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In Ib��vrnc d I�we,fararw�iAd1�iv�pronqt notio�o qw 4�nqr <br /> ., \� �����' ��:.. • �.... ,. .,... ..,- .....,-..: ..w.+� .i�c...�.►'�,rs . <br /> L111�1�4 j.l��If Md SIM��P�1'IjlIIIfYV�f�p'M�II�Yfif�l�■ ���M��Ii110 NIOO�Mt�Or 1��d „ <br /> ����b 1��1 1� �i���.i�d��OC�t if 110'r M�. 1l� <br /> t �t p0t'�h►�0/'LAdlt�MC�I Nf011M�N��.IV��OR ��� <br /> . ��b 1�10 IIIOY �OE�f� �/I�t 10CirMp�1�0�.M�CR'IIOR 1�1011 1�M��►��A�O/R��/O'M�' � <br /> �QlIO�Np'�IdO1M 1�IE�OpqR�1�pR.�ll MK M�M�EI'M����/a t QOI�CO$0��d�1�1'�,`�M�C�I�Of MM <br /> a(ie�ed a�aq�e�a d�im�tha,l.aoder m�y ooll�.t tLa inw�r�oce pca000dr. I.ander Mry we dio'��i�.4'eed��u ar�aite <br /> �e P�opaty or w p�►wma�aound by d�Soc�hriry Iat�nMrent.wliel6ar at aot taea.dpe. 7'be 30daY�aiod w p bML w4� <br /> Iro oolico b jiven. ; ` . • '`l,��:"i' <br /> Uak�L�qt�et+ia�d�oia+ower qJq�wixs+ipeo in'writinS+aaY�I�C�doa bt`�p�uc�pde to P�inc�il�6�d�i�t'��epd Pr ,.:;y;�::,. <br /> pv�lponc Ide.c!}�c*�d�te of die morrhlY l�Ymedta refatcd w In piu�n�iis! and�or dwt�o We itqq�nt of t6e p�yiaeab.:•�:..:�..,. - <br /> noKki'p 1�t a�rK p 1:.�1 tbe P�o p e t t y 1s.M C q qire.;l�f y l.ender Eoimwptl:r;,�I�w iltly laeWtatice p o�ic.iv�°,AAd p o c e l�d�t e a l l�r r.. <br /> �!+�►8��'��Y w�or to a�i: ",I�idoa�p� 4�eq�ef w a�o axoaat vf d�e sWtr�t:�ea�y tbis seooricy :r�� . <br /> Aat r f imnlodWely to t6c •. . ; ,. .. <br /> ' �1�ca�i�Mucy. �+W 1 a�.. idnt�� a� Protado� at tre ; llvi�cowe,l"b I.oa� AppYcotl�s; <br /> .. [;elNiiol�. ttwn^ewer�baU acaupy.+e�ti►i�fi��od u�e the Prapetty as Honower��resfidei�wkhi�s�tty dqr tlla <br /> ' . �n aiicwu1ltiu.l�f fnis Sr,�u'uriiy Tstsitiq.itwii:t+stt'r�SUR c:vtttitttsn[v s�upy tIm Ir�v�tiy nu Bt�i+Ot�i t;;r,�¢��.;�tct':%c'� _ . <br /> ' ,lqut coe yeu wfter the d�e oP accup�ncy. unleu� L,ender dktovise �S in� wrlting..yr�dch �aoaap►t thW not be <br /> � •.quNeasoiuiMy wlthbeld,a•�+ttdss ext�g cinewncttimoa a�cist which are boyo�d�a�rowerTt cantr�nl. Baa+�war:�holl not <br /> ��+' ;Fasuay.d�ma8e or inipiur�3eg property�aUow the P�r�pe�rty w deterlo�te�or oomr�t�v�sce on the Prqpert�r. fif��war elall <br /> •, � � b� �a ckf�ult,�f�y f,d►,�ei¢mr::ncdon a procoeding,wde'ida�r•aivil or crlmia� bcgun dut in�b C�d_il'�isl�� �•, . , , • <br /> . •-rcW1�:�f�sult��ofrl'�o�e.•.qf tbe PnopMy or ahenvlse�ru"tpis+lly intp�ir the lien crcated by,, �:�Se�y+;����ir�. �; • <br /> 1:e�itdCr�a securitv Lntrest..�Bomower may cw�e such a dCfault w�l rrin.c:c�te,as prpv,Ided in pwa yph 18�.6j�+�xus��Dil�Arai�ac�. ' ' <br /> m wl p� <br /> • ,�:. ' g uo tbe disini�aed vv�th a Nling that,ln LenderY gootl itiuih�etiem�i�wtiaa,�rOCludr�f. ei�.b(a}�e Sott�.�+wp:�.� <br /> ��iU�Propecty or olhar material impaim�ent of the Ifen cteutW'�}v t9uis'&:u�itY Gutrti�'a�'.tt�.at l.c�nAer� . .. <br /> Ue p <br /> 1nteKeat. �orrower ahal� aico,(�e in default if Borrowtr�du'ring!