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--�--,-�-�-.-- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ <br /> .. � � - ..a✓Ne-"-,.+.u��.��.v��....i.....i.....,..�,.�.i3'P�wi�,..�v.r�..— <br /> � � , . ' ' _ .� .�:�:,,,�;� <br /> , .1 . , . .. <br />- * - -- . �'"� ia� - .__ <br /> - d NN�n�N�M M1«MIN�d w«dOra IhM Trti�D�and�r oTha MoYrlh►�oir p M�Mflw 1�Id,blf I�nM1oMtY a TiaiiMi in woln aawwno n�.iiw►. " .. <br /> ae�.au.�w:a�ow�.��n�a ey�irw�'p�a��••cti�in.N�o�n:�+a�,h.r a��.�an�i��� . <br /> plwn h�nu�anarr a Mn�k�nxiMN�p d I�w a In�quK�►a bf►MMw.Ewryf�►a�dY P►ovkMd�widn tMs TruM OMd a Tru�w a R�ce�olMy . <br /> ' or to wMoh�IINer af tl�n m�Y bs qhNVW�s enINIsA�mqr b��otwodrd.oonourt�nth►ur IndN���h►.han lirn�to NnN�nd�afl�M m�Y b dMnMd <br /> � �qdNm W TrwM�a�IMy�nd NIINr M Ih�m nwy pur�w kaa�IM�N��n�•Not�f��ln MMN b�aon�liwd�P�a�W�N��OIM1► <br /> froa��king�d�MoM�xoY WdOit�nt�WMMt dM Tw�tor b tM�xant wch�otbn M p�rmllt�d bY I�w. <br /> 11:TNAlAI'RR Q!?N�MIG�lIITYi AWUAI'TION.8 all a�ny Pal ot tM P►apwly a tnt�t 1hKNn u�old.tramNr►�d a alh�ooev�y�d <br /> by TtuMOr wltlioulB�NaI�rN��pla w►KNm oontmt.�xeludM�O(�)th�crwtbn o1 a INn a�naumbr�wbadpW�to d�l�TruW OMd�N)�aMMIM <br /> bY ap�nli�d law up m tM dwtA W a Trwtor who i�a pint un�nl a(c)IM p►�u+l 01 a�y Iw�Nwb intKMt of t1uM(9l Ywn a I�a whloh doM eot <br /> oonldn i�oo�b w�ai.»..ucn«�lan k.lxnch a ud.�a«m� e.n.+k1.ry m.r.a e.nNic�.r�►•.opion,aaw.w u».wM..ound r�► <br /> thb TruN D�W b b�WnMdI�tNY dw and WY��P���.furlhK.thN Tnut DMd m�Y.�t B�n�Nctary�s opllon.0�docMnd Ymn�dl�tNp du�and <br /> WY�.N(1)TruMor h�P�rOwr�1�IP�nd�nY irsl�wt in MN O��O b wW a mlpn�d by�ny n1��n��.oa a)B M�Ttu�o�it�oapatlMln <br /> �nd a lnnafw o!ths e�aritY�dC own�tl�p�t�na in th�oo�porMbn oocurt,a th�Tnula corPaa�nwpa in�form r�iM�a1Mr napor�Ion <br /> p M�tky.BM�NdMy slqU hM Mf�(Wd Wch 9pti0�1 b woCd�faO�if�PNOf b IM MN.tr1111i1K ar COnU1Ya110l,B�IMiCI�ry and tIM P��ID wh01n tIN <br /> �aany�.w c..aa«r�K..a�+�+.�+��awa�n.«.dH a aud�n�++••u.aGo.,►ao ew�:wr.�d�na�n.wM«w�v.naw <br /> on tl�wnN Meund b'l►pMr Truq DMd ahW 0�N auch aM q B�mNei�fl Nw nq��1. ' . <br /> 12 AOCELEMTION IB�Pt�A OEFAULTi REMEDIEB:lRAI&The f�un M tM��1�'a fury pRynwit a ta pMam�.��qt IM qrnM�nd aa�diions <br /> of M�s Tn�at DMd,a UtP lbmu end eondidan�of Ms Nae,a�ny nn�wals,nadific�t�ons a sxNnsW��ther�oi,or tf�p leilure Io mMc�p��ewe�t of�n1r <br /> ot11K ind�El�drMtt�p�10►0►�te4usM W lhh T�wt OsMl.and ssCUred bg 41�fs prapeAy.or d»deafti ot am a moro Trustora sAM b��On�ch and <br /> dshulf of thb Tn�et D�ed and ths Bandlcl�ry m�d�cle►��dsfawlt and may 4ectsKe il1 wms Mcured Mr�by imn�edlApll/dw�nd p�►bM�nd llN <br /> stime�dplt it�ereupon baeome duo anJ payabin wiUwu!{nwxmimoni,tiom�nd,N�ular:l ui nuticu uf ut�y Aim3,piouiQcd,Ttttst:��4 ha:•e'.t+tY=�=t't='•'Y <br /> ripM W cure lh9 dNault before uty eotice of dstault and demand for eate may bi de�lvered to ths Ttustev.Thereaiter,Bans(ICi�ry may qallver to Truotee <br /> �wrltt�n depU►atbn of delaul!Ynd d�rtund}or stN.Troqa aptess and hsrlby 0lints that tAS Tn�ste�sAall have th�power of al�o}the Ptoperty And <br /> If&nsflelary deeWea ths Lv to 6s sotd it�hall wlth Truetes thls Truat Deed end ths Note a notes and a�ryr othK documenta eNdsnelna _. <br /> - �xpMwnures acur and ehall dstivx to Truqas a wrttlsn notlee o u a eold,aM Tnwte�,In Wm, <br /> thall phpare a slmllar nafca b thr fam requlred by law,wh�h shaN bs duly Nl�d fa noord by TruMee. <br /> • (a) After th�I�s af such dms as mey be rpuked by law lalbwlnp th�recordetbn of Nodes of Delault,and Notice of Daf�ult and Natico of � <br /> Sale haNnp been glvan as requlre0 by law,Truetae,without demand on T►uetor,�hall sell lha Proparly,it npt redsNned,In ons ar mar� <br /> Na�c9ls and In auch arder a TruatN m�yr datermine on tM dat�and Uw Nme and ptae�dalpnetsd In sud Notice of Salr,tl publla auotion <br /> eccadlnp to law. <br /> (b) When Trustee edla punwnt to the powers herein,Tru9lee shpll nppN�Ne P��s of the wl�W payment of ths costs and�xpe�tes of <br /> axerclslnp the powec of sW�and of IM sale,lnoluding,wNhout Ilmhatlon,atlomey's feea and th�p�ym�nt o4 Tru�t�e's Fea Incumd,whloh <br /> Tsuitae's!'ast ahaR'noi fn tlsa aQprcQsste excaed!fie!ollowlnQ emcwnlp besed uPon►M amount Wcund henby and nrt�alnln0 unpold�t <br /> the tlme�chedWed lor�N:8 perc�ntum on the balance thareol;anA then lo the Item�In a�bp�ra�raph(a)In the ord�►th�ro ttat�d. <br /> (o) Atter peylnp lhe items Qpecltfed I�eubparagreph(b),if the aele lo by TruBtee,w M lh�eale la pu�uant to�udlolal faaclosure,llw prooesds <br /> of�ale anWl W appNW In Ihe tollowlnp adsr: <br /> (1)Cost of any avldence o1 tllle praeured in eonneotlon wllh such sate a�d of any ravenua Iranater fee requlrsd to be pdd; <br /> (2)All obllpations seoured by thls Trust Deed; <br /> (3)Junlor trust deed+,mortgayes,or otMr Ilenholders; <br /> (4)Tho remafnder,If any,to ths prrwn kgaNy entltlad Iherelo. <br /> 13.APPOINT�AENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Benelblary may,lrom Ilme to llme,by a wrltten Instrument executed and acknowledped by Benefklary, <br /> malled ta Truela and reeorded In the eounty a countles in whbh the Propeny Ia beeted end by otherwlse complylnp wlth the(NOVlolonY of Ihs appltaYbN <br /> law�of the Slets of Nebreeka eubtlltuts n swxeuor a wcceaaore lo the Trupse named hxeln a actlnp haeunde►. <br /> t4.INBpECT10N8.8enetlolery,or Ils apenu,representetives or emptoyaes,are authorized to enter at any reasoneble Ilme upon a fn any port of the <br /> Praparty lor the purpo5e o1 inspeoting the eams and lor ths pu�of performinq any o1 the acts it ia aulhalsed to perform under tM term�of tM Trust D�ed. <br /> 16.OPTION TC:�^E�LOSURE.Upon tho occurrence of eny breach end upon the declarat�an o1 delault hereunder,BenefiClery eha�l havo Uw opNon <br /> to laeclose thls Truat Deed in the manner provided by taw 1or Ihe Ipreolosure of mortpages on reel property. <br /> t8.ROR86E!►RANCE BY BENHFICIAHY OR TiiU87�E NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearence by 8enallclery or Truetee In exerolalnp any rlpht a�em�dy <br /> hereunder,or olherwlse alforded by appNcebb lew,shell not be a waiver of or preClude Ihe exercis0 of eny such rfght a remedy.likwwlse,the walver <br /> by Benelklary or 7ruatee ot any default of Truator under thla Truot Deed shall nol be deemed to be e wtNver of any other or elmtlar dalaults wWiqusnlly <br /> oacuning. <br /> 17.6ENEFICIARY'S POWERS.Wlthout aNectfnp or releasing the tlabNlry of Ihe Trueta a any other person Ilable ta tlw payment ot any obllpatlon <br /> hereln mentbned,and wlthout aHecllng the Ilen a charye ol lhls Trust Deed upon any portfon of the Property.Beneflcfery may,hom tlme to tlms end <br /> wlthout nottce et the request d one w mOre Ttustas.