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�< ___.._.__ � .. . .. _. �r win+n+ .,:. ^�.)i.;K.1, -- - ----- _-:,.. . ._ <br /> . .. ., °,,� i � 1t ^j'�t''�'4"t :�"�r. c� --_ <br /> � , :, . :..;,, ' .�, ,.. .�•� �.,�. --- <br /> . , . . - .. •••a' � asc. _.r,.k;q , .,, �"..i1 ,�,ti.:.. <br /> .. : .... _ ' , " � '� �. .. J:�n7':..7;._a:�N,;,�.: <br /> . ' �w at lii�tldd�_d�►p�l a�i�1Yejr,�c�l[alrf,l�h Irt$r�a����t _- `` - <br /> _.._ _� �Ip -- - ---- ------ --- - ------ < . _ _-_ <br /> �..,. <br /> �_, <br /> ., 1� ._. <br /> �i1 Mw iww�1oM11�kJ� e[,IM f1oNf�.ir Ii�ll b�npp�l Is 1�1 Y�M MMMiM by � „ <br /> . �Itwai�t.�MItMr ar��a dw.wkA�I►at�aw w��llerrb�wit. ta tM�t el+�pMhW'M�k1r�d�ha�� . ` <br /> w�ich tM hit mrlrM v�at qM Propeny�wly tM t�icfq is�qa�l a a iia�M�N d <br /> �d by Ibi��cprity leeer�rt�enl itpmedl�M�p r�e�16r�tha Mklnj.unlen Bo�ruwar aM .en�r o1lMnvi�e apre in .. . <br /> tr waat MoMtMd bp Ild��ily 1n�wnent�MW a Nduo�d by die Na�aao�t af 1Ya awldplisi ba►MN 1i�lb�w) " . _ <br />! ' � �r�ion: (a)die Iw�l.�ount nt Ibo waa��:d 6runedl�bef�ore 11�a t�lcia��divf�)dia tYir�rbt ralw ot 1h� � <br /> propatY Im�diMWy i�efae a�e al�nt. Mr b�1�oe.aMu p.ia to Ba�o�►�sr. m a�e ewat a�.pw�ai�oc u�e . <br /> a�M'which�da hir nwloetvaiw d tM Prq�eety i�wnedlMely bafae Ihe t�b lai dMn da rnouM d t�sa� � <br /> ha�aediitely !�'aa die�unha Bonower�nd i.arda�aheiwi�o yroo in wridn�ar unio�spplic�le law <br /> ahaw�lie providat�Ihdp�na�i�ll �p�liid w die tun��ecurod by this Seaudty�nwument�baher ar aot dio�+s� <br /> tha�duo. <br /> IP tbe PropeKy i�abwndaied by if.after noNce by l.a�der a Bonuwer Nuu tla co�xlanno�'oRe�s w m�ke <br /> ao award ar�ottle�cbdni for dan�as.Borronrer fiilN ro�pond w[.ender wrlWin 3D d�ya�fber the d�►e tlie notioe i��ivan, <br /> I.aKbr i��uthaiud a collxt utd��pply the poceede.u iu aption.eiti�er a���rdoa cr pep�ir at d�e Prnpe�ty ar w die � <br /> wbt axuneA by dde 3ecu�ty Ina�ument,whethar or not tba�due. <br /> Unleaa LRader�ad Haro�at dhotwloo�oe In writi�.in�r �of pt000�ds w piesip�4 tWl oot ezw�d ar . <br /> po�tpane Me due d�o of tre�PMY��ernd to is PMr�I�md 2 as d�o tMe�rot o�'auc�paymetw. <br /> il. �tvwer IWR i �'M�n�oe /� lae� # Vl�t�er'. BxMnsion of Wo tima � p�y�oent at <br /> modific�tioa of�an of tbe aunn aawod b�r d�is 9ep�lmaaana�t�ed bY L.en�ar�o�aY wcoeaor in ia�atW <br /> of 8a�owar�h�q rot aper�te to�ekata tha liwbiliry ot tho Barrowu or Ba�oMerh suooeaors in inlda+l.La�der <br /> ��!�:���g�..�.,�..�w.wg�.or jn irt�rost or r�ae w eureod�u�e tcr nva�eot ar <br /> n <br /> olherwise aaadify�u»o�tiz�tia�of tUe cums secured�y this Secumy lmtrwnent by reRSOn o��ay dan�nd mde by tha ai�iiod <br /> Bonowa or gorrowert wooes�o�s in interat. My fo�6euanre by l.endar in w�ercisin�any ri�ht at ra�e�y shdl not be■ <br /> , <br /> -- . ,r, <br /> - 12. 5uoces�ors�d Ass�m Bou�d:.Idat.snd veral I.hbWty;Co�en. 7Uo covaw�q w�1 a�nte of tdu - '- '- <br /> Secudty Instrurt�ent�1i�11 bind�nd benetit the suooeaso�s�tM assigns of L.atder aad liamower.wbject w"the provjeiats of , . <br /> p 17.Hnrrdwer`a coverwits aid�groements shdl be joint ond severnl. My 8wmwer who caalgns this Security <br /> L�t but daes not executa the Note: (�)is co-sig�r�g this Socutity Instrument only to matg�ge,gnnt and convey that <br /> Barnwerh inwest in the Pmperty under the tenns of tbia Securiry Instrumen� (b)ls not pe�son�lly obligamd ro pry Na swm <br /> sa�ured by thia Socurity Luuument;and(c)�grees th�t I.ender and any other Bomower may�ree w exta►d,modify,forbear <br /> a make Any p�xommodallons wlth re�nd w the temia of thi�Security Lwnunait ar the IVote wltha�t dwt Bortowerl� ti�, <br /> canren� �' '` <br /> , �3. I.apu CluKqea. If�fie loan secured by this Securlry Insaument is subJect to a lew which aets maximum lan ;� <br /> eiwrge�,and tha�iaw is Finafiy inicep.