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�_ ^. ..�^-��rxn-+..� . • _ '- . '�r.-r,:.o _ <br /> ..,��ry� . . ..,�.. •Ar..q+?NrN�"'.Tiyp��` '� .- ': . ' n — _ _`. -�_-'?�`�- . _ _.� <br /> . . ._-�• " ... •.:� • n �V'+ih.t•�«�;,�VT�1• . !'�M7ll�d�t�i'�NF�'.,7►9k:lliy�ri;�lt'Ir.L��C4�"..+�Y, ,1��— 1�tL_� S�K <br /> ,� � . . . . `' :'lyl; l•• a �=��' -- <br /> � " ` . � "i . ., - ' � " <br /> r� �.�t �.�.�� � , e�■iar,. i=1='�`` <br /> -- - -- � _ - �- �.��_- _�._ _- <br /> �'—�"=� <br /> � ' ..�• _ , - , _ V -�-== - <br /> aiq aa1Ma fr�MMi1il�a�i�M b��f• '''•���, . <br /> ��f�a��t tt 11�Nud b n�iMio� . <br /> h�b�►iM l�a�w�in t�a�d�iwR��i� � <br /> i�IW d aN�wt Ma�ed br�Yi�8�a�riq��M�r. <br /> . "'m�'�."""'���r fli�.�l��hi+i+�S.pMa 4..�i.Mt,r+for ,�� <br /> �a ar aai 1!x d�!de�e e�lhv t�t a �'�-- <br /> (�1��Da�rr d�r�lM by fiill�/./ar�pwio��i�i�b►�q�,bl�slo�w��d��oe�l�Ywd il di <br /> �C�t A�d. lreader�hll.if pe�tilMd6y 4nv ind wHh d�e p�t�pp�r o/tiM . <br /> 9ioNae�.11�»I�e��ed�l�le pqsent in frU d�Mr wrws Mnred d�Seao�Y In�nu�e� . <br /> A) ar pA o�diep�p���a a beoefkW iNeneit is�troM o�wni�alt a pR d tMe Mre�pe�r.u#dd or <br /> olAe�w1M a�asfaned(a1�ia dnn 6gt devi�e or daoe�r)ti71 db Mrower.�ed " <br /> (ii)'!Ue Prapetty is nat aoapied by ibe purd�er arprMee at bis ar har p�3pd n�idMOe.or�M P�o�er <br /> at p�aee does a oocopy the Propaey 6ut hit ar Mr cwdh bM riot bee� �ppoNd la�ooad�oo� . . <br /> rvhlt 1�be nqphamau�d�he Secrdsy. <br /> (e)N��Ulrer. If�au�o�oocm�dw w�oWd pa�ai�[ra�der a naq�ire immed�re p��h Irll,bw Lra�der � <br /> doas no1 wcbpy�n�b,l�nider does wt Nraive i0 d�t wbb to a�bsapeat eve�ts. <br /> (�l�ef HIID Satnfar�. la�ay ci�a�noa �raul��ed by�he Secrotul wiU!1�L�itrl� <br /> d�hb. i�tbe ca�e d prymaM ddsuta. w i�aedla�e pay�t ia N�I arW faeclae it uo1p�. 7Li� , <br /> Sa�rity Imwmeot doea nol awl�oriao�a forxlo�uo if ao�t�ermined b!►�ep�l�tioM dtlie Seaewp- <br /> ��I�ai!�nl. �a:rarxr�!e tl�t!�r!ti!N*c�,�i�y t�a��wr�t atl 11�sc�e ieard�by�at ._ <br /> be di�ibie fot inauru�oe under the Natio�rul Hou�iioj Act w�it46a trom t6e <br /> � e�oe he�eot.Lender its opioo.nd aotwit�odi�.n�t�h �0 •��F�7�� <br /> fidl of all wms by tl�Sa�rity Lutrumeat. A �ritten smm�eot of ary wthaimd a�at af�b S�Y <br /> d���p � .M��h� tf0ol tbD dYD 6L10o�dOCI��D�dl�s.�___�_ .__ �-- <br /> - — i�utnpna�t�od note , oon�w�ve pro�f of wch ioell�. lrat�i , <br /> the foregoiag,th4 aptioa awy nat 6e exaeised by I.ader wbrn die uaav�ilability d�is�olaiy dro b � <br /> I.ea�der7�faiUr+�e w amit a�po�tg�ge ias�uanoe pemium w the SenCary. <br /> 10. Rd�fateae�� Barowu h�s a right to be�incmted if Laider d�c�eguired immadiate payo�rat fn fup bowrse <br /> of�lonuwert fiilwe to p�y an anw�u�t due w�r�he•Note a Wia Secwity Tosaumaa. This ri�applta avea afler <br /> forecloeure prooeedings are inatiduod. 