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, . :t»�a°.S"2",_ . _ . :�i:,^ 'r[iT..-. ",�,'. .c-t�_` ....���,•i•e�ie.._.�r��,�c=.�_ . _-.---_. _ <br /> •k.. _ . .... . a �4.�.A!a+,�':.L�\'�1{� Yyf.. �'��__�'1.�._—,�_ v .+.� �. <br /> • . i.�11' a.�;11 ��J�. 14i�����S;A.v!ui�W�f�r <br /> . . . . � ' ^ , , ' �i .. �� '• � .�4.+�b� .. �Urx �t��� `^%a,/ti�...-"�"'.d.T��— - <br /> . . .,` ..�:T <br />. ' . ' . , . ^ � � < � l,..�9�..�_,_]� <br /> �_...�W'abUi 1�w wgr�oi1�►1Mr wi�Mrl�raq b�r ar d�Y i�lapwtr!���W!e'�K�al��!�� - <br /> - ,.,:�,.�i;��.__. ...��}e��+►. - a�i�e'+rs -� �.�o�llo�e is�..ttl:..�:� ,� — <br /> _ L�rrr i wl�wMoh I�t�M ir�iY��r �it�i ihe lMlr MJ�� � �AM: . <br /> , . �arw�(y pw�p►da(Malt dl�i�ai�r�rit�t a��M�.'(�f��I1 sy�lrarrid M�oiy ly� ° c' <br /> iMUiw�le�.brt aot driMf�a,t�c�M�IOn�eY�'N�"W(�q eib�woA stAio�M Gwid�r�w�MM�� .. <br /> re1�11Ire 10 YIM(��11t�8eu aP Ibls�Otl�ity Y�wfMK:f.wld�tti fl�M iq MM JMV�11lp I�d DOIIOMAKti OMI�Ow b � <br /> ' �rM1 Mt��d IM� aOaf�Q► � IMi� OOrI1W4 W10AM�d.,. FapOA f�plpMlpMlt bJl �RIM�R. � � .. <br /> ��l�Mid�O�OMI�/OM�M�Nb'y�I���!IWy�OOdMO M K OP�Ir/`bOCwN�. fIONr'11R• <br /> i'�ii1 i:�iiiiii0 Lbi��OS lA L�S Citt�' iCCt�CI'D�M il���7. <br /> 1l�. 8w d 1WM�Q��f lw��. 1M No1s a� iolaat io die Now.(�wMh M�h 9ee�iq� <br /> In�hwne�nt)msY be�o{d ane a nwt�e Na�bt wlthout ptlor noti�oe la�ar. A We Ryy rerult Ia•elwyp In Ihs aidty <br /> pcnown a the"f.�o�a 9ervioer')diat oolbas a�onthly p�ymcnu due uada 1he Nole and tl�is$ecuricy In�uumaw. 7Uaa va <br /> �a�y be oaa ar mora ch�n�of the Loan l�xvioer um�4tod Oa�Ws of the Note. If d�ae i�a ch�e d the Lo�n Saviod�. <br /> Bc�rpwqr nri�l taa prat+rrd�tte�noNoe of die�a!n�000rd�noe with pu�lpaph 14�bove�nd�pplicabb 4�W. 7Le noNas <br /> �ciJ1 MM�io n�ne�iod�ddtea�of tl�e naw L�om Savioer and tba addre�f to wirid�pDo�oe�ts ioW�be w�do. 'I1ie�otioe vviU, <br /> aisocaot�F�+�n„�athcr iofcum�iaa requined by+�' Oo�w. � <br /> �. Nu�r�i�w 9rMl�es. �norar na1 caree ar pa�Ut Il�o p�noe.�o.di�poa�.;qor+ye.a��elet�e o�sn� <br /> liw�do�t S�aa or fop IAe Py'opaRY. Bono�r s1�1 nnt do.nor Wow�a�aiae el�e to d0.aa7dw�+�L d�e <br /> Pbo�paty du�t it iu viol�tioo d aay Farhonn�a►bd Law. The p�000dia�Rwa sa�noes da�ll aot q d�e paawce,wo,ar <br /> por+�e aa dre Ptoraty oi a+eoW quwtitio�oi�Iawdow Su6wrsoes Irt ire�naraYy�be�pp�aprine w�aaaY <br /> �esideotW nses and to ma�of the Pli+npe�ty. <br /> . Barower eb�ll p�nno�ptly give LaNler wrktai notioo of�ny mrat�don.cWm.dem�od,i�wauit ar odia��ctio�a M►�u►Y <br /> .. ��-�ovA�IM�pr reNl�tay+�encY or private puty iavolv�dio lh�oputy and aty Harat�dou:SrbWanca ar Fav400maild <br /> • u�f,whro'h 8arow�x hw w:wAt lu�uw[alge. If Bomnwer ie�tas. a is norified by �myr �vra�ona�i ar�al�ia'r�', <br /> . .aamodty:V9wit�WpY renam►al ar od�er remedlWon of aay Hazudoua Sub�puioe I�'axiag t6e Propaty is neoeswy.Ba�rowa' . <br /> • .:'•,�hW pmrt�Jkiy idlce+ill Jrq�atary rc,medial�cdons in a000�dmce with Fnvlmranrntal�w. . <br /> - , - � ' or harsr�daus ailbapu�oa by -.. <br /> . �, ,�Bnvimnmgnt�!Law �tha followLig cubsqnoes: �SOline,lca�osene.odia fipa�+muWa ar wxic wm . - <br /> peWcicks.aad'�hdbl�idea.vo4uile soivents. materisla containing�sbe�tos or fnrnuldehycb.