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„ ., _ <br /> _�«i � � , ' ..a-r..' . . <br /> � 93' s�s� � � . __. ._ <br /> _- - 7�aa�77i�a a�mf f�e�SO�nn aow ar hars�la e�cua on el�r�.-iy.�na.0�..�a�aln���. <br /> and Ncaaos novw a 6ero�faec�p�rt of dia Prop�Y• A!1��nd additk�ar�tw{i�iw be cr,verad by q1�Secwiry <br /> laM�wne�N. All d'tbe ton�ai�h rohned to la thi�Secwiry Inpmr�oet a the"plroparty.” <br /> BORROWBR COVBNAN'13 dwt 8a�mwer l�l�wfufly�ed of the eq�te ha�y aonveyed�uid tuu the rijht w�nt <br /> �utd oonvey tbeProperty and thtt Iho Pto�ty u un�c�at�bere4 esoept far a�cumh�noes of neoord. ilonuwa wur�a imd <br /> wW dateM Rawally dia dUb�o Ihe Piropaty�inst dl cuims�nd dan�nds,wbject to any encum6ranoes of�rcqd <br /> nils s�CCUrtmr nvsTieuMBNT oon,wnes wdt«rA cove�u. r«nwtiomu we ,nd noa�waram coven�na wjth <br /> lhnioed vMWans by jtaisdiction MeonsNtuee A ueifi�nm eecuriry inswment wverina real praporty. <br /> I![�i1PORM C�OVBNAN'i'S. Borraw�and I.ender ooveaant and�ree u follows: <br /> L h��e�t d Plrheipl�M INawt;Pre�,ya�eot a�d I,�ate Ci�sr=a. Bortower sIW!P�PU9 P�Y wha�fia�he <br /> �uf and i�wa�at o�d�e de6t ovi�fencod by the Nae and wy P�P�Y�and We dwrga due uadu the Nae. <br /> Fhr�tbr 7Yuer rud 1r�aNOE. Subject to�pQ1icabb law ar to a wtitten waivu by L.ender.Bormwa:hwll pay to <br /> lra�eier an 1he d�y mqiMhly p�yma�ts are duo w�dar the Note.und�t tl�Note is p�id in iull.a aum('Funds")fcx:(a)Y�Y <br /> tues�nd�u which may MWa piaity owr tl�i�Secvrity buuwnait a��lien o�the Ptope�ty:(b)YauiY Ieacehold <br /> p�er�triund m�u oa tho Propaty. if�ny: tct) Yeu19 6��rd or property Insurance pnamiwns: (d) Yeu19 flood <br /> ii p�aaiw�s.if any: (e)Y�Y��+�Sa � prantums.if anY: �(��Y�WY+� bY Borrnwrx to <br /> l.a� acoo�d�e with tbe provisians of p�u�gnp6 liw of Wo paynxnt of mortgage insuranex p�emlume. 7'heso <br /> iten�s�re called"Bccrnw Itans" l.eitda m��ny time.colloct+�ad bold F1uKis in an amount nat to exceed the muimum <br /> mwuet a Ia�Aer tor�fedenlly�elatad matg�ge lown may �quine for BarrowerY escrow account under da tedor�l Rdl <br /> Sst�to Seplenia�t Pnooedures Act of 1974 as amended fcom timo to time.l2 U.S.C.4 2601 et Jeq.("RBSPA"),unleas�nother <br /> I�w thu applia to the H�nds sets�k�ser a�t�oun� If so.t.a�der�ny time.colloct aM hold li�nds in�n amount not to <br /> _� _� ract�!! tl�e !e!s�e!!lattsN. L!�c�!t m�y esNm�te rhe rv�mt of iLnds due on the h�i� of cument dw and masambk � - <br /> esdmates of oxpendldues of fuhae Eu�row Items or ottiarwlse in accordance with applieabk IAw. <br /> 71�e PbMs shaA be held in an inuitution whoao deposits uc insurcd by n federal agency. iasuurt�a� entiry <br /> (includL�g Lerder.ii I.ondcr is such an institution)or in any Fedarnt Home l.oan B�nk. Lender ahaQ apply the Funda to pAy. <br /> tNe Escrow Items. l.onder may not ch�rge Bonower for holding wtd Apptying the FLnds.annually a�ulyzing the escrow <br /> �ocoun� or verifying the P.scrow Items. unless l.ender paya Harower intuest on the ii�nds and applicable law pe�mita _ <br /> I.�nder w make such a ch�rgo. Hawever.Lender may roquine Barower to pay a one-timc charge Fur an indepeaknt rcal = <br /> esute tax repoAing servlca used by Lcrider in connxUon with�his Iwm.unless applicable l�w provides wberwise..Unle;s an <br /> --_ �g�nxrnent is m�de or applicable I�w requims inter�est to be paid,Lcnder ahall not be requirM w pay Bomower any intenst or <br /> _-_- eamfngs an the Plinds. Barrower and l.ender may agroe in writing.however,tt�at interest sAall ba paid on Ihe Rlnda. [.endo� <br /> ---= shW give to Borrower.without clarge.nn annual axounting of Ihe Nlinds.showing crcdits and debila to the Funds and the <br /> purpose for which each debit to�he P+uxls w�m�de. Tha Fbnds aro pledged as additianal seeurity far ali;suma secureci by <br /> tfiic Sccurity InstrumePt. •� <br /> __ !f the Fi�nds held by !