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. _1,'� . .��.., . _ , . �... � ;:. .. .rw,6.�i+.«sP�rt- . . . .7,�tn:�- 1-, t�•�:ct�t�!i��.•r•'.•-a-.�_r.:�'...:�_�'a,, __ <br /> ..'_. . . . " . . � .. . . i. • ._�,��.��;".,;.__ <br /> . .�'.� u � ...�:S��i"r_ <br /> �, • . - • �� •+�a� ,9�` ° � � �'���'" : .. <br /> ,.fi 4. <br /> •Z2. �ee�pn �M A�rlr�!�lM�t �i Mi'�+�M 4��rr. 'l�aQtherl�_rd a.��-—:?. <br /> - - �� �`'�;yrLwt��idil i�d iad ber.if�t tbe�i��ooafon a�d wi� otY.�rl�r rad Hur�v�+r.w�jax to�t�r►�vfttoq��` _ °- <br /> 1�M� A��• �+'�er'� aovuw�a iwd � �11 es)ai�t a�d�wrrnl. �y sonow.r wb aa�dps tW e1e��r ... .- <br /> � 1Mromeat bat dnew not exa�a t6e No�a:(a)b�o�ai�,�d�4 8eoiufty It�t ady to p�ortp/�.prt ind aowwh!�Yt ,. <br /> Bortow�r'�inoerest in tLe Pinpeety nnder ths Mn�oF tW�Sepnity IaM�uaneait�(b)Is aot penao111y.abli�Md w p�y tMe wor . <br /> �eatred by thi�Secu�ity Iaatt�eeeot�a�l(c)�recs tda�e I�c+�der aod my o1Gt�t Barmwet iq�y�roe W e�taid�wo�di,t9�loalwrr ar <br /> arla a�y�000aionodMk�wYb n�rd to tbs k�aar ot'd�t Seauiq►Iu�pamnat a W�Nots wlt4oat tlyt.11oe�wre'i corNit,. , ' _ <br /> !3.iValloa. Auy notioe w Bonow�er pavidod tar ia this Seaplry�aaonunaic�baU ba aivea by ddlv�atin�#1 os bar� . <br /> it by tir�t ctw a�ail unla�appliaif�le!aw requiros a�a of�nathot method.'I'be twtioe�lull 6e di�cied w the•Pmpa�ty Addro�t <br /> or aay otber �ddca� Borrowor dai�attes by notloo to Londos. Aqy natioe to t.pda�11 I�e�ive�l by 1it�1 d�s m�i)ta� <br /> Lader'�addrc.0 st�ted hetein or�qy add�os�I.a�d�r dai�{aatd by notke w Borrower.My notioo p�ovlded!a in thit 5ecqtit� <br /> Imaumau sladl be deemed to have been�Iv+e�to Bomuvrer or t�ender wba►�iven a pmvided ia.ihi:p�mph. � <br /> U. Governia� I.��vi 3evawbiNty.�71ds Sa;udty Inpiument �tnll ba govcmed bY fodaal•law and thtr la�v of pi�+�:. '•. . <br /> jurlsdicxian ia.wB�ch t4e P�npetty Is located. In the evau tbn any prevldon or cl�e of thie�Se4u�1t�!'Instnumeas or tLe NW�s�•;:, <br /> oon�icte wlth ap�lioable law.oucd oonflict it�ll not affact other p�oviiions of this Sooudry Inururrlcatit or tho Nate which wn 1►c� .• <br /> _ " ',ai.Kea e�'oct'�WNibut the oonfli�proviqion:'Ib tMc atd tMs provletons pf thit Security Ia�tiutrp�lt•+u�A.the Note�re ded�ItOd�';, <br /> Yobe et+re�ip. . . �+. ,�: <br /> . � . <br /> -_-- 13.�a+rtwwter'�Gopy.i�orrowcr chall bo�ivoa afw wnfaraiod�qppY�a�d�Spqip�ry�In�hua�cat. � �:; : . - <br /> ,. . . �� �. <br /> . ,.� <br /> 16. Assi�smt ot Reata. Borrowor unrnnditionally Assigns�efcra to Lerwler Wi the rd►tc wl neveaues of'the� ,;. <br /> Proparty.Bocrowcr authorizes L.ender or Lend�x's agenta to oollect thc rcnts and revenues ar�d hcrcby dirxts e�ch tenant of Ihc <br /> Property to pay rh�rent�to I.ender or Lender's agemr. However.pdor to L,ender'�n9dee w BortnWG'of Borrowu'�Meach of• � <br /> �ny o�ven�u�t ac a�seema�t in�he Sxurity lnetrumtnt. Botrower shall oolleat and rocnive all�ents�ird r�wcnuos of the Pmpeny. <br /> ss uustoc fot�l,e banc�t of Lender end &�rnnwer. TII�B i�4��M1CIlI Af 1QIIli QOilit�[IIICi ill�MAIUtO�j1U11011t�Ild IIOt�11.. <br /> assigmaent�for a�c3itionrl�ecurlty oniy. � , <br /> .. _ <br /> if l.�ender gives notice of br�each to Borrower:(a)all r+enta roixived by Horrower shall bo held by Borrower ar ttustee for <br /> benefit of L�nlier only.t�q,pe aRplic�w t�qtpms secured by�he Secudty Instnunent: (b)LeMer�hall be a►titicd w oollect and <br /> m�lvs�!!s!'!!K �enls Qt'stx l�raperty: e� fc?eech t�t�tr4��C ��Y.�4�l1 paY s!! s+eatsitlue aud � to I,.a�ts or <br />�^�� LendePs agent on l.ender's wrfnen dems+ncl to the tenant. � <br /> ,.:.,�i�� <br /> �r,av:auc:::'.