; � „�. ______ ,
<br /> _. j , �--�-- . -•..�.,..,.,,�,.:, .-_-ec.. .: eru�rrsr.y� ,�,,.— __ ,.�..
<br /> l . � '`�r'C+'�.�=':i��.:r,a-. .. � i,,
<br /> � , + • , ..
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> fp•�,N .,' . . � a. ..—... -__
<br /> �
<br /> � ' � —�
<br /> � � ..
<br /> - _ � g�,- l02'773
<br /> , �1 i.h�t ot PeVel�l�t�N�M�M I�M L1�eN•�onower�b�U p�y whrn due tbt priacipal of.�ad interat on,the debt
<br /> �:;� wida�eed bY tIM NoU�od W�ch�r�a dw under We Note.
<br /> 3.MaMy�r h�wb at T�w.l�nr�sa�Y aw►C�•B°n°wer�h�ll lnclude in acb moathlY p�ymcnt,to�ether with -
<br /> ' e�v{cd�be kvkd+ipinst the�ProperiY�IIb)IaudioW Wyiaeap ot�ouodWrrn�on t�ey Pmpaty,��nd(�emlumt for _
<br /> ., � � in�w�oce ro4uind bY Paryraph 4.
<br /> . 6.�. �---�• p.�ch montd►y in�limmt tor itaas(a).(b)�nd(c)�h�ll eqwl oec•twelfth af the�nnual unounu,at reuaa�bly�tlm�ted by -
<br /> -- ' I.ender�plus�u unount�uffideat to m�iat�i�►m addlUon�l b�ace of not morc th�oae•�ix�h oi tbe ccdmated wnouata.The �_ _--.--�. -
<br /> u
<br /> � .j .:r.... ;` full�nnud amouat tor ach itan studl be aceumuUted by I.ander withia�periad eadin�one month before m item would
<br /> � �,r`_�'' b�cwne detin quept.l.ender:h�U hald the�ur►ouab collected in t�ut ta p�y itena(�1.lb)and(e)before they bucome dellaquent.
<br /> �'�1 �`°°`=m"'�'�• It u aay time the total of tha Wymenu Meld by Lender tor item�(�1�(b),and(a),toaether with the futuro monthly p�ymenu
<br /> ''��� -a' tor sucb Itemip�ymblo ta Le�der pdor to tha due data ot�ucb itemf�e�eceed�by more thu�ona•siuth the at(uuted unount oi __
<br /> -wa�. ;�;'�- s� paymenu r�ulrod to psy:uch iteau whea dua,and if paymenu oo the Note are cuRent,thea Lender sh�ll either rcfund the
<br /> �=__�_�_;. �,•''`""' "•'�". exoess over oae•si�ctb of the estimued DaYmaia o*aedit the exceu over one-��Cth of che eatim�tal payments to subsequrnt
<br /> ---- —�•�'�;'=.� . -^ p�ymeau by Borrower.at tl�e apUoa ot Bonowa. lt the total oi the paymenta made by Borrower for item(a),(b),or(c)ia �v,.,__-_._.
<br /> M."`��t�;'.. ..' , ' io�uit{cla►t to pay tGe ltem when due.then Bonower ih�ll p�y to Lender aay aawuw aeoeuuy to mdco up tqe deflcieacY an or
<br /> ..,. ' �, ;
<br /> w�,.� • . .�---- _-� -
<br /> ,d �� ., betoro the d�ta ths item becoma due.
