to apply
<br /> . .,.;:. .. ..'; . � _r;, �,;i��,;�..;,,I any sale praceeds tust to payment of all costs and expenses ol exerc�s�n�powe�of sa�e.mciud,Rg at;7rustee's 1ees.and Lende+9
<br /> • :•5� ' '•'� '"•"'�:;��.'- and Truslee's aflorney'a feea,actually�ncurred to extent perm�aetl by apa��cabie iaw.In the event 8orrower or Truftor e�erc�aes any
<br /> '.-, �.:.,'��.�',,:,;.,;�:;,,,•,:;' Mqht provlded by law to cure an Event ot Delault.tendor shau be em�Uetl to recover trom T�ustor ai�tostS ancL expenses a�!�8uy
<br /> � �,�; .' ,��;��f;�l�°�:�.�''r�� inCUrretl as a reault o1 Trustor's detault,inC�uding wdhput limitation au Truatee's ana attorney's lees.to fhe extect permdte�t by
<br /> ' . ,� �. '... ,':',1,� ;��+,�'��.�y aPPIICaGIe law.
<br /> •� •�, :, s. ,, 15. Fufute Adraa�as. Upon reGuest o� Borrower, lenDe�may.a: �ta opuon.make edditionai anC L:ut� BCOranG@S 8ny tC-
<br /> � '� ' r ��'%����:��• :.��:' advancea to Borrower.Such advances antl reativencea.with intete411here0n,shal"be SBC�Ied by th�s beed 0f TruSt.At�smt;�nE 51�81�
<br /> � '� '� �`S;,i;".�:':,, t�. �'Y
<br /> ; � . �.��.:,.• the principal amount o11he indebtetlneas secured bylhis Deed ol TrusL not�nclutli� sum5 etivanCed to protect theseCU�� O�t�ia
<br /> �' � ' • '.;i�''J.�• •� ': � D6ed o1 Trus1.exCeed 1he orlgina�prinC�pal amouM 8tated herem.or� 87.40�.I�� wniehever is greeEer
<br /> , • � '�.
<br />