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— _��� , . . _ !��'.'.�.. � :�:�.:�_ <br /> .� • - . .. .. _ .. �. . -- ��^aS�wtie"�',='IC'-;Y.ZY`{:p'..��f.T�:.r--•- <br /> I ' _ ' - - . ; e . ^� .� _, ._ ..__� � _�:at����r�}��- .'__ <br /> � � a , � <br /> . . . . ��' , � . - . - ,� <br /> 1. ��M��,IM�e+�IW lai�c��.laeo�.�i.t!�.Q►�Y.drir�1�1.4.si1i�!� <br /> __� _ . __ ._�...�M� �+aY�aPS�l�__ _■+�+#ee���4•, -. __ - .- _. ._ ° - _Y_ :- <br /> . _ - � _,. ..�.�� <br /> ,. • : �Nl�w MA nMrs� f�ew�i��i�Ti� �. � : <br /> . rrir�rl�� �i i�r�Me�rc��►�Nor � wpc l���Ir � st�� "'� <br /> �t wr�rw ��e 4s �rlric is�}4�tllw�ar�oMM w�r M M� �ii/ . <br /> le)l+rrir�lor i�we�a w�iwa��a�pb 4. � <br /> �a ��oe�11y��be i1�s(a�,(b)�.(c�d�!!�qMi ose-tw�oL tY�1 iw�r.a�r . . <br /> L� �w�w�t.wiMk�t�o N�is r aiWb�4�M�A� d�M�ow i�ar�►�Ar d <br /> artlme�d ema�a. Mt!�eersl reornt I�ar ae�iM��1W M a�aawiwrt 1Y l�wir frI1MY a piidl,�i�ar <br /> — �o�6el6�e a�Mer woM1d beco�e+d�li�M�t. t�A�t�Yii�oid is rro�ooi�iM i�rwt io�+p+llr�s W.A)a�M <br /> ����i�t�W�iAs�i�e held b�r 1,eNdes�ac iMr(��(b)�ud to� �ie 1Y��oo�A�t' <br /> py� tar wcY t�t qY�io w de�ptiat b tl�o dre dMa d wc6 iM�,e��ae dra w►�in11A�s <br /> Mt1rMd aowaw o�p�ieq�iced qp�y s�i�ae�a�Me�d�a�rod it �s�na aa Ib t�lole rs�t�,tMr Lendes <br /> �11�rdl�d tlre iucoa+c arar a�o-si��M d the ersd�muMCdp�cr ae�it tbe euaa oMa arrs�x*d Ide eaiMled <br /> �1o:�6�e�aM fMY��!►Baro�w�e►.rt dre opeio�ot Bonv�ror. fl 1�0 toe!a�Ire p�t,ye�alr�!e by Ha�o+�ar <br /> for ilap(w),(b ar(c)it ir�icia�p p�q1 tla i�em w�aa dwe.WalBona��WI pq►q Lx�nr�r aw�l.�aewry�a <br /> roaloe np ti�e a�ar be�ae d�o dMe tMe i��eoow�d�e. <br /> b 1tSOd�A t�t 1�t."�EC�t�Y�MIG+�1 t��EC+E�y CR fiOMS��Md�Mf�. R�C�kf <br /> � �p�1�[+��A IhO li!'�!�IOWtQ�•�Ol�O�fOQD RC�1��1�0$�rR��1O�r pL� <br /> WW WO �'.�YdO C�[f: r����tfl�Of t�0�r �O�C� � b�Q�d'b��b 1�0 <br /> $OCICftl�►.0[(��w Ml�l�C�I�D�Q�i i�OR�O�0 Q!lm11��1� �lq�ly�fl��1!b�t� <br /> Secr�ryr. B�A montl�r tasq�l6neat d t�e i�oe p�e�wO�A ba�n m amamt�ci��a roc�s�e tbe <br /> n <br /> __ ___: .- ir11.e.wil mort�s�qe in�n�000 prdmwto�aae moW� a d�e dNe die Ii�1J aomul i�a�oe .. <br /> W�g1pt <br /> — _ __._,......,._.--T.- ���b t6e Seaepuy:dr if this Sean�ry►L�mmanl�l� tha Soc�r,e�R raorit3�iy chrfge be't�s�a <br /> -r .-� <br /> �mouiM equ�l w one-twelfth of a�o-htlf petoeat af d�e auwa�dioj p�ia�ql b�l�noe dne an tha Nate. <br /> If Bamwa andas to t.ender the fidl pymmt of all wms seciaed by dds Sec�uity fapnuaaa.Ba«ov��ertt�oomuK <br /> �11 be croditad with tbe b�la�a Tr,malaing far dl instslimans far items(a�(b)and(c)md �ny mortgage ias�ua�qce <br /> - - -�+pm�ium iawJlma�t tMt La�det das not 6eoame abligatod w pay to the Sec�tuy.aud l.a�der�WU�Barow�� <br /> �000�nl alull ba ciedited wi�h wy bduioe�en►a�ing far all inst�llmaus far items(a1. ) c. - ' � : _ <br /> 3.A at 1'�ysent� Au p.yma�a uaikr Pa�pb's 1 and 2:ha11 be.pplied by i�rnder ac fol{ows: � <br /> w tbe matB�Be�P�um w be paid by l�der to Iho S�aetry a w d�e nwathlY clw�a bY d�e <br /> "-- Secretay iaste�d af tbe moothly ma�it�sunnoe pen�ium; <br /> _ �.ro my uxes.apecW ascaana�ta�IauehoW paymonts a�muund�dw.aad fi�e.flaod aod olher h�z�d <br /> . imur�ooe pntiniwn�,asroq uLed: <br />_—.-. -- w inte�est due under the NaEe: <br /> w�ti�ntion af tha�!af thc 1� <br /> —,---- ' to i�ta charges dua wider the ote. , <br />-�`r�� �. Fir�nlood apd Ofber ll�sud Iss�uau�oa Bormwer shall insun aQ improv�mmts oa tUe Ptoprrty►.wbether now <br />��i;��r in existenoe or cub�queady erectod.