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„ ... .. <br /> - r ' -� - - ., __ <br /> - ,�,s.�.. <,.,. K- 't�-_- - —� <br /> .^ 1 � � • � •;` C• �"J' �k��; � ” - ,Ct��rr'• �t �- - -- <br /> � ty. - .........�.+�.Ii��.Yi�i��. '..._ <br /> 4i: .._. __ _ . . <br /> , . _ . 91-- 102�$� <br /> ,; . ; . <br /> ..�� <br /> =� cundemn�li�H�ur wher tukinY nf uny pan of Iho Propcny.a 1i�r c�Hrveyancc in licu of condemnulk►n.ure hercby uYZi�ned and <br /> ,:'� rludl be pald t��Lcnde�. <br /> �n thc event �t u �MUI tutcing uf tho Pm�ny, �hc pnxeeds c;hull ix: upplicd to the yumr ,ecurcd hy �hix Sccurity <br /> In�+�Nmcm,whe�her�►r not �hcn duc,wilh�ny cxcc.s paid ta Bi�rmwer. In�he event of u purtlal tuking of�hc Pmpeny in <br /> � which ihc fuir murkc�voluc oi'thc Pmprrty immeJiately bcPorc thc tuking ix eyuol�o or grcutcr thAn the umuunt of�he sums ___ <br /> , �, Fecured hy�his Security Instrumen�immeJiately before Ipe takinB,unlexs Born►we�unJ Lender Mherwiu�agrce in writing. �"— <br /> Ihe�ums�ecured by Ihix Securily In�Irument +hnll he reduceJ hy�he umcwnl of ihe pnueeds mul�iplied by the follawing �� <br /> � f'racdan: lul �he trnal amoun�ot'thc gumx sccurcd i�nn►eJiuts:ly b.:fnr.:�hc t;d:ing,dividcd by(61 ihr fmr mnrket vulue of�hr �_-- _ <br /> '��ti p�c►peqy imtm�diAtcly befarc Ihc �oking. Any bulunce shall bc paid ta H��m�wrr. In the evem of u puniul tuking of tBe <br /> �'��' �� propeqy M which �he fnir mu�ket vuluc uf the Pmpeny immedic�tely beforc the taking in ie.� ihun the um��unt ��P tl�rums <br /> �.�,. ',�:. _...-,_ <br /> __ — __ .� ,ecured immediutely l�efur+e �he tuking, unlesr BoROwer und L�ndcr othenvi+e ugreu in writinF or unletis applk:��ble luw -° <br /> �•—.,�'��°•`�-°q�;:.•a. olhenvic.�pnwidr�,�he proceeJ�►�hull be appUcd to the.uia�:+ecurcd by this Securiiy Inn�niment wheihcr nr na�Ihe sums ure <br /> .�:____-. <br /> 1 ti�'!: lhen due. <br /> ��;�•`�'•y��,:.,�.: ..���:�:_: <br /> ,�rn=..; y�+,,.� �f ihe pmperty fr: abundoned by BnRC►wer,or if.ul'ter nrnice by Lender la Borrower thul the condsmnor offan:to moke <br /> ,�,:��<:: <br /> .__��'+�;� un uwurd or+cttic acl�im for Jamugew.Borrowcr fuil�+�o rc�pnnd ta Lender within 30 duy�aftcr�he dute�he notice is given, �i�,.�: <br /> :��-:: , - Lendcr is uulharized to colleet und upply thc pmcced�, m ils op�ion.ei�h�r lu retitorution ar repai�nl'th�Pn�perty or lo thc �+c:i?:.,: <br /> � Y:; ' �°"F��'f '= <br /> `�' . aum��ecured by th�Sa�curity Instnimem,whethe�a�nut ihen due. •.ii�s. <br /> `�`'�' '� Unle�s Lender and Bcxmwer athervvise ugrec in writing,nny upplicu�ion of pmceed�to principul �hull no�extend or ��,,� .;. <br /> : �.;w,:'�, <br />- ---—"��►.��:�c;�,;u�,.,,; .� po�stpone t�e due clrce of the manthly puyments n�ferred to irt parugruphn I und"'�x chnn�ee�he umpunt af tiuch puymenln. ,i;�,� <br /> - �'�'-_' �:' "'•• 1�. gorraw�er l�tol Released= Forbears�nce Bv 4ender Not a Wai�e� Extensi�►n uf thc tirnc Pur puyment ar '_�;,ti.;,�- <br /> �:�����';n�,�.�,.,,. <br /> ;�.;��� , modifi�-;�tion oF amacization of the sums+ecured by Ihis Srcuri[y In.tnxmot�m�m�d by Lender to uny succes,or in interes� �_ <br /> .-y,�;:`—`::�;=�,�:�;=J• of Bom�uer slwli nnt upernle lo rcicu.