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. . . . ..... , _ _ <br /> ... -'-.--'IL.`l•.t=C~` , ,. . r . .wY1M�'�`'r!!-�.YC:Ck:,'1:±rin,.. . �' ._ . nss�.+�'=sW?..V�:=r'�..-.._._. <br /> � .. . _ . � .. . . � - � . . ° T�:�"r-°- <br /> • .. �� � <br /> • pmlod�t!��er�'�- 7ho-l�nce c�eF�!dln���+a�Wl w d�by�a!!�l�I��[.e1lde�r�► -., � <br /> �ppnc�vN rv4icb�11 uot b��r��bFy w3�WeW. I�Aarnwu tMIM b wd�1�Y y�Aa�a4tNd rbow.t mqi�iM <br /> 1�r1�apio�,abuh oaw�b�oMat Lwderti�iu dN�M a000rd��wllh p�e�p�7. , r <br /> � A11 inw�seo�poUoia�nd rwrMr�lt tlaill bs b �nd�h�D Y►chde a N��drd o1NUM. I.�Id�r <br /> � .hd�Mro nb�i�t�o lala aie poNate..ia�ax�h."°°�p"b`'Lend��qa�w,sorrorwt.l�a poa�Pas►ave w .0 r.oe�M. . <br /> I <br /> a�wdd Promiunu�nd rmewal no�be�. Tn�he aveM�!loa�Be�o*rer.lNII dw prompt aatlor a iY irMwMOe ar�ri�r ad <br /> I.Mda: lrendet mny ia�ioe rtooEd loe�if not a�de pna�tly b�►Ba��uwa: <br /> Unte�n I.aidor and Ban�alhetvvire a�noe in Mrtidn��wnoep�ed��hdl be�pplbd W ro�oatioa ar r�pir o�f <br /> eie If the m�toatbn or ropdr is eoonondailly feanible aid I�aMierL��cmity i�not Ia�aMd. If d�e <br /> n��ar r ii no1 eoonomic�Hy faKible a l.e�dert�ewrhy wouW be le�aad,d1e inwr�noe p�oo�M�bW be <br /> appiied b d�e amu aecarod by tl�is 3eeurity ta�auaia�wMaher ar na d�ea due.with�ny eROa�p�b a Bano�ra: U <br /> Banvwer a6mdo�a tho Pna�p�y.or doea aat aa��rer wi�in 30 days a�wd�from l.atder ihM the�c�kr ha <br /> otta�ed W wdtle�cl�im�tba�I.ender m�y oolloct Ibe imu�noe proeeed�. l.ender m�y u�e the peooeedt to or m�eore <br /> tha Property ar a p�y ams�ecured by tbi�Seauity LatndnaM.whed�er ar not�ba�dwe. The 30�daY i� �� <br /> the notioe i��iva�. <br /> Unku I.a�der uid Bonower atherwwl�e+�roe in writ�.aoY�ca�oO d P'�ooed+w P�ir�Cip�l+lu�li aot exta�d a <br /> pa�tpooe die due due of the mo�whlY WY�nefemed w in p�aj 1 aod 2 ar cbre�o tl�o�mo�a�t ol�4e p�eata..If <br /> w�dcr par�gmph 2! tho is�cquirod by Isnder.Bamwert ri�6t w�n!�P��+�P�� <br /> flom dam�o to the P1ope�ty�a to We acxyuisitioll r4d1 pas q I�dldet b the e�u[st of re w�la ietwed by Ibk Setlril�► <br /> Imtrwna�t immediately prlor to tho ition. <br /> f. OocYp�pc� PraervaHoa. wid Protactfo+� or tMe Propat�: Rorraw�er'� I.aM A�pliealio�; <br /> Lasebold�. Homower�11 ac�.��1i�6.and use ihe Pmpeity as Bartowerti pruic�pd�sida�oo within�itua►d�y�afler <br /> - - ihc cxccwiat�of t6is Securiry Iasm�ci m�uf�i1 c:n�ti��ta u�tu�y�G�F,u�uty rr,�li�ruv.crk p�incipi�Wa�oa far at <br /> ,—�---— : -- �—-—_-- <br /> le�tt ono yau �fter Ibe date vi oocy►r�'icy. nnless Lender od�avvlse �es ir� w�itin�. whirb coman tlWl aot be <br /> un�a�onably withbcld.or unless oxtaw�ting ch�cumsw�ces exist whicb�rc baya�d Bonowerk ooatrd. Bortow�er shd!nat <br />- -- destroy.damaBe or impa�thc Propeny.aUow tUe�w deterior�ae.a oommlt waste on the Ptutperty. Aarower�hall <br /> be in defwlt lf�ny fode[auo�ctian a poc�oediae, civil ar crimiinl,is 6e�an th�t in LsMer1��ood f�th jnd�ata�t <br /> coukf tesuU in forfciwre of the PtopMy or athawisc m�Uy imp�ir thc lia� c�eated by dils Se�urity �or <br /> I.ate9erk security intenes� Bortower may c�r�e soch s defau6a nu�d teinst�te.u povided io puagniph 18.bY�the anion <br /> • , ' ar provooding ta be dismissad with�nding l.ender�s good faid�determin�t�oo,procluda fafeitu�e of tbe Bato�erk <br /> -�:: intee�eu in the Property or odkr nwterial im{r�imxnt of the lien crcate+l by ihis Sa�utity Insuwaeat or I.enderl� secu�ity <br /> "' � inte�est. Bamnwer shdl also be in default if Baxvwer. during the la�a� applicatia► prooess. gave nu�teritlly fal�e or <br /> in�xumtc infomuuion or atatements to I.endcr(or fa�led w provide Le�der with my materid infomution)in oomoctim wifh <br /> the lwn evidenced by �lte Note, includi�g, 6ut not limited to. ons concoming 8orrowerls y of tha <br />_����.• Prutxrty as�principaE residence. If this 5ecurity Inswma�t is on a essehold.Bortower sluJl camply with�providaw <br /> = of ti�ie�. ft'Sarowcr�cquires kz usk ta ihe Fro�rty.tbe ie�sehoW an3 ihe fec tidc drslf nos as��tmlrsc I.�a�rr�c: <br />•:.