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,_ ' ' . , ' rr�a__::'� . �`3�-''�Y" � � �� . yn ' <br /> ._—�..� .� '_ • . . ��-`:1�'%.. .. �� .�:r -�ni1.3':��Si _ . _. <br /> - _ _ w�-�``��1��5.�.McLL�... . � . . . �1N:N'I�MYrr' .L.t.__^�"�1'.��.�..�i.�.�w -�r..��. �..• r.r_ ���a'. �; — <br /> � .. ' . � - ..:5. .�w+':`� --- _. <br /> , �r,i��[?�_-�0� <br /> � �IJ!, �; �I�o� � #�'����HMIMitilll! �---Q--�a��='-_-__ <br /> ��9��1,���.�� �'�������1�1��1�'���1'� ����1{�.i�Yh:T--1 <br /> G T � �a�`.�.T�""�T 1:" <br /> � ��/��� �� Ili w�M������ ^ •�?;r�.•_ <br /> ,1...T <br /> ii M�e�M�eY Nt M�iid1l��I�iwM.�l�/�r�ilw��N�rR ir�w���ira 1� --_ <br /> ot a��rN1 Mtlo�s.,fM MI�rwit*f M�t la�arrr��iw pa�N rM�w w�� - <br /> �...I�ir. t.��r s�►.i«w►�e.��ar�on r�oe�.r}�a�A�l/�o�r.rf. " -..• <br /> Ude�LMi�r�ri�arrapwe arwwirb�I�w�Yq.t�ao P��i1 M�q+fiwi b�wlaMio�ot�It� . <br /> �ar� �eoo�ado�M�y'fl�e a�La�i �i�a�iyr w��M�d,����Mi M � <br /> �b ehe��red by 11�Sa�rily Ia�uwNait.wMMVr a�ot dw d��rilb�r e�u�es a M�o�wr. 1� <br /> .�,aNaed b�aule�d�im.�l.esdar��r odiect dio iawr�oe p�d�. I,�endar ay�r�lint i i��a�iR�e�� ,�.- <br /> d,e Pro�arty or a p►y.u�a.s�awa dp�W aeo.dty IaMn�e�t.wlw6�r ar na wm aue. 'Itie 3��paioa wrW b�i w�w ° <br /> -- i�e potias is �en. � <br /> Unla+�a �ad Bon�►nr w�envlw��ee ia wri�y,ae4►�P d Pr�oeed�a P�1�Mp not a�ueod or <br /> poWpone tbe due dMe of die mioeWy paymara cefarod�o in n!�ad 2 or d�e die amorot of diep�r U <br /> uaaor p�yraph 21 u�e b ac�pi�aa b�r I.esda.Barow�xlt r�hc�o,ny in�.nce poiicier.oa pcooe�d��i�11i� <br /> trom daatit�e w Ihe Propaty�pr�or lo d�e aoq�itio�drq p�to I.eoder�o die oakat d We wa�s��ed b��W S�ewie� <br /> Ooey�e� !�w1ir►M�� �i ltrleelir d tie Mrwwar'It Lw Ay��c�wp <br /> - � I�li. Baa�o�rer i�ll aoc���w�iii�a�i�c!Y P►�op�r�aa 1ma��rti � w�iii�■oe�iil�ia d�yr�er . __ . <br /> tho o�tocu�oa d t{�Socvr�Z#omter�m�wc aa�al�Al oaai�a�a�tp o�r sfaa�rs Daa�rcc�pre�ei�i�ta at <br /> la�t oae yex�Mer tBe�Ye af oocup�oc�r. ncDesc l�cx�awrfiie apoos in wc�tm�. whicb ooroax tbap not 6e <br /> u�c�bt�r�+idWeid,a uala���exkt�hici�ra 6e�ad Satow�u�oondol. Barm�rer�6�U eot <br /> dahaY.�nn�c ar im�wir me Pto�aey,allow the P�opeity w del�+iarale,a oo�nimit wacte aa the Propeny. Ba�row�er d�u <br /> Ae io die�uu if�ny forfdwie�tim or pinoeedin,�.whdber civit or c� beQuo dm ia l�cMirti Qood Gii�jod�roa�t <br /> c+or,Td nrsalt in fafeiwre of die Pbopaty ar alda�vise ma�aidly i�qir�6e lien cne�oed by d�it Sea�ity ImOn�eol ai <br /> l�erder�a secu�ity intaat. B�onow�a may can�e wch a dd'ault and mins� P'wided�i�aph�8.bY utu6�tbe saioa <br /> or prooeeding to be d�nissed with�rulin�dw,ia L.eaderS�good f�ith ddawim�oo. fo�[d4+e d the Ba�o�er� <br /> interesc m me Hopacy or omer m�taw �qha�an of a�o uoa c�od tiy au�sa�ority tastn.aa�t or La4der��eariety <br /> i�uercst. Bamower :bal!also 6e in defoult if Barower. � the Iwo aPP� P�• � �etiaUy fabe ar <br /> ir�cwraoe lnfa�mstian or�to I.sndar(or fiiiled w provide La�der whh any a�tai�l infa�n�tioa)in ooaoeotion Mith <br /> the la�n evldrnced by tAe Nate. L�ctuding. but tat IimNed% �oonoanin8 Honow�al�oocup�ocy d tbe <br /> Pmperty as a ptincjp�nesidenoe. U d�Security Insduma�t u on�kas�Wd.Bonower sMU oomply wLh�11 t6e po�v�iom <br /> of ti�e ie�se. [f Bonower�oquircs fee ade w ti�e Propaty.