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---� - 1� .. -----����"'� �.. _ . ' , . " _ _ <br /> •....::' <br /> - • . . � ... .:ni±- <br /> _ .____ _ , . . 9�=soo�9 <br /> pqra�a,w�k�h�nf`ned 1a in �p}�2�ar clwn�e die amount d�h p�yaw�u. My��pno�.e.ur�r�n <br /> amo�MC�d%p�y�q nutw�dh tN���d�l�+�d��nda i�NoM md dd�8roarity IaM+naawal�II bM p�id 10 ir�I . <br /> - ' " @. Il�,l,and�u m�y oouat fiee.�na dnrp..ulkod�.a by►dn secra.ry. <br /> f. anrawd fbr AoorMratio�dDdN. <br /> (�)DdwM. I.ander may�e�tcapt tt 1Gnirod by ropdvia�u iw�ed by tlw Seaeuuy,in the cue ot p�yn�eut de(�uM�. <br /> nqui�e immedWe p�y�tra�t in fk�U of�II wm��acaed by d�Siecu�ity Uu�urMnt If. <br /> �b�ar�ao�tho d►�afd�te of�tde�mon�thly p�i�ynien.���Y P����'°d b5'��Y���P� <br /> (ii)Barow�r def�ulb by fdlinQ,fa a period at d�ty dqn.q pdtom wy olher ob18;+8oas oo�uiined in Ids <br /> (bl S��N►ltiiod Greiit Appnwal. Laider t1uJl.if pnminod by�4c�bie I�w�od�vith tbe pirior�pp�o�val d tAe . <br /> �pro�r ��P�Y��fWN oi�dl t4e wimf�ocirod tiaa Soc�ritY Inwumbat'J: <br /> (i)�►U ar put of tLo P�roperty.a a baieficid i�Merest in a wst ownia�aU ar p�ut af die Plrnparty.ix sold ar <br /> od�ecvviea tnutsfat�od(od�er tfw�by deviae or deacmt)bY We Bonuwa.�rd <br /> . (U)1Ue Prope�ty i�not actapied by the pturh�ser or�ataa as hii a du prjncip�l resideaoe,or fhe p�arcb�a�er <br /> or grantee does so axupy the Properiy but hls or Ircr c�edit hu not bxa approved in �ocad#noe <br /> wlth the e�oqui�w of the Sac�etay. <br /> (e)1Vo Wwiver. If cincumstanoea aocur thu would pe�mit i.ende�a ioquire immedi�te psymeat in fuA�but l�der ' <br /> :�M;y ,� . doea notr�qu�ito euchpaym�ts.La�der does not w�ivo its dghts with respoct w wbaequrnt events. <br /> .���� ., (d)Itqul�ilom of NUD c e�ie r�'�. ln m�ay circumtt�nces�ulAtla�i�ued by the Socrduy wfll l�ptit l.eaderSt <br /> Se�cu�rity i�suument 8oews�authorize�axeleration�or f�lawre�'��oem�itmd by fltulatlonR ot the 'iu��s ' . L <br />__------_- -- • • : (e1 Mort�a Not Iawred. Borrower agroes that rhadd this Security Intttna�t and the nde socr,�ed tl�ereby nat �. <br /> -- , .be eNgibfe for insur+nce under the NaHaW Housu�g Act within 8 �t� . .�f�n 3h�e ',;,.; � <br /> ::�:`�� � dae hereof.I.ender may.At its option and notwlthstuding Anything in Para�pr�.� .,�o9ui�e im�rwdis4e pa}mar��in <br /> �=:+'�i� � • . full of all cuma socu�d by this Security I�t�u�r�� A wriuen st�tement aP�+y annhorized.agent qf the�c�:1.�tuy <br /> - — � dated aubsequent to 8 � t� from the date hereof,declining sm�un�ure t6is Security . . <br /> ' . Irutrument and ihe note ac�theK6y.shall be deemed oonclusive proof df'such ine�ig�bi9i¢y. Natwlthehnding . <br /> the foregoing.this option mxy �wt 6e exercised by Lender when the u�wvaoluba0iry oi'i�smar�e is cdely due to . � <br /> :�;� Lender's iailu�e to rcmit a mongage insurance prcmi�m to 1he Secr�tary. <br /> iQ Rd�tWema� Bor,�nwer h�s�nigtu to b�reinstuted if L.endcr has ree�ua�ed immcciiate pay�ei�t in full i�ecAUSe . . <br /> mc <br /> ' af Horrower'a fiuilWie W pay :uo�aw�t due unckr tAe•Note or this Security Instr�ment. 7�is ri$tw npp��even aPtei . <br />:•—.::= -- � <br /> -- — - foreelasure proceedinge are 1nsHtuted. 