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. . . M - - <br /> ,::._ ..� � -,.r • �. -- --- <br /> .L..,.� ,i„•. .1 . - u � . . . ._. L �ti i. - <br /> . .S . . ... .. �_ .— � <br /> . ��� <br /> --_ �.� . ., . rW4�.6.''°.�'1�a� <br /> . _.. <br /> .. .. . �sn�-r.rar,r�rn�=A � --- .._. _. <br /> . , }lvy',�1y:- �..7.:.1�f� , ::�i � .:f�Y.��cWtlF . .r�'w,`��"�{�7'G?r..,. -�_�__� <br /> � ° . � - .. " � - -_ ... <br /> . . }�' :4"{ 'r•ti�,�+r.a- _— '—�- `- <br /> . ' -'i'.T. '� .:. .,.a, ' • ' .��—�.'i_�- •'Yt "' <br /> - ' . j � .�b. . � �:1V.'1�!1k�..J',!'-. <br /> • � ��� � �������������4�-�.'-�..__ <br /> , ���� M� _ +� � �-_- �: <br /> , .�w� «'��`.i�t+r��NR,►�ro� .. , :w�*.r��r�,�� � '�- <br /> � ��i�arl4ci�r�na�quYud�ty�rpM�• M <br /> � iMl�ld�ed Ao�Y�s`y.4b)�ad<?�� �I,r�t�rl�wlhM d M�d��M. wMO�'!r <br /> �A Iry� �w rno�t w�e�t b��a�d�Larl M�no�d Mot�ow ir.walti ,d�4 <br /> �e�i Mlb�a�llrm�oald bsoa�ine d� ��i1r��MoN i��4wMr op�iol�d�awt M��ws(�l.(�:r <br /> (o)Iyfu�s M�ti►Moara�q�. � � <br /> K rt i►y tlua�o d►e toW of tbe Mid by I.aMter Ooe Mra�a(��(b)�(a�' aMb�Mw�t�y <br /> p.y�oena rar.acl�heaa pqnible a eder pior a a�e a�»a�le. or w�h lMaa. aco�eiore ix oae�dslb ie <br /> e�tta�rsd amo+u►t ot p�ymeqtt roquirod wpy wcb i�eda wben dua aed it pN��aa�s an die Na1e�emat.d�es I.a�der . <br /> duv!dd�er refbnd d�e eaax�avar aee-�ixtb af die eqimMedpaymeot�a the eucea aver aae�d�Ut d die aMW�wled <br /> pa ���P�Sm�bY Bamowar.�t the option cl MnmMer. If da tan!of die payments mde b�r Han�er . <br /> for i�lem(�).(b)�ar(a)i�i��ul�iciau to p�y d�itom whea due,t6en Baero�rar i�pq►b I.�+nder�qr�o�t neoeMry�o , <br /> nu�ta ap the d�olfk�or t�ta�e the d�e tbe itom 6e�ma dae. , <br /> As uaed jn Ihit ty[mtnunont,"SeaotWY"tnwu the Sec�tay d�fo�i��d 1ir6re ar lds ar her <br /> des�p�, [a any y�in wldoh the i.endcr mwtpry�mort�o i�uwanoe pra�i4s b d�e Secret�ry. <br /> �4alT alw laclqde etliaar: .li) aa i�ut�bnent of tbe nmutl a�ort�s�a im�r�noe p�ai� to lie pid Lendi+r�b�ihe <br /> Secnfary�ar(ii�a iaorq�y chr�e in�tead of a mc,�tp�e iaa�rmoe p�mian if Ibia Secoriy Lwtnrnoot is IrcW bp d�e <br /> SeaWr�r. B�oo�IMU►i�lpaa►t otd�e . �oe pnmium�nll be ie a��w�mt wflic�t a aocwalMe d�e <br /> - full�am�almo�tp�e i�wa�oe promlum � � i,w.� ta�c�a!x!m!!�x� �sre� <br /> —� p�oiom i�due w tAa Saa�tary,a if WsSo�ty Lsuuma�t b�YytUe Sernea�ty.ac6 maa�hly d�r�e�ili bo iN�u <br /> �a�ornt eqtal o�ane-1w+slRh of aao-hdf pement of the uuW�rdiu�p�L�oipad b�lanoe dre aa�he Nok. <br /> ':�:� If Bamwer tetders a l�d�o fi�U p�ymau of�II swos�cw�by ihi�Sea�y 1�.�ti� <br /> e6aN be c�edited whh the bdanoe ra�uining far W iatt�llma�b���(���(c�?�!���wd <br /> � p�wm iaqdhaait tlwt L�d�er 6�001 beoane oblig,wted to pay �xu <br /> e�ss funds w Banower. Inumedi�tely prior w�faeclosure�sla of tho Piroperty or its�oquwitiaa by Le�iw:.Batow�r <br /> �'�'� � �aocamt�tuU be ct�adited with aoy bdwx ranpLung far all insallarcat�fot item�(�).N)�ud(c). <br /> — ' 3. A d Ph�meats. All psyma�d w�der P+uagnphs 1 and 2 sh�il be upplied by I.ender m foUoan: <br /> -__�;�� to ihe ma�tgoge inwranoe p�emium to be p�td by Lender w the Secoehry or w tho�r�onlWy dwga by the <br /> _ _..— ����tt�u instead Of the momhlY raortBaBa insunr�ce premiYm: <br /> -.�:;��� to auy 1a�kea.sPxld�sassmaus.ld�ehold p�ymendt or�rauod 1r�nta�aed fim.flood and aliler bVaud <br /> urmce premiarns.ast�qu <br /> ' ��W ipte,�est clue under�'We Note; , <br />- >�a�;ai . • • jo amon�tion of iba prim7'pri ut tfne Note: <br />.