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__ ___ __ -___,_ _ .-. . .- . . � <br /> . . .. . . ;:� „�•.a <br /> . .' � , , - ��� ' . � . -- ;_' <br /> ~ peelodt d�t l.ade� , 7)a inNUiuroa o�rier�otiidZn�9�a i�raace�tt!6e cbo�a bg�iutilla„'t.l�a��M��dah - <br /> � • �MO'Y�w�ICr i�I1�PA0�l�y N�l� ��fJI1�d1Met f�h b tl�ai�OOYrIw tIMCf'�Id�Otl���Md�A14•� - <br /> � r.raa�r�opaoR.a6Wn co�►a+�e�o p�ea I.mderti�ta in the Propeny in.000�d�noe�p.ryr�ph 9. . � <br /> l�!!�n�e polkke�nd roaaw�lt�11 bo�b Leuder a��I!iacludn a�aaA�n!�ys clawe. Ls�d�r ' <br /> �hal)have we rl�hl ro M�la the poflciea,ma re+wad�. r I,a�6er reqNi�c.Son�owar.l�u piompdy�ive eo t�eoae�r.0 r�ipa <br /> of pdd ptiaaGu��nd e�4aow�1 nolioe�. !n tbe aveat ot laa,Banvrvar tlwll�ve p�mpt n�odoe�o dM iowrrnor e�rMr+iMd <br /> 1,erdn: l:ader mry nnlce p�oof of ku if aot m�de lxanptlY 67��• ' <br /> Untess t.eader aud 8wrouver oth�radse�+ca in w�ing.iaauaase sluill be�pplied to reetorMiat eK rop�ir� � <br /> dapnope� if tha naarntioa or re�ir it ecanomia�tiy fGU�L.a�derti�ocurityr is nat k�ened. It d�s • <br /> �ettatadon�ar r is not acaiondaaUy fa�ibk ar I.a�derl��ocuaity would be i�wied, die i�waar�oe p�ooeetl��11 be <br /> applled w the�aai�eaa�od by this Security Inmumeat,wbaher ar not dkn due,with my ex�oas p�id w Bam�ar. 1� <br /> 8onawrr ab�ndom the doas�ot aruwar within 30 d�yR �aottce trom l.endu tb�t deo inwranoe curler biut <br /> ot1'eied tu�dtle a cl�a.than L,ender mwy collxt the io�urn�cc procoed�. I.eadu m�y uee the pr�oceed�torepalr or�ostae <br /> the Prnperty ar to pay wmc:ocurod by 17�Socwity I�rumaM.whetber ar not d�n duo, 7Ue 30�d�y period wiU beAin whea <br /> the tiotloe ia Riven. <br /> Unkss l.rnder and Bomowar othciwBpc�ee in writio,�.my�ppiicativn of pocood�w priqaip�l eh�ll not exlard oe <br /> Postpone the due d�te of the moothtY R+D�%'�tefenod w in p�yptis 1 �ad 2 ar dNnye tBe�nwunt of Iho p�yime�t. If <br /> onaer puagn�pn 2� �no Propeny is.cquirod by t�,�on�owerh dghe w.ny in�ce policies�na Qroceeas n� <br /> from d�m�ge to the Propc�ty p�ior to the aoquisiddn�.�►iil,��p�ss to l.e�da ta t4e ezw�t of the suroe�ecu�ed by this SecurilY <br /> InsUUment Imnoediuely prior w d�e tiaa. ' <br /> 6. OocupiocR Praervatio�.�teaa�oe �ld �rota�tiota ef tbe Propert�; Borrowetr's I.oaa AppHaRMC <br /> Lea�itofol�. Botrowet'sitaii occupy.esicsaiisit�tuai uaa ilas Rt,pui�t,�.ta Tvv�"i:,W�i e�acc�-,at;..SfQ,-ciCa rt!lMst�zly�al�et . <br /> the executian of this Security Inabua�a�t xnd sfiall continue w occupy tAe Property ae Bon�ower�s pt3ncip�l residenx for at <br /> least one yar aRer the d�te of accupancy� unkss l.ender athetwlso a�ees in writing. which consent slwll aot be <br /> un�easawbly withheW,or unless eatenuating clnumst�nces exi�which are beyand Bonowerb caitrol. Baroaer atull not <br /> destmY.damaBe or imp�ir tF�:1Nropeaty.aElaw tho Praperty w deteriorate.or commit waste on tha ProQerty. Bomower slWl <br /> 6e in default if�ny forfeitwe Action ar pnaaxeding,whether civU m criminal,is begun Ih�t In Lentlaa�gaod falth judgment <br /> could �ult in forfeiture of the Pfi+vpeerty or otherwlae msuerially i►�p�ir the lien eteated by tiei� �curity Inswment a <br /> Lender'�securlty intercst. Bomower maN�:ure such a default and rainstate�Aa pmvlded in paragrap9�U�.by causin�the action <br /> ar procading to be dismissed with a ruling th�t,ii1 Ireuitak good faith�ecludea PorFeituro of the Barower� <br /> interest in the Ptoperty or other material impainnee�o o`i the lirn created by thie Securiry Instrument or Len�lar`s�socurity <br /> inurcat. eomnwer shall alsa be in defAUlt if Harrower, dwing Ihe loan appllcation process. �ave mAterially false or <br /> �naccurate information or statements to Leadtr(ar fa3]eol to provide l.tader with any mAteriel information)in connectiai wiih <br /> dic ban cvideix.