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<br /> - � . .. ., . ._._.,- ��. __..__ . ...._.:__- -
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<br /> � � . ,.ar�, �.,. ,,� � _�W
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<br /> __ �, . 91— 1o��r�r�
<br /> ��i� �.a�...r.t«s�w...r o.w.
<br /> _�r_ a�ar..M.�,.ma�m�r�t�xapl u IGdt�d bY nN�doa�i�urd by tb�l�t�ar7►in tlw w�of p�Y��drt�r�lth��+'�
<br /> Iiqp�dkts p��na�nt i�IWI ot�I�u�vr�d bfi thY S�awtty InpnmMnt u:
<br /> � tl�i�d�w d�itt ot��M aa awat6lY pD+ri��.o���Y M!'meflt rqulnd bY�S�ewbY Iww�oa►t P�to ar oa
<br /> .�.•.• M
<br /> .r�
<br /> _.;�Y (Ul BoRO�vor d�twW b�r�vliW.for 11 Pa��tldrtY d�!►��t0 P���uY°��obli�tlao�taitdned in tMr SocudtY
<br /> ia�tnua�at. ottueSac+'atry.nqoi�e
<br /> -- (b)s.k wltYortc.�e�!Ap�w.N.I.eed�ir�n.itpwmM�d b�'applk�ls la�.oa witbt6e p�i�or.pptov�l �
<br /> :':�: ,` inra�dirs p�yawt ie IWI d�I t6e�m Mow�d by ttiY SeacitY t�oeat if:
<br /> �� (i)All a prn at tbe P�opaty i�atlierwre awfirnd lat� Wrs OY drvLe ot deroaitl M'the Bo�awar.d
<br /> ..•. �'+� (�)The Pmpaty i�not ooeupiod bY�he P�°f�00 a�hb a her pii�wry or�000��ieside�ioe.°�d�e Seereaey.
<br /> �e doe��o aooupy tha Properq but hi�ar der aodit oat bem�pnvad ia�000�dmoe w11h �q�ana�b
<br /> --- =�•;-'! --
<br /> (e)No W�hr.If dnvmaanoa aocar that would Pamit Leader to roquiro immedlue Wya�eot in fuU,but a� _
<br /> ���- ----==''� requim auh Wlm�wa.I.ende�doa not w�ive iu�ts wMit rapect to�ubse4uent ava�u. =` _
<br /> ��.� (�)p�WMr ot iND SKeMaf'.in m+wy drewust�cs re�dons itsued by the 3eccret�rY�rill limit I.eadu'�ri�tb ia _ _--
<br /> �:=,�=F�,'�"-:� .`- J- �-�.jy�r i.�ro.�u.'M.o�a ror-«f�o�i�r�no��t v��..yw.n�b secu�itr u�+�aaa
<br /> ._.,�..7.:( NW�0����IF���u��0����•�i�W�w►�vw J'
<br /> UOt�IIt�IO�LC wD0�t�011 0!�OTOC
<br /> --.-~-'- ��1,BpfiOwlf A�! �f�lt 10 If0 flf6St�fOd 1I�.t�C1'IW('E9Y�1t�I01m0�t4 PaY� ��WI bOC�YfE O� —�_
<br /> -=�c�����, !Y'!l�K�OIEC�OOLiQ �r-
<br /> —_°...-:��crr,; Borrowar'�tailuro to paY w�mount due under the Note ot thh Secn*itli��.'���DP� _ -
<br /> ------� p�ooed inp are inuiwted.To reVprate the Secudry IastrumeaU Horrower eM�il teader iu�lwap suaa an�mounu rWuiral to �;;;.-
<br /> _�._�_�,<<,� :,. .
<br /> !�.,:.. ._�„•- . 6rin=Bor�o�ver��aoount curreut iacladiaY.a the eateat tday are ob�ui�o�09�orroaer uada this SeewUY Instnunaat, �!'