(f)releaae any pereon Ileble,(II)extend or renew the maturity or elter any o}the terms o1 any auch <br /> obApatlona,(IA►yront other Indutgences.(Iv)releaw w reconvey,a cause to be released or reconveyed at any tlme at Benetkiery'a optbn any pelcel <br /> a all of Ihe Property,(v)take or reteaee eny ather a addllbnal securlty for any obllpallon herefn mentfoned.(vf)make setllemente or other arcanpemunts <br /> wllh Truetor In relatlon thereto.All Trustas shoH be�olnlly and severelly oblfpaled end bound by the actlons ot lhe 8eneficlary or any one or moro Trustor <br /> ae elat�d In thls puagreph. <br /> 18.ATTORNH1f FEEB,COSTS ANt)F.1co�NeE8.The Benellclery ol this Truel Ueed�e enutletl to Ihe poyment ot altprneys teea,wsts and oxpensos ' <br /> as pfovided in thla Trust Deed,exeept ae otlwrwlse prohlbfted by lew. <br /> 19.iiFCONVEYANCE BY TRU8TE8.Upon wrltten roqusst o�Benellclary and upon payment by TrustOr of Trustee's toes.Tru4tee ahell reconvey to <br /> T�us�a,or ih0 pere0n Or peraone legelly Bnlltled the�eto.wilhoul werranry eny patlon ot the Property Ihen held hereunder.Aecltale in fuCh fBCOnveyanCe <br /> ot�ny metter8 or faats ahall be concluslve pr0of of the truthtulneas thereof.T�s pranlee In any reconveyance mey ba descrlbed as the porson p persons <br /> byaly enlltletl therero". <br /> 20.NOTIC[S.Except far notlees,demende,requesls a oft�er commun�catio�e requlred under applicaDle law to be given m anolher manne�,whenpver <br /> Beneliciary.'Orwta or 7rustee gives a ae►ves any not�ce t+���utl��9 w��hout bmlfallon.eotice o1 default end�otice of salel,tlemends.requesta or ptt�er <br /> communiCalion wNh respect to Ihle Trust Deed,each sueh notice.demand.request or otlte►eommunlcatlon shall be In writmg and ehalt be eflecllve only <br /> It tM same�a de��veretl by penonot s�rvke or Is molled by ceNltled mmi�,pcatape prepaW,addressed to the edd►eas as ae1 forth et the beglnning o�thla <br /> �i���.�d.�.��........w.w�oa Au A�livorinn f1f mAIhf1U 10 IFIB 01A9f DOffV�IAI910.OII 9IO/AAAId A 11AtIGH O} <br /> ':w.vcin:.i..7y jwij:vo�o:o:��`n..v:.�.o.iy...w.v......r......�....�.._'_��___" <br /> wch charvga.A�y nahce hereund�►ahall be deemed lo have been qiven to Trustor or Faneticlery,wnen given M the manner Ues��nated here�n. <br /> 21.pEGUEST FOR NOTICE.Trustor aed Beneliclary he►eby reqaest a copy of eny notice of delaull,and a copy of any notice of sale Iheraunde�.be <br /> euN�d!o aach p�rton wlw Is a paty hereto et the eddresa fa auch person aet lorth In the tlrst pareqraDh ol fhia Trust Ueed- <br /> 22.1i0YFJ1NIMG LAW.Thls Trual Deed shaN be governed by Iha Iawe ot Ihe State of Nebraalca. <br /> 23.�UOCEtSORt AND ASSIGNS.Thls Truet Dned,and all tarms,condltlons end obllgatlone herefn,apply to end Inure to tne bena�i�of and binds <br /> all part�es harslo,tt�eir Iwlre,lapetaes,devlsaes,pe�8onel represantetrvee,successas and asslpns.The term Beneflcfery"ahall mean the owner and <br /> hotd�r of tYw�tioM.WhMh�r a not namad at Bsnof�tary hereM. <br />