�cl ,_;,., `: - •4,.�.":.�°__ .-- --
<br /> - - .....�.._, � . z--,_—_ _
<br /> �.,�:,'f:. . .r
<br /> o _
<br /> . . .�,:. 4:. ,__
<br /> � �^' �� .
<br /> � ACKNOWLEDGEM�NT OF OEED OF'fNUBT 91�„ 1�2 8 rf s
<br /> ..ti.'
<br /> � � „ . Tni�undWS�nd�s fh�t qw docum�nt tfiat Thutor Is about to�x�sut�Is a ONd of Truq�nd no1�moAps�and tliat tM Pow�►
<br /> . �. ,., ,:
<br /> oT�aNprovid�d lor In th�W�d ot Trust p►ovid„�ubst�nG�lly dlll�nnt rlphh�nd obllp�Gon�W Tru�tor th�n a morip�p��n tM w�n1
<br /> ' � of a dMalt a brNOh of obllp�Uon und�r th�OMd of TrusL Inoludinp,but not Ilmitad to,M�L�nda's ripht to hav�Ih�Prop�y�old
<br /> ,,.L ., ,
<br /> •��-�:� by Me Truetee wlthout�ny Judlclal PracNdinp•Tru�tor nprq�nb�nd w�r►�ny thtl thl��aknowl�dp�nunt wu ut�ouMd � _
<br /> - .,:���� � Trustor b�for�tM e�c�outlon of d�W�d of T�u��
<br /> • 1 q!-�:'-�.' •ti.
<br /> '"'s``:;`�`"� a r c J �ra wtor =-�--_
<br /> y: n�"�iz• ..; �( /} /� / --—
<br /> o�.�' ��,?,��.' J t C��� ( .!/1�
<br /> T��,� :��.. �'. ti:w (Debra A. 0'Hara) Truaor —�°-
<br /> ���
<br /> ,�J�!� ,�. . ,�,. �._. ..- � —,...
<br /> a � 0���]O� TRUBT 1iViTH FUTURE ADVANCES ===-7, � �,,-:
<br /> e �4�;..1:�:•iv0�.. ,i(� `I�� ;.:
<br /> _ ,_���..°�.`. . THIS OEED OF TRUST.It made a o1 ih� 9tF1 �y o� MaY .1� 91 by aart!amOnp ��i ±
<br /> -.�. . _ . ih },,��.�,`r�i�r
<br /> .�r..r , ' • ; . . ;. ��� t.r.i�
<br /> ;: ; �.r',sa;k. 1h�Tiwtor. l y ,� `��'
<br /> � lyvr t
<br /> -�;�,;�s;:�r., ''�,�t:r`=`�i;�., �; �1:,�` R�. 2, Box 76,Cra�d Isla�d� NE 68803 �here�n°T�uitOr;'wnather ona ormorel, `t�` ;v'�,;,�,. :.
<br /> 'ctij!!.i?• . �:��'�� .tg..�i�i� f WHOt�fl1/�) YdtII6t819 Jl lrts'.v;Y�i"ly` '
<br /> p fk+y�'t•�,�FS,• �•,f � . -
<br /> 1 •� i l, ',.. f•t• � ' 1�4 �i�l.r�.:.
<br /> � 'i t!i:l'��'fs%l.rt�.t�!(r���i`i� F! E r ska C.�1' , ati�����y
<br /> r' �� _� :ji�ty,.`1�`Fi' y'I- ��i��r_ tlwTru�1w. �.��$�.�5. �:�a G?.�rat�fl�1 ''t�'i'�
<br /> n� � �
<br /> �� .1J�` �1�5�yk� I��:�l�rf � s+yl�;��; .�
<br /> �+ ., 7{•'�:r�� �,.,�.,... ="'a r-----� �..•°..,� NE 688�2-1507 (herein"Trostee'�,and
<br /> r;1�.�!'�;:;�:_ : i; �:A*f��� �.t,.,.�.•,.s, wtr�a9e ma�Nnp eddraas is J' �2. BeY :�� ,._ �. —�-�se
<br /> ..... , ti:� �+`••Y:1•
<br /> :� ,:;:' ���i i.,��,►,{i�,` , . ���y�-
<br /> Five Points Bank ��;..
<br /> ' r�`2���i1.' ��r+t��s��'.���{.: . n, ry �
<br /> � R' �,. 1he F1oneNClO ,
<br /> , :�;`,y,. .. r,.ii ' ' ----
<br /> - ���.� �=�: �� . whow moilinp add►e�4 f� P � Box 1 S07 Grand Island, NE ,68802-1507 (herein"Lender"►.