7b neiasque the Savrity lastrumaH. Bamwer sf�U �in a lanp wm all <br /> amo�mta�ec�ui�d to.bring BatowerB accou�t tunent ineluding�to th extent they am obliguiam of Bort+uwer uoder thie <br /> �itY 1m�susnss2.'fortclostst twsss as�ncasonnble�d�uk•ni.*y an«+bye'fees aod e�a�es at�ocitled wid� <br /> the fa�eclosure g U reinstate�nent by Barowa. tbia Seauity 'Insnument�ad tbe o lig�li Yarat Nat i�e¢�et <br /> shAU ran�in ia eff�if l.end�er bad ndroq uired immediate poyma�t in fLl. Howevu.I.ader ia nol�oquired b IPenonA <br /> ainslatoment if: (i)I.ender has aooepted reinstatenxnt aRer[ha coaur�encemeni o�faceclowro prooeedjn�wit4e�a t�co <br /> ., yean rmmodiately peceding.Il�e �t of a cunent fa�ecbee�eie pe0000diog,(ii) neinstatmumt w�l p�cYtds <br /> . ionclas�tro on ditYerent gnnwxl�in the wiU s�sely atToet IAe p�io�it�r�af 1Ue liee ae�tod•t7 ' <br /> this Security Inadumau. . <br /> I1. Hore�ver Not Releacedi Rorba�rnnoe by Leader Nd a �iver. Bztencion of tbe tione of p� or <br /> modiRaufon of amortization of U�e sums secwed by this Sectrity Inswment granted by I.ender to any weoessor ip ir�t�rest <br /> of 8ormwer shall not operete w�+elease the liability of�e aiginal 8omower or Borrowerl�succasar�n inteas� Lender <br /> sh+�ll not 6e ro4uired to comrt�ceproceedings against anx sucaessar ia interes�or�fuse to�xtead time for pa t a <br /> othdwise mod�fy amortvation of�he sums secured by dus Security lnsuument by reason of any demand �d�e <br /> ariginal Bortower ar Borrowerk successors in interest. My(or6earance by l.ender in exe�ising any right or rc+nedY alul� <br /> not be a waiver of or proclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12 Srooeszon nnd As.wlgns Bouod;Jdnt aod Several 6inbiNty;Co-3igocrs. 11`he wvenan�s and�groemcnts of <br /> this Security lnstrument shall bfnd und benefit the successors and ussi of l.ender und Jdotrower.subject W the provlsioas <br /> of Huagrnph 9.b. Borrower�x covenants and agreements shall be �t xnd several. Any Barower who co-signs this <br /> Security Inslrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is casigning thus Security Instrument only ta matgage.g�n t and <br /> canvey that Barrowtr's intetcst in the Property undcr the terrns otthiv Se�c•u�,�:y lnstrument:(b)is na�erscx�ally obllaated to <br /> ptty th�sums secured by this Security Inshumenr und(c)agrees that Lenrlar nnd any other Bormwer may egm 10 extend, <br /> madify,forbeiv or mWce any accommadations with regard io ihe ierms of Ihis Security Inswment or the Note wnwa3at tlwc <br /> Bomowerk consent. <br /> 13. Notices. Any notice ta Borrower provided fur i�r�►hi�Secwity Inswment shall tie given.