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-- -��. �.... _ ----- ._._ . __. . , . ---:�.v:� ., . ... -- �'`�:T";w�t--^=' - -..'�-- . <br /> . . . . , . . , �. . .. . _Ntv��`�:v;i:, <br /> • . . , - <br /> � � ;IR3� so�e <br /> _ -� -.a awn..nw w«�aa.d 1��lorc.aY.Tiva aw r+d�nr c�dMr«axNr now a l�srsaRer nMa qr ry a Tn�N b►won ora1�ina iniiinw --- . <br /> a�eh�r a.ror►a u+M+,�n�n►�n a�w.e.ow�.aWorwa►aM«n�w,�.No nn�d�►n«�+n aon�upon a a tru�«w�w+wir r�«�e <br /> 10 b��ooNNlw nl�rqr oll�►nn»df►I�nh�oi'by law poMd�J a PM�I�d�bu1�h�N a e�xnuMAlw and�tall b�In�e�Mllan w�wy o1f�nn�r ,� <br /> qN�n hMwindw a iww alwrMM►�aM�M�O�t IMw a In�4�Y a by Matul�.Cv�Y P�►a��Y P����dn tht�tru�t OMd10 TruMMOr d�llot�q <br /> a lo w11Eoh okhw ol Urm rtwy b�ailMrwii�sndtlod,eThay b��x�ro1Md�CGrKwmntlY Cr Ind�pendmtly�hdn Nm�b Um��rW�s oRMi as may b�dMnNd <br /> Mp�M�t M TnM1M a B�IIcInY Mid�a ruNor q th��t�t Pw�M�M INw.Mn N�NI b�oonWwd�t PrahlhMY�p O��M�ry <br /> fran�Mckq�d�AoNncY fu�Onwnl pNrwt <br /> 11.TMMN�El1 OR TII!�ROrEATYt AtN11�T10N.lf W a�nll D�a th�PropKiy a Intrnu tMrNn Is iotd.trmsf��d a a1h�wlN cor►wy�d <br /> oy Tnrqor+rwwut 9�IeWy't prior wrMlm oorwnt��xc�udinp(�)tM a�tion ot�N�n a�ncirnErana�wdnw w Ws Ttwt OMId.(pI a tran�Mr <br /> • ly aplatla�of Uw Won tlN aMth of�TnMto�who u�ptnt t�nt a(c)dM pranl oi any IwNwld inar«t ol thrM(3)f�n a Nu wAleh do«nal <br /> canWn�n aplfon b P�►ch�M.wCh�etfon b�bmoh ol tN��prNrtMnt.�nd Ba»flcl�ry may.�t B�Nclary's optlon,d�c4n W tM swns e�wnd bp <br /> Ws TnMt DNd b b�(mrt�dl�tMY dw and p�yabt�.Wovld�d,fwlh�r,thl�Trust L�W rr►ay��t B�Nclv1►'�optb^.Os dal�u�d UnnNdktNy du��nd <br /> py�bN.N(1)Truqw Is�partnMthlp and any MtK�st In tM P��D is�Wd or aplpiad by u►Y mpna whatsawr.a(�If tM Trwto►le a oorporWon <br /> and�tranchr of ttN msJorlryr aock ownK�htp Int�nst Y►Uw cc►Pc►wNo^occun,a th�Tru�ta aapaatlon mlrg�s In�ny rom+wlth yroth�r capar�Uon <br /> a�ntlb.8NN1t�4uY�hW haw walwd wch opdo�w axal�rate H.prlor a tM wd�.trwufw a convayanbe�Bm�ilclary u�d tlw p�Yaon to whom the <br /> Prop�rty i�to b�akl a aan�Nrc�d nr�cA apr�mM In wrlW�q th�1 tM cndit ot wch peFwn le�tl�faalaY b B�n�fldary e11d that the IntaM}t pAy�ibN:.. • <br /> on�M wms t�cur�cl by thl�Trust M�d�hall b�at wch rah as B�fkl�ry�hall nqueq. � : . <br /> 12.AGCE4EilAT10N UPON DEFAIlLT;REMEDIE�:SALE.The I�Ilura Dy tt�T�,to make any payment a to p�rtorm any of th�tamf anQ eor►d)tlan� <br /> of 11�M T►uat ONd,a tM tana and condiUon+of 1he Nou•c►anY rwawals,moditicapona cx extanelona iheraat,a tM lalture w make paymsni of+�ny , <br /> atlNr Ir�bUdn�u,ptor a wbspwnt to thlt Trust MW.and acw�d bY ihls prqwrty.or lhe death W one or mare Trusto►s sIMM be a bre�ch Pnd � <br /> dNaWt of thfa Trust OMd w+d th�BonNlel�ry may d�el�re�d�t�ult and m�y d�claa all wms�scured har�by Immedlatety dus and payable•end Ihe <br /> strrte ehatl ttbrtupon beeome due end PeYabh�wltAOUt prebentment,aarnand,protecl ar raUCe ot any kmc�,pronaetl, i ruator stwlf have any stulutory - <br /> tlpht W cure ths default bstore�ny nodee ot dsfaWt and damand ta sals may bs dellwrad to the Truetoe.Thereafter,Benelbltuy moy delfver to Truatee <br /> a wrllten declarpHpn ot d�hult md d�m�nd far�ala.7rustar egree�and here6y pranu that th�Trustp thall heve the power o1 Mle o11ha PropKty�nd . <br /> if