�t6aiti i�pp�licaiwt�ptoces9;;;g�vc mixarin9d�+ �ilq��,;.•;, <br /> . �qa�irate Womuuiaa a,stacema►ts w i-�t�r(a�f�ile�'to pdavide L�SMex�ari�lh any ms�telrl�iafannqtic�nD.ia ci�+ecz7ot�'t� , <br /> ��.lo�evFdcaced tht IYote�it�cldd�sg�,but IqcK 1'rmisp0 ta.��rj��i�,g�°� dr►�,.Ubc �;:•;�;• <br /> as�a prin�ip�residenco. U this Srcurlry lnsttument is on�le,aschald,�orraw�r sh�ll oaru�t�r'vv�th.�y�vieia� ;;:�, <br /> ' ot't ieas�. Ii'i3axidi�zr aoquirei tee iitle to itce Property:it�s i�aseiw�.�.a�i ihe•fee i�tfo�iwii iwi ir��a�k�w�'�'a: ` �' ,�., �, <br /> to the merger 1n writjng. <br /> 7. Protectton ot Lender'�RiQhts In the Property. If Bomower fails to pedorm �he covenants uul agroements <br /> cotNained in this Security Inatrument,or the�e is a bgal proceeding Ihat msy slgniBcantly att'ect I.enderl�dghts In the <br /> Property(such ae a proceecNng in bonlcruptcy,probute,for condemnation or forfeitw�e or to enforce lawa or reguluiau).then <br /> l.ender may do and p4y fa whataver is nxessa�y to protect �he valuo of the Property and Lenderl�d�hta In Ihe Property. <br /> Lenderk actions m�y include peying any suma necwrod by e lien which hox prlority over this Security Inswment,appearing <br /> in court.paying r+e�conable attomeys'fees and entcrin�an�he Property to make repairs.Al�f�au�h 1.e�ler m�►y take�Ikn <br /> under this parpgrnph 7,l.endrr does�d have to do so. <br /> Any wnounts disbuned by Lender under thix paragr�ph 7 xhall become addi�ional deM of Borrower socurod by�his <br /> Secwity Instrumem. Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to wher tem�x of pAyment,�hese amounts shxll beu interest from the <br /> date of disbursemeat st tho Noto mte�nd shall be payabk,wlth interest,upon notice from Leader w Bonowm roquatin� <br /> peyment. <br /> & MortQa�e Insur�nce. If Lcnder requi�+cd mongage insurunce ux a condition of mpking the IoAn secnrcd by Ihi� <br /> Security Instrumenl. Barower shall pay the prcmiums required a maintain the mortgage insuranrx jn ef�ect. lf,for any <br /> reason, �he mortgoge insumncc covcmge rcquir�ed by I.cnder Inpses or ceuses to be in effect. Borrower sholl pay the <br /> premiume mquired to obtain coversige substuntiully equivaleat to the mongage insurnnce proviously in ett'ect, at a cost <br /> substantially oquivalent w�he cost to 8orrower of the mortgoge insurnnce previously in ef�ecl,from an altertute morigage <br /> insu�r epproved by Lender. If substentiully eyuivalent mortgage insurnnce covernge is not nvailable,Bomnwer shall pay to <br /> I.ender each month A sum eyual�o one�twelfth of the yearly mort�ege insurw�ce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insuranee cavemge lupsed or ceASed to be in effect. Lenckr wi II accept.use und re�ain these payments us e loss reserve in lieu <br /> of morigage insurrwce. L�s reserve payments