+e Ihe liability uf Ihc: oriFimal &urower�N 8orroweri +uccexsor�m intcrest.Lender �,_„ <br /> +i�,�,�,. <br /> �-�•���.r;,.r '" '1; �' sha11 not be required to eommence proceeding�ag�in.t any+ucre����r in intrrc�t ur relu+e to eztend �ime for puymeut or •:_-_:,i�.: <br /> ---�� �f�:' wherwi�:e modify umoaizaeion uf'Ihe,um++ecureJ by�his Securiq•Imtrument b}•�:���m oi'any demund mudc by the originul R� <br /> �.:>�:.'t, :ad.,; ` —,:.���r.. <br /> �`. � : � Bortuwer or Borr�►wer:�ucce+xon in intercst. Any tixR�ear.+nce hy Lender io r�ercixing uny right cx remedy sha11 nc�t be u �;_�.z,_ <br /> `�ft.� '` �'4' � wuiver of or mclude the cxercixe of�ny right ur rcmrd�, 'i`'''�{ <br /> :,, �.ej '�:',i „yt.. p ��;.i�:';��::`" <br /> � �..e. .s� , 12. Successors and A�.signs Bound;Joinl and Seti�eral Liability;Ca-signers. The covenunt�and ugmemems uf Ihix �."`�i,. <br /> �;�i •zc,a4,. <br /> `LL�'.;r�,r � . �, Security Instrumeix+hall bind und benetit thr�ucce�snrs and us.ign���f Lrnder und Bnrmwcr.�uhject tu�he provisiom of <br /> - �,-;��s,t s�� parugruph 17.Burtower�covenunts und ag�ementti shall t�e jaint and xeveral. Any Snrtower who co-,igm ihis Security t��,� <br /> ''�'. c r�;r�� y R b y �=,� <br /> Inxlnimem but does not execute the Note: (ul�inF �hiti Security Ins�rument onl to maA u�e,grant und conve �ha� �r�w_ _ <br /> -'.;, i:p'l�����, ti•• y - <br />_:.�•.1:,. r' �, � Borrawer's interesl in Ihe Property under th�lerm.uf dhi.Securi: Instrumem: (bl i.nM pr:nonolly ohliguted�o pay�he sumy -�,,:.;:�s,=;. <br /> •.�,t;i_ �µ'� �n"�' xecurcd by thiti Security In�trumem;und Ic)agrce�thaa'Lender und uny other Borcower muy u�ree to rxtenJ,modify.forbear ';?';::;°-_ <br /> '�! Ys��.� +�'fIT . <br /> ;,4� r �, r; or muke any accommodations with repturd to the t�m�.�of�his Security Intitrument ur Ihr Note wi�ltout thut Borrowec: ,.yz. ���� <br /> '`. r '�-:r�-_"�'�.�..�:;' , connent. ,,. � <br /> �,_. 'r..� - <br />�..,�,�,, .;;,;, � g R I3.Luwn t'Sri•ges. if thc faan sccutx�d h, this Secvrity ln,trumcnt i. .ubjec� �o u law which .ch muximum oan <br /> °':'�•• •Ff,+4�'�w��� • .. chnrges,ond thut law is finally interpreted,o ihat th�inuretit ur othcr loun charges coUccted i�r�o he collec�ed in connectian ,���,'•"?.:;' <br />•-.-� ... ��3.�::-;. � rY +.s.:.:;f:. <br /> ;,�.,,•: ,f��rl�t, '� wfth the ban exceed tlx Fermiued limus,then: lal uny +uch luun churEe shull tx r.dured 6y the amount necesxa tn reduc� t;�•� <br />,i:t�t�;%. i i�4 (t .�„ .,.� 8 pe Y• �Y '�`,,.;s <br /> .'"d�°':'� the chnr e to Ihc rmiaccl IimU:and lb)un �um+uhr:, �ullec�ed 1'rum Bam�«erµhirh exc�eded�xrmined limit,will t►r ' ' p" <br /> �;,` � • � • ..��', rcfundedto Born�wer. Lendur may ch��•e to mukr thi+rclund by roducing thc prinripid��wrd undcr Ihe Note or by muking u f;.i�f%',- • <br />�'�r;';1��;,i, ,4'�3, ;r���:j;,,�..,�.;. P Y P 1u p• P 'p y <br /> -.,.,•�:. ti ,t,����k, , i�,�,,,y dircct u menl to Borrower. It'i�refund reduce+ rinci I. the reduc�ion will hr Ircated.ati u ani:�l r� u ment without uny T,�;i,�-; <br /> :%' ./.��;,.•.:.,�,.:` ':'• � prepuymcnt chur�cundcr thc Notc. .��,t'.`',�, <br /> • i'.i!:{,;> .c. . <br /> ' . �as�+?,,':;�,: l�i.Nolices. Any noticc t�� BoR��wer pra�ided tia in�hi.5crurit�• Inxtrumeni +fiull t�e givNn by dclivering it�►r by ;°'.�;�;,�..: <br /> '�--��'�-'= <br /> _ , , ' ,:�;,;;.. ��� mailin�it by fir.t duxr muil unl��ti upplicufile IaN requirr+uu��f uno�h�r m�thod.'