Beneficl9ry decidea ths Properly u to ba eold it�hall depoelt wlth T►uslee thls Truet Deed and Ihe Note or notea end any ather documents evW�nclnp <br /> �xpendlturN secured hsraby,and�Aall deliver to Tru�tee o Mrtltten nalke ot defeult and elecGon to cause tha prope►ry la be sWd,and Tru�tM,In lum, • � <br /> th�ll prspuo�tlmNw notico In the form requlnd by law,wh�h ehall ba duly fllad fa ncord by Trwtee. <br /> (a) A(t�r Ihe lapae o1 such time as may be requlred by law followlnp Ihe recadotion of NoHce of Delautt,and Nollce of DelaWt and Notks of <br /> nd an Trusta,shall sell tha Property,if not redeemed,in one or mors <br /> parceh and In suoh ordar es Trusle�may datermin�on th�d�t�and tha tlma a p gn �a�w„�.;.���.�....,.�..,�_..,....... <br /> occadNp to law. <br /> (b) When Trustee aelu pursuent to the powera hereln,Trustee ehall apply the proceeds ot the sale to payment of 1M coats and exp�nqs of <br /> sxarcl�ln�the powe�of saN and of the eale,Including,withcwl UrnBatlon.attaney's fees and lhe peyment of Truatea'a Faes Incuned,whbh <br /> Trustaa's Fses shall�not in the aypreOYta exceed Ihe fdlowing emounts bASed upan the amounl secured hereby and remWnMp unpald al <br /> th�tlm�scheduled for eala:6 p�rcantum an the 6Nance thersol:ond tlwn to Ihe Itams In wbpe►egraph(c)In Ihe atl�r tMn n�t�o. <br /> (o) Aker puytng the Items speelflad In subparag►aph(b),if the sale Is by TrunN,a I1 ths a►le Is pursuent to judkfal laeclosure,the proeeedt <br /> ot eak sh�ll be applled in Ihe folloWlnq ader: <br /> (1)Coet ot any evldence d tltla proeuted In connectlon wllh euch�ale pnd of any revenue tranafer fee requlred to bs pald; <br /> (2)All obllgatlona secured by thls Trust Deed; <br /> (9)Junlor trust deMlY,mortgage8,or alher Ilenhdders; <br /> (4)The remalnder,II any,t01he percon leyally entlllod Ihereto. <br /> 13.APPOINTYENT OF 8UCCESSOti TFiU8TEE.BeneHclery may,lrom tlme to tfine,by e wrltten Inslrument executed and ecknowledped by 8ensflclary, <br /> malled to Trustor end recorded In the caunty a countlea In whkh Ihe Properly le loeatod and by olherw�se complying wllh tha provlsfona o11h�opplio�bN <br /> I�ws of the State ot Nebraske eubstitut6 a successor a►successorn to the Trus[ee named hweln a actlnp hsreunder. <br /> 14.M18PBCTIONB.Benet��ery,or Ila agente,representallvea or employees,are authorized to enler et eny reesonade tlme upon ar In any part o1 tha <br /> Properry lor Ihe purpoce ot Incpectlng the aeme and fw the purpose ol PeAorming any of the octs a Is authorized to perfwm under the tertm o}the Tnat De�d. <br /> 16.OPTION TO RORECI.OSURH.Upon Ihe aceurrence of any brea:.A and upon the declarallon ot detauft hereunder,Benaticlery ehall have tM opllon <br /> to fa�Close thls Truat Oeed�n the mannar provlded by law lar trro toreclosure of mortgepes on roal properry. <br /> 18.FORHBE/1RANCE BY BENEFICIARY OR TRUSTE�NOT A WAIVER.Any lorebearance by 8enelic�ary or Trus;ae in eYercislnp eny rlght w remedy <br /> hsreunder,a otherwlse eHaded by applkable lew.stalt not be a walver of a preclude the exercise ot any 8uch ngM or remedy.Llkewlee,ths walver <br /> by Benefblary ar Truetee of a�y default of Trustor under Ihis Truat Oeed ahell nd be deemed to be a wa�ver ot any other or umllar delaulta subaaquYntly <br /> occurting. <br /> 17.BENEFICIARY'S POWERS.Withoul aHecling or reteasing the Nebilfry of Ihe Trusta or any other Farson Ilable lor ths payment ot arry ablfgatlon <br /> hereln mentloned,and wllhoul aHeoting Ihe�ie�a cha�ge of Ihfs Trusl Deed upon eny portlon ol the Property,Benelleiary may,frone time to tlme and <br /> wlthout nolke at the request d one or more Trustors,lil�e�ease any persan Ifabla,(II)extend or re�ew the malurlty or alter dny o}the lerma of any�uch <br /> obUgallona,(III)g�ant other indulgences.