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. . :_ , ,. .... . , :...�: __ <br /> .,, .. , �_n _,: . ,;. .., �.. -- <br /> � �� �a�'p9ris+. ,:.,�:�,._x.i�i� �- � � ��.�. ° .�e.,,�. -- _- . <br /> ,�. ,�:' �:�r.x„-�:�: . � ,..- r ____---___-- _ - <br /> .�� w )`'�r!ty7.=v�i+rwr ..r� <br /> ��..�--'�-----• '•�'. <br /> . <br /> . :Y �y�+ r. ' ' �� �r I�� ��� ^ <br /> i '. .,,��. 'I II _. --- -- -° <br /> , ..,.- .. . __ <br /> � _ . - <br /> '•";;,=. � <br /> �.., <br /> . _..........._. • -=_-_ ..... <br /> �'��`.,�',�'�.. 91-- l0 278 i -- <br /> � - L�F�-... <br /> ,i <br /> , , �M. notifla�tlon to T►ustN�nd B�nNlcl�ry.ln the sv�nt any polloy heroundsr Is not isnew�d on o�bsfore flftNn(16)d�y�prlor to <br /> � ` a'� " '�� It�sxplrstlon dtl�,Trwts�or B�rnilol�ry m�y proaun suah Inauranos In occord�ncs wlth ths piovlslons of P�r�praph 7. <br /> � Trustor eh�ll ddlver to B�n�f lol�ry Ihs orlpin�l pollolss of Insunnas and�enew�le thsreof or aople� ol auah pql�clas�nd <br /> -�� ^ ' ; ' �snswals th�nof. F�Ituro to furnlsh suah Inwr�na�by Truetor. or nn�w�l� a� �aqulred hereunder,ahall, at ths optlon of <br /> . .... ., . <br /> • - � � Beneflelsry,conetitute�detualt.All unsorned premlums ere hsreby aeslpned to Trautee ae addltlonal eecurlty,and a�ale�n <br /> � aonveyonoe of the Prope�ty by ihs TrustN sh�ll opsr�te to conv�y to ih�puroh��er ths T�uetor'�intero�t in ood to�11 polfolea � - --���_-_�- <br /> . ` of Inew�nce upon ths Trust Propetly. — <br /> � • .. 5.Tax�s and Au���m�nt�.Trustor shall p�y all taxes and epsclal aseeeemente levled or aeaesaed opalnet,or due upon,the =-- <br />�, Property befon dNinquancy q►nd wlll d�liver to B�mllolary copise ol ncslpta ehowinp p�yment of euch taxes and ppaa�al u� <br /> �isYg�fi�t8. T��� <br /> Y,1'-tn�ir;i'Pi;ie:i�'.'.�,'t�:�:M`;...�. <br /> , �.1 , .�.' "'�l .}LI.CY.�4•. <br /> '' g.,�dltlpnlil LMna t�rusta eA�IG maks aH paymint�ot tntae�st an�d DrinCtp�l,pnd paYmente ot Any other ohiirses.fees.�nd .��;:s,;;- <br /> :, :. �... . .,;:�cf-:���.; <br /> • + 0xpen509 Car�tracted tQ D�pwLd:C�YnX exl�lknp 4bn AoWe►s or prbr ben�6lCiarks un�er�n�t�IGr�eed o!Trac3t.M�rl�eQe or , � ,;,,t�,�,.:_ <br /> t e t. Dafore tAC dste tRey are de�Irpuent ancl to pay �ny olher cNlm whl�ch IeoQardi�xv9 ttw secu�i ,s �,� „�,.,- , <br /> Ctit�c�Cttr tY�e�s'netl �y ir,+C�?f��(t! ''}�"� �' <br /> "�'.;;'',<;�;�;�.� ,r• <br /> �,:�"�-�,:� : .'f; '";,..•, yra�ted herei�. ,;`,;�,;��{)'t�f:;�•;:;!'r::';,ri�:.:,;: <br /> J t n;•.,,;:. <br /> .•,,� : . ..`�'"',i'.c';',°;+`''��;`''�:;, 7.Prot�aqon of 8NN11clUry'�Soa��ity.Should T�ustor fall to rnake eny peyment,fal!to do any act as herei�provWed oe�t ;�;'��r�r...:•;;;....:..;•:;;�::;'�•I:,;: <br /> S <br /> , <br /> , ��r,,�Y,�,t'yM1� '� ` :• any aotlon or proceedln� ia commenced whlch materlally alfecta Beneficlary's iMerest I� thq Property, InaluQing,bu! not ,+:i�' +, ��', ' ��r� <br /> S �1t;•;a,�t:�::; ,�;,•�:�--� Ilmlted ta,eminent domaln,I�solvency,a��angemeMa or p�oceedings I�valvl�p a bank�upt or deaedent,then Beneticiary or �:,;sr,. ��t ;�� ',.