�a ieacehoid�d�e fee dtie�ail not md�a raias I.aider ape�e� <br /> ._. oo t6o merger in writing. <br /> -,���:�� 7. Pnotedion oF I.eada's Rigi�ls in tGe Prnpert�s If Bortower faUc to perfam tha oovawus aod <br />=- canuined in this Socurity Inswment,or thero is a Icgal p�occading th�t may signific�ndy �'ect i.rnderl�ri� <br /> ProP�'f a�ch as a proceeding in ba�nk�uptcy.P'obate.for candenxwtian or fafeiwro or to enforoe uws ar�egWodons)�then <br />.y- Lender may do u�d pny for wh�lever is necessuy to prouct ihe velue of Ihe Propaty and I.e�dak�ighu in tM Pnopmty. <br />�derk aetlons may includo psying any sums sexu�d by a lien whicb h�s priorlty ovu thie Secu�ity Ir�lrumw��appeuing <br /> � in cau1.payfng m�+sonable attomcys'fees and entering an the Hroperty w m�ke mpair�.Altbou�h l.enda�may�e a�aa . <br /> unda thic puagrapfi 7.I.ender does noi lu�vo to do so. <br /> - � My amounte disbursed by L.cnder under this paragrapfi 7 slull baomc additia�al dBbt of Bartower ixu�od by tdit <br />_--- i Security Inshumcn� Unless Barowcr end Lender agree to Wt�cr tenne of payment.these�ttounts sfull bw in�sst from the <br />_ date of disbursement pt the Note rate and dwll bo payabk, wNh inte�es�upon taticx from l.a�der w Banower req�tg <br /> PaYmenG <br />_ , i 8. Mortg�ge ia�ranee. If Lender roqui�d mortgage incurance as a condition of mdcing ihe lo�n aeewed by thi� <br /> � Security Insbument.Bormwer shall pay the prcmiums�equi�ed to maintain�he morigsge insurax�e i�effect. If,for any <br /> � � ' reasai. �he monguge insurance coveroge requi�d by Lender lepaes or ceases to be in effect. Bamwer shall pay the <br /> ,'�;.., � premiums rcquired to oMain rnverage subs�ant�ally eyuivalent a the moegage insurenrc ptcviously in eti'ect. �t a oost <br /> a� k I subslnnlinlly equivalent to thc coet to Borrowcr of tt�e mortgage insurance prevfously in ef1'ect.fmm an altemate matgage <br /> - w insurer approved by l.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insuronce coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to <br /> .::�:::%c:= Lender each month a sum equal to one-iwelfth of the yearly mortgage insuronce premiwn being paid by Borrower when the <br /> �'r '��°" • insurance coverage lupsed or ceased to be in effect. �.ender will accept.use and reiain ther,e paymenls as a loss neserve in lieu � <br /> � of mortgage insurance. Loxs reserve payments may no longer be requircd,at the option of L.ender,if nwRgage insurance <br /> •r�, "�:,o , covernge(in the amount a�id for the period that l,ender requir�s)pmvided by an insuret Approved by L.ender pg�in becanes <br /> �' s�'�'' available und i�obts+ined.Borrower shnll pay the premiums required�o maimao m�x�rtguge iosudnnce in eiiect.or to provide a <br /> ' :_�;;� �3''�'x' � loss reserve,undl the reyuir+ement for mortgage insucance ends in uccordance w��rt�,'�a�y wria��agreement 6e�ween Borrower <br />---;:.'�t. �..�# and I.ender or npplicable luw. <br /> j.,r;G�: <br /> , `„s�'.:::..'. ;:;` 9. Ins fon. Lender or itA a ent mA make reasonaWe entries u ar��ins r�ions os�Q�e F1r n Lender shall <br /> ��•; ,�,. . ,.. ,. P� R Y I� pe � Y• , <br /> �,-�,•�--;3;�":;r,. � Rive B�rrcrwer notice ut the time o�'or i}Mior to an inspection specif�ing reasonable cause for tCre inspecGon. ._ <br /> '• : t,;� , �;,'.'r�i%4 l� (CandemnoNon. Thr�-.,oe�cls of any award or claim Nor, i�AD110b' or con�ea�us�nics�l,ia�cannecoion wioFu uny <br /> ! _ <br /> ' •' ;F�;,;.;�,��,,: ,. .. Sinpk�r.::l}»��nnie fNar.'F'rNl/ie M�c U`DF'ORM INS7'R4'NEN7'--Uniform Coverunm !'!D •nuge 3 njb peRerl <br /> : �',� •: Gn.oe Wia Pa4M Ut■ <br /> i'.:.- :i n.';�. �o O�det Gil•NO(iA7058G0 O iAi�147Y1•1171 — <br /> .. ' I -- <br /> , . _ ' — <br /> � . ��w�s�.?- . •i�, .w' ..�'r,,f.• i , t�; ;.. • v��l1}��t�. <br /> � � �.r: - .�;1:: _ 1 �Iy ) <br /> r.1 Y. .T�n.. Y-� FJ 1.1 1 lp� I�� Y <br /> }? : .!C .. 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