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____ _ ____ _ _ _ — • _ ._ .. .___ <br /> _ . . . �'�••q�+r <br /> , . - . �93� �.� � , ,� <br /> , ��I�w nMq►�►r«r�rwao�aq bda+a nfe a aa�nr p�nt i��r r�r d..r a�./ir ii� . � <br /> M�ar tby d iJ�t�Mb�d�t.�Mt S�!►1mba�a�t• 71�as coidWo�s w��t 8on+oww: W <br /> pqrt Laxi��11�ep� �k1�� wo�id 6�dre�der IW 9ecwity iMUa�qeat�nd dM lYalo a if m �onaiaMion IM4 <br /> oo�nedt(b)aa��►dlliwk d'�ad�co�ie�wM�a y�ee�qaM�;tc1 P�!'i��Paw�in�nd iw eatan�d�4 Sea�rit�r <br /> I�t,iucludln�,hut eot limb�d b.rwoh�l�ie+N�oeaa�n'teM:and(d)hice�4�ch action�t l�et�der m�y neMOn�bly . ' <br /> r�in 10 w�s th�t ths iNn d thb Secw�ty h�eob I.eederl ri�a in the�partY aod Bamwer�obli�tioa a p�y d�e <br /> wnw �cvt�db�r dd� 9aarity Inthta�ant �11 o�o�Miiwe �nch�e�ed. t)poa �a�Nane�M bI► earowar. 1bi� 9ecu�ily � <br /> lnstrtaaa�t aAd tbe cddl�ttoa�s nectmrd fiet�cby slu�ll�snuiM tldly e(fecNve u it eo aoo�iwaNai h�d oa�wnd. flowever.tbit <br /> ri�bt In r�t��IaU not piply W Wo cae atrooele�'�ion under p�r�aph 17. � . <br /> 1!: S�Y d NaNi CM�d I.o�5�rlo�. 7Ue No�e or�pa�l fa�arat in d�e Note(to�aha�wt�6 tdis Security <br /> Intrumeat)a�y be a1d aie or maa Nabs wllbout pior notioe�o Barrow�r. A�le wy rowlt�a a ch�nje ia tde eatity <br /> (k�awa�Ihe-�oRn servioa")th��colleels monady wyanaW aue unaer u�e Note�a,a Wit s�cu�riyt ms�caait. Tbae�Iw , <br /> naqr be aa a ma�e ch�n�a�oP�pa Lo�a Servioe�unrol�ted to�wle of the Noto. If�a�r is a cMr�e ot�e�an Scrvlar. <br /> Bomowor will be�iven wtitten nWioo of the clw�a in�ocad�noe with�14:boro��ed�b'c�abir I�Mr. 'tl�o Motice <br /> will ct�te the n�mo and�ddrest oi 1ho na�v l�aa SerWoer and the addrou to paymeNtt be n�tle T6e�otico wiU <br /> al�o conuio any Wlbr Utformadoo roquhod by�pplicable I�w. <br /> �0. Uwordou�S�ees� BtKrowar�hdl not cauae ar penmit 1he p�esenco.uce.dispoeal.ataa��elea�e oP any <br /> Nvardow Sub�t�noos aa ar in tho Prope�ty. Bomuwer shdl no1 do���Ilow�nyare d�e 10 da�B atfecting the <br /> Ro�r U�t 4 in violWon of�ny BnvGaunanW I.�w. 7ta pteoedin8 two sente�oes�11 nd�ppt�r�o�le p�aence,we.or <br /> qorqe on tMe Properly ai am�ll qwntitien of N��a�dow Sub�t�noes 1h�t u�e Qenerally�owynixod p be app+op'ide to�ormd <br /> ro�ideotW u�a�d to m�intaumce of the Phopetty. <br /> Sorrowu siroii P�mI�Y INvc Lciniai wT1t�i1 isat3�of�sty ftt+r�tfgr!�.Cl�irni�nand.l�wsYi1 ot atber aCfb11 bY�ulY <br /> B�a rc�aY+��Y a P�v�le p�ty involvin�tt�e Pimpury rnd aay Hazardous Sub.iw�Y or Farvijrmmaqal <br /> d Mhich Boitower h�actwl Wawled;e. li Bano+w�er k�m.or i: oatilied by �ny govaomatW a�e�ula�ary <br />�t�ny temovd or wAer tcmodiation af�ty H�a�rdous Subsance afl'ecting the Propaty is necat�ry.RaROwa <br /> sl�ll promptly take aU nocewary rrn�edid actiom in accordamx with FrvirnnmenW lsw. <br /> As used in this p�r�aph 20."Harardou:Sobsunces"aro Ihose subshn�es defuied ss toxic ar Iwardous aub�noes by <br /> F�vitanmenW Law�nd the followGtg subsw�ces: gasoll�e.kerosene.other 8ammabie ar toaic ped�oleum prwk�cis.toxic <br /> pesticidea and fKrbkides.voWile solveMs.mate�ials conufning aslxstos ar fam�ldehyde.and radioac8ve m�terials. As <br /> usod in thic puapaph 21)."EnvironmanW I.