��"� ;ir', t�E5��l�`�� �'t';�'" 'fF111'�:;4it�(,t�i';;�',�'.:: u;;;;�•y��.�.•' .l.�;v%'�'6eit5t ' ... � '� :;:�,�.,�,.
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<br /> . _..tA4a.L.:t. ...r_......� ��__
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<br /> : �� .
<br /> ��:.r...----
<br /> ,� . ;,�:
<br /> j ; . �•�• , ol postponemsnt eh�ll be ylvsn by publlc dsol�ratlon th�nof by suoh p�non�t ths tlms and pl�ae I�st�ppo�nt�d for th� —_.
<br /> '� ., a�te;provlded,If the eds le postponad for lonp�r th�n on�(t)d�y Wyond ths day d��lpn�ted In th�notlos ol s�l�,notlas
<br /> ����`,.c- � therspf eh�ll bs plvsn In the e�me rn�nn�r�s ths orlpin�l notic�of sde.T�ustss ehdl exeaute�nd dellver to th�purch�ssr `,":-__—•
<br /> �un.�.J.:i4.i
<br /> �� � Ite Deed convsylnp ths Prop�Ry eo eold,but without�ny cov�n�nt or w�rranty,sxpnss or Impllad.The reolt�ls In the d�sd
<br /> �� ot any mattera or�ots ehell bs aonaluslv�proof of th�truthfuln�sr thereof.Any pereon,Inoludl�p Bendlol�ry,m�y P��•
<br /> . _ �,__—_— --- - - ,.
<br /> ' � ' 't- " ahoee�t ths sNe.
<br /> ..
<br /> �� ' (B) When Trust�e s�lle purouant 10 the powera hereln,the Truetes ehdl apply the procesde ot the sale to p�yment of the ��;;,-„_,,�_ �
<br /> � ��`�� � coa�s and oxpens�s of axecfelnp the power of a�le�,nd of the eale,Inalut9lnp ttw paymsnt ol the Truatso's feos aclualtY h�� ;�.
<br /> ' �':"�`�....t;, ris a, incurr4d,whlch Tru�tw'e iqes shwll not in the p�rBQAto excesd tha WIIowInQ pmount basod upan tMw wrnPUnt sacured �r• M;.:_ � _
<br />•� � �. . :;,,�,�'�: hBCebY�od eem�irtEn¢un�ld:"�P�rcw�tucm Cn tfw first i1,000 thv�o?�1 parc�nRum ctr�the hAlartce 4hereof u�/h�n to Ihv ....:,�,;t�,���;:.«�:��:� �
<br /> • Itsm9ln subp��q►�P►�(�1�in t1w o�er th6tY�stated- 1. � ''}a,h r > � ,_
<br /> ., <:.
<br /> �.:il . • �! �.�
<br /> ;..�•;;., (C) pfter payiny 2h�ltema specified io aubpa►a�raph(B)if the saie {s Gy Trustee,or the proper cou ed nt he orde etat d ��:�'•-���'`"'�=��`"sy'°"'y�
<br /> � `'��` •'�'���'� "'� .;<< toQeclosure and sale N the sde ia pu►auaM to Judicial forecloaure.the proaeeda of sate shall be app � • •���-� --
<br /> ' ':�;,�.;;;�j;,�:._�� ,` ':'{`.�4'�"��,�:�^,m�,mr.r�c-
<br /> + t� �.}s ` � �..a to the payment of: �
<br /> "�s`:;..,; , .' •,
<br /> � '' ' �r«'� r j�'�� 1•:
<br /> �- : ,,:..+:,fj�;,?.,;�' ` (i) Coat of any evldence o9 tlUa proaured In connectlon with such sale and ot any revenue atampa;
<br /> '��;.,�." � �� • •
<br /> . . �' �";,,'�� � (11) All sume the secured hereby; ��� ��"
<br /> ';..,;,ti„'�la�=,�,�
<br /> - - ......o�-,-: —- --'-
<br /> � ' (ili)Tha remelnde►,If any,to lhe pereon lepally entitled thereto. • . �
<br /> �� 13.Dutl�s�ed ObllO�tlon�of TnnIN��(a)The dutlee and obllp�tlone ot Trustee ahall be determined solely by the exprese �, �'� ,�r,�.,�-
<br /> � provleione of thle Deed of Truet,and Truetee ahall not be IIaWe exoept for the performenae of euoh dutles pnd obllpotlona a� .,�,_�
<br /> ' � , ars�peolflo�lly eet foRh hereln,and no Implled cavenpnte or obllQ�tlons oholl bs Impos�d upon Tru�tN:(b)No provldons of ,
<br /> � �e to�x nd or►Isk U�own fund�,or oth�rwla�Incu�anq fln�nold obllpolon In th�por• �:••�- ,i.••.,�
<br /> thls Deed of Truet ehrll requlre Tru�t pe .
