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'�aa%:�° � '�°� <br /> :�t:r',y..r'Y:y4'�"' . .� .�!�{Y r,-'��.;�_xt:ir:+-�wY++ t . ..'.y.:� aqx,'SaM'f.�n-1�_-�c. __ ... . ..__.. <br /> � �•�,. • • . � ' `�� � +� _ ... ' v- _ <br />_ 'rR� . a ��/. ' ` • � . . , �, - . ..'�. . . .• . `.. ' ' _ _ _ ,��� � +°��--_._ _- <br /> •. � . . ' .i . _. : �',_u,�,._.-°'- ` <br /> � :�.»"�'�����w�'��+.�'�..�.�'.�--_ - -�.�"��=:__ <br /> �;� .�---_n,._� <br />� ,• '� � Yf����f�W�f��������• , • ' . . .. . c„_"j3V� ",rtiKr.-_ <br /> .. w Dr.�. cea�.q►..�..�r.a y►,�o..�«ww��.a«K.�.��w�.�.dr����►.,•.�; -:''` <br /> . , wq�h.��.b r d.n..w.�ab��w �..r . , . � - <br /> .. �i)�onr+�er�bp fMli�bpry ie 1W1 MS'�y PY���d������M�., • <br /> ' b at a�io i�dw d 16s�ut snlYy pa�aM��k►P��� ' . , <br /> � (� ������►'}P��d aWr abli�far oawiMd r�ii► ..�. a;;. <br /> lr)l�ile W(IUort C�rNt A�ewnl. Lad��lall�it penaiped bY+iPP«+��'�ed wilb We p�'�pp�a►M o[dM <br /> �r .���e�na�ecv�ed by ddt 8eeuri�►In�t <br /> (i)J1�1 a�prt of , ��� in�est in a tnat o*mi��11 ar pitt af the ihop��old ar . <br /> adr�vl�e tr+wf (. qr de�oait)by die Hano�a'.aad . <br /> (ii)7Lo prnpatY L.�t�qiied Ibep�er or�ntee u Ida or 1�pni�pd�e� d�e pynd�w�r <br /> cr g��obe dxs �a accupy the P1o�my- -brt his or ier aw� rs rat L�en a{�na�wd ln �ova�o� - . <br /> vv�ih!ha iequi�mant�af d�e Secreaa�r� . . <br /> (t)1W►N�Mi� if c�noa oxa� ra�id peieeit La�der w requita i�edi�re�,qima�t�fhU.bpt L�1�Ir �:_ <br /> dua not aCh t.eador does oot�raive iea n1�IM�wili�ed b wb�aprly�r4 ane�. :'�`;-. <br /> (d) d�8eci+el�r� io�I c�ec�taa�oa�uiat�o�iswal.b9��*�*7�rillli�I.e��ar� ' -- <br /> �•�', .�� ��P�D'���f°101�° i0°1°0�0 p!yn�en�ia N11 �00 faeeclo�a it��ot 'i'6i�. ..•°,. • <br /> �e�tntyr i�m�ent�noc�otizo aocc�atiao ar fa+ccloraue�t�wi j�r+.�i{�6ix3 t►y r-c�i�+w�.��ar� '��"�"�i',•;."":`�°"._.�-. <br /> (e1 MrA6are Net I�ni. Baro�ver sg�ea d►�t ihouW tbis 3awity la�aaeat aod lYe m1e�eed iwir�ol <br /> 6e eli��bie Aw imuraove wder We Natioad Hou�iqs Aci�vithia daw I�e <br /> a.�o harooi;t,eader rtu► ia opioo.oa aawith�odina.n.yd��nB��9,���0��4 <br /> tWl of�11 smus sxwvd by this Saxuiry IniU�rnaM. A wriqcr�swtemeat of auy awbo�ized�Cnt ottbe e..�-aetary <br /> dated w6coquent to �Oht the dete hweot.declini�to iawm tl�SewtitY <br /> ln�rumant aad dw na:RC iecu�ed tba�eby.�II 6e de�ta�ed�oart�a�usive proot of arch L�eli�ibility. NotwidpA�dioa _ <br /> �be faie�ing,thi4 apcion m*Y not be exe�ciaod by La�dei vklMem the�mavail�bWty d�e is�otdy doe w <br /> [.aader'�fail�ue w�nit a moRgage inaunuroe premium w thn�ectetary. <br /> l�. R�ei�wt+�te�wt Banower hss a rigbt to be�instated if Lentkr d�a tequired im�aed�te pRymeot in thll6a�u�e <br /> iw w � <br /> af E{arowal�fidluro W pay �n anwunt due uMer thc•Akx�or this Securiry L�trument. '11ds rigbt applies evm dler <br /> faeclosuro pmoeed�nBs ae iastiwtad. 7b r�einatate t6e Security G�swmen� Bormwer�all oendri L� a kaap avn tll <br /> s�rts�i!�r!d t�'�xing E�!+rmwerk account curr�ent i�wluding.w the esteot t6oy are obli�tlomt of Barow�er uacta�thi� _ _ <br /> Seaurlty In��m.faecbwre cosls and resiscxiebk and cuatomuy an�eys•fas and expensesp�r,p�1y a�soaaLed w� :. <br /> tho fot�clo�swee�p�raoeed�ng. Upcm r�einstatemem by Borrower.thia Sec�sy Lwwment and the o6ligailans dwt iY�tecuc�e� •� - <br /> �ll rqnain iw cffect as if L.ender had not requirod immedlate paymatot;n full. Hawever.L,a�der ia not reqW�od ta pa'tmt � <br /> neiaawteme,�le if:. (i)Lender fi+s�ccepted�r�instatement.after the cotnmeacament of foKClosw�e pr�oeedinga wiR1�w.two <br /> years imrnodi'sHely prcced'mg �he commencement of a cu�ra�t foreeloaute Proeeedlu�8. (il) �einetatema�t wiN �eelude <br /> fo�xlosure ot�diflirent gm�ards in�Fic future.or(iif)rei►ostme�ent w�li adversely aiQ'tct the priority of the Ikn¢reated by <br /> tNa 5ecurjry L�atrument. <br /> Il. Norrower Not Releiued; ForbeAraacc by l.ender Not a Walver. Extension of the time of puymeat or <br /> modifical�on af anwrtization of 1he sums secured by this 5ecuriry Insdvment granted by Lender to any auccessor ln Lueiest <br /> :af Borrower sh�ll nat operate to lelease the liabilicy of ihe or�g3na1 Borrower or Bomowerh suocessor iri intet�esl. L,ender <br /> shAll not berequired to commence prnceedings ageins{An�successor in interest or retbse to exta►d time for pa ment or <br /> od�erwlse m�ify amortizetion