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Y.7 � . . - ._ �-.� <br /> c ��,� � . . . , . . .,•�Ar-• .d�k tCa r. . . _--. r. . . _ <br /> -� . _ .�. . rwrM„�T. <br /> -._._�;-`; � � I w .. _ . <br /> 70 rilOTfCiT TFIF Q�liVan OF THI�TMIbT DE���TRIJ�T�A�IEIIE�Y O�V�ANT�A110 A�ill��N/�OI.��OIMS: . <br /> t.MYIIHti p�MMNC�AI.Alp IMT�lI�tT.TruMor MMN panDly Op wirn du�qw A►Ine�PM d M�d NMMw�on 11»M�d�b1�M�wNN�ad M�r <br /> _ a�.Na..an4.r otlnr c�w� N..a.powd.�a In� 1M pMxJpY af.iw rM�r«c on�r w�«..ewsd 6r ws Tnrt a�/. <br /> Q.MIAfNANn OF TtTLE.Trwlor R WwhiN�►�Nz�d axf Po�MMW of Oood�r�d�d�M�bM tlIM md�.�b t!M iZ"cDnly hK�b!►earwr�►�0 ird <br /> h..a��qm m o�•�+a oom.y�n.�ro�.rt�r:a,.P.o�«er a�«ar,a ciw a w w�r a�,e�.�+o...�a�wwn.�a�.00�a:.�e TMwr.� <br /> w�r►�nt.nd d�Nnd u,.uu.w u+.Propxty apauw au c�a4na wid aamanas. , <br /> 3.MANiTElIAANCRAqOl�01lLIAIiCQIMITH LA1M8.TruMa thW kNpth�P►op�rb In pood��p�fr�nd aondtdon�nd�h�M notoarw�it wW�aAK� <br /> kn�l�rrt►�nt ar cMbrloratbn of tlN RapMry lrld sh�ll aomply witn th�povisbns W anY I�M N Ihis T�veQ OMd f�on�blwAOid.No NIIp�ro�Mn!now <br /> ot h�rNR��nCt�d upon th�Pro�'ty shall bo alqnd�ntrwrrd a d�rtioN�h�d wllhoul tM prfor wNttMl caMM�t of B�n�Nc�t.Tn�lOr thW oomply wUh <br /> all law�,ordtnanon.r�pulations,cownanq,.oar�tlan,�nd natrklbm�ffecdn�tM ProMrty�nd nol oortn�N.wMM a p�rmlt��d b E�dar»In a <br /> upon tlw Propwlx trt�icWqon oF�ry liw.arXnana.cs�W�diah c�ownant,cawlitbn or rostrlcUon.T�atiW oanpt�e�a rNta�pranpty�nd 1n poa! <br /> wawiw�Yk.n,an,.r.ny U�p�vrn,wn�a,a+.Pt+aprt�t.�w�at mayr 4�apm�qfao►d�Fro�da�rJww..wiwn, mim.wr Mbo►p�A«nra.nd ewiws <br /> futni111wd tl1�r�fo►�nd tor�t dtAratlons IMr�ot " <br /> �.r161N1AMCE.TnmWr,a�t ks�xp�rw.irW ma�n�a;a with Ins�xors appl�b1t B�ficl�►.Insurwloe with.rea�aOt to tM tmprowrn�nb�nd PM'� <br /> aaa�r.��D�ns Rop.�ey..O.�+at w..�c tlro.l�gnu,ino,c«n�c1o,a�w otlur v�ib and hazaro.oov«.a bv.s4inn�ra•xwa�a oowpq�IndorwrNne. <br /> k��n�naunt�qwl to at Na�1 on�l�u�dnd pKeqnt u1t'09b)��.tull nplacsrnoM valw thK�ot and InWrBi�ip�intl�uch atMr hazardt and if�iluch <br /> •mouMS w Is cuaamartly carchd D1►�+and ope�alaa�+aian��a�propsrtla or as HsneNciuY m+Y n4uk�tor Ib P���.TnNtor wY1 oort�ply,with <br /> p��opbr nquk�ntras BsnefieiWy m�y hom Uma ta(+ri��quest for ths pratectlonby iruunncs a1 th�lnt�rl»tsot tlw��ctlwparlbs.AYir�Ittiiio� <br /> P��Ml�ntrin�d Pw+w^t to thls Truq ONd il►alt oAme truetar arxl B�naHclary as Insupd.a�n.k ne�t��aa«a�►aav�+r.«+a aopwe+� <br /> -- __._=_- ---� i�o Ik�na G'utGellaflvn a mudi�icnti�m wfUtoul a'!I�asi 15�aye�ia wriiien nGi+tiessiwn w Trucisa and 88��'�a�y prt�euch f�ur�u in tlL•ehir�78t1�3 <br /> wiih the prpvblona of parapraph 8 hs►eof.Truslar shall dellver to 8snefblary�hs aIpMN Polkle�01 Inwrano�e and renewW thenof a menKi obplBY,of <br /> wCh Do1�c16a arid reMwMs thet6al.FuUur�W lwplah wah btwr�by Truqa,a'rM1�lMOla u r�qWnd hrnu�der�Iqdl.q the option ot A�11o11of�t�►,. . <br /> t�autule a d6Tault. ' � <br /> �.'fA1�F8.ASSES9YENYS AYWD CHAROES.Truqa ehall pey aAtaxet.e�sses�mente YrW a�a�.'raT9ea�r�c�tl��lp.,withaut Iwr�tstbn.HtNS Mld 4npoa�Iqq1Y• ,•'• � <br /> atM¢wtabte ta t�e Property and leaaehdd PefrcneMe a 9�ound rente,�t any.befaro lhe sems bacWno t1e11e4uant.l'fuatOr shetl pramP�N fumhh to bOnotkiarY � .