<br /> - �`! �M *� n As used ia thls SecudtY fattnuneat,•�S�ry•mwu the Secreta�Qf Nousia�a►Rd Urban D�w��o�ment o�a Eus ot dec
<br /> __ .,.*,.,
<br /> - ��.: dal�nee.Mou Secudty I�uwneats iaiured by the 3a7etuY�re imured uader pro�ams wA�ch reqwu�e ad+�aaoe p��meot of tbe
<br /> -_- ,, eatlro mort�e infurance Dremium.if this Saudty In�trumeot is or�ir�waed uuder�pro�ram which did not reqwrc advance
<br /> = p�yment of t6e entire mort�e iaturance premlum�tllea each montlb'Po►7�ment sAall al�o iaclude eiWa:(i)aa inst�nt of the
<br /> -_-���:,,4•_.-: _ annwl mortp�e io�unnoe pranium to be pald by Leader to the SatieiauY.or(uy�moathly cbuQe iastead oY a�noRt�a -----
<br /> ,;':�,y ; iasunaa praaium if this Security lasfrumml i�heW by tAe Secret�eY.�ach montfdy itataUment of the mortg�ge ia.�wrance �--.-----_
<br /> Se
<br /> .,�,;� 4 4 '.'Q prcmiwn:hap 6e ia aa ad►ouat:uifidzat to aocumulace cse iutl uwwii�no�e iasuraace pnmium w�th Lender one month �__�_ �
<br /> .�y prior to the duo the fuU�pnwl mort�e insu�ce premium is due ta tAe�eeretary.or if tbi:3avdty InstrwaeM is heid by the �,__,�_-
<br /> �.,=—_ -
<br /> ;, ,�;a Secretary.prcd ipontdly char4e�haU be in an amouat eqwE to aae-1�+efft�of one-hdf percent of the ouutondin4 p�indpal —
<br /> � � . • b�Lnee due oa the Note. ----:
<br /> � ° n If Bortowa tendas to Lender the Pull payment ot�Il swu aecured by this Security lnstn�mrnt,Borcower'a nceount shoU be = _._,
<br /> '� credited with the b�lana rem�iniaa for aU iastallmenis Pa�r itrnu (A). (b) and (c)and eay mongABe i�uur�nce premium �'�l!+��1.-.�
<br /> em �
<br /> �i�., .. ° ° installutent tl�at I.eader lui not bxome obli�ccd to pay to the Secretary.nnnd Lender�haU prompdy refund nny excas tuads to F" �r�;--
<br /> d I.��--'-----
<br /> . Borrower. Immediuely p�ior to a fomloaure sale oi the Property or!ts�cquisit�oa by I.ander.Borrower's itocount sFull be r�...�.�....u._
<br /> :�o` •• ,,. • creditad wlth wy bWance mnaininQ for a�io�taYmmw 6w ittms lal.(b)+md(c)• ��..�
<br /> . � .V. , 3.�A Ye�tio�oi P�y�ew.AU payakats undR PuaB�uPhs 1 and 2 ahall be appUed by Lender as follows: p''
<br />� �::°.0 n . .,'f...•,•• �..� :r.SlMt=-�_:-_-�
<br /> .to the mortp�e i�ura�ce DraaLm to bt paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monchly char4e by t he Secrctary �,;.,_��j 7; �-
<br /> ;J.s.r.:.,,��„� - - w..�}�,i Rbe a+ontbly�ortaa�oe inwraox c+rca�ium,unias Bortower paid the entira mortQa�e insuraua prcmium when thi: �,y,`,��,cc�•_ .
<br /> � ' {�� Se�WwfX 1�►s�cwaent was siyocd' --
<br /> .�,;,,,.,�.__'.