�w"means federd lav►n ard IaY►n of the jurisdictioo where�he Ptaputy is locatod <br /> thst�el�te ta heahh.s�i'ety a rnvinonmeMal pnotxdon. <br /> NON-UMFQRM COVENAN7'S. Borrower and Leoder fu�ther rnvmant and sgroe as folbwa: <br /> 21. Accekn�tloni Rea�alies. l.e�de�siwll�ive noNoe to Baerower prior b accekn�tlon tWbvvlq Borrower•s <br /> breacM d any coveaant ar agr+ament ia lWs Security loahumeat Ibnt aot prior to�kntiw uader pa�npU 17 <br /> ��ks applfc�bk I�w provWi�ol6envisel. 71e aMic�sb�U N�cUys (a)tbe dehulti(b)t4e�ct��equired to cure We <br /> dehult;(c)a date,not les4 tbw 30 dsqs trom t6e drte tUe noNce is�iven W w�kM tbe defsWt must�De <br /> cured;sod(d)tiwt faihre to cure the de�MUlt oa or bef'are the d�te specilkd la tUe nottce msy resalt in�cceleratlaa ot <br /> fbe suu�sec�red by tl�is Securily l�trument and s�le oP tl�we Property. The ootice slwll furlha�iaiorm Borrower of <br /> tl�right to reinstate aRer�ccekratioa aad the�igW to brl�a couM actbn to assen Ihe non-exis[e*ce of a ddault or <br /> auy�Nha�dc{epse of Borro�ver to accelerAtioa nad swla IP the de�ault La not cu�+ed ao or before tir e4tte apeci8ed in <br /> t6e notiot,Lender at its optbn may require immediate pAyment in full at WI sums secured by tht�5�ec�urity Instrumeat <br /> witdoul f�rt6er demand �nd mwy iavoke the power of sale Aad sny Mber rcmcdies permitted by spplicabk law: <br /> Leader sball be eadtkd w callect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedks provWal la tbta par�aph 2l. <br /> indNding,but oot limited t0.�bk attornevs'tees and costs ot tltk evideuce. <br /> itF t6e power of s�le is invoked.7lrustee shall record a notice o�default ia e�ch couaty in whkh�ny p�rt a�tbe <br /> P�My is WcAted and shWl mail rnptes of such notice in tNe mpnner prescri6ed by applkwbk IAw t�Borrower and to <br /> tl�e other persous prc.gcribed by applkable IAw After the time required by Applicable Ipw�71rusRce shaU give puMic <br /> noti�e of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicab7e IAw 'iFustee,without dewa r�d oo Borrower. <br /> slur�sell the PropeMy at publte auction lo Ihe highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desigaated io <br /> Yt�t r�otke ot sale in one or more parcels and in any orde�7Fustce determines. 7lrustee mav po�sipone sole af all or any <br /> pA�i of the Property by public annauncement At the time�md place ot any previausB��srbedukd aate. I.ender or itv <br /> desi�e awy purcAase the Properly At�ny s�le. <br /> Upon receipN oi pwyment oP the price bid.'ll�ustee shall deliver�o IC�e purebaser 7lruatee's �Zed rnnveyi�g the <br /> Properly. The rerilals In the 7lrustee's deed saaQl be prima facie evidence of the trulh oP the atsHements made therein. <br /> 7Fastee ahAll apply lbe procee�s o?Ihe sale i�the i'allowla��order: In1 to all costs and expieases of exercising the power <br /> Form 3ot8 9A0 rry�rx�S njA pox�.t► <br /> ' �1���' , <br /> :r -i..�w.• .rr."r.:c•. .•t�' i 1,� ��'t.. . �` -���i���`LfS�. y . � . . . - <br /> ' r:�'��� . .����.; .y;�,•,�: i. ?� . . r -�7,�- �-k.�*.�-'uv7F�L1�Ai`,--a�.... �. � .�. �a. 'r.11.. - <br /> . , <br /> _ � , . �!, . . .. � . . . <br /> _ _-����'�aMa7o�irr I � . .. :� ;. 'ivW i .., `•}. 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