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'It� � : <br /> i�ars�re eal�ed'Bnaar Iwrrt. t�e�ie�rn�q►,at Ny ti��ea aid Y�i.a�aworrM�b�o�d M� <br /> �owit a la�e��ix a fede�Yy�al�ied w�atp�e io�s abr reqie krr llce�o�w�er1 e�o�a000�wl Mer is fodqral�i <br /> Btac�eMkae�A Plroomduew!kx af 1'A���s aaieaded 5m�time a d�a.12 U.S.C.f 2601�t�er/("ItBSM'�.�les rai� <br /> I��r 1wM�plies q 1re!'ird��a4 a la�x�oM�M. It 141�e�der Mpr.�t ayr tuNe.oNlecl ad iwid Iirrtc i�w�ort.�Ot!s - <br /> - —� ----. ' rsttoat tLa���. I +w�.. �t�t'f� rN.'�af P�3a 6��t�bxs�z t�f serreai�s-�!�-•--- ' <br /> �ti�a of e�p�diw�p d fwu�e Hacw�v i�ar od�orn►i�e in�rooN�noe��ppiicable 1►�r. • .. <br /> 7Ue Aisc�it�be heid ia�n ia�tilwtk��whae d4po�its ir�e brswnd b��� �d�eF.i�p�ae�Y�°��• ,: :.,:::.,, <br /> (ioc�di�I.�d�.if Londer is,ucb aa ia�dp�tioa)ar ia�Y Feda�l Home I�an B�dr, L+aider rla�lu�fy u�e ii+.a�eu p.�► ;:,..;:;:"H,: <br /> tl�e Bgciaw Item�. l.eader u�y aot chatge Bonower far UaidL� aad�the Eiads��u11Y����dK e+cnt+►� • �:,�;;,,, <br /> �000aut.a verityia�t6e Ei�c�oM It4ms.un{a�l�ber paY+l ��'� oa Mo;�nds a�d 1�►.�ermits ,�.:, <br /> L.anrler to ma{ce wch a d�n�a However.l.ader maycaquiro Bonower W p�y a a�o�dtne ch�ie fa ao indep�Ht roal <br /> Gstue ax repo�ti�savjoe usea by L�der in oomocdon wt�L mb uNea..pplica�ia Vw provfaa othawi�e. Un'la�s.e . <br /> SIi� <br /> �eaneat�maae a.pqicaNe law�eqdrcs vu�at w be p�ia. rull na be+�equirea to p.�►Ba�a+ver sry►i�i�dt ur � . <br /> eudngs m the N�nds. Samwer�nd I.endec n�y agroc in�t iqpaert sddl 6e�an die iiu�,'�.ader. ''(;' ` <br /> dul!�ive W 9anowKt.without ch�ge.�a aonwl�ooau�a�g d tbe Amds:�howL�c�edlts and w d�e fi�ls ii�td fha , <br /> pivpo6e far which ach deEit w d�e R�o�ds was mada 7Ue pads m pl�al�ed as ad6itia�l iecutitY far dl s�os ii.�oaail�al bY <br /> tbis Secu�ity Inatru�r�eot. � <br /> !f dx Re�s !�b� !�!!3 exc�! t��Qe�miaed w be held by applicable Isw. l�t�da shdl aQCaant t4 <br /> BarovNer for the eaoesa Fluids in avoocd��oe wllh the�oquirema�ts ot appliable laa. If We�aotuii o�tbe R�nd�hdd Iry . <br /> La�der st any time is not wflicieat w pay the Escrow Ioems wl�en due.l�et�der a�y ao notify Barrowntr in w�iting.and,in <br /> - such case[iorrower ahaU pvy to l.exder the amoutu neoeswY w ro�lce up the dcf cknay. Borrnwer�6aI!�wta up die <br /> ddi¢iency in no more tl�a twelve a�onthly WYmenu•at t.eaderh�oio diseretioo. <br /> UP�WY��in full of all sums aecurrd by[his Security IasLnanaK.[.snder sh�l!prom�tty rcflmd w Borrowrx any <br /> Fw�ds held by t.enda. U.under par�graph 21.Lender shall a�oqu[c�e or�q the Property.La�der.Prior to the soqui�tian a <br /> :ale of Ihe Property.atnll apply any Fiinds heW by Lender at tbe time of aoqulsition ar s�le as a crodlt a�at 16e tums <br /> - eecu�od by this Securiry Instrurt�en� ' <br /> 3. Appiicatlo� d P�ywd��b. Unkss appllcabk law provides otAerwise. atl payma�ts neaived by I.eiWer ut►der <br /> p�mgraphs 1 and 2 shall be u�Y prep�yment chuges due under the Nole:� amowxs pay�bie�nder <br /> puagraph 2;third,to interest due:fourth,w principal duo:and any late charpes due under the Note. <br /> 4. Char�a4; Lieas. Barower slWl pay all tanes.assessments. ch�rges, Mes and impositioas utributsble to the <br />- Propnty whkh may�nain priority over this Sa�urity Instruma�t,and leasehold paymaus or ground rents.if any. Bamwer <br />_� slwll pay these abliguions in the msnner providod in puagraPh 2,ar if not p�id in that manner.Bormwer ahall pay them un <br /> time di�cdy co the perr�►n owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to L.ender all r�olices of amounu to be p�id urda <br />- Ihis pari+graph. If Bomower malces these payments directly.Borrowa shall prompily fumish to Lender reoeipts evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> Barower ahall promplly discharge any lien which has priodty over this Securily laswment unless Romower.(a)agtoes <br /> In writing to the payment of�he obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepwble to l.ender.(b)contests in good faith the � <br />��;. lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which In the Lender�s opinion operate to pnevent dtC <br /> ° --- enforcement of the lien;or(c)zecures fmm the holder of thc lien an agreement satisfaotory w Lendr,r subo�dinating the lien • , • <br /> �1���'� to this Security InswmenL If Lender detem�ines that any paA of the Pruperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority <br />