<br /> � form�no�of�ny nf It�dutl�s h�►eund�r.or In ths�x�rol��ol�ny ol It�rlpht�or pow�r,If It�h�ll hw�pround� 1or bdlwlnp ����
<br /> • th�t th� rep�ym�nl of�uoh fundf or �dpu�t�Ind�mnlly �p�ln�t �uoh rl�k or II�bIINy I� not n��on�bly u�und lo Ih(a) ... __
<br /> TrualN m�y oonwlt wlth ooun�d af It�own ohooN�p�nd th��dvlC�ol�uGh aouns�l�h�ll b�lufl�nd comol�U wulhorizdlon �, � . , d�
<br /> � and prot�otlon In th�n�p�ot of any aotlon t�k�n or euffend by It h�nund�r In paod fsllh�nd nll�nc�th�non;(d)TruftN � � ,
<br /> � eh�li not b�Il�bl�for�ny�atlon tak�n by It In pood I�Ith�nd r�a�on�bly bNl�wd by It to M�utho��z�d or wlthln Ih�dl�oretlon : f,,s.
<br /> ,.:.,, .
<br /> or rlphts�nd pow�rs aonf�rr�d upon It by thls D�sd of Truot. �
<br /> . � ' , ,;..,;., .
<br /> � 1 A.Addlllond S�oudt�r InNrum�nts.Truetor,et Its expenss,wlll exeaute a�d dellver to the T�usta,piomptly upon demend,
<br /> � aueh seaurNy Instrumsnts as mRy b�rsqufred by Trustee,In form and eubet��oe etllefaatory to Tru:.1e�,coverinp any of the
<br /> � --- �-_- Fra ri canvo ad by thla Deed ol Truet,Wh�ah eeaurlty Inslrumente sholl be addUional eeourity for �i�.ator'e lallhful perfor• �'� '��
<br /> De Y Y
<br /> maece o1 all of the terme,aovenante and condltlone of this Deed of Truet,the Lopn A�resment,any promiesory noiun eacured r �y
<br /> • hereby end any other seaurlty InsirumeMs exeouted In aonneatlon wlth thle traneaat�qn.8uoh Ine�(um�nte elwll be recorded y:,. _ ' �-�
<br /> ' � or flled,and re�reaorded And reflled,et Truetor's expense. �• ;, . .�t -��
<br /> ,�.:
<br /> � t5. IYII�c�U�n�ous. C �-;
<br /> , (A) In the event any one or more of the provislone contalned In the Deed of Trust,or the Loan Agroement or any promisaory �;.,, '�'r;;��:�_
<br /> note,or any other aeaurity Inalrument qlven In conneatlon with thls transaation,shall for any reason to be held to be In•
<br /> • velid, Itlegal or unentorceable in any respect, suah Invelfdlty, Illepality or unenforceabUfty shall, at the optlon of i �' %.•���
<br /> �if.:'�: Beneficlary,not affect a�y other provislon of thls Oeed of Trust,that this peed of Trust shall be construed as If euch In• ,,,
<br /> , '. . -,c..�;; . , ''�'';'�''�`�
<br /> � �i':;�', ; .�', • valid,Illegal or unenforceable provlelon had never been contalned hereln or thereln. ' .,..4
<br /> '�� `•"'�`��'��� �`" (B) Thle Deed of T�uat ahall ba conatrued according to the lews of the State of Nebraeka. i . .•;
<br /> . .�,1`�;.o-•.i� ..•..`:,.:,: .. - . ,. r:i.
<br /> ',i:. .
<br /> (C) The Deed of 1'rust shall inaure to and bind the helrs, legateea, devl$eee, edminlatrators, executae, succeeaors and _
<br /> � `,:.� aesigns of the panles hereto. f-
<br /> . • � .��� r b to ether with eny other taxes or �' . �•r�.�'
<br /> (D) Trustor ahall pay all taxes levled upon thls Deed of Trust or the debi aecured he e y, g S� ' . , ,,.;,�:.��=_�
<br /> � • ! f-` asaessmenls whlch may be levled apelnst the Trustee or Beneflclary or the leflal holder of the Loan A�reement on ac• +.,; , .