(rv)release or reconvey.or cause to he released or reconveyed at any tlme a1 Beneticlery'a optbn eny parcet <br /> a all 01 the Property,(v)take a release any olher or addilianal security fo�any obllgetion hereln mendoned.(a)make seltlementa a other arranyementl <br /> with Trustor In relallon lhereto.All Trustas shell be�olnlly and severat�y ab�geted and bound by the acuons ot the Benellciary or any o�e ar mon Truator <br /> � staled m thls peragreph. <br /> 18.ATTOpNEY REES,COST8 AND ExPEN8E8.The Bene6aary nl lhi9 Tru9t Oeed is entllled fo the payment of ettorney's 1ees,costs and e�penses <br /> a�provlded In Ihls Trust Deed.except es othe►wlse prohfblted by law. <br /> 19.RECONVEYANCH BY 7RUS7EE.Uyon written request of Benet�c�ary and upan payment by Trustor ot Trustee e fees,Trustee ahall reconvey to - <br /> Tr�stcr,or tAe person a persons iegally enutled Iherelo,wlthout warranly,eny ponlo�of the Proaerty then he�tl hereunder.Recitals In such reco�veyance - <br />_ Ot any matt�rs or facts ahe�l be Concluslve prool ol fhe trulhlulnese lhereol.The qrantee in eny�econveyance may be descrlbed as the person pr peraons _ <br /> leg�lly entilled tharet0"� <br /> 20.NOTIC88.ExCept fnr no�lces,demands,requests a�ather communlcallone requi�ed under eppllCabte law to be givan m another manner,wh6never - <br /> BeneltclAry.Trustor or Trustee glvea a servea any�otwe(including,wlthoul Ilmltetion, notice of detault end netice ot sale►,tlema�da,tequests or other <br /> wmmun�catiqn wtth�HSpeCt to thls Tr�st Deed,each such notice,demand,requesl a other tommunicallon gh811 be 1n wtdm9 end sAa11 be OHBCtIve only <br /> it IR�e same Is de�lvered by personal service or la ma�led by ceAlfled maft,postege prepafd.addreased lo Ihe atldree5 as Eet f0►th at eho beginning ol thls <br /> Trus�Ueed.Mv narlv mav at env Ilme chence Its atldress lor such�ollcea by dellverfng or mailing to the otner party hereto,as aro.eea+a,a notica o� _ <br /> such chanps.Any notice hereunder ehell be deemed to heve been glven lo Trustw or Benellclary,when g�van in the manner deslg�ated hereln. <br /> 21.HEQUEST FOq NOTICE.Truslw and Bonellciary hereby requesl a copy of any notice of defaull,and a eopy of eny nollce of aele Ihereunder,be <br />- inaitwi to aach peraon who l4 a party hereto et tha addross for such pot&on aet forth!n tha Nr�t paragrapYc o�fdls 7tu9t Deed. <br /> 22.dOVBRNING LAW.Thls Trusl Deed ahall be yovemed by the lewa of lhe Stele ol Nebraska. <br /> 23.8UCCBSSORB AND ASSIGSNS.Thls Trusl Deed,end all terms,condltlons and obNgatlona hereln,apply to and mure to Ihe beneht ol and binds -. <br /> ell partles hereto,thefr heirs,legatees,devlsees,personel representatives.sutceasors and asslgiis.The term 6enel�ciary"shall mean the owner and <br /> IaIWr ol tfw Nota,whallwr a not named ae Ben8liclBry hereln• <br />