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<br /> ,.�- � pe�iads that i.ender�eyuirc4. Thc inxur�nce cairier pmviding�he inswwice sh�it be chosen by Bcxmwcr nubject w Lendcr K
<br /> �roval which shull nw be unreasonably withheld. If Bamwe�faits u�muintain coveruge de�cribed�bova.Lender muy,at
<br /> � : �. L.ender's option,ubtuin coveruge ta protect Lcnder ti rights in thePrope ny in acconlunce wiih paragn►ph 7.
<br /> - �� ; , y All inaurance policiex and renewulw shull he acceptable to Lendrr wul�hull inrlude u+�und�ni mang+�ge clau�e. l.e�xkr _
<br /> � � :
<br /> - slwll have Ihe righ�ta hold Ihe policies und r+enewalc. If Lender requires,Borrower�:hull pnxnply givc t�Lender all receipts
<br /> _ af paid premiums and rcnewal not�ce4. In�ha event of laxs.Borrawer xhall Qivr prumpt notice ta t t k inxuronce carrier nnd
<br /> _ ' __ ` `-. Lender. L.ender muy mukr pruuf uf lu�s itnot m�Jc prumptly by Barroa�er. �- :
<br /> � � � I � „� Unlcss l.ender wid Borrower uthcrwitie agree in wri�ing.inr�urunce prcxcedti r�hull t+e applied to retitom�ion or repair uf --
<br /> .��, ihc Prape:ty domuged� if the �esl�rution ur repair is: ecanomicully feusiMe und Len�.rl secu�i�y i+ nc�t Ic�+eneJ. If Ihe
<br /> _ restoratian or repair ia nat economically fearible or Lenderk security would be le+�ened,the in�urunce pmceedti shall be _.
<br /> � �-�-.�..r'1 upplied to the sum+ secured by thi�Secudry Imtrument, whether or not then due, with uny excess paid to BoROwer. If ��
<br /> --.�y����"`u'� Borrowe�ubpndons Ihe Propeny,or does nat unxwer witbin 30 duys u notice fmm Letide��hut the msurunce carrier hu�
<br /> �`�'"r'~'-'-�� offered to settle u claim.�hen I.ender moy collect the in�urunce proceed.i. Lender may use the pra:e�Jc to repair a�re�tore �'���
<br /> __—=---z�!�-�� �►ie Property or to pay sums gecured by thix Securi�y In,trument.whether ar not then due. The 3l1-day period wi 111►egin when ���
<br /> - - ���.�-•--�� the notice is given. ��'
<br /> �°-�"`'''�� � Unlnsg Lender und Bormwer otherwise agree in writing, uny upplicution of proceed.ta principAl �hull nat extend or ��!��
<br /> .�k°�`� , postpone the Jue dute af Ihe monthly payments cetermd to in parngruphs I nnJ 2 or chunge the umounl of the puymentx. If �_
<br /> ��,�..���,�:.y:; under parngraph 21 Ihe Property is uce�nitecl by 8.cc�:r, Borrower's• right to uny imurance p�licie�und proceedti resulting �.
<br /> — _ ,�:�-;- from damoge to the Pmperty prior to ctie accsuis►ticxe shall pa�a tu Lender to the extent of the�umx secured My ihir:Securi�y ,
<br /> - - ���'�_����� Inslrument immediu�cly prior lo�ha:� uisiticx�. �'-?'
<br /> __ _'°=v-'�,1'��"'� b. Occupancy. PI'CSCI'YAUaM.�tewu�cY Aad P�atPCtlao of the Property: Burrow•er'x I.asm Appllcatlan: 6;;;K-
<br /> .�. :�',�..r;,:;::�..
