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_ _______ _ . <br /> . _ , <br /> _ __ ____ . <br /> _ _ _ . r�•- <br /> . . , . ��w �., ,. . , ._:J `:.:i. <br /> , �ur ottYec t�kin�at�r pnt oi'd�e Pn�tY•w far cohvey�nte ia tiw d caudqnaa�ian.�ce Meby ai�+►,I{ord�i ,. _;: <br /> �h116e p�id b LAe�d1r.• . � ' �-. <br /> In the arait p�i'a•wW t�kiq� d db P�patY•��11 be aQplkd to Ihe aua� �ecm�ed by dW Sea�7 , <br /> lmtnmteo�wta�har ar aot dm due..wlth sny oxows to Hanewor. In die evea�t of�p�rtid hkir�af iw Pro{�f►i► , , <br /> whkh 1he fiir n►�ricet v�luo at tbe Plapony immedl�tely befae�he Wcin�Ia oqud w a�+e�tcr Ihnt It�e amQunt otMio� <br /> �ecunea by dd.seax�ty ta�saeat i�aneat�te�y berao a�e a�cin�.unbs.8o� l�da ahaw4e y�ee iu w�i1M+�, <br /> �ha wms�owoed bY thix SecuritY Gudument�11 be roduoed bI'the�niount of the pooeeds mahtplied�tb 1�dlo+viey <br /> {n�tiop: (�)tho taql uauunt of the suMS�ecurod immali�tely 6efora the uiWpg.divld�d by(b1 the taG' vahee a!tde <br /> P�up�ty immo�N�tcly beto�e the Wdng. My bwlmco�11 bo paid w Bamwu. In tha evail of� p�rd�)t�kiaj d the <br /> propmty i�which the f�i�multet vahio of Ua Pmperty immedi�tely befo�tlio uking is las 11un Ihe am�wnt of thO�rtu <br /> �ocuoed�nmodt�telY bcforo Ihe uking,u�kss Barrower and I.ender otAerwica�ee in writin� or unk��ppfic�bk I�w <br /> . pbonriao panrides.�ha pocoods cludl be applied to t6e surns tiec�ed bgr�Mis Sacu�ity buauma�t whelhe�ar not 1he w�n�iue <br /> drcn due. <br /> IF th�Pr'aPeK}'is ab�ndoned bY Borrowu.ur ii.rfler notice by Lcnde�r to Barower tiyt the coademnar of[en 1d wilue <br /> w aw�M ar eeple�cU�im tar dmy;es.Bar�ower fiuls to rc.spaid w Lender Mritl�in 30�J�Ys�fier the d�te�notice is�iva�. <br /> Lender ia+wtD�oriaod to vollact md apply�die its optan.eiN�er w�storatian ar nepir af�he Pwopaty ar lo d�e <br /> aans sxu�ed by this Security Gutnunea4 wUdl�r or not tl�c+►due. <br /> Unksg Lender and Ban�wer otherwise agKC in writing.�ny applicatioo of prnceeds to pincipal ahnll ooR ext�ead a <br /> .� pqapone t0e due cWe of 1ho monthlS►WYmenta rcfemed to in p�r�g�pl►a 1 a�d 2�c�esnge 16e amaunt of such p�yniain. <br /> � 11, Rarrower Nat Rdea�ed: lbrbeara�we By I.eader Not � Wdver. �iactension oi the time fa p�yment or <br /> . tqodificatia�n�of.amortiz�tian of the sans securcd by this Security In�t graat�J�bY Lender w any�in ia�enest <br /> i,t i3��•�.a!! not a�ete te r!4R+w�hw linhiliry of dm ori�inal 8c�mower or 8orrower�i suooessora in intarst.Gaider <br /> ab�ll nat ta n�ptired to commence pracedings against�ny sucxessar in intarsl ar refuse to eutend Wne for paymrnt a <br /> . Idhenvlse m�i`'ry.amoAlz�tfon uf�he sum•cceu�d by this Socurlry Ins�ruma�t by a�xon of any demand made by the origia�l <br /> Botmwer ar Baruwer�s successors in interesl. My forhearance by Lender in eaercisiag any ri�ht a rcmedy alwll iwt be a <br /> waiver of or p�oclude the exorcise of any�igM or rcmody. <br /> lt Successors aad As�ns Baiud;Jotnt�qd 3everal Li�bility:Casiaatws. The rnvenAnts and agreement� of this <br /> Security G�stnunent siwll bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender'arr�! �orrower,su3,Ject to the pnavisions of <br /> p�ragrapli 17.Bormwer�covenants ancl ugreetnents shall be joint and sever�l. A� 8orro�ver who co-signs this Security <br /> Inatrwnent but does not cxecute the Nae: (a)is co-signing this Security Insa�ument m�nly to martgagc,grant and canvey th�l <br /> Bormwer�i inte�est in the Pmpeny uoder thc terms of thi,Security Insuumem; (b)is r�ot personally abligated ta pUy the suma <br /> secwed by this Security Insuament:and(c)agrees thut l.ender und any other Barrower may agoee to extend.moclify�,t'orbeAr <br /> or rr�ke �y �ccommodadons with �egard lo �he tenna af this Security Insuument or the Note without �hpt �owerr <br /> cansent. <br /> i3. i.u�a�C�ges. it't6e ban sccus'ed by this Secusity l::�:.