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'+i-.. <br /> r�wa`''.�'y�► `''d�a�ao�la��+w'°�"1!��I'"`�.. � . ;'t�` <br /> ��n�t'�w�es�r.a l�o.�e.akM�,dt +i� .lb)� r��i�iA» <br /> h+�e�lo�; (�1R�tnt� <br /> ��op�ty 1�Y btli��dN aI�M4 M�►b�wo��M�N P�14 b�'Xle�ro�r. ,i�t'�li e�at 6C�p�ll�f� <br /> � � iw+�di ths hir mdcM v�d is t�op�ly��r bdb�a AM���Mw dMn tMr riliowit�� • ' � . ,: <br /> �immedl�tely bef�ao ihe �wMn�w1+��wr�nd I.�ad�r od�wtivat�`in �itiiy cr anNM a/1Yo�1�' � , . <br /> otAerrvl�e provida��tl�proaNQs�ipP1b0��a dM�ura�ind b�►th��outlqr tdrp�pMnt MI�a'AqIR�r�� �... � _. <br /> dw►due. • ' <br /> rf tba r�open.y U�naaied by earower.«If�aflrr notlae by La�d�to eonower du�c a�s oo�d�mno'o(Rrs la re�lo� . <br /> un�wad a�eulo a cWm[or d�,Harrow�e�fidls�o t�eapand 1d i�.enAr wi�6in 30 d�ys aRer dM dMe die nolla�a�"�• <br /> i�ender i� aud�oeimd to aollece and�pply die prooeed�tt ia op�io�.�Mr a ri.�otM3oa or�Q(dr�PropaAr ot 10 M <br /> � wms�av�od bp thir Socurity Ituaument,wbether or not thea dne. , <br /> ualesi Lendet wd Bo�mw�a ad�a�vlre a�roe!n wrldoY+anY �P�x a P�� �q�U not�acknd ar <br /> poappa die duo d�ce of the nwmhlY I�S►ments roferrod w in p�r 1 ind 2 or cb�a�e tbe aaonnt of wch p�ymaMi. <br /> 11. 1uy+�wer Not R�dt �ra�oe � la�ie� � Wilra: B�t�uian at the dme l4r p�lt a <br /> moditk�t�of mo�tian af dia�ans�eaped by�.savniR�hr�humieat�ed bY L�dx a w�aMOi�ar i��aae <br /> of BQrrow�r�all not apaare ioo�ietee d�e li�bilitp d�he ori=i�d&�now�a�or Bano�ert s�oa�aiont is inla�al.l.adeR <br /> �ladl not iX�w oo�w�+�et�Y�gs-��s�^�z•�#s��cr�-��!�1Rne.�w�■...�ac .-. • <br /> aU�orvvLe �itiao of tt�e aam socu�od by Ihis Sa.�wti inson�aiat��t bY�r,�on af aoar d�d�dO b�d�� � .•�;.c <br /> Ha�rol'or Barawerls a�cces�as ta a�tar+t. Any fabfi�ndrwa�yr''�de+'+1�ac�aci�iry+ro►7.n1R��!;��!�:�aC iie� �;:.;; '''' <br />���:r�a proclude the exerci:.�h��y riglu os�:� b Ca ,�Eio+coy 'aw2 . ��, .; ;: , � .,�� <br /> , . ,� �1�►�.�w „1��rili8 5rt�+ar�a1� �Yi � �� ���� � . .� <br /> �� n �1 .,. <br /> . � Sec�uiry I��q�#'�� '���ha suoaessors�a0 assigns of and chxowar w �OCt�o o[ . ,:; <br /> pan� t7.�a�vcr'�covenanAa and.i�gneemier+ta i�hal'I 6e jdnt�ad seveml. Any�ower whv�a-si�ns thls Secu�ity '��;;�:.:.. <br /> inshument but cec not execute the Note:.,(a)ia casigning tbis Security Lrotrumetlt Ma�►tg� e.gcw'n And oonveY dut ''' <br /> .. Borrower'�intanb'st i�th4 fir9ol�eny�ncler tho tet!he of t�i�SecurltY Gudumen� (b)ia tiot persw�slly B�abligwed to p�y the wms ,: <br /> � secured by thls•$ecurliy�Insuumcra:and(c)agreee that l.ehdor and any ath�r Bmrower may a�ree oo axtepd;,mndifjr�fixbear •. �� ': : <br /> � or make any aci.otronodadans wfth ro$atd ta the terme of ttuq Security Incbuma�t or the Note wHhout t1u►t pOnraw�ti. ,.. : <br /> ca�ccnG � <br /> 13. Lam Clwe�a. If tta loun sexu�d by thie Security In�tniment i�subJect to a law which sats m�ximum lan <br /> cherge�,and that Ipw is finelty inte�prcted so thM the i�te�st or ahar ioan ch�as coila�bod ur iu i�oa1i�In c�acdo� <br /> with tho loan oxcad the pe�mttted limite,then: (a)any�uch ban chugo ohal!be�duced by 1ha�mauit neoeswy w�duoe <br /> the charga w tho permltted Iimi1;and(b)anY sums almady wllacted from Bonower which exceodedpam itted limiu wlll be <br /> re�'�ndal to 8orrower. Lender m�y chooso to m�ke�hic rofw�d by roduein�the principal owad undar the Nde or by mdclnQ a <br /> di�ect p►yment to Ebrrower. If o rof�nd rcduca p�ncip�l.the reductlon will be tre�ted u a p�tW prepayme+u wlUiout�ny <br /> prepayment chptge under Ihe Note. <br /> 14. Noticas. Any�wtfcc to Borrowcr provided for in�hi�Sxudty lnswment shall be �ivon by delivedn�it ar by <br /> mdlin�it by ffrst clars mail unlas applicable law roquires uce of u�Wlier metlad•'Ibe natice�hall bo dLected W the Prapaty <br /> Addrea or wny other addrcas Baimwer designates by notice to Lender. Any notico w Lerder�hNl be Qiven by tint cU�s <br /> mdl to Lender's�ddrcss ctatal he�ln or any aher address Lender deaignates by�wtice to Barower. My notloo pcvfded for <br /> in�hiR Security Innt�ument�hall be deemed ro hava been given to Honowar or L.e�der whee�iven �provided in this <br /> � <br /> 1 . Governing Law; SeverAbfllty. This Security Inauument shall be govemed by fedeml I�w and the Ipw of the <br /> '. jurisdiciion in which the Property is Iceatod. In the event[hat eny provisian arelauce of this Security Instrumeat or the Nota <br /> conflic�e wlth epplicable law,such con0ict shall not affect other provlslons of�his Security Instrument or the Nou which can <br /> be given effect wfthout the mnilicting provision. 7b this end �he provision�of �hic Security inctrument and�ha Note uo <br /> declared to be sevemble. <br />- 16. Borrower's Copy. Barr�wer�hnll be glven ane conformed copy of�he Note and of this Security insqument. <br />- 17. 'll�ansfer at the Property or a Deneikis�l Interest In Borrower. If all or ony part of the Property or any interest in <br /> it is sald or tranafemed(or if a l�eneiicial fnterest in Borrower is sold or tmnsfernd and Borrower is not a nAturel person) <br /> withou�Lenderk prior written consent,I.ender may,at its option,require immediatc payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> �his Security Instrument. However,this aptinn shall not be exerofsod by I.ender if exeroise is prohibited by federel law as of <br /> the datc of this Securlty Insuument. <br /> IiL.ender exercises this apdon,Lender shall give Bonower notice of accelerntion. The notice shell provlde a period of <br /> not less than 30 days from the date the nolke i4 delivered or muiled within whlch Homower must pay all sums secured by this <br />- Securiry Inslrument. If Borrower fails ro pay these +ums pri�x to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any <br />- rcmedies permitted by this Security Instrument wi�hou�further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />- 18. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. If Bortuwer meets certuin conditions, Borrower shall hnve �he right to have <br /> enforcement oi this Secunty Instrument disccintinued a�uny ti�ue prior to the earlier of: (A)S days(or such o�her period es <br /> ' Singk N�rnNy••Faank M�dF}eddk Mx UNIPQRM INSTRUMLrN'i'--Unifam Covrnants 9f90 IpoRe 4 ojb pngttl <br /> -- �.__. ,� , - _ – – <br /> :,:,� �.:.,;�ra.�W;�f � i ��'� _ <br /> c, 1� .ntr �S+-" •. ' , �.. ... -;'7 "�.e�:�1L�t_r�..�5�. :g s--�..�z._�_is,.�. <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . � — _ <br /> • , -- - <br /> ,,_. � .a,,..��.��.�. <br /> ,... . , . . _ <br /> ..:., ,.,�s ' ----- <br /> --- -�---f--_.--- � � _..-='i- -�--- -�.y�_�i�:c� e,d��e�t.�`�..^ _ <br /> ."�.. ,��a:av... <br /> -- ---- !�!�'� <br /> °� --- ` - - -- . <br /> . -lst . 'r . . . . -.___._ _ ._ ___..._.. __'-_ _._-_. •—___.._ tYa�f,� M�w��'y"' : <br /> - .�� _ i�1f'.n �t l�Lf A'1fiN6i tL .�. <br /> [y , �l�- , �� � • '.t '. �F�. ...<��3irtr .���_ . <br />� �.+ _�'�1fi. �:� . . . , . � .i..�V�1��{j.,tiN!'�;��:1'�'l't;'°.L "'�.�'t'�'y��l�L�,�';�;�*..- _ <br /> ��s �-� -i - _ .f- `���f(,7 - .�"!). � - .. _ . .,, -�--T��r-�-�-et n},�'�`l Y � 3M;-;'-,.-'i',',':T.�[' �r} 7.����-_� <br /> ,� �t t+ ..{.-+ �v • '�r -�tisy ,-•�',� I �' .d�•'.++,'; {,t t� ��;t���f�. . � l a� �� ' _.. <br /> � a i� � �� k+t �f14.�iUltS n) }U.i(,; :�' �f�,j -O- , -j;.��'.:\�), .. ; � :'{'r f �t�['�5 f�i��oi�'r;�1��< ;��`��'•�:�'j 1}a ���<t �'�L:f�,�1��^i. <br /> r.. ���'�� ��;� ,;!ut j,,�� �, . '�.: , z� ,� 5( ��• �,,, <br /> ;,�dA' � ,.:�,4 (�b'y' :f�.;5. �tv.� �1� , �s � t:.. 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