� <br /> ; �j � �+, � ' r��` '�`'�`�°r Truatee,but without obligatlon to do so,and without notice to or demand upon Trustor,and without�eleasing Truoto�lrom any ,�.;si rf ��}?;:�;r <br /> �. , �,..,�.•,• <br /> { �,�t!i.•� 1 l_. .,.r:.. .<, �J.�� ' .{�'. '- '_ <br /> � ;;��5. :,:,;,s,,; ,•.,,.�:�,�.;;;.;,,_�, :,,;, olbipatlon hereunder,may maMe o►do lhe same,and may pay,purchase,conte9t orcomp►omlae any encumbrance,charge or <br /> , ,,,,��.a� ti � , ;� Ilen,whlah In the Judpment of elther eppeara to affect eaid Property;In exeralelnp any auch powera,the Benefiolary or Truatee � �-•_�'"�'�" <br /> ,,,. ' ,� G�'�. • -- <br /> . ;�>.; .��,�' may Inaur a Nablllty and expend whatever amou�ts„Inoludlnp olaburaemente of reasonabie attorney's fees,whlah in their ab� <br /> solute dlearetlon may be neceseary. In the event thet Truetor aholl(all to procure Insurenae,fall to pay texes and apeclal , _�~.�-".. <br /> asaesamenta or fall to make any payments to exleltnp or prlor Ilen holdera or beneflclarlee,the Beneflclary may procure auch � •=::r.� <br /> � Ineurance and meke auch p�ymente.All aums inourred orexpendad by Beneflclary or Trustee In aocordonae wlth the provb ( "; 4��,;:t,.-_- <br /> .� elons of the Deed of Trust are aacu�ed hereby and,wlthout dema�d,ahall bs Immedlately due and payablo by Truetor end aholl , ' �rr, <br /> • � ' bear Intere�t at th�r�ts provldsd for adv�nces under the Loan Apreement; pro•dded, however, that at th�optlon of th� '°'� <br /> . BansNolery or T�uste�,euch sums may M add�d to the prinolp�l balance of any I�debtedness ieoured hu�by md�h�ll bpr � . .•_ <br /> � ths��ms Intersst ae euch Ind�bt�dnes��nd sh�ll b�p�y�ble r�Ubly over th�rem�lninq lerm th��eof. �, ��• �, <br /> 8.Aulpnm�nt of R�nt�.8�rnflcl�ry eh�ll h�v�th�ripht,powsr and�uthoNty durinq the contlnuancs of thls Ds�d of Truet to • • <br /> � coll�at th� rent�, Is�u�� and p�oflt� of ths Propaty�nd ot any personal prop�hy loa�tsd Ihereon with or wlthout teklnp a� <br /> � ,- ---- posasss�on of ths Propsrty�ffsaiud h�nby,•nci Truetor i��eby absotuisly and unaond!!lonslfy ss�l9n�al!as�ah reMe,lee4�e� �- .�__-__-.',- ��` <br /> " 1 and proflte to Bensllol�ry.Bensflal�ry,howsve�, hsrsby conaents to the Tru�to►'s collectlon and retentlon of suah rente, 't�^,.,,r__. <br /> � Issue�and profpe�e they oaarue and beeome p�y�ble eo lonfl ae Truator la not,at sunh dme,In defauN with reepeat to p�y -. _ "'''���_� <br /> �� " ' ' ment of an Indebtedneaa aeaured hereb or In the perlormance of any apreement hereunder. Upon any euah default, � ,. .�►•-�� <br /> y y t`: "s:':;-° <br /> � Beneflalary may at any time,elther In person,by opent or by e receive�to be appolnted by a aourt,wlthout not�ae and without , ,�._ <br /> �.:,._.,. <br /> � � rep�rd to t�e adequaay of any eeaurity for the Indebtedneae hereby aeaured:(a)enter upon and take poaseaslon of the P►oper• � •.`� . .