�ed by tho Note. includiar, but not lomlted to, reprssentations concerning Borrower�s occapancy of the <br /> Pnoperty as a Qrincipd�sidnue. If�hia Securiry lasaNm�ent is on a Ieusehold.Bamower shall camply with�11 the pmvrsions <br /> of the lease. If Barrower ac�aires fa tido ro dte Prurieny,the le�sehold w�d the fee litle�►Wl not merge unless E.enckt egrees <br /> w the merger in writing. <br /> 7. Protection o�I.eaAer's Righta in the Pnoperty. If Bortower fails to psrform the covenants anc3 usreanenu� <br /> contained in this Secudty Instrument, ar therc is a legel proc;xding �l�at msy significantly affect I.ender�s dghts in the <br /> Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for wndemnadon or forfeitu�or to enfor�e luws or reguledona).then <br /> l.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the velue of the PcopeRy and Lender's dghts in the Property. <br /> Lender�s actions mey Inclu�e paying ony sums secu�d by a lien which 6as priorky aver this Securiry Inswment�appearing <br /> in coun,paying rcasonable anorneys'fees and entering on the Propecty to malce repai�s. Although l.ender m�y take actlon <br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do so. <br /> My amounts disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph 7 shall becoma additional deM of Borrower sxured by this <br /> Security Instrument. Untess Borrower and Lender agrce to other terms of payment,these amounts shaii bear lnterest frum 1he <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon ootice from L.ender to Borrower roquesting <br /> PeYmen� <br /> 8. MoMgnge lasurance. If Lender reyuired mortgage insurence as a condidon of making the loan securcd by this <br /> Securiry Instrument, Borrowrr shall pay the premiums rcquired to maintain the mongage inswance in effec� If,for ony <br /> rcason. Q�e mortgege insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceuses to be in efFect, Bomower shall pay the <br /> premiums rcyuired to obtain coveragr substantially equivelent co the mortgage insurance previously in effec� at a cost <br /> subslantially a�uivalent to the cost to Borrnwer of�he morlgage insurance previously in effect,from nn altemate mortgage <br /> insurer epproved by Lender. ]f substentially equivalznt mortgage insurance covetage is not available.Horrower shell pay to <br /> Lender each month a surnu equal to one-twelfih of the ye•.irly mongage insurancc premium bcing paid by Borrower when the <br /> insumnce coverage lapsecl or ceused to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these ppymen�s as a loss r�eserve in lieu <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurence - <br /> coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an Insurer approved by Lender ogain becomes <br /> available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay 1he premiums required to maintuin mortguge insurunce in effect.or to provide a <br /> loss reserve.until the r�c�uirement for mongege insurance ends in accordunce with any wrfaen ugreement between Bomower <br /> and Lender or npplicuble luw. '- <br /> 9, inapection. Lender or its ugent muy mnke rea.4onable enMes upon und inspections of the Property. Lender shali - <br /> give Bouuwe��ni�Ke al�i�e liu�e uf u�N�ior to an inspection specify in�ceasonablc causc for thc inspcction. _ <br /> 10. Condemaatlon. The proceeds of any award or cluim for damuges,direct or consequential,in connection with eny = <br /> Singk Funily••Fannk MaelFYeddle Mae UNIFOItM IN97'ItU19EN'f•-Uniform Crnenmts 9/90 IpaRe 9��J6 pu�sl <br /> Gwt Wlee euelrcw Yorme,he.■ ! <br /> To Q1kt Gtl�.1�8005900�93 O P�Li BI67B1•1171 -. <br /> .a •. . <br /> x? -.,�-� , _ .-.-�-���tr���j$ ��n�P�r .. �,nTsr��..�..�.,��.-..-�--�-,..'.: <br /> ,_,�, '�P"/ �, 1l�A ! 1 ° <br /> f � y t ��.,.�.��;,_ <br /> �n_ _� , `14t�e(ylro- _,� j +�� }�� .�.. .� �-`- ��k�i�lltifi�s� .S�- ��v.�,5.'�4',``}►1�,`x r�� •'�y , . <br /> . . � __ .,%���f(��. at�t3ti 1� �t��.i��S.'r�� bi�:t_ _�r!����' �t.\.�:4b���a:_'1y�� S_�i�ii�r�S�'�� <br /> _ r- - . _-- -- ..�y��?`--�- � --- ---- �- = .��5�),iT „ �^�a�s - t ,Q 2 .�.y.,.'� .. . ' ";�i. " °- <br /> � '� °. . d � � � !� � L �"^�'p .�` y4`� ' i,:r �� ' .� <br /> .�s�wr.c , ,' . 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