�y deliveri�g i!or by <br /> mailing it by tint muil unless npplicable law requirer u�e of unother method. The notice shall be dirccled to the <br /> Properiy Addr�ess or uny other uddrecs Horrowcr designntes hy notice to Lcnder. Any notice to Le�ulrr shaD!be given by <br /> first dass mail to I.ender�addmc>>tuted hercin or uny uddress Lender designutes by notice to Eurr�e�wer. Any notice <br /> provided for in this Security Insttument shall be deemed to huve becn given to Bomuwer or Lender wt�n glvena.�provided <br /> in this paragraph. <br /> 14. Governing Law:Srurrability. Thi+Security Intitniment shall bc govemcd by Federnl luw und t1x !nw of the <br /> jurisdiction in vi�his!h thre P���Sny is I�xated. ln thc event �hut any pm+.•i;ion or clause of this Seca�ri�y lns�rument or the <br /> Note conflicty a•iii:s�,p8i�a�+la luw..uci�.�ro�tlict +hrll not atfcct oi�ter�an��iaion+of tfiis Sccurity Instn�menior Ihe I+late <br /> which can 6e�e+•rn aiPectµit�haut the con0i��tia�t proviyimn. To ihi, ennl nt�r provisions oi thix Securioy Inatrumen�and the <br /> lVde we declared to he se�•erah!�. <br /> 1S. Borrower's Cop��. Qiortuwer�hall tx gi�•en iAr;c ac�nir+rmed copy of this Securic�Instrument. <br /> 16. Ass3�ment of Rents. Bortower uncandiliana�(� .:�:iFnti�nd transfers w Lcndcr ull the renls and reve,nue��f the <br /> p�upe�y. Borrower Lender or Lende�;agcnl,l��cul l�r�Ux renis unJ revenurx and hercba direets eac9�tenunt of <br /> the prnperty w pay the renls to Lender�tt Lender's agenl.. Howc�•er,prior lo Lendcr's notice tu 6Lan�+wer of Bmrower S <br /> bne�ch of any covenant or agreemen�in the Security In,trument,Borrower+h:�ll collect and receive a06��nu smd revenues of <br /> the P�+openy a�ttustce for the l�nefit of Lender nnd Bortower. This nxsigntncnt ot'reaQs ea►nstiwt�s an absolute uss9�nment <br /> ard not an assigm�ent for add�tinnal securily only. <br /> Ii Lender gives notice of'breach to Borrower. (a 1•rll rents mceived by Borrower sMall be held by Borrow•er as ttustee <br /> f.0 i+nn.P� �J'I r.u�.r mtv m M �nnlu•d m�he aum� �ecund in• Ihe Serurilv In�trumenr. (b1 Lender s1u111 be emitled lo <br /> collect and Rceire�II of ihe ren�s of the Pro�ny;and Ir1 cxh ienanl oi the Property xhull p•ry all rcnls due and unpaid to <br /> l.aider or Lender's agent on Lender i written demund to�he ten:uit_ <br /> Bortower executed any prior u.�ignmcnt of t6e rent� aad ha�no1 smd will nM perfurm any aet thal wauld <br />" p�event Lender trom exercism&n�ngh�s under thi�Prragrr�f�i. <br /> Lender shall not be rcqwreJ t�enter upun, tuke c�trol o(or rtuintain tlx Propeny before or aker giving nMice af <br /> breach w Bomower. However. Lender or u�udicially app�nintrd receiver muy Jo sn at uny tunr there i3 a bre�ch. Any <br /> applicntion of rcnts xhall not cure or wuive unv Jefuul�or im�lidate any other ri�ht or remedy oi Lrndcr. '1'�is ussignment <br /> of rcnts of the Properly�hall terminate when the deM secw�ed b}+�Secc�rily Ins�rumen�i�puid in(uil. <br /> �/w.vr i��,t pr�n•i <br /> � • <br />