� � s <br /> ty or eny pert thereof and In Ita own name sue for or otherwlae aolleat auoh rente,lasues ond proflts,Includin�thoae paet due • ;: <br /> ' and unpald, a�d apply the eame, leas coate and expensea of operatlon and colleatlon,Inaludinp reasonable altorney fees, t.� ; <br /> � ,� , upon any Indebtednesa eeoured hereby and In such order as BeneNofary may dete►mine;(b)perfo►m euch aate of repal�or pro- i , � <br /> � , • " tectlon aa may be necesaary or proper to conserve the value of the Property;(c)lease the same or any pan hereof for auch ren• � ��� �. <br /> • tal term and upon such conditlons as Its�udyment may dictate.Unlesa Truator end Benellclary a9ree otherwise In writlnp,any I;� , ��r�••r���. <br /> � applicatlon o}rents,Isauea or profits to any Indebtedness secured hereby ehall not extend or poatpone the due date of the In• �:. �.° <br /> • ' • •�'��� stallmeM paymente as provlded In the Loan Agreement,and the applicatlon the►eof as aforeaeld ahall not walve or cure any '�'��.'; ;:�'�,�;t_ � <br /> , �,,�.:;,.'.', default or notice of default hereunder or Invalidate any act done pureuent to auch natlao.Truslor also asslyna to Beneficiary, �� .'.��,;,.,:, <br /> , .,,i„° ,°_ <br /> , '�• ' es futther eeourlty for the pertormance of the obliflatlona seCUted hereby, all prepald rents and all monles whlch may have , ...•. <br /> '�'�,, been or may hereafter be depoalted wHh sald Truator by any Ieasee of the Propeny,to aecure the payment ot any rent,and .� <br /> • � upon default In the perforamnce of any of the provislons hereol, Trustor agrees to deliver auah rente and deposita to the ..� .�•,���.,�� <br /> ''-��' Benetiolary. Delivery of wrltten notice o1 Be�eHlcary's exercise of the rfyhta qranted hereln to any tenant ocoupylnp sAW t ,;.�;,,_�;;,:', <br /> . � ..:... :;: premises ahall be aufflclent to requlre eaid tenant to pay satd rent to the Beneficiary until tu►ther notice. � ,,:; ';.: ' <br /> '4�:���'! 9.Cond�mn�tlon.If title to any part o1 the P�ope►ty shall be teken In condemnatlon proceedlnps,by right of emfnent domaln ; �• � ;� <br /> : ;�, <br /> or slmllar aatlon,o�ahall be sold under threat of condemnetlon,all awards,damapes and proceeds are hereby esslqned and • , •,��•,�:;,�,,;,�;�_���• <br /> .,�� �`�. " � ehall be pald to Beneflclery who ahall apply such award,damapes and proceeda to the euma secured by the Deed of Trust, ,;,,:.. .• ..;• �� . ;.�� • <br /> • with the excess,If any, pald to the Truator. �� • . <br /> �, ,•. . . <br /> • + 10.Futun Ad��no��.Tha loan A�reement providea for edvancea from time to time to Trustor by Beneficlary as provided � � <br /> � thereln.In addltlon,upon requeat of Truetor,Beneilclary,at Beneflclary's option,prior to reconveyance of the Property to the . � <br /> Truator,may make edditlonal future advences to the Trustor.S�ch future advences,with Interest thereon,shall be eeCUred by <br /> • thls Deed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notes atating that sald notes are secured hereby;provided thut at no time <br /> ' shall the eecured principal ond tuture advances,not including sums advanced to protect the security,excead one hundred per• <br /> .