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_ _ _ <br /> ' • • __ '�«�i?Y�:'4MW�iA�l�r, .. . , ��ctn�w+s+n►r�.s�'`"`"_ - -.. - ---- <br /> , '. .�• � � • ;— ' . , „ .. • . . � "r�.._ <br /> ;1 �� � . . . ; .. . '. -. <br /> �Mi�a�� 7����7��Y ����������P� �..� <br /> +iad Qta�n�ao�w ur beradle+r�pn ot pnopwty. AII�wd�ddYlor�tl atro Dr carir�d ba►�� <br /> 1�1�rwnerM:Ap o�dw foryolA�L�n��mit�aaiq 1�M�w�Nt a�Mi�'lio�q." ' . . °�'== <br /> B�RROWI{R apVBt�lA1�l'S!�W Bare�Uw�er i1 hM�IW1y lnilOd 0('d10 MIM�Mhbz AOnM�yid Mwl hNt 1�N�ht b/frt <br /> �nd�nvoy�he�ny�nd dW die Pb�ty h une�a�6aed.�oept tar rcm6e�as d�soai Banowet w�na�M�/ . <br /> wi0 dd�nd'�ane�d(y Uie dUe a d�e Pr�openY+�P�na vl ci�i�a�nd detn�nds�wbjrot a�ay�a�Y�oes of rooard. �. <br /> 'IHp! SFCURITY INS7RUMSM'boa�bin� wdfam aovaw�ria tor t�tioMl �e �nd noMw�ilbnn a�a�rwrM� wd�i , <br /> Wnited vartttiot�s Oy jutl�llctia�to coasHtute a tmifarm aecmiry in�bn�metu�n�ath►=�t�wopetty. . <br /> irw�oWrf wveNAl�rrs. Bomowerana Lenderco� u ruuow,: . <br /> !. hr�M d hi�clpd�d/densfi�7���L'w+rR� Barnwer tb�J P�PUY P�y wban dw ia . <br /> p�ip�d uid intea+a�t cn tMc debt evidemcod by tho Note s�t anY p�eP+�Y���I�e dur�ta dua widet the Nala <br /> ]. 1h�i�[or Ylu�a Rad IraMn�aca Subjoct to qiplicabk hw ar to�writla�waiver by I.enOer.Bartnwer�11 p�y a <br /> I.ender an the d+�y�na�U�lY P�Y��a�due under the Nete.uad)�he Noto is p�id in NII.�wm("Rmd�")tor.(�)yeyuly <br /> t�utcs�nd saestmrnu�which rtuiy audn pricKily ovet 1h1�Secu�humant as�liw on the Woperty:(b)Yeady MwuehMd <br /> p�y�or�round mnu on the Property, if�ny; (c) Y�Y a p��Y i��'� Pro�wtw: ld) yeu�y t�ond <br /> inw promiuma. if any: (o) Yeuiy mort��ge incur�u�oe premi�. if�ay: �nd(4 euo,X a�pyr�bie by Bonowrer w <br /> ao�ard�nco wilh the prnvi�ions of pue�raph liw oi d�e ppra�ed af mo�a i�tw�ce pc+emivan. '[1ro�e <br /> itcnu�u�e callod"Eccrow Nerns." L�ender qy time.colkct and Aold ii�tKls in an anwuu ao1 p exccad We m�ucimum <br /> amount�lender for a tedenlly �el�ted matsage lo�n may roquire for Barower�escio�r�coir�t mider tha kde�d ltal <br /> Bw1c Seuknkot Phocodwes Act of 1974 as amendod fiom tane to time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 et up,("RES�►').unlaa�nomer <br /> lx�r tl�t e�l:!K�n iAe iLnds re�s a iaser amouo�. U so.Lrender au�r.�t aay time.cdlect and hdd Fiuoda in ao ama�uN aot 10 <br /> cuxad the le�a�a�or�amr. Irader ma�r estia�ie ihe�nwwu of Wndt duo an the bu�is af cwreal dMa�uu� <br /> epim�tcs of expaditwes of futunc�scrow Itema ar ahe�vrise in a�co�dance with applicabk law. <br /> The R�nds slwU be held ia an institution wAose deposits w�c insurod by a fadenl agen�.y.insuu�np►Wjty.or eatitY <br /> (including I.aKler.if Lender is such ao institutian)ar in any Foderal Home I.os�n Bank. Lender shW apply Ihe Pm�ds to pay . <br /> We Fscrow Items. l.ender may not chs�rge Borrower for hoWing tand apply�ng the Rmds.annudlY aadyzin�ihe escrew <br /> acc�oun�t.,dr verifying the Escrnw Items. unkss l.e�der p�ys Borrower Inla�est on the Rinds aad appli�able law pamits <br /> I.epder�to make sucb a chuge. However.[.e�der may�q ui�e Bormwer co pay a one-ame chuge tor an indepaKlaK ra1 <br /> euate ta�c neparting servla used by Lender in cauKCtion wHh this Iwin.unlesc z licable hw qovida otl�wlfe. Un4xs w <br /> er <br /> agroement ia mwk or applicable l�w requires interest to be pAid�.rnder shall not roquired to pay Ba�ourEr�ny intaeat or <br /> eunjngs on thc Punds. Bomowe�and I.endcr may�ee in writing.however,that intcrcst shall bc p�ddqu+�r hlmds. I.a�der <br /> siwll give to Borc+nwer.without annual aceounting of Ihe PUnds.slwwing credits�nd debits ta 1he ii�nds md the <br /> pu�pose for whic6 each debit to ti�e 1FUnda was awk. The Punds aro pledgod as�ddldon�l socurity for al!sums cec�ued by <br /> �hic Sccurlty Inswrt�ent. . <br /> , !f Slse Pttads hel� by Lcr.s.� ex� !!x �..'�;ot+nts pessn'srisd io !r_ !3tld by egplkeMr l�w, I!