<br />. �.:?.; . .. �.w any uxa,apecial assawaents,leasebold pwYments or grouad reuu.and Me.flood and otba huArd iaawance �:�.r�• •: �
<br /> ,�,:'.. �'•'� ;�. ----
<br /> ' ��,•.;".i R'em�wa+.a+re9uircd �sx------
<br /> : •�--�--_
<br /> :" . � o ' . �$Q. to interat due undar the Note; , +�'
<br /> , ^ . , �QURTIi,to amortUation ot the pdndpAl oi the Note: . :._:�1�:J0j�� -
<br /> • �b.to I�te ch�uQa due uader the Note. ������'''`}''�`..°� `__-°
<br /> r, � i.irrl,l' • • :e.=d.`i:
<br /> v� .., � ��E'l�e�E7ood qd 01Yer Hwrd I�unuee.Bortower shdl insurc all improvemrnu on the Property,whether now in existence .�a;����',`�'• -
<br /> ' ' or eubsequenqy erectad,�alnst any hwzards,casualties,and condngenda,includinQ Nre,for which Lender requfres insurana. ,
<br /> ' This inwraax ahall be m�intained in the artwunt�and for the paiods that l.ender requires.Borrower ahall olso inaurc all •
<br /> { ' � improvements on the Propeny.whether now in euistena or:ubsaquently erected.aQainct loss by floods to the extent required by
<br /> } • the Sepetary.AU insurance�h�ll be wrried with rnropania approved by Lender.The insurance po8da and any renewals sh�ll `t,��:_.,h=_
<br /> ' •• • be held by Lender and:hall include loss payable clauses in favor of.and in a form uxeptable to,Lender. � "--_
<br /> r�=_,
<br /> � 'i'=��.
<br /> ,,;•;„ ; ;�y ' �• In the eveM of loss.Horrower ahall�ive l.ender immedlAte aoUca by mwil.Lender m�y nuke proof oi loss if not made prompb 'r� ..��-.-.�
<br /> .r'# .as�--
<br /> r"���,: ly by Borrowa.Eacd insurance company cancerned is hereby authorized and dirocted to m�ice payment io�sucL bss dlrecNy to ��.'._u,�.�.__
<br /> ",��;t,, � � . . J " Lender.instad of to Borrower and to Lender jointly.AU or nny part oi the insurana proaeds m�y be app8ed bY I.rnder�at its ;,�,,,-�•�.-•- :
<br /> y�.,,;-:- �_
<br /> _- ---.-^ - option.dther(a)to the reductjon of the indebtedness uader the Note aad thls Sav�ity Iasuument, firct to wy deUaquent ,�,�_`.��,,1„
<br /> ' ' �mounu appUed in the order in Paragreph 3,and then to prepayment of pdnclpal,ot(b)to the ratoration or repair of the ��;i,K�;. : ;�,�,_
<br /> , mo
<br /> � :•'��'�' -':;..
<br /> � + �. d�ed property.Any appUcation of the proeads to the principal shalt not eutead ot postpone the due date of the monthly ,, � r�:
<br /> •« , � paymeats which ue rcferrcd to in Paragraph 2,or ch�nge the amount of such paymenu.Any excas insuraace proceeds aver an �'�;.•�;.�, . ;1ti-��,
<br /> � � �; uaount required to pay dl out:unding indebtednas under the Note and thb Secudty Insuument:hall be paid to the entity leW�l- ' , . •�..
<br /> : , � . •',;,•. .�� +:�`!; lyeatiNedthereto. I � `
<br />'' � ;� ••i};�;���, „.. „�4 P�Y
<br /> _ ,.���;�, In the evmt of forecloaure oi tbis Securiry Instrument or other transfer of title to the Pro that actingulshes the in- �.<<,--�----�-
<br /> � �~ �� t ��•�•r,. `, ' deMedness, ,.1. Wk and interat of Borrower in and to insurana policia in force shall p�as to the urc4aser. '"" -
<br /> ''�" 'Si;'�c�i.- dlrly.l� �„ }- -
<br /> :. P .�f:nY':y�r,
<br /> .':',''A�..`.� 5.;.'/,I,",_I_ , ' ` .-:`Y-"
<br /> � r.