�nd ndlo�ctive auuaW�. As <br /> usod in Hiis��20."Bnvlronmaual Law"meana feder�llawQ�nd I�ws of the juri�a�wha�e dit Plopaty i�loc�tqd,, <br /> that telatc�E� th.satety or envLnnn�enW protecUon. �''� <br /> NON- COVBNAN7'S. Bomower and•l,e�er fuA�r�aoverwnt md�groe as foUows: <br /> � Zl. Aoode�ationi ReaKdks. I.eeder shaN�lr�s�dik'e ta�,onnwer prlor to�coderatbo�dbw1��Alrsawer's �� <br /> �, .6e+ac6 daqy oo�eeant a'�t ia tLk SecurDty I�vtrva�ent(bnt nM Prtor to aoaleratio�ual�r WN'+iiyral�il,�7. _ <br /> �uelese applicable law provides otherwbe). 'fhe nat�ce sM�ll�pecif�: (�)the Aefiniti(b)the actioe reqei�.rl te rnre't�c '�, <br /> d�laeit,(r?���1�•tru 30 dsys flrom 16e dote t6e antice ic given to wLkb tbe dAhpMt.plitst.L�c � <br /> cured;snd(d)t6at tapat+e to cur�e t6e defnult oq or be�are the dak specifkd ta t6e oottce ouy r+esolt le�IetaHoe� <br /> .. �the wa��ecured by tbia Security lustrumcat and sqle of the Piroperly. T6e aotice abdl flurtYer intorta 8v1'�ower of � . <br /> , !he rig6t to reinshte Afte�acoekralbn�nd the rigbt tu bring a court Actbn to assert tbe noa-e�ishncg ot a ddault or '��- <br /> • aqy ot6er defeose o�Bbrrower to aecekratbn and sWde. If the ddault is aot cured on or 6e�ore t6e d�Y�e.�pedfled la • <br /> tde�ofla,I,ender at its opdou may reqatre immediaite payment in full of WI sums secured by Ibis Security Iaafruaaeat <br /> witYout furthcr dem�nd and mpy involce the power af sale nnd any other remedks permitted by applicwbk la�r. <br /> I.eader edWl be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuiag the rcmedier provided lo tht�par+�aph 21, <br /> induding,6ut nM Waited to,rwsoAable�ttorneys'�ce�aad costs o�titk evidence. <br /> If tre power ot sWe Is invokM,'lY�ustee sAall record a notice ot default ia each county ia whk6 t�ay part of the <br /> Property is located�nd shall mall copies otsuch ne�1�ce in the manaer presc�lbed by Appiic.�bk yw tn Ilorrower pnd to <br /> the other pe�sons prescribed by pppllcable law Atter the time required by applkabte law,71�ustee shaU�ive publk <br /> noNae ot sWe to the persons and in th�t manner presc�ibed by appticable IAw 7Yustee,wi¢bul demand on BorrowRr, <br /> shaU sdl tl�Property at publk auctiun to the higheat I�idder at the time and place and un�er tAe terms desigaata!In <br /> the aotice of aale in one or more ps�rcels and in any order'IY�ustee determines. 'Ilrustee moy paetpone sAle uf All or any ,,_ <br /> pnrcel of We Property by publlc announcement At ti�e time And place of Any previously schedukd sale. �.�e�der or its � <br /> dea�nee nu�y purchnse Ihe Property at any aak. _- <br /> Upon �ecelpt of pnyment oP the prlce bid.7Yustee sha01�ietiver to the purchaser 7�ustee's deed conveylop¢4�e — <br /> Property. Tfie recttals in the 7tustee's deed shufl be primu iucte e��Idence of the truth ot the stutemenL9 mAde thereln. - <br /> 7lruatce aball opply the proceeds of the sole in the foNowing order. (a)to all costs and expenses of exercising the power - <br /> f:: <br /> i� <br /> �w��t� 9res �rw.4e s„��s�,�..�► _ <br /> '� '., 'i �� •� <br /> v: <br /> . ;:�:, <br /> �;_ <br /> ;: <br /> - .i�ti•.�,»�n�'�_-.��-�ftcli; _ ... ,S . ��lliF���.-.. <br /> ��SYC.i . . T, _Lk� �•+'��. . . - . . .�� . . . - <br /> .. '. ' .,' � •'• � •�- +�' <br /> .- , _ .: . , . •�, . .,, ea� . 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