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� � �� � � �Lt ___ _ <br /> �:��� . • j• , � . ��� �� �:� — <br /> 'w~ . . . � � :'.�.j::�.1iA.'K�1:�\'f 7��,��p�� �.�lV �" . `�4�i�: �:'i-1�"l:• I�� _ ' _ _ <br /> , : ' 'n . �� � . ` ���eowit •aerl-a�irli 1�:�/� � <br /> .. . ��.��,�,�,4s c�e�e�s:��i!��;h� . � _ . .. _ <br /> • ���b�►r.aa M�pM►,i�iiit�i��w��M w"!�'w dn�r i�i�at�i.i i�i:r�;�. .' �`_^�,' _ <br /> ,. .,a"���...._- <br /> ., j� odMa a6�e�es widl�ti!!W1�ie�lA►' � - �:�-.�.;��:..w=��,.. <br /> t'1r'r' w�D' ;��� , ,�: .. - , � � . ,�� :., •:��: <br /> ••�n{i.i, H :d MM':�� ,� ur: i••:�1'+t , '*�. <br /> , '�,�1r!l�+� �x �� . r�,� i. . .. , � <br /> ' �, w,wt�u. i�der w�y, �a���!'�*�ta�i�ea by da Sa�t�ry U d»c�:at P.,�wrt d.a�w. . , _ <br /> nqufte imonedl�le pq►meat ln tY�U d�II�sewredby 1W Seauily Ia�duatlat itt . <br /> p)Eo1ro1M�def�l�u by bili�t0 p�y Itl tWl�ly nw�l��Y���N�pY��y��q°� � <br /> oa the dne dMe uf'tbe next a�oatldy p�yn�ent�ar � ' . <br /> (li)Horrower ddaula by fi�itia��for�pe�riad of thi�ty d�y�� to Paform�RY atber obU�Md6n�uortdaed ia tld��� . <br /> Security lmhament. � . <br /> (b)Sale VYlthoat Cralit Appe+nid.I.eiden r6d1. it pamiqed by�pplia�blo I�w ad wltd the�rior�d 14e � ,. <br /> .�I;:. <br /> Sep��ry. roquiro immedUue psymmt in 1bU of�II wms iecurod bY thia Socudly Inanunwt ifr��••;:... <br /> (iy Ap or p�rt of tho Propatty. or�bu�eticlal interaa in�tiuu ownin��Q or pat oi:1�o,�� �o�d or <br /> othawi�o pyutcfarned(other tlwt by dovica or desant)bY the 8ormwor�aad ' . � <br /> (ii) '1Lo Property i� not oxupiad by t�e purcl�ner or pruree �c di� or ha� ptltMllpnl�cesida�ee. or th�e ;:y, <br /> - - �w�n�we ir a�raa dc�ia oow�py tLe Pe+np�ty but hit or 6a�c�edi�L�s not b�eeq�pQo�avbd 3�i aooaad�ooe urh6 fha.. ���'-. <br /> —= req�ir�naeats of the Seeeeury. �;�:. � .,. , .,:, <br /> ��' .f ��(b)No Wsiva�.If cinaun�ta�es occur tluit wwdd pemtit I.a�der to re�iro im�►t:�;�:�,'�4�t i�.�'iaz��doa '. <br /> ,,,. ; <br /> . �, not requiro�uch p�y�. I.a�der does not waive iu dghts v►�th�a cubce9�ent ava�ts:,���'' : . <br /> . _ . . ,.,, <br /> �� (d)�'bt'HW Sec�u�.•."�a''m&ny'ci�cudiatii�oes� `� �saued 'fhe 3e,ae,�«�•will iimit I.a�der's <br /> �gul��ff�� b�! <br /> �� rights in the caqe of pryment def�ulis to requi�e jmroedi�te ppymcnt i»,iWl Ai{d foraclose H,nac p�id. Thi�Seoudty <br /> .:�.-v' Tn�n�nra�t doa�idt Wtho�i�'c�:cek�ration ar forecloa�ne if not pamiqed by,eb��latione of tUe Searot�ry. <br />-_?�f.`eII� � . - I � <br /> :`�,, <br /> '-.-���;" � . (e)Mo�e�Vat l�ncured.Borrower agr�s that ehould this Savr�ty Inst�ume�t�Arid tbe Not�.socarod ti�ereby not be . ,.,i <br /> h.}`= eligible for insurance under the NAtiooal�3au:ing AM within 60 days from the da{e b�t+eof.Lerider mty�u it�optlon •� : <br /> -- ,an�l notwithstanciing ttnyti�ing i�i pa�'��aph 9. resNi�isnnxdiase payns�ss ia fu!!o'f a!�swm aerum!!ry thls�tltlty '' .. . <br />'�',� Inatrument. A��vdttcn etatement of uny autliorizod agent of the Secrctary datod.subseyuent w 60 daya frnm th�a'date <br /> - heroof,declining to insure this Socurity Instrument end t he Note secu r o d t her e by, s h e l l b e d a m e d oonc lua ive pr c w P o f <br />�.