-eiai so tiu�t�i,�tcr�..t w at{��loan etwiges toiietted m ta ba coliccted�S c�s '';,'.',, <br /> wlth ihe loan excedi the permitted 9urnits.then: (a)eny sueh Iwm charge shall be reducxd by the emount necessary to reduoe ... . <br /> the churge w 1he pem�itied limit;;asqc9(bl any sums elready collected from Borrowcr which exceededpermittod limits w1116e � <br /> refunded to Borrow�r. Lender m�y choose to muke this refund by reducing the prinolpal owed under the lJote or by m�king a � �. <br /> ,; dircet payment to Han�wec !f a rafund reduces pdncipal.the rcduc�ion will be trated as a pattiel prepayment wjthout ony , , <br /> prepay rnenl charge und$r the Npte. <br /> 14. Notk�s. Any nodce ta Bor�ower provided for in this Security instrument shall bo given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by fust class meil unless npplkable law requi�es use of andher method.'lbe notice shell be diroctod to 1he Prope�ty <br /> Addmss or any other oddress Bonawer designates by notice to Lender, My notice to Lender ahAll be given by tirat closs <br /> mail to I.ender's addt+ess steted herein or any wher address Lender designutes by notice to Bomower. My nottce provided for <br /> in this Secwity Insuument sholl be deemed to have been given to Bortower or L.ender when Qiven as provlded in this . <br />; ��1�Govern{ng Law;SevarabiUty. Thic Security Instrument shall be govemed by federel law and the law of the <br />' jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that uny provision or clause of this Security Insttument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such cunflict shall n�t att'ect other provixions of tAis Secudty Instrument or the Nou which can <br /> be given effec[ wi�hou� the contlicting provisioin. To this end 1he provisions of this Security Instrwn8nt and the Note sw <br /> declarecl to be sevemble. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Bonower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securi�y Instrumen� <br /> ]7. 'IYansfer nt the Property or a Deneflclal(nterest in Ra�rower. If all or any purt a4'the Properiy or uny inter+e�t in <br />. it is sald or transferted(or if a beneficiul interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and 8orrower is�ot a naturul person) <br /> without I..enderk prior written consent,Lender mny,a�its option,require immediate payment in full af�N sums secu�d by <br /> . thia Sec,arity Inatrument. However.�his optiun st�:ill not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federel law as of <br />, the date of this Security Inatrument. <br /> lt Lendar exerci�es this apiiota.l.ender shull give Bomower notice of ucceleration. The nouce shnll provide a perawxl of <br /> not less thAn 30 days from the dute the notice is delivered or malled within which Harower muRt pay all sums secured by tbia <br />� Securi�y Inatrument. If Borrower fails to puy these sum� prior to�he expirution of this periad. Lender may invoke any <br />� remedies permitted by�his Security lnstrument without funher notice or demand on Bartower. <br /> • 1& Borrowe�'s Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certuin conditions, BoROwer shall huve the right to huve <br />' enforcement of this Security lnstrumem discontlnued at any�ime rri�r to thr�earlier of� (a►5 days(ar such other penod as <br /> 51ngk F+mily-•FLnnk MpdFYeddk Mar I�NiFY1RM 1�5TRUMENT-•Unifortn Co�Yna�u 9/9� (/�aRe I aJ6 paRPS! <br /> -wvr++i. �� - �����m'1r�+j��,�i`.:al�.�ro. wt,' ��� � � .:.�iF,O'r;l'.•.�!7, .',ti: .' . l4«�1',s"'-- - <br /> ac � , t > S.1:' ��� . <br /> �; , 1:y'� -.�M ���rr . } L: �j� tlr S�..rq .....� . <br /> y t�..,. . - ' . .°..�: 0. �..t , ;�;:tj. y,,v� .+ri�' t <br /> � —-N..�u .au. .' _ C}.�,�)j� ...,..�.: <br /> . <br /> — ` • � .,.,t;ac:%`� -�-t�,r�}��tICi�L��`8�£ <br /> 7 <br /> i...��1 - -'-r_ <br /> � � '� .�.,. <br /> "- - ---- -'-- ----- - - - - <br /> .. . . -- -- � --- --- --- --- -- ------. . _. . -- ----------- . --� . .r-.--.. .- - --- <br /> _ 4 • - �•'Tf�� , l 7`(?� � � � - <br /> � �s.�.:.�l;�rrld 1 ��: : � . ` .�•: � " " :�r. . :� ,. 1t. .�.ai er..°: <br /> - [ �., � , . . . � �n �4Y�} � 1 Y '�� �ti:+r.a:.���' r <br /> — �1.�• �k�r�.r.� e. , ..1Cr[']�M ��...,1�...3.1�(r . ..�iJrf.'��a/��- _ <br /> �t!F� YK�:S:' � --r-' - -. - -- .. .. __. ._. .. . � . - :ti:-- . -•- —� - .--- . -i�+-�i� -.c7-- a••. <br /> -_..�_ �'-S",�A+�`�iL� t:f` . 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