�st any hazards.casualties.and oonNngaicies,including ftm.far which l�ender <br /> - --- tequines insuran�x. 71�is uuurnnoe siWi be m�intained in the amowus and for the perioda that l.ender requi�. Bartuwer <br /> �all tlso insure all imp�ovements on the Preperty.whether naw in oxiuence or subsequanly aec¢ed,aBaLW bas by tloo�ls <br /> � to the oxtent required by tho Sec�t�►ry All insurance shall be carriod with companies apqored by Lender. 7Le iiwuan�e <br />:�s„"�;�y policies and any renawela shall be heW by l.emkr�nd chall include loss payable clwsa in favar ot.iwd in�fam <br /> �.,,u� <br /> �;.�,�1� aa:eP�able ro.l.a�der. <br /> ��,,`�4: In the evau of loss.Barower shall give L.ender immediato notia by tn�il. l.ender m�yy m�ica proof of laas if not <br /> �P�P�Iy by Borrower. Each insurarxx oompany cawemod i:hereby autt�orizod�uid directed to m�e payment for <br /> � such loss dirocdy to l.ender,insteAd of ta Bonawer and to Lendcr jointly. AU ar any pa�of ttio insurw�ce p�oceeds may be <br /> � app lied by itc optfon.ei�her(a)io the reduction of the indebtodness under�ho Note�nd this Secunty Inswment, <br /> � �'`� fUst w any deltnquent wnounts applied in the order in ParngrrPh 3.and then to p�.payrr�ent of principal,or(b)to the <br /> � restaration or repair af the damaged property. Any appltcatian of the prooeeds to the pnncipal shaQ not oatend or poslpone <br /> ' • �:�': the due date of the mamhly payments which are referred to in Parngraph 2,or change the amount of such paymente. My <br /> �� �+�° � ' exass insurance procxed.g over en amount requireJ to pay all oulsu�nding irxkbtcMess under the Note and this Socurity <br /> �"" Insm�ment shell ba paid to�he entity legally entitled thereto. <br /> f�,!� <br /> ''-` '",''�-'� In the avent of foreclosure of this Security lnslrument or other transPer of title to�he Properly that extinguishes�he <br /> '. ,:; <br /> „�,5,4 �,, - �=''�`'" indcbtcdncss.all right,tide and interest uf Borro�ve►in And to insurance policies in fomr chall past to�fx�uahnxer. <br /> .-,r. t:,.;i,. S. OceupAncy, PreserrsNon, M�intens�ar.e �nd Protectbn af the Property; Borrower's �.aan Application; <br /> ' t;�;;,,� „��:,�_•�.;.:.r.��,• l,easeholds. Borrower shall occupy,establisb, und use ihe Propeny us Borrowerk pnncipal residence withi�sixty days <br /> '��:u;;;��{�;�.N;,r�,;,,� after the execu�ion of this Securiry Instrument and shnll continue to occupy�hc Praperty as Borrower's principal residence <br /> ••:�,i�;'�,:�..•., for at least one year after 1he date of occupnncy,unless the Secretury determines this requircment will cause undue I�erdship <br /> ,�i���u���`' '• for Borrower, or unless eatenuating circurristances exist which are beyond Bomnwerk control. Borrower shall notify <br /> :�, .::•:_.. . L.enders of any eatenuating circumstunces. Bartower shall not commit wa+te or destroy,dwnage or substantially chAnge <br /> ��;.'aa;�tt the Property or allow�he Property to deteriorate,rca�onabie weur and teur ezcepted. Lender mny inspect the Property if ihe <br /> ).;� '• Propetty is vucant or ubandoned or the loan is in dePault. Lender may tuke r+eA�onable action to protect ond preserve such <br /> vecant or abandoned Propeny. Borrower shall also be in defuul� if Borrower,during ihc loan upplicetion process,gave <br /> �4_��r•'� __ materiall�r false or inuccurate infortnation or slutementx ta Lender (or fuiled �o provide Lender with any material <br /> informatwn)in connection with Ihc loun evidenced by the Nae, includinR,but na limi�ed w,repre�entaliuns conc�eming <br /> ,�, �,�: , � Barower�occupsincy of the Properly us a prineipal re4idenre. If thi+Seruri�y Imtrumem i:+cx�u Ien.sehold.Borrower shall <br /> :;�;,y�,:�,:; t comply wi�h the provisions of the lease. If Barrower ucyuire,fee iitle to the Property,the leu�ehold nnd fee title shull not <br /> i;;'y;,�f�; n;�-_�.• �� bc mcrged unless Lcnder ugnees ta the merRcr in writin�t. <br /> �� �•�� ���:`���• • � ,. 6. CMarsea to Borrower and Pruteclioao�00 Lende�'s Rigbts in the Property. Bortower shull pay all governm�ntul <br /> �,,,.,;. <br /> � r:'.� �,�'''''�.;;:;-. or municipal charges,fines and impositi�nc 1hai are not included in Purogrnph 2. Borrower xhull pay these obligalions on <br /> .rt,ti•� ,'��`...,-; . <br /> � ����{�;��_..,,=..,�� }; .,; time 21ir,ectl to the entit whic6 0� owed a7x ayment. If faotu�e to a would udversely affect Lender's inte�est in the <br /> r.;, Y Y P' P Y <br /> ,' �. �,I,�,'<<�,�,; i'tnper�ry,upon Lender S reyuest BorJCra,er s?au99�romptly fumish ro Lendcr receipts evide►xnmg these payments. <br /> . � . _ <br /> �� �' n If�orrower fails to meke lhese pay�e►aas�oa rthe pnymentx required by Parug�ph�.or t�ils to peci'arm any vaher <br /> a� 4;;':�'=.�='.;,,�_�� covenanII.�and a�rcsmen�.4 conteined in this See4;rit.. Instrument.or there is a legol proceeding thac may sr�m4'icantly afiect <br /> . L�enderh rights m ut�e�+openy (such u.r• a proceed'nn�g in bnnkruptcy,for cnndemnution a to enforce I�vvt cx regulations►. <br /> -'---• '-- �- �---••-•�-•--•--°------- ._ w_....�.._..r��.M1 n�.......� �My�.:..w�. ..,d.�. <br />� ��.. ..�..��..�1 •u Y�.Y� <br /> .....__.,.. ..,. —.- uR.ri a.2inci wa�uv wna pq wuaicr���O�M1M..�aw� n..p..,.�,.•an, p...� ..r....-...«....�'��. <br /> i � •��-`�tlrt'..� inct�iing payment of taxes,hazsud insuronce and otEur uems mentioned in Pauugr�ph 2. <br /> 1 ;'���`�� � ' � My amounts disbursed by Lender urder this Paragraph�hall become un uddi�ional deM of Borrower and be secure� <br /> :, t'si�'��.:� by this Securiry Inatrument. Thesc amounts sf�all bear interest from ihe date of disbursement,a9�he Note mte,and��fee <br /> ,, : :•�� :.�•;'• option of Lender.shall be immediately due�nd p�yable. : <br /> ;�t 1;.,,�;�;.�..�t,;, 7. Condeau�Nlon. The proceeds of any awa�d or cloim for dumages,direct a con5equen�ial.iro connection with any <br /> } ''� '' �,'''� caodemnalion or other taking of�ny part of the Property,or for conveysince in place of concDrm�nalion,ure hereby ussigned , <br /> �{;��.�, .,�;�, <br /> r'.:;"�� atd ahall be pald to Lender ro trie extent of the full amount of the indebtednesc that rcrruins unpaid under the Note and�his <br /> , � �=`'•,�� :.���;`!"", � Securily Instrument. Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of�he indebtednea,under the Note and this Serurity <br /> •� • • ���.!�= In.�uument, firat to eny delinquent omount�applied in Ihe order pruvided in Pa�asraph 3, and then to prePayment of <br /> '� .:'� ':��'� p�rincipal. My application of �he proceeds to the principal shall nut extend or poslpone�he due date oF�he momhly <br /> } <br /> .., ;. <br /> .5.�., : 'S?„1.$G,ji fP+R�'1o10/ <br /> ' � . --- - — - - - <br /> ti ---------°- °-_ - -: <br />