��`,° <br /> all noUcso ot avnoums due under thls parapraph,and in Ihe event Trusta shall mp[ce paymenl direclly,Truata a��all promptly(umlah to Benstbirry r6celpte <br /> -a�iaciR,�mg SGCh¢AyRIBFNB:; vnu-aaa@'aim�'v1NS�Yh`�v^.~�^"••t,•�•w��een ge�fleloee'a Intere9t Fur�ln a u�l tllli.'h1�51 OMd---- <br /> wllhoul repard ro A�Y Iaw thet mAY��nacted Imposlrp paymeM of IFw whoN or Any part th�sof upon tM Bor�Hc4uy. — _ <br /> � 8.ADOITIONAL U�IS AND PiiaT8CTI0N OF BENEFIGARY'&SECURITY.Tru�la ehall rnake all payments of intarest u�d prkictpal�nd p�ym�nts <br /> ol any other charges,fess and expensea cantracted tp be pald to eny exleting a aubaaquent Iknhotder a b�naflcluy,under any exlatlnp a wbapuent <br /> mortqay�o►tru�t deed brfae Ifie date IAey tre detlnquent a In delault,and promptly pay and dlaeharp�any and all othK INns,eldms a eharp�s whtah <br /> m�y�wpardize the secuHly$ranted hereln.N T�ustor lalls to make any such payment a(all�to perfam arry of the covan�nln and qrNm�nts oontalned <br /> in thi�Trust Deed,or Ihe NWe referred to herefn,or!n any prio►or wbesquenl trutl deed,a if any actlan or proeNd�np Is comm�nc�tl whlch nl�terlally <br />;�yy.., � aflsets BeneOciary's inle►eat In Ihe Property.Including.but not limlted to,emfnent domeln proceedfnya,pracssdlnpe Invotving a dscodent,nolk:s of s�M <br /> �':ii? � by Tnnlee,notke of detault by Truelee,martyage taectosuro acpon,or If Tasta lalls to pay Trusta's debts generally as they bscome dus,then 8eneficlary, <br />�" at Bene(ICiary's apdan and wlthoW iwtice to a demand upon Tnuta and wltlaut releasing Truator from any obllpotlon hKeunder,may mak8 tuch appMancM, <br />' .,; r,, disWxse such wms and take sueh actlon aa le neeessary to protect Benefklary's intereat,IneNiding,but not Ilmlted W,dlsbureem�nt ot reamoeabl�pttaney'6 <br /> -- -----�t:i'�` lees,paymsnt,pu►ehese,eonte�l a compromise of any encumbrance,charge a lien,entry upon the Propsrly to mak�rspalrs,a dklara�fa►d default <br /> �� � under IMs Truet Deed.In the event that Trusta shaq 1all to pracure Ineurance a to pay taxea,esseasments,a any olher eherysa a to n�ak�are�pAyments <br /> to any exlsling a eubsequent Ik+nholders a existing a wbaequeM beneflclerlea.BeneUCfery mey procure sueh inaurenee and mak�euch p�yr+ienl,but <br /> ahall not be obNgoted to do so.Any emounts dlsburoed by Benellciary purauant to thls Paragraph 8 shall beeome addltlonal Indebtedneas of Trualor aecured <br /> by thl4 Truet Oeed.3uch amounts shall be peyabte upon notke hom Benellclery to Trusta requestlnp payment thereof,end ahall beu inNrht irom the <br /> date of dlsbursement at the rate peyabte trom ttme to time on outstanding princlpal under the Note unteas peyment of Intereat at eueh rete waUd be eondary <br /> � to appllcabla law,in whlch event such emounte ahall bear interest at lhe hlghest rate permis�lble under eppllcable law.Nmhlnp conlWned in this Pa�ograph <br /> �.,.