1b reiacute �he Seeuriry lnstrumen�, Horrower slaall ternk�iue A Iwn�ye sum.nll • <br /> . ..__ amounu mq6ir��:.a;bring Borrou�et N�scauns csur::at I� tht e�tent they em ohH�ad�ue�63�x�r►wer unde�th�s . <br /> --'�- Security Inswmenl,foncloaure costs and�esonebin end customery attomeys'fas and eapenses properly ax3oelated wlth <br /> ���?�`���� the fo�closuro pmaeding. Upon reinstatemcnt by Bomower,this Security In�wment und the obligations that it s�c�cwas <br /> shall ramain in effoct ae if l.ender hed notrequired immediate payment in full. However,I.ender is not required topermit <br /> roinstatement if: (i)I..ender has accepted rcinstatement afier the commencement of foneclosu�e proceedings within two <br /> ;; years immedtately pnocaling tho commencement of a currcnt foreclosure proceeding, (ii) reinslatement wlll preclude <br /> forocloaut� an dif�erent grounds in the futurc,or qii)rcinstatcment will wiver�ely Affec�the priority af tha lien created by <br /> 1hi�Socurity Instrument. <br /> 11. Ba�rower NW Rekasedt F�o�nce by I�ender Nat � Walver. �xtension of the time of payment or <br /> modiflcubn of amortiza�ion of�he sum.r recured by�hi.R Security Inswment granted by Lender to any suceessor in intercst <br /> of Bormwer aludl not operate ro rcleure the liabili�y ni�he originul Burrawer or Burrawerk successor in intercst. Lender <br /> ahall nd be uircd to commencep�oceedinga ugainst ony successor in intereu or refuse to extend�ime for payment or <br /> athervvise m��fy amonization of the sums necurcd by �his Securily In�trument by reason of any damnnd msde by �he <br /> original Borrower or Bortowerk xuccessarx in intere�st. Any forbearance by l.ender in ezerciKing uny ngbt or rcu�ady shall - <br /> not be a waiver of or prcclude the exercibo of uny�ight ar ncmedy. <br /> 1�. Successors and Asalgos Boundt Jolnt and 3everal l.lnbllltyi Co�5lgnera. The covenanls and agreements of - <br />= lhie Security Ineuument shnll bind and benefil the succe�aora And assigns of Lendcr and Borrower.subjoct to the p�ovlsions <br /> of Paregraph 9.b. Bormwer'.s covenants und og�eemenls shnll be joint und,evernl. Any Borrower who casigns this <br /> �r��� Socurity Insuument but does not execute U�e Note; (u►is co•signing thi�Securi�y Instrument only�o mortgege,grant and <br /> ,�,�.s� convey Ihat Borrowerk iMercst in�he I�apeny under Ihe ternis nf this Security Inslrument:lb)is not personally obligated to _ <br /> '�•�`�cw '' pay Ihe sams secured by this Security Instniment;and Ic)ogrceti thnt Lender nnd an�other Bomewer may agree to eatend. <br /> „�'�' modify,forbear or meke any uccommodations with regurd�o�hc termh af�his Secunty Inxtrument or the Note without�hat <br /> :'��,���'� Borrower�s conscnt. <br />.����'�:� � ld. Notices. Any notice ta BoROwer provided for in this Security Instniment shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> '��?