<br /> _�a:,.,��io�k�•,, 4easeholda. Borrower shull crccupy,establisli.and u�the Pn��rn•as Horrower ti principal residemra�vill►in+ixty duys ufter ;�
<br /> �=� •- '�� " the execmion of thi4 Securl�y Insttument und shaU camtinue ta c�ccupy�he('�operty us Borcowcrk principul�esidence for m . ';��._
<br /> -, � �� ••.• • leusl one yeur after the dalc of �xrupa�►cy. unlc�+ Lencler ah4n��ise agrees in writing, which con�enl xhall not be "
<br /> _",,y�_' ::';,�,:. :,o:+�, ., �r�
<br /> ��o��:�,:.._y.��s.`: . unrea�onubly withheld,or unless extenuaiing circumxlunrrs�xi.t���hich urc bey�md Borrowerk rontrol. Barrower.hull not �,
<br /> ,_,;, t�{r .r destroy,dumuge or impair th�Propehy.allow�h�Prc�peny todctrnorate,or commit wus�e on�he Propeny. Barmwer+hull ��°.•
<br /> " � � � be in defuult if any forfeituoe uction or procc�Jin�.whethrr civil ur criminal,ix begun that in Lcnder's gocxl i'ailh judgment �
<br /> �'''.;��r^,: ,�.., ^ �.��
<br /> =A��,�,'�;,��� could re�ult in fort'ei�ure of the Proprny or otherwi.e rnuleri:ill� ;mpuir �he lien creu�ed by thix Security Inxtrumem ��r
<br /> '�_;_sn Lendec's s�curity interest. 8o�rower may curr+uch u defuuU und rein+tate,uti provided in pnragruph 18,by rau�ing the aotion ��Y
<br /> --�•"` � � '�'.,� ,. or proceeding to be dismissed wilh u ndin�!that,in Lerxter�gaxi iuith determinaiion,precludes fi�rfei�ure af the Borrower's �_
<br />-�1'' '��-�� - , ,� � intemst in Ihe Property or other mutedal impnirment af tIK lien created by Ihis Securiry In+t�umem or lxnder's securiry
<br /> ':'4.- '� yr,. ' ;r,, , �_;
<br />-,:�.,.. r�- • ..�,;�}��• intcrest. Bortuwer shull ul�;c� hr io deiault if Barm�ver, du�ing the loan applicuti�x� pnxes�, guve m�ierially Pulse or
<br /> . ,i{;:,t ��
<br />-,.:�,w �� , � n�,�-F inuccurate informution or xtulements to Lender lor iailed to pmvide L.ende�wi�h uny matrriai infcirmution)in connection with
<br /> --N:,�.,��. r;n�"1,t�_;::.,:.i • ,. R P Y �.,-
<br /> �; - f �"' ! the loan e�id_nced by the Note, inclu�lion, but noz limiled to, n:pnesemationa roncemin aorc��wer's occu unc of thc
<br /> �'�'��'��3 Property as a principal residence. If�hi�Srrurity Inxtnimem is on u Ieu+rhold,l��rr.�w•er yh�ill camply with all tha prown�ons �;_
<br /> :':� -�•� �'`�°� ��'���� . � of the lease. If Borrower aryuires iec litte to�he Pro�ny, �he leusehold and thc Fic tide�hull not mcrge uole�c Lender ngrees
<br /> . �. . �..;:•.
<br /> rL.����.,. hW '1,." :�'}4�� to the meraer in writins. ���
<br /> i 7, 4'rotection of l.ender's Ri hls in the P'ro rtv. li Butrowcr failti io pertorm ihe covcnum� and agreementc �„.-
<br /> _ ..�; R Pe �-.:
<br />.. �. . ; �-,,:.�
<br /> � �+"'. ,��������i, conwined in thix Security Insnument. ��r there i. i+ IeFul prcxeeding thut muy .ignifiranily uffect Lendcr; rights in the �-•.
<br /> ,;.
<br /> k;; property(such ati u pr�eeding in bunkniptry.�rnh,ue,fnr condemn:�tinn or fort'riturc ur ro enforce luw.or regulatiaml.�hen �„
<br /> �". ::
<br />�"'r. � ":�'', �, Lender may do unJ pay ti�r whatevcr i,nec�.,an ta pmtec�thr vt►lue�►f ihr Pro�rty unJ Lender's rightti in the Pn�prny.
<br /> i.��..� , ,; �'��
<br /> :`:�.� � ;,,��i'. :`,,j: : Lenderti uctiun.muy inrlude payin�uny sum� �erurrd by u lien whirh hu.prinriry ovrr�hi.Sc�•urit�• In.inm�cnt. u�xurmg
<br />=:.� ,+ `��r���r'�''r�;.';'' in court.paying rcu,imublc uaomcy+'fcc.unJ rnl�ring on Uk I'n�xny lo nwkc rrpain.Althou�h LenJcr n�ay wkc aciion -
<br /> - •.�:. � i''�ft�(%•'r',i ""�'_ ��� .e.,,-
<br /> • ',�t:�.'.;.,.�',�r;); under�his purngruph 7.Lendcr docs nn�havr�o do zo. �y,..
<br /> .,;.,� 'Y• ,�►ny umaunt.di+buned by Lender under Ihix puru�mph 7 shull Necame uddition•rl debt of Rorn►wer�ccureJ by Ihi+ ��
<br /> - ' ' �'n 7: ��'_�'�'� Security Instrument. Uniess Bormwcr.md l.�nder ugree k�uther tenn.oi'puymrm.�hc�e amuunt�.hull tmar interczt fn�m�Ix
<br /> -,r., '' tt 7 �-
<br />_ ' �+� , dQte of disburs.:ment ut the Note rate imd xhull he payahle,with intrrext,u{x�n noticr Cmm Lcndcr tu Borrowcr reyue��ing '
<br /> '". ,Y .,'.;;�" :•��.