<br /> - :.;,-:..,y..,• forealo�um ooas awd rasooabk and custaaiarY utoraaY i iaa aad expe�a P�Pa�Y at�oeiued witd the fosaclosure s
<br /> �;��' Upon�t by Borrower.t61:SecudtY Io:tNmeat aad tl�e o6liQatiom tlut it savrc��b�ll raa�ia ia eftat ai �
<br /> —„�: • �jud not r�oqnired immediwte p�ymeat ta iuU.Howeva,[.ender is not raquired to pmnit rcioscuement ii:(i)Lmda ha+
<br /> - .��"���"���� ``�` �oxpted rda�t �ter tAa ootpmeacema►t of foral�oawe Proo�d�� within two yan immedistdY Pr�nY the __-
<br /> . .,, . �..., --
<br /> � _-��;:�.'•.':. .;•-;`;��.: commaaameat oi�cu�m►t forocbsure prooeedini.(i���wW prxlude foraclowro on diffenmt Y�ouads ia the �
<br /> ...,_�__r�. , �'' � "` �tu�e,or lii��raas�eat w�ll adYerselY affect tF�e priontY ot tlie Uea created by tb4 Security lastruiaent. ___
<br /> �_•',�, ;,''�'• �..
<br /> - ,.�.; h;;.-;.r,- 11.�arower�'wt Relewi:Forrawa�a�f I�eade*Not •W�Irer.S�cta�sioa of U►e time ot paYmrnt or modiflaulon ot
<br /> - •�-�=.��'�� �• ' �mortia�tioa ot tbe sams�bY thtt jattruaxnt B�ted by I.ender to u►y suxessor in iatetat of Borrowar thdl nd
<br /> — -� �� -"'� rn►wer or BoROwer's sucassor in interat. L.ender�haU aot be tequind W ��:,:
<br /> �?:�.J;.,.,�.; • uper�te w rekase tbe 1fabWty of Uic oriaiaal mt or oth�wise madif�amartlratioa -
<br /> - "��-�.�:.�,p�,.r . commeaa pcoxedL�s apinit wY aucoeisor ia iatuest or rcfuie co a�tead tjme for WY� �..
<br /> _c+�x:`:._,��...,t �' ot the aaos �avrad by tdis SecudtY Iastrumaat by rason ot aay demu►d made by the oriatnal Borrowa or Bonawer'� �
<br /> _ --�=.-�e-:,...�. �ucasson ia Wtaat.Any forbau�nae by[.cnda in euadsiai aay rf46t or ranedY�haU not be�waiver ot or preclude tla - -
<br /> _ ---.�,:�,;"�;��`'._�= mce�ko ot my riRht or remedy.
<br /> ""`-°'9�` Bor�di Joirt ud 3evenl Wbfll�lqri Co-Stpen The covetwnts and ngramanu of this Security
<br /> --�'� `"" ` `' :,' 12.S�oo�on e�dAw� �
<br /> �'.....; ':. ,•�, 'r Iostrument�FuU biad and beuefit the auoceswn and aui�u of Laida aad Borrower,aubjecc to tho provisioas ot parayraiph 9.6. _
<br /> -�°����.'.' , "",.�'..;` •. Bonower't covetwau aad a4rameats:hall be Joiat and xvenl.Any Borrower who oo-siQas this Security Imtrument but doa --
<br /> -r�r"z''�=,t y:: ' ',�h•�' not e�cecute ebe Note:(o)ic oo-sigaing thia Secudty Instrumem only to mortpaee,graat and eonvey that Borrower's interest in
<br /> �':z��; �' ' „• . ,.`' •�,, the Propaty under the tertns of thf�Security Ia�trumear.(b)it not penont�Uy obUQated to pay the surtu secured by thit 3au�lty
<br /> -- �.•' � � lattrumeot: aad (c) a8roa that Leader and xay other Borcower may agrea lo extend, modify, forbeu or make any
<br />_-�-1.��„ .•`..:-,.-� °``•"'.. � �commudatioru with re�rd to the turn of this Secudty Instrument or the Note witlwut th�t Borrower's coa:ent. -
<br /> ;-.:"�� ti �. —
<br /> -_-_����.x,• ...` ,,:• e�:. 13.N�tleM.My aotitx to Borrower provided for in thii Secu�ity Inatrumrnt sh�ll be Bivrn by de8vering it or by maWnQ it by —
<br /> �'-.���� �°'S'., ' Mt c1�w auil unless appUcxble law requira use of aaother me�hod.The aotice ahaU be directed to the Property Addras or sny �,�.•:
<br /> • • •"`` " ' oWer addrps Horrower dai4natee by notia to l.ender.My nadce to Lenda shall be�iven by tirst cla�s moil to Leader s address �h�
<br />' -•�°r- ' �t�ted berein or iufy addras Lmder daignues b7t nodce to Bonower.My notice provided for 1n this Security In:trunknt�hdl -__
<br /> .., , �`" be deemod to tuve been�fven to Borrower or Lender when �iven at Pra�dod in thls par+�raPb• �°''-'
<br /> • *� , . tl � This Securfty Instrument�hall be governed by Federal law and the law of tUe juriadiction in �"
<br /> ;�.'.. .' . . ,, t�.co.e�(.t[..st se.ei.bWh• --
<br /> � • '. . ° which the PropMy k loc�ted.In the evrnt that any provision or clause of this Secudty Insttument or tde Note cnnflicta wkh ao- ��P
<br />�;:�;=:�'::? " • plicable law.:uch oontllct sh�ll not aftect other provfsions ot this SecwitY instrument or the Note whkh caa be�iven effat �_:
<br />';.,': : ; ;3 r ' wlWout tde confUcUn�prov[abn. To thi�end tha proviaiona ot this Sa�urity Instruma►t and the Note are daclued to be
<br /> ei+:�;. " saverRbk.