�r,S , .y3 maiUng il by first class mail unless applicnble Inw requirex usse of anather methocl. The naice shnll be directed to Ihe <br /> '=-'+�f+�i�:i.,. property Address or nny other nddress Borrower dexignates by notice w Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by - <br />_" u�,r'�;h t. first clnss rnail to Lender\ nddrrss s�ateJ herein or uny uddress l.ender designu�es by notice to Borrower. A�y aotke _. <br />'� ���:�,., .,;.., provided for in thiF Secu�iry lnswment shnll be deemcJ to I�uvr been given to Bnrtnwer ar Lender when given a�c provided <br /> , r„_ <br /> ,+ ';;m:;�`i f�';„� in this pnrragraph. <br /> � �r�;�,�'�� 14. Governing Lpw; 5everabillty. This Sei:urity Inxtrument,hull t�c govemed by Federul law nnd the law of the <br /> - ' �'''���;�•��;,�� JurisdicQon in which the Property i.r• locatcd. In thc c�•cnt that any pro��i.inn or c{ausc af this Sccuriry Instrwnent or thc <br /> .�,;��;;�;�,;;>���� , Note conflic�s with applicabk luw,xuch conflici +holl nut affect otlx:r provi�ionx of Ihis Securiry Instrument or the Note _. <br /> � 'r'•?`�-�;4••• which cun be given effect without Ihe coMicting pravision. 7t►this rnd ihe pruvi.ions of�hic 5ecurf�y Instrument nnd ihe - <br />. w; N����'=i.�r'�. <br /> .��•• . .•: Note ane declared to be sevcrublc. - <br /> i'�".��`r:7;'„� IS.Borrower's C y. Borrower+hall bc given une contormed copy uf�his Securiry Inxtrument. <br /> �zy.a• , I6. Asslgnment ot�ent4. Borrowcr unronditinnully ussi 6�ns unJ tranxfen to Lender all the rems smd rcvcnuez uf the <br /> - '�' �%��� Propeny. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's ngenl����roltect�t►c rem�und revenueti und hereby direc�z eACh tenum of <br /> the Property tu pny the rents to LenJer nr Lendcrs ugen��. Huwever,prior to LenJcr i notice to Borrower of Borrower s <br />'�; breaeh of nny covenont or Lgreement in the Securily Instrumen�,Borrower,hull cullect und rcceive ull reni�and reveaues of <br /> the Property ox tru�tee for the benefit of Lender and Bormwer. 'I'hix usxignment of rents constitutes un absolute axsignment <br /> � and not an assignment for ndditionnl security only. _ <br /> :�I�..=w.:p::'��:�::w�C���I�:�.p�..m:q�.. ��1�II.�ntu n.:•Niyn.l 1+�{L1R�1WI��\{IOII IfP IWIII IW Rnrniwrr uc frn�trn <br /> ����0�+� for beneflt of LenJer only,tn be upplied to ihc xums serurNd by the Scrurity Instrumcnt:Ib1 l.endcr xhull be entiUcd tn <br />:�`-�� �,;�• collect and receive nll of the rentx of�hc Propehy:nnd Irl euch tenant of Ihe Proprny zhall pay all rems due and unpuid a� <br /> -- �• }.)>> Lender or Lender§asent on Lender�wriaen demand to thc tens►nt. - <br />- �3;i.a,�; Horrower has not executed�ny prior�men�oi�i�r rem��ic..,�nd:u�J ..;ii nos pertoan any ars�t�a�w�nul8 <br /> ��.it�i!:1`. <br />:-;� �•;�-;.:;.f�• � • � prevent Lender from eaercising ils nghts under Ihi�Paragraph 16. _ <br />-;,,.ff i ` • � � F'r Lende.r shal!not be required to enter upon,t�ke rantrol of or maintain�he Propeny before or afrer giviog natice�f <br /> ti,:�. Dreach to��+�•:r. However.Lender or a judicially ap�ointed receive�may do r,o a� anv timc thrrr is a breach. Any <br /> I �.� application of r�en�s shall nat cure or waive uny defaul�or mvulidnte any othcr riFht ar rcmeil�•of Lender. This ussiFnment <br /> ;;��'.<`. � of rerusof the 1'roperty shnll�erminute when thc debt secured by�he Security Instrument is pa�d in ffalL <br /> -;_=- <br /> r - <br /> lpuae/��j'.1 puRe�� <br /> _— ','.�-\�+ . . ��".' . . , <br /> , ',ryp=. t•. � t . <br /> . • :4T <br /> ♦ . . <br /> • �. a. • <br /> ..._e,.._4 '.i�....__ _ . .. _ ._.__._ _ __.._._____—.. ...... . _ .. <br />