<br /> ,•:y:. :,.:: . •, �' S. praer►�qo�ud Md�te�uc�ot t�e prope�if�. Leae6old�. Bottower shal!not cortmit waste or destroy,dnmage or ��:�.-�_
<br /> �=,`;'�, ` '' � eubrtandally chat�ye the Property or allow the Property to detedorate,reasomble wear and tear ezapted.Lendea�may inrpect _ _ ,_
<br /> ,-�
<br />.:�;;.;�;.,':'.` , , � ' the property if the property is vacpnt or abandoned or the loan Is in default.Lender may ta�e reasonable actioe tm protect aad
<br /> prrserve auc6 vacant or�bandoned propeny.lf this Security tnsaument is on a leauhold.Borrower shaU comply�vis�t�e provi-
<br /> a , ' � sioas of the lase.If 8orrower woquires fee title to the Property,the Iwsehold and fa tNle shall not be mer�ed�aafess Lcnder
<br /> ` . . . � ' narees to thc meraer in writin�• ',,'';,•'.
<br /> !::•.,
<br /> . . •�,,,..
<br /> �;; �• � 6.Clar�a lo Borro�rer tud Protectlon 4i Leader'�WgYts ip t6e Proper�y.Borrower shall pay at!B.�+¢mnraen:a7 mc municipal : .
<br /> >,,�. .; � chuQes,flna and impositions that are not included in Paragraph 2.Borcower shall poy these obli�a�ao�ns aa time slimdY to the
<br /> ',,,; •.' ' ,�� ' endty which is owal the payment. If fdlure to pay would advecsely affect Lender's interat in tht PnReersK.uzoa Lender's re- .
<br /> .+�:, •'�' ;,�,•.' . quest Borrower ah�ll promplly turnish to Lendet rceeipt�evidencing these payments.
<br /> '"��� ,k "'� ' IP 8orrower taUs to make these payments or the payments required by Paragraph 2,or fails to perform�y ot6ttt Cmvenan�s and
<br /> �i��!t,''�r•� �''y;':•',.
<br /> � '�•��'•'' eartements contained in this Security Instrument,or thete is n legal proceeding that mny signiflcantly aFfact�ens:er's rights in
<br /> �`�''• �� the Property(suct os a procading in ban�CCUptcy,for condemnation or to enforce laws or rtgulationsi.tlosn Ltnder may do and
<br />''�i+ . � ' t pay whatever is necasary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's riQhts in the Property,uutudir�payrr�ent oi Uaes.
<br /> ' ��� har.ard inswancr and other items mentioned in Para4raph 2.
<br /> _ . .. " ... ... .. .. .'_ '�'_.u_n_....._...��..L�u 1.�,......�.w.aat�+,...■1.i•M nf pnrrnwer and be setuted bV[Bis
<br /> .. . _
<br /> • ! � Any omounts a�souracu or�cnuc�rurc. �.N���..�..M.....�......,...._�.__�__..----- -- --
<br /> Security[rutrument.Thae amounts shall bear interat irom the date of diabursement,at the Note rate,and ac clu option oF
<br /> Lender,shall be immediately due and payabk.
<br /> �. 7.Co�denutlo�.The praceeds of any awud or claim for damages,direct or consequentinl.in connection with any condem-
<br /> natton or other tstking of any pan oi tAe Property,or for conveyanee in place of condemnation,are hereby assignect and shall be
<br /> � � pdd to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtednas�hat remains unpaid un�er the Note and this Security Instru•
<br /> � ' ment.Lender shaU apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument,f'frat to
<br /> ' any delinqurnt amounu applied in the order provided in Puagraph 3,and then tu prepayment of principal.Any application ot
<br /> ' the proa�eds to the principal ahall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments,which are referred to in
<br /> Paragnph 2,or chanae the amount of such payments.Any eacess proc�eeds over an aznount required to pay all outstanding in-
<br /> � debtedaas under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to the entity Ie�aUy entitled thereto.
<br /> 4: �
<br /> � , t.Fea.Lrnder may collect kes and charQes authorized by the Secrctary.
<br /> po�e t ol t '
<br /> . I
<br /> �
<br />