_ender cxcctd !he amounte ptr!nine� to M h�ld by a!q►licahle Isw, i,ender shall account to <br /> -- Homower far the excess F1�nds in uccordance with Ihe requiroments of applicable law. if the amaunt of the Funds held by <br /> - Lender at ony time is not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so ratify Borrower in wriUng, <br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the daffciency. Bomower ahall make up the <br /> detickncy in no moro Ihan twelve monihly paymBnts,at Lender�sole dlscretion. <br /> _— Uponpayment in full of all sums secu�d by this Secutiry Inswment,i.ender shwll promptly refund to Botrower any <br />__-_-_-= 6Lnda held by I.ender. If,under parag�aph 21,Lender shall acquire ar sell the Property, l.ender,prior to tt�e acquisition or <br /> - sale of the Property. shall apply any F�nds held by l.ender at 1he time of acquisitMn or sale as a cr�edit against the auma <br /> �i°� secuned by thie Securiry Inswment. <br /> -n—�--- 3. Applientbn ot P�ymenta Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments �eceived by Lender unde� <br /> paragraphe 1 end 2 shall be applied:f nst,to any p��epayment cherges due under the Note; amounts payable under <br /> paragraph 2:t�ird,to intcrest due; principal due;and last,to any late charges due undcr 1he Note. <br /> 4. Chat�es; l.iens. Horrower shall pay all taxes. assessments,charges. fines and impositions atMbutable to the <br /> -'� Property which may anain pr�ority over shis Security Instnimenl,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. 8orrower <br />_.-,-_a shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ur if not paid in that manner,Borrowcr shall pay them on <br /> —v� time di�ecdy to the person owed paymem. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of umounts to be paid under <br /> ,_z,,,_�, t6is paragraph. If Borrower mekes these payments dlrecUy,8orrower shall promptly fumish to L.ender rcceipts evidencing <br /> . _,e._ the payments. _ <br /> -:�v,,;,,, Borrower shall prcm�t��r discharge any lien which hes priority over this Securiry Instrument unlass Borrower.(a)ag�tes - <br />��`�'��;��;' in writing tm the paymeat oi ihe obliga�ion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(�i ronteats in good faith the <br /> ±�'�f:�`�'• lien defends against enforcemr�t��f the lien in,legal proceerlings which in the l.enderS o�inian uperaa�ro prevent the _ <br />• ,.�.,.;,.� <br /> '°�1+):c;A enforcemer+t ot the lien;oT(c)secuas•fram the holder af the lien an agreement satisfactory to L.ender subor�tinating the lien <br /> �-�'�d-� to tMis Securiry Inswmeni. lf Lender determines thnt nny pan of�he Property is subject to a lien which may nttain prioriry <br />_,,;,;;;;i� aver this Seeurity Insuumem.L.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take <br /> ° '�Y:���7 one or more oi Ihe actians set frn7h above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> `"-" "�� 5. �9uvard or Property Iasuraace. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hercafter erected an tFie <br />"�:'�``� Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included wi�hin the term"extended coverage"and any other hazaMs,including <br /> 'a�;��:,-� floods or�looding, fur which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be mninmined in Ihe amounts and for the � <br />_ .�t.�•� <br /> -- ---� <br />.••�:.:: = <br /> �'`':4;:-' Porm JOlY !f!0 Ipt+ge 2 oj6 pagti) _ <br /> "�,f{�� <br /> .>t:;�,��� -- <br /> r:t•R;:`•7 <br /> '�}����'i� • <br /> %il�:[YaJ9k�Y - <br /> u I�����r� I • '���1li�,7y� :iti��.:�w.:.w:' e �''•\�� ��>13ffF'�{�('{Cl' �',(�X�r - • m <br /> A�I�+U,E�W�--'. �/��:�`P ;f�i'�'�1 5 � <br /> ti�,�r!ti.�t�j'•�t�l.;:411' ' ��1.��� I�S t �'-i�-C�-� �'.y�� t.t _ " .1:..'l' __ .�� .. . _ <br /> -ti�4 !1 l ��t iS rt �n�Ity �� .1 �l f1Y �';f\ 4!J�..•.�.riv. � c -aq' ��- t.�-- <br /> :".' <br /> .�� )..�[ 1( 'Si .� , Int`a�f�( � J �j5l� -'.:�.�� - j'� <br /> �) »��'Irtl��l�{` t� f•ft 1�7��1�ti�:�� . � . �'... y���} iS�,S, t1��1�1`, � t�• ..,.t,t�r:��ri�f��� �_ �1{ �,1��� • � . _ . <br /> ..a_rl�, .i1a..r, r • yf �� . �, l•r�`1; � - �y� t� �f' i ' �� -1- � - <br /> _S4�1., i , r �i�. 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