�:' ' 8 shaN requke BenellClery lo Incur any exp�nse a take any actlan hereunder. <br /> 7.ABSN'iNYENT OF RENTB.Benellefary shaN have the rlght,power and authonty duriny the contlnuonce o1 thia Truel Dsed to tol�ect lhe rents,issuea <br /> . �,,�, and proflts ol the Prope►ty and of any peraonel property Icealed Ihereon wlth a withaut taking gossesslon ot the property aHected hereby,end Try9tor ���' <br /> ���� � ��,iitr;q�! hereby abeolutely and uncand►tbnally asslgns all auch rents,issues and prdits to Qanelicia►y.bonel�lary,however,hereby�onsents to the Trusta's =- <br /> . �"'�'�` Odleotlon end retantfon of such rents,issues and prof�ts as they accrue and becor..o payable so long as Truslor Is not,et such Ilme,in defaWt wilh�eap�Ct <br />��'�" ���'��', topayment of any mdebtedness seeured hereby,a In the performenceof eny agreement hereunder.Upon any such delwlt,Beneflclary may at a�y lime, <br /> i:��., '��'" . <br /> � �,v:�.r_,::F:�-w �� either In pereon,by agent,a by e rACelver to be appnfrned by e court.wilhout nouce and wdhout regard lo Ihe adequocy ol any aecuNty for the Indebtetlness <br /> -� :� , hereEy aecured,(a)enter upon and take posaesslon ot Ihe Property or any part Ihereol,end In its own neme eue lor a olherwlse collect such rents,ia�ues <br /> ��� .��;i�,,;:�.� and proflte,including those past due and unpald,and apply the seme,less eosts end e�pensea of operaUon and colleetion,inctudiny reaeanable attorney's <br /> '�� '`-�•;y;e;,,;-dr bea,upon eny Indebtedneas secured hereby,end In such order as 8enehcfary may determine;(b)perlorm such ects ol repeir or protecUon as moy be R <br /> _._+���-r.- • , <br /> �yK�;.,z-_.,� nscessary or proper to conserve the volue ol the PropeAy:(e)lease Ihe seme or any part thereof ta euch rental,term,and upon such conditlor�as Ua <br /> ---�^�u_:.f Judpment may dctate,a terminete a ad�ust the terms and candluans ol exlsUng�easea.Unless Tmsta end 8eneficlary thereof ayrae otherw�se�n wnlmg, <br /> ��.-�:t�.:.: .�. � <br /> �r,�;T�,�.,,,,: any appllcadon o}rant9.issuee or proflts to any Mdebtedneu secu�ed hereby shall nol extend or poslpone the due dete of the Inetallment payments ac _ <br /> �r`-�• povldsd in eeld promissory note or chenge the amount ol wch Installments.The entering upon and taking possesslon of the Property,the c011eetlon _, <br /> .,�'3,.�, , '` • Of such rente,iawes and prol�ts,and the applicalbn thereol es afaeseld,sha11 oot waWe or cu+e any default or naice of delault hereunder or InvalWYte _ <br /> •`-'� � '� � any ect done purauaet to suoh nolice.Truelor elso asslg�s to Beneficlery,as lurlher eecutily for Ine performenCe of the obligattons secured hereby,ell _ <br /> a <br /> ��""e"��� � °� prepeld rents and all momes which may have been or may hereafler be deposdecf wdh sald Trusta by any lessee of the Property,to securo the paymenl � <br /> �.x�n_•.:�_ . .{.r � <br /> �°",x;":��:�r;� ol eny rent or damages.a upon delautt In the peHamance ol any of the prov�sians heteof.Truslor agreea to deliver such rents and depolits tc 8enalic�ary. � <br /> �..