<br /> • • count of the Indebtedness evidenced thereby. r�„ � �
<br /> � �� � (E) Whenever ueed hereln,the sinyular number shall Include the plural,the plural,the singular,the use o1 anypender shall be ,;,.;. •
<br /> , � , � applicable to all genders,and the term"8eneficlery"ahall Inolude any payee of the indebtednes8 hereby secured or any <<;� . •
<br /> ' � tranafer thereot,whether by operatlon of law or otherwlse. •:;,� •
<br /> � " � 18.Suoo��eorTru�te�.Beneflclary may from tlme to time aubstitue e successor or successors to any Trustee named he�ein �1;;• ,.;.:i
<br /> • ' � � o►actlnp hereunder to execute thls Trust Deed.Upon suoh appolntment a�d without convenyance to the successor Truatee, �
<br /> the lalter shall be vested with ell title,powers end dutie6 oonferred upon any Trustee hereln named or actin4 nereunder.EBCh ,
<br /> � �, :��, such appolntment and eubstltutlon ahall be mede by wNtten inatrumem by Beneficlary,coMalnlnfl reference to t�is Deed of ,i • ���'��•
<br /> � ' T�uet and ita place of record,whlch when recorded In the oitice of the Reflister of Oeeds of the county a eount�es in which ��•� �
<br /> t �� eald property Is sltuated,shall be conclusive proof of proper appolntment of the succeesor Trus tee.T hs tor e�o i n�p o w e�of
<br /> eubstltutlon and the procedure therefor ehell not be excluslve of the power and p►ocedure provided for by taw tor the aubatitu-
<br /> t '• � tlon of a Truatee or Trueteea In the place of the Trustee or Trustees nemed hereln.
<br /> : 17.Forb��r�na�by B�nNlol�ry or Tru�ts�Not�Wdr�r.A forbearence by 8eneflcisry or Trustee in exerclslnp any rlght or
<br /> remedy hereunder,or otherwlae alforded by applicable law shall not be a walver of or preclude the exercise ot any right or
<br /> remedy hereunder.Likewise,the weiver by Beneficlery or Trustee of eny default of Truator under thle Oeed of Truat ahell not be �
<br /> deemed to be a walver of any other or elmllar defaulta subaequently occurrinq. �
<br /> � 18.Truator Not Rd����d.Extenafon oi the tlme for payment or modHicatlon or amortizatlon of the aumt secured by the
<br /> Deed of Trust qranted by Beneficlary to any succeseor In Interest of Truator shall not operate to release,In anv menner,the
<br /> � liabl lity ot the orlpinal Trustor and Truslor's successor In Intereat.Beneficlary ahall not be requlred to commence proceedings
<br /> ,, •�einat euCh auCCeeeor or refuee to extend time for payment or otherwlse modlfy amortfzatlon of the sume secured by the
<br /> i Deed of Trust by reason of any demend made by the orlpinal Trustor and Truetor's succesaors In Interest.
<br /> . " ^__�t�_�.....��.wu r.....a�6�i+nllnn 1n /n�ACIAA9 1MI6 ..
<br /> � � � 19.OptlOn to FOnCIOts.UpOn the OCCUI�enCe o�e�ny deiauii nar6ui�u'o�. VV��O��N�a�� �.���.••M•�...--�••-•••- - -- -
<br /> � Deed ot Truat In the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgagea on real property.
<br /> 20.Trustor's Rlyhts.Abs�nf D�f�ult.Untll any default In the payment of Indebtedness hereby secured,or untl l the breach of
<br /> � any covenao�t hereln contalned.the Trustor,Its auccesaora and assogn5,ahall posaeas and en�oy the property and recelve the
<br /> y rents and prolNa therefrom.Upon payment ot all sums secured by thla Deed oi Trust. Beneficlary shall reQUest Trustee to
<br /> .,i.,,, ::., • � � recdnvey the propetty and shall surrender this Qeed nf Ttuat and all notea and Loan Agreements evidencing indebtedness
<br /> • • • ',�S. i , �, �., secured by the Deed o1 Truet to Trustee.Trustee ahell reCOnvey the property wlt hout warranty and wlthout Charge to the per•
<br /> �"�"�� � ���. sons leyally entitfed therelo.The Otantee In any reconveyance may be described ae"the persen or peraons entltled lhereto",
<br /> '4 � .,�
<br /> . ,. �,•::,:•;:, ' and the rocltals thereln of any matta►s or tacts shall be conclusive proot o1 ihe truthtulness thereof.Such person or persons
<br /> �;,;,;�,�;:''+�� : ahall pey all coats ot reco►ding,H any.
<br /> • ''`' 21.Tnnsler ot the Properfy;A���omption.lt all or any part of the Properly or an Intereat there�n is sold or transler�ed without
<br /> Beneliclary's prlar wrJtten consent, except a8 otherwlae provlded by law.8eneflciary may,at Beneficlary's optlon,declare a�c
<br /> the aums secured by this Deed of Trust to be Immedlately due and payable.Beneflclary shal�have waived such option to ec-
<br /> celarate If, prior to the sele or transfer,Beneflclary and the person to whom the Property Is to be sold or transterred reach f
<br /> Naa,S��qo� I
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> I
<br /> _
<br /> -
<br /> � _ _ _ __ —
<br />