�'� to�he merger in wrlting. <br />:�r� 7. Protectlon ot I.eader'a Rishts iu +t�e PropeMy. If Bomower fails to perfwm t6e covet+;an�s and �ema�ts <br /> cantained in this Security InsuunK�n,or tt�eve is a leg�l proccedi�g �hat may signifkandy affect Lander�dghtu in Ihe <br /> Property(such es a proceeding in b�ankruptcy,prolwte.for condemnation or forfeituro or to enforce laws or nsguladons),then <br /> Lendcr may do and pay for whatever is necessary to prote+.-��he value of the Propeny and C.enderk ripfits ln the Propcty. <br />. ,,• Lxnder�a ections may include pnying any sums secured by�lien which has priority rner this 5ecurity basbumen�appwring <br /> in court,paying�eusoneble atrorneys'fees arsd entarL�g on the�nperty«�moke�palrs. Although l.euuder may W�e action <br /> underthis pa�agrnph 7.l.enderdces not have tn do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender undtr this parograph 7 shall become additionul debt of Bomower secwed by this <br /> _ Security Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and l.ender ngree w other terms of payment,thexe amounta shall bear intcreat from the <br />- date of disbursement at the Note rate w�d shall be payuble.with interest,upon notice fi�om Le�der to Bomnwer requestin� <br /> � :'°�� Payment. <br /> �, 8. Mortga�e Insurance. If Lender�aquimd mortgnge insurnnce as a candition of making the Ioan socu�ed by Ibis <br /> :,�.;:.�.,��;• Security Instrument, Borrower shall puy t!� premiums reyuired to muinwM th�matgage insurance in effect. If. for any <br /> " rcason. the mortguge insuronce coverage required by Lender lopses or cea+es to be in effect. Borrower shaQ pay Ihe <br /> • �°�' premiums required to obtein coverage substnnti�lly eyuavalent to the mohguge insurance previously in effect,art a cost <br /> '-*`�'����'` •� substuntially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mora�age insurance previoussly in e�'ect,from en alternate martgage <br /> ''` �� ` � � lnsurer approved by Lender. If substantinlly equi�ulem mortguge insurance coverage is not uvailable.6orrowet ahali pay to <br /> �►�"� Lender each month a sum equul to one•twelfrtfi af�he yeurly mortgage iustir;mce premium being paid by Brxrower when the <br /> �' �'•�,�F insurnnce coverage lupsed or ceased to be f�etiec�. Lender wiU urcept,u,r•ind retain these paymentr�^�lrss reQ���-!::lfe3 <br /> �a}a���,�;g��•�- of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve pnymonts may no longer be requind,at the option af l.ender.if mortgage insurnnce <br /> •,�;`•�:�';f;`�'�'� coverage(in tlie amount and for�he period thut Lender reyuireti)provided by un insurer upproved by Lender ugatr.becomes <br />__ �rr,;s ..,�...•, <br /> �ft.;::�<.:� uvAiluble and is obtnined.Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to muintain muhgnge insurance in effect,or to pmvide a <br /> •�. �' ; .�t,y��� loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgoge insurance end+in accordunce with any written agreement between Borrower <br /> ., ,�,:•�/t���;.': . end Lender or epplicable luw. <br /> � ' 9. Inspectton. Lender or its ugent muy muke reasonu6le entrie,upon und inxpections oi the Praperty. l.ender shnll <br /> ,,,;.. �� give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to un inxpec�ion specifying rcnxon�ble ca4ose for the inspertion. <br /> �+ ':�;;,�;i-'';"`, !0. Condcmpatloa. :'I:c procc¢ds of any auard or�1ai���fur Juu�agea,Ji�e�t ar conscyucntial,in conncciion with a��y <br /> �,;j=;;lti�. <br /> ,, �;,,,.�f�ls): � . <br /> Singk Family••Fannie D1re/F�eddk btac IINIRURM INSTRUM�NT••Unifam Coremnu 9/90 (paKe 3 oJ6 pa�asl <br /> � t: aeu we�surxw vom..rK.■ <br /> �1�• �(��ltj'�:�;,' ' ' ' »are��,�a�aosaueouaor�s�b��•na� <br /> •:��ti,,�,f,.•xr�.,:.,.,,ciV <br /> ^'Y'..:ii•:.Y�/ ' :�91 <br /> � �{ .:?�cJt•4ti;�' . <br /> h�%.�'��r;4��Y;�'.��`�' <br /> _`i' '�';'�'(�/l',(ti%��r' <br />_ ri�l4ei�;ili�8�7:1G�� 7t� ) �.. . �� _. <br /> 1• 111�. f T(� <br /> L 1�::i�l � t�i ,.'1. .. . . .�I+l'.� . ,�� 1i� i .1'�f �:'. "S::- ,ar <br />,`� ,� '����,-��•�,�:, .:�:��. - � .. . .. . . . .. ' ��f I�J:.�. . '''•"_,y�1 ' cw.f•k1��i_ �— _ _ ... <br /> � �V y ^ <br />� � �-•��h���(�nt�..�,�� in��'t'fly;, .. - . r _� �1 - 1�r ��. a. '_.��arts <br /> n;,a, _i :; y - <br /> . . ��..�yL � ' �1 s��• t ,�� <br /> " :.�1r�arr..a��6v,�,w� L . .. 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