- �;��i�;€i� ,�to iete cl�ges due under lhe lVate. <br />�, , ,"t �Fl�dd�ad Olbe�HazArd Ianu�aoce. Borrower shaU insura all improvema�ts on the Pnoperty�whether now <br />� � , : , in existeACe ar au Uy erccted.ogainst any ha7arda.casualdes.and contingancies.including fu+e,fm which l.ender <br /> - ', �equiK,y iawrw�oe�T 's inew�noe ehall be maintained in the�naunts and for the pexiods ttwt Lender teqairss. Barower <br /> ah�ll also insure all imp�vements on the f'iopeny.whether now in cxistence or subeeque n t ly e rc e t e d,eg a i nst loss by flaad: <br /> to�he eatent tequircd by the Soc�e1ary All insurancx stwll be carried with companics approved by I.ender. 'Ibe iniurance <br />" pollctes t�nd any renewals sM�ll be held by Lander and shall include loss payable clausec� YAVOr of. wd ln a form <br /> aocxpteble w.Lcnder. � <br /> In Ihe event of loss,Borrower eball give Lender immodiste nwice by mall. Lender ma�make proof of loss if not <br /> '= made promptly by&►mower. Each insuranoe company conamed is henby su�horixed and di�ected w mWce pnyment for _ <br /> such loss direcqy to Lender,instead of w Borrower and to Lender joindy. All or any part of the insurence proceeds may be = <br /> ', liad by its option,either(a)to the rcduction of�hc indebtedness untkr the Note and this Security Inswment, <br /> � �y,�:. <br /> srk�, ust to any de�inyuent amounts applied in the order in Puragraph 3.and then to prcpaymeiu rof principal,or(b)to the <br /> ��l,^ �estoration ar repiur of the damaged property. Any application of the proceeds to the principal sC�a11 not extend or postpone <br /> . . the due date of the monthly payments which nrc refemed to in Pivagraph 2,or change the amouc+t of such poyments. My <br /> , !' �'�;•, excxss insurance proceeds over an amount required to pay all autstanding inclebudness under the Note and this Security w <br /> �+� Ins�rument ahall be paid to 1he entiry legally en8ded thereto. a: <br /> '�'"�`r � �s�'i'" In tha ovent of foreclosure of`this Security Insuument or other uansfer uf IiUe to�he PrupeRy thot extinguishes the <br /> ^ ,�:.':,a,. <br /> , +r�tr indebtedne�s.all right,title and interest of Borrower in nnd to insurance policies in force shall pas.c to the purchaser. <br /> � . �,,.� <br /> w': �:'.�5;�:•:f. S• Occupancy, Preqervatlon, Mlaintenance and Protection of the Property; Bor�ower's I.own Applkalion; <br />_�• . �•;t`.+>;(j;�r;�' Leaseholds. Borrower shul!occupy, establish,and use the Prapeny as Borrower's principut residence within sixty days <br /> �rr�;,'�` :�:;!�s;';4:,.. after the executfon of this Secudty Insirument and shall continue to occupy the Property aso 8orrower�principal residence - <br /> `'�.�r;'�• ' "�1,,.:-�vr�.�. for pt least onr year after the date of occupancy,unless the Secretary determinex thix requirement will cause undue hardship <br /> '` ''w "- ° for Borrawer. or unles� extenuatin circu�stances exist which ure be ond Borrowenc�ontrol. Borrower shall notify <br />..+, Ir:.�;},!�t'`,y � Y <br /> . L.enders of eny extenuating circumstarices. Bnrrower shell not commit ws�ste or desiray,damage or substentiully change <br />:w,� �,�'�.'�.�s��;;���:�t��.�,�• U�e Prvpe�ty or allow the Property to deteriorate,nensonoble wear and tear ezcepted. I.ender muy mspect the Property if the _ <br /> '_;.�,„ ,.,.� ,,, Pr�operty ls vacant or abundoned or the loan is in defauit. Lender may tuke reusonuble actian to prcnect ond preserve auch <br /> ,,':r� ,�: . .. • vacent or abandoned Property. Borrower shnll ulso be in default if Borrawer,during the loan appliration pracess.gave E-: <br /> �' ����^�y°='�'E_'••.:i�"'= materieliy fafse or inaccinate informution or statements tu LenJer (ur f.