�, , such ineli�dbiliry. Notwithstanding the foregoing. thfs option may not be exerclsed by Lender whcn tlb umvailability <br />_ - of insumnce is solely due to Lender's fui lure to remit a mortgege insurnntx premium to the Seeretary. <br /> 'tl•�' 10. Rdnslntement. Borrower ha� a right to bc rein�tateii�if t.eni�er has requi�eb im�+lediete paynient in full ba�use of <br /> � ; Horrnwer's failu�+e to pay an emount due under the Note or this Security lasuument.'fhls dght opplks cven after fo�ecbsune <br /> . proceedings ero instituted. To refnstate the Security Instrument. Burrower shdl tender in a lump sum all amounts requircd w <br /> '� �,; ,-. bdng Borrower's accaunt current including. to the extent they are obligations of Borcower under thic Secudty InsWment, <br /> foreclosure costs and masonable and custanary attomeys' fees and experoses properly associated wiW the foroclosuro <br />-� . ;t�; proceeding.Upon reinstetement by Borrower,this Secudty Instrument end the ablfgations that it secures shall remaln in et�'xt <br /> as if Lender had not required immedia�e peyment in full.However.L.ender is not required to permit reinstatement if:(i)Lender <br /> hxs accepted reinstt�tement after the commencernent of foreclosure p�oceedings within two years immediately p r e o e d ing t h e <br /> ,�•;t rnmmencement of A current foreclosure proceeding, (ii► reinstutement will preclude foreclosure on different grounds in Ihe <br />" •'.��;:,�,��.};►' future,or(iii)reinstntement will adversely nffect the priority of the lirn creAted by Ihis Security Instrument. <br /> „_.:.�..�;. <br />• F;� ""�"` � .. I1.Borrower Not Released;Forbcarance Dy Lender Not a WAiver.Exlenslon af whe time of payment or modifiauion of <br /> ��� emortiwtion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by [.ender to any successor in intercst of Horrower shall <br /> _`:a�, ,.'.. <br /> .r- not operate to relcasc the liubility of the origina! Borrower or Borrower's gucceysor in interest. l.ender shall not be roquired to <br /> "`•'"" �� commence proceedin;.against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time Por payment or otherwise modify amorti�ation <br /> �, '� . of the sums secured by this Security Instrumern by re:tson of any demand made by tfle original Bonower or Borrower's <br /> , "�' ��. • ? succes,�ors in interest. Any forl�earance by Lender in exe�cising any right or remedy shnit not be a wafver of or preclude the <br /> ��.. �' exercise of eny�lght or remedy. <br /> �t:_ _ - <br /> _ - �,.,:._-_•.-_ <br /> . - �p,.;' . . . �►. ����E) Ppo�al 6 <br /> � :it'". ' � . ' � <br /> �j ' � i <br /> rF�!�• ' . . • � i <br /> .i.'�:-_ , -���r . <br />.. � � �— <br /> . . . ',t,� , . �1++�� ' ..r--;�T,� _'.. ' ,-_..,.l+n.��'��r.'+�}�Vi��`t� a!'��7t���j�4-�}�� . ..�,�..� <br />- t BI�Mi:....ti , �, ����;H e- �• , - .. rr�'���}�` . _ �•'�,� S'=�?1tT�.���5j.����iL4h1�OC�.ti -. <br /> . . . . . : <br /> :. (: ri�rv�'�� ����ki�f�f ' , , ,�•.����- .��j..�•�•. J i It 1�1f/�(!J{f \�!.'d�'^i���v:�'u+' <br /> , . <br /> � • � ' <br /> -..�� , , .r:�. . . .. . - r� Cli +t �r..,r�?a'rvnm..-. <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . . ���� _. .'.__'-___ _. _. .—' " _- _._ ._. '.��Y�'lt�i�.�t[.i���lnthr.iJ.� " <br /> __:_ __. . .___ . _. --.--_ ._—____.._--_ _ _ .� --�_ _. _ . _ . _, - ,• _ - _ -s- <br /> .�� . 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