<br /> '�`'� . FOR VAI.UABLE CONBIDEFiATION,Includlnp Land�r'�extenfbn af credlt Identllled herein topatl'ICk �. 0'H�ra and
<br /> ;�:,� ! ,_:.}y
<br />-��;;.; . , Debrs A. 0'H@re (heroin"Borrower",whethor one or more)and the Irutl hsraln crNted,
<br /> �°� •' '`� , � °•• •� !!!=f�Cllp!4f whir_.h ts Mroby acknowladgYd.Tru�tor hsreby 1�revocably qrente,tranalere,conveys and aui�nf to TrutlN, IN
<br />_.:_- --
<br /> �'�p' .. TRUBT,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the benebt end necuriry ol Londar,undar end sub�eot to tho terms and cond�qons nmina - -
<br /> � lorth.t�N nal prop�Ay.d�tcrlb�d a�followr.
<br /> .. .. . See Attachad Exhfbit "A" 2---
<br /> . � �.
<br /> . . •,�+-
<br />, � .�.aa� ----
<br /> • • Topether wllh all buildinps,Improvements,Ilztures,atreets, alleys,pesaeqeways,eaeements,r�phte,privilepes and appurte• __
<br /> ,,;k nancee loceled lhPreon or fn anywlse pertelnfng Ihereto,and the renta,�ssues end prolits,reversions and remainders thereof,and -"",��:� _
<br /> auoh personel property thet le atteched to the improvements so as ta constltute a Nxture,Includlny,bul not Ilmited to,heatlnp and .x.�r"r,�`,
<br /> t . . coolinp equipmen�and topethe�with the homestead or marital Interesls,if any,which Intereats are hereby released and welvad:all ��•'.::�"�--�: _._
<br /> ol wMch,inoludln�replacements and additlons thereto,Is hereby declarad to be a part ot the real eatete eeaurad by the Ilen ol thl� r�Y..,�:_
<br /> . pged ol Trutt end all 01 the loreyofny belnq referred to hereln e�the"Property". „;;.,�':��=
<br />. � � .::,41;, Thh Deed of Trust ahall secure(a)the peyment of the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promlaaory note or oredlt y��!.4qs'.�f,-�_,.�; _
<br /> 5 w[y'MfLlthr '
<br /> ' ��,��'��'. ::3,.t::'; . '}t MeY 9 1991 —,havin a matur�ry date ot May 9, 2011 , �,�"'"''---
<br /> . , • ,.,,, � agreement dated • � �,---
<br /> •,;.., �; 5�; -�_t •�� � -�i:; �rA nR_-�.
<br /> `•��, ..?t1��ti ;� . �'.''?��.% in the original princlpel emount of S 81 400 00 ,end any and all modificatlona,extensione and renewals � � � _
<br /> 11i�} ""
<br /> � .�:r. � '! � `:� thereolor thereto and any and ell future edvances and readvances l0 6orrower(or eny ol them If more Ihan one) hereunder s n:.
<br /> �-�t�.,.l i -J . .", y M*if.nRr..
<br /> ' �,��,�, pureuant to one o�more promissory notea or aredit ayreements(hereln called"Note'y;(b)the paymenl 01 other sums edvanced by iM{�
<br /> ��.. • � �;j�;I,:. •o L�i...r.::.+�•�', lender to protect the aocurity o1 the Note;(c)the perlormance of all covenanta end agreements of Trustor set lorth hereln;and(d)all '{ ,,,;
<br /> • � � �� ���'� present and future Indebtedness and oWlgations of Borrower(qr any ol them II more than nne)to Lender whether direc�indirect, „ � ;,
<br /> ���)tx,�;�,:.,,,� •.: absotute or contingent and whether adsing by�ote,puaranty,overdrafl or otherwise.The Note,this Deed oi Trusl and any and all �:•.� . ,�` °
<br /> :.�`�:�'�S other doCUentathat aecure 1he Note or otherwlse executed in connectlon therewlth,Including wlthout limitatlon fluarentees.securlly !��•�
<br /> . .�;�� .;�,,�;_
<br /> : . � . , �� ,�,1"��f� apreementa and asalgnmente o1 leasea end rente, shall be relerred to hereln ae 1he"Loen Insuuments" ai���.K�Tk=�_
<br /> Truetor covenants and agreea wilh Lender ae tollows: '���'`��� .
<br /> • � _ ' 1. Paym�nt o1 Ind�bbdnei�.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due. � �••
<br /> 2.Titl�.Trustor la the owner of the Properry, hes the right and euthorlry to convey the Property.and warrants that the lien ���:.,;,7_.