� ,�.,a.)':�� Delfvery o1 wrltten notice ol Benellcfary's exerclee of the rfphts yranted any tenant occupylnp seW p►emues shall be suHiC�ent to requ•,re seid `-' <br /> ""°� 7= tNlgnt l0 pey rent to Ihe Benaticlary u�t11 lurther notke. --- <br /> r. i.. <br /> �rt'�:� =:,:C, - <br /> _'.,!'�: •..:. � ,,} '' , - <br />'�:�.,`,,;rs�;_.•�.:.�. 8.CONOEIUNATION.If tiNe to any parl ol the Property shalf be taken m CondemneUOn proceedings,by nght ol emmenl domeiA a�afmlar aellon,or � <br /> "'-�!'"�tis.r��� �, aha�+be sold under threat o}contlem�atlon,all awa►ds,damages and D:aceeps a�e hereby ass�g�ed a�d shall be paid to Benel�e�a�y who ah811 epply �yti- <br />�� x�,�7•�` � ' euch awartlR,damn�{es entl proceetls to the sum secured by thie 7ruat�eed.wiln the excess,if any,pa�d lo Trostor.II Trustor reCe�vos any Aouee or � <br /> ��•..,'�r".� .,.:.t n4 <br /> : '"�'"'"" '.,. other intorm�lwrt rac�ard�ng such actlons or proceedinga,Trustor ehall glve pr�mpt wriflen noUCe thereof to Benef�c�ary.Beneficlery shalr be entstied,al 1 � <br /> Ils commence,ty7poar In and prosecute m�IS own name any such aetlan m proCeedmps and ahall be enAtted to make ony canpromise a settlemont E_ <br /> �, , _.. <br /> � �,��,,, In connpcdon wilh any auch aeUan or proteedings. __ <br /> �f�.. �. <br /> _�..,. 9.FUTURH ADVANCES.Upon requesl of Trustor,Benel�la�y at Benehclery's option,pr�or to recunveyance ol the Properry W Trus►a,may make � <br /> I.a.....d.........�..T.�..�... G.n6 1.n.�.a e.l��nnn�u.i16�Ma�ef�6rnnn chnll h��arurrf hv Ihla Tn�ef fLwaA whan avidwnrwrf fw erem.srerv nntwa nlalina <br /> _.�'"'�"`���,"'�''� that BeW notea are secured hereb ►ovlded thet at no time ehall the sQCUred inci a�and lulure advances.not Includin sums advaneei!to rotect �. <br /> c c�: • ,.� Y:P M P � S P <br /> ��"-'_'��'�• IFN e�CWity,exCaed Nro hu�dred percent(�'N�)of the orlginal pnnclpal amowrts secured hereby. <br /> ��:��.r:.-,•.c�.�_�� <br /> .'-�1}�.+ �. <br /> - �,v�;,��� 10.REiYiEWE&NOT FJ(C�i�S1YE.Truslee end Benet�c�ery,and each uf Iheen,Sfwli De enl�ll@d to e�tf��n peyaianl nud{wrlurmance or Yrry�ndet�ludness <br /> -��'�`� pr pbllpelfOn6 aeCUred herWy and to exerclee a!I rlghis and powera under tlt�s Trust Ueed or under any Wher agreement BxecuteE m COenetnen herewdh <br /> ���������" a any lawa now a herrtafler�n fwce,noririlhstaoding some or eN of Ihe aueA Mdebled�ess end ob��galions secured herepy mdy now or Herealter be <br /> �i'`�',i �.: ,.u. <br /> "=a^..� �,1�-,�s_h otherwise aecured,whalher by mongage,lrust deed,pledge.6en.eas�gnment or othetwlse Neilher the acCeptence o�lMS Trust Oeed nor ds isnferCement <br /> � ''�;��r:- �'• whether by couh eCtion a pur6uant to the powet ol eale a olher powers herdm contafned,shall pre�ud�ce or fn any manner aflect Trustee's or Beneficiary's <br /> ;"��t rl ht to reellze a enlorce en othe�seCUri now p herepfler heltl b trustee w BeneNCla �t bem reed that Trustee a�d Benetiaa and each <br /> `.�i.:��.�r-:.�lr'F 0 � Y �Y Y ►Y� 9 89 rY• — <br /> w,� � �- <br /> � _ <br /> _ <br /> +�R� �' <br /> �1'� • <br />_����_ --_ .:5�_ <br /> x� i` ' . <br /> 1 , � <br />