� . oent(100%)of the origlnal principal amounte aecured hereby. <br /> 11. R�m�dl�s Cumulatl�n. All remedles provided In thfs Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br /> remedy under thls Deed af Trust or aftorded by law or equlty,ond may be exerclaed concurrently.Independontly or successive• , <br /> ly. <br /> � . 12.AccN�r�tlon;R�m�dt�r,S�b.A defoult shall exlst In the event of: <br /> (A) Any fraud or mlarepreaentatfon by the Truator In connectlon wNh the Iine of credit which thls Deed of Truat secures; <br /> (B) Any fallure on the part of the Trustor to meot the repeyment tetms In respect to the Loan Apreement and any other ad• <br /> ; vancea under thls Deed of Truat hereby secured:and, <br /> __ ' _ _ ��` .,w.....��«���...�til�f1�n.1 n�T��c1 nr anu fafl��ra nf fhw Tr�lAlffl <br />. .. . . .�. . . . �. "''_"._�u._��' �_'"__�.. <br /> .. ... . . ' <br /> ��.) Any eciion uy inn i�unw�Nw�uv��w vr uw.o�.��a.,� .��o Oo.�..b�.. ... .. . <br /> ' �•� to act ea requfred by the Loan Aflreement or this Deed of Trust.each of which Trustor hereby agrees heve en adverse ef- <br />• � fect on the Beneficlery's security tor the Ifne ol credit esfabllahed and the riphts of the Beneflclary fn such securlty, <br /> � ' , and upon the happening o}any sucA event of detault,Beneficfary rnay declare all sums seCUred hereby Immedlately due and <br /> •� � ;,; ' payable by dellvery ta Trustee of u�+tten declaratlon of default.The Trustee shell have the power of sele of the Property.end if <br /> � Beneticlary deslres the ��operty to be 5ofd. �a sl�afl depos�t wlth Trustee thls Oeed of trust and a�1 aiomissory notes a�d <br /> �� ����,���� ,,��'•� documents evldencing expend�taures secured f+e►eby and sha�7 tleswer to'�rustde a wNtten notice o� 8efau�l and eiect�on to ' <br /> . . � •,;:'.,.� cauae the ProFerty to be so�d,�nLl the Truatee�n tum shall Drepare a n�t�ce in the�otm requ�red by law.wh�ch sha11 be duly fil• • <br />� � : .�;� , ed for record by Truatee. ' <br /> . ; +:.;,��;.�,' <br /> � � �;;,�,;�;;�•, , �A) Atter the lapse of suCA time as mey be requlred by law tollowing the recordation ot said notice of detauN,and notice of <br /> ' I'''.;,,,; ,• !.'• . <br /> � �, � S,,.:.:•. •_ default and notice of sale reWng Oeen glven as requlred by law.Tru9tee.wlthoul tldmand on Trustor,shall sell the Proper• <br /> .�.`'�'. :'''' �,r•,,�. <br /> • � ty on the date and et the tirne snd p�ace deeignated In sald notice o1 sale,at pu�i�lc auctlon to the h�gheat bidder,the pur- <br /> �� �'"��'{�"'� �. .. ;,hase prlce payable In la�+v�'uf money ot the United States at the time ot sale.The Derson conducting the sale may,for any <br /> � .� . . . cause he deems expedienf.uGStpone the sele from t�me tu timQ untll it shall be completeC and.In every such case,notice � <br /> NF�O�S 17i90� <br /> • . � _.___. —_— --__ -___ - __ . . _ <br />