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,��. ��! . ..•�� . - _ -__. = - _- �'�; -- <br /> �"s_. ,��•.4s � � • .. • -, .i T. <br /> g�: so�9 . . <br /> �. __ To rno�ar n�e sECU�arv oF r+�s rnuer o�w.rnwTOA r�sv aovE�uwT��no�s na Fa�.oMrs: � <br /> �.��n�et+r t���u.�o nnu�auT.Trw�«.�,.w o�o�b wn�a�•eh.��nao.i a«a�na►.a on un w�a� e�► <br /> d�Na���nd W alh�►ah�rp��nd f�r prald�d In tM Nob��nd aN princlpN of�nd NN�rwt on�np Fuhx�AAv�now��d by q�M Trw10Nd. <br /> Q,WAHRIINTY O!�TITI.R.Truqa i�I�wlully tNr�d�nd po�d W pood�nd IrKNt�lbb tida and aqt�ro ths Piroqry Iwnby oonv�y�d and <br /> Ms IM rfpht b pr�nt�nd oonwy IM Prap�Ay�IM P�opMtY h hM u�d clNU o1 dl IMn��nd�naNnbnneM�xapt N�ns now al noord:�nd Trwtar will <br />_...— w�nant end dde�A the MNe lo Ihe Wonsry a9N^�1 dl a1Nm�uM d�mu�d�. <br /> 3.MANTENANC!AND COMPLIANCH WITN W1VY8.Truaot thNl kMP�P►oq�lY In pood np�k�rb oonditlon and ehall nol Conu�tft w�or pmntt <br /> ImprrmMlt or dMNloration W ihs P�opMiy��d�haU oomply Mrith tif�provitfoM ol luiy MsM il Ws TruN LU�d Is on a�su�hdd.No ImprawmMll nOw <br /> or I��a1tK�r�ctW upon tta P�opMY sh�ll b�ulered�nnawd or d�moll�h�d wilhoul th�prior�ean�nl of B�nsilcl�ry.Truator�h�U comply wlth <br /> aw I�ws.o►�w��.�pulat�on��aown�nu.oonditlaro and nsaletwns�H�ctte0 u»RoP�f►md not ea�MnM,wtNr a w►mN�ml�et w b�doM In a <br /> upan th�P►ap�y in vlW�tion of a�ry I�w,ordinu�ae.rpultlion��nt,conditian or nstrictioe.Trwlor�AM comPMM a rata�P�P�M��9�d <br /> woAun�nlik�m�nnM anY ImPro�nN^t on th�Prap�rty wlMeh m�y bs d�m�ped a►dMtro�d and P�Y.wlw�du�,wA cNdp�s tor qibaPMlanNd�nd m�hrids <br /> , 1umlWwd�ner.r«and ror.ny at«.uons ttw►.or. <br /> ; �.NiBURANCB.Tru�la.�t its expsnM.wIA melnuin wilh Inwron approvsd by 8wfid��rane�+ril�►�t to the imp►ovam�nts�nd p�tonu <br /> propNty�aoraUtutinp the!'rapeity.+i➢�ut 1oa by Ms��phlnlnp�tanMb�and att�arD�rile�nd t�az�rdt oownd4�►aiqieMard Axlended coverap�YWa�r. <br />�- -, In an amo�xil�qu�l ta at Ise�t ans hundred pereent p0044)of the lull replac«nwN�Ihereof and inswanca�ga:�st such aher hasittdo w+d in wd� <br /> - �mounts u Is eustomarlty aartisd by ownero and oparatae of elm0ar properllrs or�s 8a�eflcfary m�y nVuko b►ils protectloe.Trusto�w111 oompty wNA <br /> . wch Wh�r t�ulremaftsas 8enefk�ary m�y f�om dme lo qms requeat for 1hs prooictior�by Inwrancs oHh�inMesls af Iha reapective paANs.A�I Inwrprxx� <br /> polloMs mMnUkwd punwnl to thle Trud Oeed thall nams 7tutlar ub B�nM'icitry�s Inwnd.w tMir nap�ctiv�idtereste may appau.and provldr th�t _ <br />:_ tl�be no CMioeM�Uon or modl�llbn wllFwtA at leasllb days P�wrltbn na��kaliw+b Truuas�nd 8mafleiyr msY procur�eueh inturano�In aooadar� <br /> -- __� <br /> - - - �-'-' wtth tlN prowtlons m parapraph e hereW.Truota shell tl�llver to tlenof�clary dw oripind policle4 of Insuranae antl renewols tlNr�ot a memo copfp of - <br /> � -= wch polkNs�nd nn�wds Ih�r�o}.Fallw�w lurnish auoh inaurana by Truapao,a r�wats�rpukad Mreunder shall,et Ih�apNon o18Naflolpy. <br /> - `= CoMtltut��dH�ult. <br /> -- _�"—�� b.TA9IFS�ASSESSMFNTS AND CHAfiGEB.Tn�stOl 6heA BII taYe��nents akf nt�wr�!.s...