�11 . <br />___._-_ti� Horrower l�ac not eaecuted eny pdor assignment of 1he rents and i�as not and wip not pert'arm any act that would provent <br />-_-=__= l.encler from exercising its rights under Ihis paragraph 16. <br /> -=--:� <br /> �:�� L.ender xF+ail not be required to enter upon,teke control of ur maintafn the Prapert}befare�r after giving notice of brsuch . <br /> - -- � to Borrower. Firnvever, Lender or a judiclally appointed receiver may do so at any lit�e�hea�s p breach. My applicadon of <br />�,°� rents shall not cure or waive any default or invAlidete any other r�ght or remedy of I.cncler.This as9i$iupent af renta of�th� <br /> ;.y.,_:�„ Property shall tem�inate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is peid in full. • <br />_T'�`�,.'� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bc�rrower and I.ender further covenant and egree ac follaws: � <br /> � �� 17.Foreclasvre Procedure.if Lender requires immediate paymenl in full under puragraph 9,Lender m�y lnvoke t6e <br /> ` '` power ot swle and any other remedtes permitted b�• applicable Ipw. [.ender ahall be entttled to rnllect aH expeases <br /> "�`�=��f�, incumed in pursuing the remedies under thts patAgrnpfi 17�including,but nat lirrdiled to,reasonAWe attaneye'�ees and <br />`=``.`�±::"' Cos1s of title evidence. - <br /> It the power ot sele!s invoked, Trustee sliall record u notfce of defAUlt In each counly in which any part oP ihe <br />_ . . Property is IocAled And shall mail wpi�.s uP such notice fn Ihe manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to <br />�_•,�� , the other persons prcreseribed by npplicable law.ARer lhe tlme requlred by applkAble law,Truslee ahaU give pubflc notice <br /> of sale lo the perxons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Tnutee,without demnnd on Borr�+ver, s1�11 srll <br /> ��'� tl�e Pr+o��erty At public auction to the highest bidder at t�he time and place and under tl�e terms deslgnated bn the notice a� <br /> .�'` > ' ' �ale in one or more parcels and in any order Tnutee determines.Trustee may po�tpone ss�le of all or any parcel ot the <br /> _ �'�"� Pmperty by public announcement at t�;dme and pince of An�• prevlously scdeduled sale. l.ender or its desigaee may - <br /> a � purchase the Property at any sWe. -- <br /> ---�_•_ - <br /> � :. <br /> ��4RINE1 r,y.e m a y� <br /> :'�� w <br /> . ,�i"ir'�: <br /> ��:.� <br /> �':�J��S"f;! - <br /> �. ;..i.: �• -: <br /> 4� t"1�,? �i',;?!��' r,-:�.7_�`__ _ ^-n.-�.-•-----�n....�.^�..+��-+_�-� ----- �---ti r t5 - :.',r �� ._ .--�--r�-�.,�.rs�r.;on•- <br /> ��� / 5 �� �l�4 . � �}' . , . - r. .����!/� � �y,q +�F1 l - <br /> 1)i �I�f{�! t ° �ff'.} ,'i'H � F� � ttf �if���1TSLS�'� t�� �k��d�wi'�C �t�e.� <br /> .11� �7l�f��f�� . .�4t 5 •�f . , � - . S llt.. .�1�.�rr+�r�:!:t!S �i i t �� --��- '. � ti iSIY���... <br /> �s�(��y�� ,tr� ' � t S�,, fty'�•, , 1' � ,. : `�;, r=i} �•�,�('�:��.�;! �1C�?�.i s,�ij+tt _��'�r`.t;:n.�. � ��: -'- <br /> ? �,�(� `�y.�!y ua1'�,r e�.�.w,=a--- <br /> '__'tu4.�{I• _.S.J_xz. ' ' ` �"(1_L�L'TA�W�f.n.:S/e3`t7Al�_,-_ <br /> - ��- - --- --------. . -_ _- ' -_-- -"-- � -- _--�- -__= l :�-'. :{c�,�� ' id __"'i�T�= �f xarv�-w <br /> .��`V � ��,�4�pt� � 't��� . � ` . - .i 1: �21 ' H�{: <br />� �.e�i!��-�.d'�, . S��! �l�l•. . � . � . .. , . . . ' � � - . ,, . . ' .L -.. <br /> � .. <br /> r.,• ., <br /> . . . _._ <br /> .._"",--o.._-:i.._y----�.••--•--�.r-�.�.---•.;._._._"_._��._T'___ ... .. . .. 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