^:.�t �s sub,�t t� e law which sets mmcimum lora <br /> charges and that law is finally inte�pneted s�n that Ihe interest or aher!wm charges collected or.ta't�collected i��rnnrxct�ae� <br /> with the lo9n eaceed the permined limits.lhen: (a)any!wch loan charge shall be reill�ced by the amount necesswy to reduce • <br /> the charge to the permitted limil:and(b)any sums alreudy collected from Bornawer whirh exceeded permitted IimiGc wi1!be <br /> rofunded to Iiorrower. Lender may chooso to make this refund by reducing the principal owad under Ihe Note ar by maki�e�c a <br /> di�ct paymem to Borrower. If a refund reduces principnl.the reduction will be ueated as a pur+iA�ptepayment without uny <br /> prepayment charge under the Nae. <br /> 14. Notices. Any naice to Bortower provided Par in this Security Inrun�ment shull be given by deliveri�it or by <br /> mailing it by first cla.4s muil unless applicuble law cer�uires ur,e oi nnother method.The notice shall be di�cted 10 the Pruperty <br /> Addrcss or uny otMer siddres.c Borrower designntea by natice to Lender. Any natice to Lender shall be given by Grst cless <br /> mail to L.ender�s uddress stated herein or any dher uddre�.w Lender desi�nntes by notice to Bomower. Any notice pmvided for <br /> in this 5ecuri�y Insl�ument ahall be deemed to have been given eo Bomower ar Lender when given as provided in thia <br /> P�B�Ph• <br /> 1S. Covernipg Lww;Severability. This Securfty Instrument shall be�ovemed by fedeml lew ond the law of the , <br /> jurirdictjon in which the Property is locnted. In tlte event that any pravision or clausr of this Secur�ty Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with upplicable law,such conflict shull nw uifect other pr�visions of thia Securlty In4tniment or�he Note which can <br /> be given effect wi�how the contlicting provision. 'Ib thiy end Ihe provicions of thi�Security Instrumem ond Ihe Nde are <br /> declared to bc xevernble. - <br /> D6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower xhall be given one canforrtoird copy of the Note and of this Security Instrumem_ <br /> 17. 7Y�anster of the Prepzrty or n Beneficinl Interest ia Horrower. If ull or any part of�he Property or nny interest in <br /> it is sold or transferred(or if u beneficiAl iMerc,t in fionower is sold or tmntiFemcd nnd Borrower is nw u nnturnl personl <br /> without Lender's prior wriqen con+en�,Lender mny,ut its ap�ion,rcyuirc imrnrdiate payment in full of ull sums secured by <br /> this Security lnstrument. Howevcr.lhis optian shall not be exercised by Lender if exerc�f:e is prohibi�ed by federal Iaw ws of <br /> the dote of this Security Instrurnent. <br /> If Lender exercises�his option,l.ender+hnll give Borrower no�ice of nccelerwion. The notice shull provide a periud��f <br /> not less thun 30 duys from the dnte the arnice i+delivered nr muiled within which Borrower must pny oll sums�cured by t�is <br /> Security Inswment. If Borrowcr fuih to puy Ihese sums prinr to Ihe expimtion of�his perlod. Lender may invoke uny _ <br /> rcmedies permined by this Security Instrument withoua further m�tire or demn�xl on Borrower. <br /> f�. Siosrower's Right io Rcinststte. !f Bnrmwrr mects rennin conditions, Bormwcr sh�ll huve the riRht to huve <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrum�nt dir:continucd ut any time priur lu the eurlier oE (a1 S da��lor such other periad n.� <br /> . Singlc Famdy-[lnnk Mae/F'rsddk Mac l.'NIFOR�1 INSTRUMEN7'--ltnifnrm CorrnaMr 9/90 (paRr�uFM1�Kr:I <br /> ��� i�S�:.-z �' �{F'-� .�.�::� <br /> . - * +iti' '�ij?�:��ii . �S.+f.1; .. . � -�,";rr'�� t - <br /> -- v1R.e � ,,. � ���'� 1�1������ . :ti� .k�f_,�1�4 <br /> !+'')T Al_ ` _ f'�� 1 i. ..r.,, T? i . 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