<br /> � • ; �.;,� . payment.
<br /> 'I�f�,`�� '; ` :" � � 8. MnHga�e Insurance. If Lendrr reyuircd nxin�+igc in.urunrr a.u runJi�iun ol'm•rkin� Ihe loan.�wured hy ihis __
<br />°'%• '•i'�`�`��,. Security Inz�rument.Bormwcr shall pay thc premiun�ti reyuired tn maint+�iu thc mortgaFe imaruncr in cf'lect. IF,li.r any �'.
<br /> . r . _ •.;�•.,;{,..;,. � p•
<br /> r'� ' ' •=f{;t`.�!�:, reason, lhe mnrt�uge insurame coverage reyuircd hy Lender IaQsc. ur cru�c+ to hr in ettcct, iiormwer shull .t� th� �-�
<br /> . ��. �.;� premiums reyuircd to ohtuin cuvcrn�c vubsiantially ryuivalent �o Ihc mongagc in•u�anrr prrvi��u�ly in ct'fcct. �� a rast �
<br /> . � � • . substnntiully cyuivulent to the r�►,t a�H�xruwcr�,i lhr mnnga�e in.urunce pmviou+ly in�ffect. frum un al�ernale murtpage ��_
<br /> - �•`''- .�.''. insurer uppmved My LenJee II'wh�lantially c��uiv;�l�nt m��ngaEc inwrrncr r�,vrr:ige i.not a�;�ilahlr.Burrow�r.hhll puy to _
<br /> v;_�•;:-� :i'1,:�. T,ilp� ' Lender euch monlh u.um ryuul u�onc-iw�Nth of th��eurly m�mgage in,arance premium hcing paid hy 13orru��cr when thc -
<br /> _;;;��.' "!?,:; � �r',:r,1;o insuruncc mvcrugc luptird ur rru+�d a,Fx in rff'rrt. l.cndrr uNl:�crcpt.u.r;mJ rc�uin thc,c payrnrnl,si+u lu�. re.rn�in li.0 �''�^
<br /> ,,. ° .;ri:�?a; .
<br />:�rt";-, ,�,. � of m��rt�u�e in.urnnrc. Lu.,rc.rrvc paymrm.m:�y ni� k+ng�r he reyuircJ. ;n ihr uptiun „f LrnJrr. if mcxtgaEc imuranre
<br /> . ., .,• ,`;:,�a,:�s��� ' � t
<br /> - •;. .�,s,,, , . ,f:. cuvcragc lin ttK umount und ti�r thr�xri�Kl Ihat Lend�r rryuire:l pru�•iJcd by an imurrr:ipproved By Lrndcr ugain hrcumr. .
<br /> `� �. ��� '•,k;�,�f��'��„; ' uvuilublr and is uhtained.Burn►u�rr�h:dl pay Ihc prrmium.rcyuircJ ta m:iinu�in manguEr in,uraixc in ef�fe��.ar to pn►�idc u
<br />- ' � - ;.�';i,:'. lo.r.rerervr.until Ih�reyuiremrnt f'or m�xigaEr in,urancr cixl�in ucrordan.r«►ih any ��riurn agicrm�nt txiween Burmwer �.'
<br /> ':'���t;.;�c'� und Len.lrr or applir�ihlc luw. tF.• �
<br /> ,,..i�s�`"„�ulk �➢. �o�ypection. Lrnd.r�,r i�.agrm ma�• makr ma�onaM�entrie. up„n.ind in,�xciiun.of th� Pn,�x nY• Lcnd�•r�hall i;:�
<br /> �� r . ;,,,. .,..;�;r;�.,<<�:�;,.
<br /> . . , r,��� ;:,f , . give Barro�ver notire a��hr�in�e�,f„r pri„r to an im�xcii�m+�cif}�ing r.a,nnable cau�e fnr th�iri.�xrti��n. r�.�
<br /> , ' , ',!);;�;r,�S�l.s�", !0. Condemnatua�n. 'Thc proreed.ut':m� :�a•:ud ur claim fur dam:�tr.,dircct or r�,n,e��uami:d. in canne�iion�vith:un , '
<br /> , 1' 'i''fli��1�1�}�r.= SmglrF.�mih•-Funnk�lre�Freddk�fncl'`IFnR\I I\c?RI'��F:\'f-�fmt„rme'���enrn�. 9N�1 �ls�e�•t�qn�ti�xr�� �� �
<br /> � I ,�������:i��R.�i lal'd11.1�1MH6�IRfMfaMN.lOf.�
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