�1c�r �+MII accawint to <br /> Borrow•er for the excea�Hmds in acca�lance wit9i ihe requirements of app�licn�k law. If the amount at'a�he Fu�ds hld by ', <br /> Lcnder�►t any time lc n�suffictent to pay the�s�crow ltems when due�Lenckr may so notify BortoKleo in writing.uid�in <br /> auch case Borrower shall pay to 1.ende�'�he•+u�ount nece�ury to mnke up the deficiency. Bomnwer ch�ll mAkt up the <br /> deficier,�cy in no mo�e lhan twelve monthly paytaents,ut Lender�sale discnetion. ' <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by ihia Security lnstrument,Lender shell promptly refund u►Botrower auy , <br /> P�nds held by l.ender. If,under parr�graph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell�he Properry.i.ender,priar/o the acquisilion or � <br /> sale of the Pm�eriy.shall apply any FLnds held by L.ender et the time of acquisition or sAle ae a treel'ri st�ainst the sums <br /> aecurcd by this Secudty Instrument. ' � � <br /> 3. Appllcatioe oP Paymenta uniess appltcable luw provides othenvise, all payments received by Lender under <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be any prepAyment chorges due under the Nae;second,to amounta payable under <br /> paragraph 2; interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due undet the Note. <br /> 4. Cbw^�es; Lieos. Bomower shnll pay ull wxes.asscssments.churges, fines and impositions attribuwble to the <br /> Property K•hich may attain pdority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or gnound rents,if any. Barrower <br /> shall pay these obligations in the manner Rrovided in parngraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on <br /> time directly to thc person owed payment. Bomower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid undcr <br /> this pa�►grnph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evldencing <br /> the payments. <br /> 8irrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has priority over this Securiry Insuument unless Borrower.(e)agrees <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the li:n in u mcinner ucceptnble to in good falth 1he <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender�s opinion opemte ta prevent the <br /> enfoncament of thc lien;or(c)secures from the hulder of the lien an agreement satisfsctory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Security InstrumenG If Lender determines that any pan of 1he Propedy is subjeet ta a lien which may attain priority <br /> over this Security Inswment,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying 1he lien. BoRawer shall satisfy the lien or take <br /> one or more of the actions set forth above wlthin 10 days of the giving oi notka. <br /> S. Nazprd or Property Iesurance. Bonower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereaiter erected on the <br /> Propetty insured aguinst loss by flre,hazurds included within the tertn"extended coverage"and any other hazar�ds,including _ <br /> floodc or 800ding. fot which Lender re,quires insurnnce. This insurunce shatl be maintained in the umounts end for 1he = <br /> Ifiro J03Y 9/!0 IlwRe 2 oJo pages l <br /> —'.���.. rIS�'E(t��S;dj?f �w•n1�Kn�a���►*�Na4 i �� .- . . -_ ,�� � �Y.�: <br /> =-.i,T . .`1��;..`...�rt��,r.l ��}p�1C.. j�...._. -•t�ai:J '+ 11 1! I; . ,t �� , r _ �M' __ � . . <br /> + � � • -� ���' � M � . _ . <br /> f. S' �• titf � . J1S� �' � �4 } i T�� .�q �C'""'' , � •` <br /> •-Vr ��� ��a <br /> JC� '1 It tf l�I�t.�f- i S;_ t L Y Irf y y �Z i � �',R�J .4 "" . y '• _ :.t . �.. <br /> ..�.��..c! . ..... .�„E}.,�Ma..�.. � 1)Q+ F( 1, 1 I lj���,�SY,�5 r� •.. .. � -�,.. <br /> .�w.'��-:��i/:,.: t �h�.��9i�j�Se_� �1L.1�..�![�i�.ih�S'i.'-5�0.46LLy4i�Q�l�l7fi�i+l�i.S�"ISl���.AL LP1S�fA4Y!���XILU- <br /> .._ �. ...�.-_ __ <br /> � a �.�b '•"�(�4�i::�.` ----: ; .._ . ---� - - --�-�r� •,� ----�' • r"r__:.�� �.. —.T _. _. �`i � . - .}__ . _-. <br /> -y <br /> - � 1bY+ - � ' �� - � �.' . -r t .. . - �,5�^ � ��� '- <br /> ...�? �- 1 v - <br /> . n-, .r P 5,s �i... ..� �r��� a '., <br /> �•�r.��,�:�•��:::.<. ._ . . � � .�,'�.�-� - - •• .. : <br /> -- -�..==�f°�=:�tti,�;��,s�----- ._.. .- � �.; ' , .• � ---- -� -�-.-,�--- .- - _ . -,;�_ . ---; .r�-•-.- -- :�:_�,...::;_� <br /> .�i�1/�l�iLt Y � .:.�'C�L':.-�. . . , . 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