<br /> ° � created hereby Is a Ilrsf end prior Iien on the Property.except for liens and encumbrences set torth by ?rustor in writing and
<br /> delivered to Lender before executlon oi this Deed o1 Trust,and the execution and delroery ol thla peed ot 7rust doea�ot violr.le any �`
<br /> " contrect or other obllgatlon to whlch TruBtor is aub�ect. � ( . '
<br /> . � 3. TaxM,AsNSSm�nU.To pay before dellnquency all taxes,speaal assessments and ell othar charges aqainat the Property � �
<br /> " now or hereafter levfed. �
<br /> 4.Inau�aflC�.To keep the Property msu►ed aga�nsl demago by f�re.hazards�ncludod wdhm Ihe term"extended coverage",and ,
<br /> ' auch other haiards a�Le�dor may requue.�n amounts and wdh companies acceptabla to I.undor,numing Lender os an eddiUOnel
<br /> �� named Ineured,wlth losd payable to the Lender.In case ol loss under such polfcles.the Lender Is aulhorlied to ad�ust,collect and �
<br /> • ' compromise,all clalma thereunder and shall have the optlon ol epply�ng all or part of the insurance proceeds Q)to any Indebtedness I •
<br /> aecured hereby end In such order as Lender may determine.(i�)to the Trustor to be uaed lor the repalr or restoratlon ol the Properiy
<br /> or(III)1or eny other purpose or ob�ect saUefactory lo Lender w�lho��t aflecUng the I�en of thls Deed ol Trust lor the full emount aecured I
<br /> ' __ � hereby before auch payment ever took place.Any appllcat�on of proceeda to indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> � f -" dete 01811y peyMentB ufldBr th9 NotO,Or Cu�e eny 0@teuit t�ereunder or nvrounum
<br /> ' . 5.Esorow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Truator shell pay to Lender,In such manner as Lendor may deslgnate.suHlclont
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay es they become due one or more of the lollowing:(I�all texes,Asaessments and other charges egelnst
<br /> . the Property,(II►the premlums on 1he properry maurance required hereunder,and pIl)the premluma on any moAgage Insurence
<br /> . � •• •-�.,:�,,, requlred by Lender.
<br /> � ��'•'` �• '��'�������,�';�• 8.Malnt�nsnc�, R�pak� and Compllenc�wlth Laws.Truslor ahall keep the Property in good conditlon and repeir:shall
<br /> n;,;.:. ••, � . .. ., ,
<br /> � {;i�;,;•:;,1';ii.;t':�::'.' i.
<br /> , ,,,,.•:,;� ;.;i,;: .,�;, promptly repalr, or replace any Improvement whfch may be damaged or deat►oyed; shall not commit or permil any waste or `
<br /> ���� `'��:`•:�'ti,';�•�+�;;;:;•: .� deterlaatlon o1 the Properly;ahall not remove,demolish or subslantlally a11er any ol the�mprovements on the Property:shell not ,.
<br /> �.,, i;•s..,: ,.,. . .
<br /> • , ;�;S`.:,�;�� ��'� 'i�'r�"".�. commlt,sufler or permlt any act to be done In or upon the Prope�ty�n v��aUon Of any 18w,ortlmance.ur regulaUOn;and anall pay and
<br /> �;`!�;;i°��,'.�`':i�''�':;�'..�. promplly dlacharge at'•us�or'g C08t 8m� 6xpe�9e all li@n5.BnCUmp•BfICgB 8'�St Ch8t9e5 16�I8q.ITp086d O•aasessed aga+ns9 ane •
<br /> •• ;,;,�?i,',���,�.�:�,tt,�,:��, ; Pro 8 or an aR t�ereol. `
<br /> . •.,s. ,�,)••,. � r-,, p hY Y P ,
<br /> . �� ��;. . � 7.ErehNnt�oma3n.�ende��s ^e�v�,�aasrgnetl�alc c��*+ae^gat+an.awa�ds.damag�s and o�ner paymems�1 reliet�Re�ematter
<br /> ' � �('.%r��<< � • "Proceeds'1 in connection.vrt:�conderr��ason orother taklr+g o!the Prope�ty or part thereot.o�lo�convey8nce In I�eu ot Condemna• .+ � +
<br /> • • t�on Lencler shatl be entinea at�ts ept�on to commertce.appear in and proaecute in its oN�name any actlon or p�oceed�ngs.t�nt!
<br /> • 6hall ala�s�de enGtled to make any campramrse or settlement m conneCt�on w�th suCh teY.mg Or damaqe.In the event any Don�on oe
<br /> � • N�CS�6)IMo�q��cw�walM�dl�wrlO�M • .
<br /> Q 1�MNNW��Ie�N01COmRNIC�Tru11Y�d$�v���/At{ot��IWn.LMICO��N�h1�Y� '
<br /> �
<br />