�.t.Mnvam withnutllmltetld�_�nes and Imooaltlons <br /> �,,�K��� a pround rente,tt a�y.bsiore Ihe aame b�com�dNlnquenl.Trusta shall promptly fumish to b�fial�ry <br />-�;�� all notk�s ol amounts dus under Ihb paragraph,and In the evem Trustor ehall make payment dlrectly,Trusla shall promplly(wnlah ro Baneflclary racNpts <br /> __- wld�nclnp such paymenle.Trusta shwN pay all taxea snd ae�esamenle whleh mpy be Iwled upon 8w�eficlary'e intxeat heroln a upon thb Trwt Dead <br />'_� <br /> wftt�out rpvd to any law that may bs�nactad imposlnp paymant ot th�whote or any part th�nof upon the 8eneticlary. <br />- - _�; 8.AODITIONAL LIENS ANt1 PROTF.CTION OF 6ENEFICIARY'8 SECYRITY.Trusta ehall make all paymenls ut�nterest and prinolpal and pa�ts <br />;�:����° of any oth�r ch�rpss,lee�and sxpenses contrected to 6e pald to any exlstlnp a subssquent lienhotder w benellclary,under airy exlellnp or eubepuent <br />•�;���u►r��� mortp�p�a trwt d�ed befae the dete they aro deflnqusnt a In defAUlb and promptly pay and dkaharps any and all other Nens,claima a eharyw wMCh _ <br /> ' I may�eopardlts th�s�eurlty qanted hereln.lf Truata lalls b meke any cuch ppymsnt a IWIs to peHarm any of the coveneMS and agteemeM�cont�lned _ <br /> g�i in ti�u Tnnt�d,a�iw Nde refierred to i�s►ein,or in amr prior a aubsaquani iruef dend,a it rnr NCtiOn u1 NtUL6aUlny(p C4ti1n6tiWG Wh{Ch i�atarlally <br /> �fd� att�ctt B�n�fict�ry'e Interest In the Property,includfng,but not Nmlted to,eminent domeln p►oceedings,proceedinga Involving a dec�dent,notlae of salg <br /> � � by 7natee,notloe of defAUlt by TruMee,mortyage faectosure aotlon,or If Tructor faNs to pey Trusta's debts genarplly as they ber.ome due,then 8aneftclery, <br />_ � at BeneNduy'�optlon and without nmlrs to a demand upon Tnutor end wlthout releasing 7n�sror irom mry abllpatbn hereunder,mey make such appsarences, <br /> I dl8burse sueh sumt end loke euch actbn as is necesseiyr to protecl9enellclary's intereat.Inctuding,bu1 npt IlmRed to,disbursemeM o1 reesonable eltomey'e - <br /> fees,payment,purchase,conlest or compromlee of any encurt�b►anae,charge or Ilen,entry upon the Property b meke repefrs,a declaratlon of dslault - <br /> � under thla Truat Oeed.ln lhe event thet Truetor ahell lall to procure Inwrance or ta pay taKes,aeaesamenta,a eny other chargea or to meka any p�ym�nta <br /> - � to any axltting ar aubsequeot Ilenholders or exlNing a aubsequent benellclarles,Beneflclery may procure such Insurance and make auah payment,but <br /> i ehall not be obllyaled to do so.My amounte diabursed by Benef�fery pursuent to Ihls Paregraph 8 ehall become addltlonel k�debtednsat of Truslor sseured <br /> � by thls Trust Oeed.Suah emounte ahall be payable upon nolke hom Benefblary to Trustor requeating payment thereof,and