<br /> .sx."u::;...'. ,
<br /> � � , :i�:,r����;�i� �. 1S,Yarower'r Copr.Bortower shrU be Qiven one confornxd copy of thls Secudty in�trument.
<br /> , '�' �.':,,y:: 2 .. ..
<br /> :'��.�•,�;, •� • � �i.Awip�at ot IZe�b.Bortower uncondiUonally assfgns aad transfero to Lender all the renu aad revenua of tbe PropertY.
<br /> - T:.1.'4' '`:,�'_s'�. ��
<br /> �n,.�,��,,�. „ Borrower�uWorizes Lender or Lender'a�eat�to coUect the rents and revenues and hereb}directs each tena►t of the Propeny
<br /> -� � .� „ to pay the rents to Lenda or Lender's�8ents.However.pdor to Lender':notia to Borrower of Borrower's breach of aay cove• �'•
<br /> •�,;�';' nant or a�[ama►t in the Security In�trument,Borrower shall coUoct and receive all renta and revenuca of the Property as trustee �� `
<br /> n
<br /> . ��:� ' . for We beaeflt of Lrnder w�d Horcower.This oasi4nment of renca wnsdtuta an absolute assi4nment and not an assiQnment for
<br /> ' , �' addidon�l secudty only. [��`":
<br /> .1��:.4,�• -
<br /> ;,•�:J;'��.�-:�?":,, If Lender Qives notire of breach to Borrower:(a)all rem�csce+vrd by 8orcower shall be het�1 by Borrower a+uusta for beneflt "
<br /> `�i�''�"`��� �� of Lender oNy,to be applied to the sum�secured by the Secu�ity 7na�rument;(b)Lender sha]:1 be entitted to coAect and rsaiv e ill
<br /> , '.'"�•�:''ti=+�'1"�' of lhe rcats of the Property;and(c)each tenant n4 the Ptopeny ef�ll paY aU rmu due and unpaid to Leoder or Lende�'a a,gem �,M
<br /> �!•, •'`:��`k���'`'1�` ., on I.enda's wrltten demond to the tenant.
<br />. • �•• :,�y2����'i�)��;� .
<br /> .s„:�t��1v�:�
<br /> • ;'�S' �. •�:;;��+:ti�I� � Borrowa has not executed any prior assignt�ent of the rtnts and has no�and will not perform any aci�hat would prevent
<br /> ' ••;�'r,+�11,_!�t+t�' l,ender from exerciaing its rights under this puagraph 16. � � �
<br /> �� �:�l:;x;::j�
<br /> �)�,::,.:.� L e e d e r�h a l l n a+t b e r c q u i r e d t o e�t e r u p o n,t a k e c o n t r o l o f or malntain the Pro p erty befora or afler Qivin�notice oi bteac•hto ;;�
<br /> . "�%•��`��'' Sortower.However,Leada or a jnsliciallY appointed recelver may do so et any time�herc is n breac h.Any app l icaUon o f rr as
<br /> •, ;r.�':.:• . .�.
<br /> � ,,, . ^ thap pac cure or waive any defaa�lt or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.This a�►si�nmeat of aenu of the PropeitY t .
<br /> ��` `._ :haU taminate wfien Ibe debt�aured by the Secudry Inurument is paid in full.
<br /> ., � cr� - � �.
<br />� �:;1f.:�`L"._�
<br />. -__ � .� ..Sv.,.�-� „ �`.
<br /> F ' - '
<br /> . �
<br /> . • ' I.
<br /> ., 1
<br /> • � i
<br /> • . �
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> `' Pa�te 3 oJ 1 �
<br /> ,, • i ,
<br /> �• .
<br />