�hr nntice shall Ne Jirected to Ihe Pmperty `_ — <br /> '}' ''';. Addre�s or any other addreti+B�xrov►er de.irn;n�s b}• notice�o Lendcr. Any notire to Lender shall Ix given by fint clus,s <br /> .'.�:����� �.... � ��� � mail to l.ender's uJJre+�.tuted hcrein or am•uth�r i�ddrc�+Lendrr dc�ignat�+by ni�tire io Borrowrc Any notice provideJ for � <br /> , �;� �,�� ���':"�� -�. �' - � in �hiz Securiry ln�trumrnt +hull Ix dermed to have-I+een�iven t�� B�rrower or Lcixier when given ati pmvided in Ihix �; <br /> a. e„_.�,. <br />_.;,,�-, { d"��i,, , .. , Purogrsph, <br /> '�+s 1S.Guvernln� tieverability. Thi,S�curity In+irumcnt +ha11 lx �ovcmcd by fcderul luw anJ thc law oi the �:=____ <br /> .• • .��,.., �`�, � • jurisdiclian in which the Pn+perty i�kxatcd. In the rved tfia�uny pravisiun or clau.e��f thi� Securi�y Im�rument ur Ihe Notr . <br />;�;�'j:,,'�' "'3�' , ;..r. � ' cuntlictswith upplKaNle luw.,uch contlirt�Aall not al'Ieri �,Ihcr prrn�i�iun.�,f Ihi,S�rurity In+mimen�ur thc Ni�le��•hinc�un �;,;�� :•. <br /> .;,:,Z,. .,�„ ... ',`�f;.�;' be gi�•cn et'fcct wehcw�thc cunllic�ing pravi�ion. Ti� thiti en�l ihe prm�iyionx of ihi,Srcurit� Inatrumenl •rnJ Ihe Note ure N`�'",Y^. <br /> s declured la bc severuhle. i'n °-` <br /> ,� ' ,�� ' t � 16. Borrower's Co v Eiurruwrr,hull Ix giv�n o�x c��nf��rmr�l cop}•ul'Ihc Nute and�,t'Ihi.Securily In.lrumen�. �,:tlr_,. <br />-:�r�;i`.'., . f rf�£t.':�'� P.� <br /> ___ •"�'� � 17.7l�ansfer of'the Property w a lieneficial Interetit ln &�rrower. N'ul l��r;my pan of ihc Property or any intem�t in ,�, .:;,,. <br /> ��_. '•'i��":., ;: � . it is xuld ur�run�ferrcd I��r ii's�Ixnetiriul imrns� in Hormucr i.���IJ ur iru�ixtr�rrJ�md Bormwcr iti not u natural �rnonl �.;�:.:; <br /> �+`''."�:' �'"" � wilhout Lender's prior wriuen ron.ent.LrnJer muy,a1 its oplicm.r.quirc immrcliatc paymrm in full of all wms.ecurcd by <br /> . ��_��. <br />--''�\'t�.;''� •� �hi�Security Insuwnent. Huwrvrr.thix option�hull n��t he exrrci�ed by Lender if exerci�e is prohibitcd by fedeml luw u�af _ -. <br /> ;;�,::j " : . ,� , thedateof thix Security In,trumem. _�-;,u__ <br /> � •�•,�� If Lender rxerciu.thi,optiun.Lendrr shull�ivc Bnrrow�r natirc uf arcrlcruliim. Tlic nutire shuU proviJr u period��f <br /> . . ' not less than 30 days kom Ihc dutc thc notirc i+drla�.cr��d nr mailcd wiihin a•hirh Barra�vcr mu.t pay hy thi+ �4s;:��; <br /> • • Security Insuumrnt. It' 8orrowrr 1'ails tu pa}•t��,c �um,priur tu thc rxpir,uiim of thi. �criod. Lc�xlcr muy imukr uny �„•;- <br /> , ', ) . ' `'�+i4��..: <br /> , ;. �.. rcmedies�rn�ittcd t.�•th+s 5ccurit�•Im�rument wia'huut funlxr nutirc ur densind on 8orro«•rr. :� <br /> ���� f`'•r, l8. Ha'rn�er's Riphl to ReinsYs�¢e. II' Harn,.��r nxetti crnuin runJiti�my. Barrn�ti,r•hull h•rve thc ri�!ht ti� huvc <br /> . `� '' �.''�4(�i;:`::�,� enforcenxnt uf thi. Serurit}•In,trum����ntinacd ai am�ti�;^.r�rwr ti�Ihe carlirr uf: I.i�{�l.»�.lur wch ulhrr�xri�xl a. . <br /> _ .' ,:., ' ' , <br /> �'r,'r; 5msk Famd�-•F'annlc�1ar�an:JQrc AEm•i'VIh'31R\I 11�1'Rl�ia'�'f�•l nd��rw Cu�cnam. V��NI y,d.4r��q n piti��.� �i:i1�i ' <br /> :i';i:• • ' ��,,;,.�i <br /> ;�.: <br /> .y '�;'' '' ', . <br /> �. <br /> • .. ,�... ;;,,�,��':[�'�""�sax+t�n;[�`�` <br /> . . ...�-r.. .- - . - . -. . • ,� . .�r ." .,'t�. - . .. . . . . . ... ... ; <br /> 'i. <br /> „ � ,, • <br /> ." � ' . <br /> 1 �— _ _ � <br />