may no longar be myuired,a�the option of Lender,if mortgage ineut�ance <br /> coverage(in the amaunt and for the periad�hat Lender reyuire+)provided by un insurer approved by I.cnder again becomes <br /> available and is obteined.Borrower�:holl puy the premium�reyuircd 1��mointain marlgage in�suronce in eifecl.or to provide a <br /> loss reserve,umi!tpe requirement for moriguge insurance ends in uccurdunce wi�h nny written ugneement between Bomower <br /> and I..ender or applicuble 1 aw. <br /> 9. Inspectian. Lendc r or iis ugent muy mukc reazunublc entric�upon and inspectionx of the Propeny. Lender shall <br /> give$orrower notice at the tirne of or prior io un inxpec�ion speci fyinE reusonable cnu+e for the inspection. <br /> !0. CondemuAtion. Ttrc pracecds af any award or clai�n for J:►mugcs,Jlrect or wnseyu�ntial,in co�Hiec�ion wlth m�y � <br /> Sinpk Wmfly••Fannk Mce/FYrddle Muc UNIFIIRM INS7'RUMEN7'••Unifnrm Coven�mx 9/90 Ipuge 3��6/�o,�es1 -- <br /> 6at L�te�Y�tq�F�Ix.■ - <br /> 1b Orda CY:GBO08�Y�3q O iA1!61F7YId131 <br /> . ` l3ti;3.l.1�v?`+`+�:.«.�w+n+i 1 1�4�����•"H'�p^C71Ri�0�'^.r -- --- "4�''_'�^��..Y �t�ay�'^*^ <br /> - 1 y,:-; .i,.ti: . � , . ' , . ;. ryt��J J ��.' y�W Z�Q�YwCa:..�.�t:,a <br /> --�j � , iZ . _ <br /> �t.- _: A- ' . .. .«� _ jt^1P' ,.`� +wu __ <br /> . . . ,,�1 3 �.�aw��faTC� . _ <br /> _ _r._.v - : .�+si�s oi a�,�y� - <br /> .,� <br /> �iu.. _, ' ' -,t s �s6�Y#�1�:' ' <br /> 0 <br /> „" <br /> �...� . �.r.�.�1R'_,......LtIDi�'� .4��" ,--. <br /> . . ----- -- --- - -- - - ' <br /> �r+3. . .- - . ._ _.-- - --- �- - ---- -. -.---. _::-.-___- . _ . . . — <br /> �� � ` �� .t, . <br /> i N� S1 l�li'� . . �t- - , - v'. f9 � Cl3�Ff-i:.-A i :1.�4 . __ _ <br />�$�{W.5'-+� u',Y�1ClY�l���if i} �l.u � 4- v.e) 1 4 <br /> rt,:� �l T - -_..1 <br /> �.�� i}I�-.�- :.{�r-^�d'1.'3• t�� ��Si� 1�� f- �1`{t`,�,�•t?! �f'�r' <br /> �1t+1'� t �s.�f.Sf�.i :�/ �'�hn. -� , . .. ._ _._ .._.._. _ ._ . _ d t ��y _`� 1 " ,.' - 1 . - ' �" �'�j7'.i,�'' , <br /> �1i �.����, i(y tit5�1i �-• \ . . t } ( rr��. '� c,�- II }�N 1 J '_. <br /> -Yf : .�2f�f,;;^�� �V�S'1 �� ��ti i."� � et•�;'.i. ��1` . ��tii},�f1'�plh�d�iti ' 3t i.l.�J�'��,�����cl t` ����S114�i`C��1 +.1� . <br /> r.,, <br /> ,��; f�;��3'�`�'�', � ,,�,.,:7�:;�� •'�,•.'y�;�'� ',, ;:��.i�1 i�;:r;.�,,,1.►�r,�7�f��q y�;".;,,"t,.1�5�;.��,�.,.;r�;.sy�f,�� r{t. , ,.,,..;:;�•,�y�yl��,..- <br /> ..� . -I�r.`cr �) ', ,•i.`,1u.�'i .t 7;1,.j�1,I,�:. . .. i? >�yf!;�'tr l�''if��}Yi�'('3 !�_H;.t}- t�i^.' (�'r.:.:�,.;y{i!�'1�s �'t'�� �ll�t <br /> si ,' • 1 vt;;';� . :� �� y..i�f C• ��i rr���•�,i!-t1 ���.�.1� .. t,� }��}�y�'�.1?�S 1�ii,`Z`jy. ��c 1���;>'r ��.��}e � <br /> ;.AtEl.s�..11'A� 1: ;i� L + � ..�i��' � • Q.�` { <br /> _ .��,�� V f� �1 .�� � - '!` �5{f 11 l' n`:.t�w:�w.::y�y yr� Ci yt t 4!n �J� <br /> ,t�_ �� �_ ' I'�(.;. .,. .�. �,,. 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