ahell beer interest Irom the <br /> —, ���s;�;� � dats of dlsburte�nt at 1M rote payable ham tlme to Ume on outstendlnp princlpel undw the Nota unlesa payment of Interest at such ra►e would be aontrary = <br /> ' ' to eppllcabls law,ln whlch�vent such amounts ehell bear inte►esl al ihe hlghest rata pa►miselbl�under appllooble law.Nothlnp cantaMed In thla Panpraph ... <br />� � 8 sh�A r�qulra BenNlclary to Incur any expen�e or take a�y aatbn hereundar. _- <br /> t':' 7.ASSNiNMBNT OF RHNTB.Henefklary ahaN have the rlph4 povrer and authally durinp the contlnuence of thls Trust Deed to colleet the rentn,ieeuas - <br /> 1� and prollt�of the Properry and of any personel property lacaled thereon wlth or wlthoul teking posseeelon ol ths property aHected hereby,end T�ustor <br />_ hereby absolutely and unconditlonally eeslgns eN such reMe,leaues and proflts to Beneticlary.Benellclary,however,hereby eonaent6 to Ihe Truetw'e =. <br /> oollectlon and retentbn o1 auch rents,Issues and prolile ea they aecrue and become peyable so bng as 7ruata ia�ot,et wch tlma,In default wlth respect =- <br /> ,:�v:� , to paymeM of any Indeblednees secured hereby,or in the pertormance of any agreement hereunder.Upon any such default,Bensfldary may at eny tlme. '- <br /> •y�? " elther In person,by agent,a by e►ecelver to be appolnted by a cowt,wlthoul not�e and wfthout repard lo the adequacy ot any security lar the fnde6ledneae <br /> �.;;r; ,` hereby secured,(a)onter upon end leke posseaslon of Ihe Property a any pert thereot,end In Its own name sue br or othenvlse collect sueh renls,Issuea <br /> '"'""""' and proflte,Including those pael due and unpaW,and opply the seme,less costs and expenses of operellon and colleclion,Mcludlnp reasonebte attorney'e <br /> r..s_��`s�•`,�•',�;� fees,upon any Indebtednesa eecured hereby,and tn such ader es Benel�clary mey determine;(b)pertam euch acts o1 repalr or protectfon ae mey be - <br /> � � ±; neceseary or proper to conserve the value of the Prope►ly;(o)lease tho same or any part thereof lor aueh rental,term,and upon auch condltbns ea ite _ <br /> .�a,ti,;�._ !�':•; �udqment mey dfctate,o►lerminete a edJuet the brme and condltbne ol exlstlnp leases.Unlass Trusla end BeneNolery thereof aqree othorwl�e In wrltlnp, _ <br /> '---'�a+r;:r9 any epplk�don ot rente,lesuas or prolfte to any Indebtedness seeured hareby ehell not extend a po�tpone the due dete ol the Instaltment paymente ae - <br /> a� �`';' • '�+i;•� provldsd In eaW promissory noto a change the amaxit of euch Instellments.The enterinp upon a�d taklnp posseeslon ot the Propeny,tM collecllon - <br />�; �•' '•�����" of such rents,Issues and prolllt,end the appt�cat�Ihareol ae aloreseld,ohell not walve ar cure any delault or notice of delaup henunder a Invalldele � <br /> , .;.t;.�� • • - <br /> � any aet done purauant to sueh noUCa.Tru�ta also asslgns to Benefklery,ae(unher seeudty for the pe►famance of the obUgetbns eecured hereby.ell <br />