of the sums secwed by th�s Securlty Inswment by teason of any demand�by the <br /> origi�W Bomower or Borrower�s successors in intercsl. Any forbearance by L.ender in eaerci�ing any right or remody shall <br /> , not ba a waiver of or preclude the exercise of tu�y right or rcmedy. <br /> 12. Succasors and Asstgns Bound;Jdnt s�nd Severnl LIab�G3ty:Ca3igners. The covenants and a�oements of <br /> lhi�Socurfty insdument shall bind and benefit the successots end assigns uf l.ender and Borrower.subject to 1he provisions� <br /> vf Paragraph 9.b. Borrower s covcnants and agreements shall be jolnt am! sever:d. My Borrower who co-:�gns this <br /> �ecuriry[nswment but daes not execute the Note: (aD is co-signing this Security 9u�s�rument only W mortgage,grant and <br /> � convey tiwt Bo�rower's interest ln the Property under ihe terms of'this Security Inswmenc:(b)is not personally obligated to <br /> pay the cums secu�ed by Ihis Security Instrumenh mid(c)agrees that Lender and an�other Borrower may agrce to extend, <br /> modify.forbear or make any accommoda�ions with regard to the terms of this Secunry Instrument o�tfie Note withont thnt <br /> Bomower�s consent. <br /> 13. Notkes. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Secudry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mniling it by first cless mail unless applicable law requires use of wwther method. The notice shall be directed w �he <br /> Property Address or any other address Rorrower designuteti by naice�to Lender. Any notice to Lendee shall be given by <br /> first class maif to l,ender's addr�ess stuted herein or c+ny uddress Lender designates by notice tv B�ttower. My notice <br /> provided far in this Security Instrument shull6e deemed to have been�iven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided <br /> in this parsigrapfi. <br /> 14. (inverning Law;5everabilily. This Security Inslrument shull tx govemeQ by Federul Ipw and the law of the <br /> judsdiction in which the Property is loca�ed. In the event that any provision or rlav�c of this Security Instrument or Ihe <br /> Note conflicta with ap licuble law,such conflict ahall not uffect other provisions of thi�Secudty Inshument or the Note <br /> which cen be givrn e�ect without the conll�cting provision. 1b this end the provisions of this Security Ins[rument and the <br /> Noto are deolar�d to be sevcrable. <br /> 15. Bot�rower's Cupy. Borrower shall be giren oi�e confomied copy of this Security Inswmont. <br /> 16. Asslgnment of Rcnts. Borrower unconditionully asxigns und�ransfen to Lender ull the rents und revenues of the <br /> �apeny. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's vgeass to collect the rents nnd revenues nnd t�er+eby directs euch tenant of <br /> •the Properiy to pay the rentY to Lender or Lender�a};ents. Hu�vever,pr�ar to Lender's• notire to Bornnwer of Borrower:s <br /> breach of any covenant or ngreement in the Security Instrument,Sar►uwer shall collect and receive all rents and revenues of <br />.. . the Prapetty s�s wstee for thc benefit ot Lender and qonower. This assignment of rents constitwes yn abv�rlute as�ignment <br />• and not a�ussignment for additional security onlv. <br /> • If Leorkr nlves notice of tmxh to Horrower. (A j ull rents rcceived by Boirower shell be held by�orrawer a�uuatee <br /> !or benePn of Lender only,to be applied ta the sums isecured by tfiC 5ecurity lnawment;(b)Lender shall be enu�tW ro <br /> • ooilect ahd neceive all of the rcnts of the Pwperty:atKD(c)euch tenant oF the Property shull pay ull rents due and uapaid to <br /> . ' i.ender or Lender's agent on Lender's wrinen demamd to the tenant. <br /> • Botrower has not executed any pnor ass�gnmem of the rente und ha�not und wiil not perlortn any act that would <br /> prevent L.ender from ezercising its rights undcr this Paragraph 16. <br /> Lender shnll not be required to enter upon,tuke control of or maintuin the i'roperty before or ufter giving noticc uf <br /> breach to Borrower. However. Lender or a�udiciully npQointed receiver muy do so ut any time there is A breach. Any <br /> applicauion of�ents shall not cure or waive any default or mvulidate any other right or remr�dy of Lender. This a,�xignment <br /> of renta of 1he Property shall tertninate when U�e deb�secured by the Security Instrument is pa�d m full. <br /> �page 3.�j�Pug�a► <br /> . �) <br />