+ilc� to provEde Lender with any mAteriel =' <br /> l �4���� information)in connection with the loan evidence�by�he Note,including,but na limited �o.representations conceming ;;` <br />. ���F;t• •�;�t�i.�, Borrowerh occupancy of the Property us a principa7 residence. If this Secunty Instniment is on a leasehold,Bomower shell _ <br /> '• ..,:ti.,+• _:� comply wi�h the provisions of the leuxe. If Borrower acyui�s fee tide to the Property,the Icus�hold and fee tiUe shull not = <br /> '��:`'' �� ''�f��-• be mot ed unless L.ender a rces to the mer er in wri�in = <br /> '� � ,�Iti���:..<i . G_ <br /> �'[r:..( ;�R;:,��.+��/'�:�' 6�CBarges to Borrowe�pnd ProteeUnn of l.ender a RiRhtq in the Praperty. Bono�ecr shall pay all govemmental <br /> ..�)�{..�,,1 r't.�f�.i�`Y ' :h�. <br /> ,� •�,;;F.;';1'` { , �/' �tis� or municipul charges,fines nnd impositions tha�u�e not included in Purugruph_. Borrowrr shall puy these obligutions on ; <br /> `ti� ; ?�:-;:�:r�j'i 'a��'t�••= time direcUy to the enQit�•which is owed the payment. If failure to pay would adversely affect Lender's inrerest in the ,r; <br /> , {:;r;�t f�}!�..'.•�ul. t-,. � <br /> _� ��"��t,,,�t�`� PropeRy.upon Lender s request Borsower shall promptly furnish to Len3er receipt,evickncmg Ihese payments. T,. <br /> :�. • � �.� �;�;��. li F)ortowcr fails�tu mpka Ibqse ps�ymen4c or the paymema reyuired by Purugruph 2, or fuila to perform uny wher �i <br /> covenants and agreemon4+contained�in this Securfty Instrument,or therc is a legul proceeding thu�muy sigaificandy ofiect � <br />°�� "� �'-�,s;j; Lender's rights in thr PropeAy(such as a prnceeding in bankru�+try.for condemnation or to enfnrce lawa or regulationti), <br /> ' �irou i.Cinici�Tw uv aTw w wiia2L��.7:�i....�;'ou.••• :.::u�'r'":�:••C wl^O`...r.�..�.�1�nn.l��`c►�nlue in rM 1lrnnnrtv <br /> � ,.i+- " - 7 N 7 , .,p^v . .+.�..� � o.._. �_..�, v <br /> � • �;�� .w, ;: ��� Including pnyment of tuxes,h�ard insur:sricc nnd olfier uems mentioned In Per:�graph 2. �; <br /> �:�,r�.�� My amounts disbursed by Lender under�his Paragrnph shall become a�uddi�ion�l debt of Borrower t�nd be!�ecwred ` <br /> � ,�: by Itas 5ecurity Instrumcnt. Thcsc amuunts sha13 intcrest fsom the d�te of disbussement,at the Note rste,and at!he _ <br />-� _� �x.,, ,. option of L.ender.shall be immedlately due and puyable. .- <br /> :._�,__,,,„ <br /> -- .�;,..i 7. Condeme�tton. 'Itie proceeda of any ownrd or cluim for damages. 'rect or ccm.uquenne.m connect on w t uny t <br /> ---�"=-��°•�� � '-.� .• condemnntlon or other takin of an art of the Pro n or for conve ante in luce of condemnalion.arc hereb nxsi ned � <br /> t�•• i 8 Y P Pe Y� � 0 Y G , <br /> __—�'�e:�w.. end shall be p�id to Lender to the extent of Ihe full amount of the inde tedncss th�t remnlns unpaid unde►the Note und this •* <br /> ' =' �' Security Inswment. Lender shall apply such pioceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note nnd this Securiry ;= <br />-_ _ Instnunent, first to ony delinquent umounts applied in the order providcd in Paragroph 3, s�nd then to prePaymcnt of �- <br /> � � principal. My epplication of the proceeds to the pri�ipal shall not extend or postpone �he duc date of the monthly �_ <br /> "� - <br /> :+ . • _ <br /> ' . �.� ...� � � �'� ' � IWRe 2��/J prResl . � i <br /> .�.�,-_�_ ,� � �* '�� - <br /> 'a . .,, . � . • . • <br /> . <br /> � . ' � <br /> � ._..--. _.___.-.._._ _._� . ._ .,._. ._-..-.. - .'---- —,_' '•—'. - " . <br /> .« �� . . <br /> �. . ' r .�'_'."' , c •_ _0-2- <br />