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; . - -�-m�wrvw�n� x.�-�.t--*.__�� �j __ ' _ <br /> .... � , n ' . .. . . . ..Y � � . `.Mw�yy�a�a•i.Jw0... � ... v ��{�i��'].� . <br /> –___— ''"i1�.�, • ;i; <br /> ' � . � -�. . . ; Ke��, . ' <br /> jIy <br /> : ., „ �. . • ��,r■1�'/�r��M�M�. �OII�OM�/I'��Q�M���M��0�O�i M���� • <br /> = �au+�M�d�a�o�d�r w .ne We ch.r� w�a.r Ib.r�iou. <br /> . 1 ]I��ib►lq�U at 7boM►L�AMe��1 a1Mr(�, �ro�w�r�11 inebrd�la�M � <br /> �o�ltier w�Gh d�s pinFipd wd i�Mei+eat s��et faeth in t6Y No�e�ed IMe cl�a.�n i�a�edhnwM al�p�r • !w��ad <br /> , (a)ap�l���a� ��P�p�'�Y.N) � �P�Y�+�a�na�na dM�►op�ty,�nd <br /> &cb mo�M61Y idollaie�far ilerru (�)�(b)�nd(c)s1uJi!eq�a�i a�e-t�►eMio ot the mnud �a�o�aMa,�e �b1Y <br /> � aa�ted by L�atder. w w apount wf�icieat In��n�b�o oP�wt tnore �b�n arwsixth of the <br /> . Mlhrwed MaoiaM�. �fhU�unmd�mouat for e�ch i�em daU be+�nr�WeA br l.ende��vitMe R pe�iode�ape <br /> mo�M6 bd'ate�a Itan wauW beoon�e de�we�t• Ladar t�p iiold the�owt�coWned i qwt b pty iwn(s�(b)ad <br /> (c)bekee d�y became delin9ua�t � �r <br /> N at ay tlme d�e toW of t6e heW by i.end�r fpr�tams(��(b)+�nd(��oeeds by p�ae ano�s�the <br /> payptaMs ta such items p�yabb to der prior tu Ihe dua date�nf' sltph itema,oa <br /> e�hmbd�nount ot P�ymon�t raWired!upy wcb itoma whea due,�nd lt p t,ts on tbe Nole aro cunap.d�eu La�der <br /> tlnU ei�her tefip�d dro wtoe�aver aae-a�xth of�be e�iiYxaawd qq�Qiaqlo or�t,i�ac�erc�u aver a�e•ai�ub d thc�ted <br /> paY���P*X��bi'eaaower.�t d�s aQ of Ak�i�+uW�r. If d�e`otul oi'tbe ya►Y�macle by 8armwe�r <br /> fa item(A�(b).a(c)�Inwificimt w pay the jtan w{�due.t¢ea.8ttaower�al!p�y►od i.nnd�t aay�uto�at aocwwy w . <br /> mdcro up tlta defickncy on or bafae tLo d�te the item beoomes dae. ' • ' • � �; <br /> M wed in this Securlty Inswment,"SecrewY"mcu�a tha Secrel�ry►of Hau:L�and UrMn Dave t or his a hor . ' . <br /> daigqee la�ny yar in wbich tha I.ender muatp�y�matg�e iasw�u�ca premium to the Socrct�ry.a�ttilY P�Y� , <br /> �h�U �bo include either: (i) �n imt�llrtia�t of the aiuwd mo�tB+�e inaur+oc� Prcmium to be paid bY Lander to the _ <br /> Secoeqry.or(ii)�mo�lLly chage�d of a mat�aga inaa�nce poemium if this Socurity Inst�umait i� heW by d�e , . . <br /> , �e�,�t�elwy, ess�n mr,ntoiy incwi�meni w'iiw unni��L-wwa�.�t,►:.r.u�:slsr!!�fn�sasount�ufficient tn�rramm�Ine d�e <br /> tLll �aawd tno+t$�in3urau�co PKmium wtth I.ender one month prlor to the date the full annual matgage�w�ance <br /> _�x;` ' '' � •.�,p�emium ia�dt�to u�c Secretary:or if this Security last�ument is heldbg►the Soc�ewy.each moathly ch�r�e�hall • <br /> . � aq�puot egua�to�-Rw•e7f,th�one-half por+cent of the�utst,andiRg pdncipal bd&ncc due on the Nota. ! - <br /> ���, . . If'BauqWce teaders�o G.�ender�he full payrt�ent dl aU swns secwed by�his Sec�uity Insdument,Bormwse�b xcoue�t �.��-" <br /> 'I; , ' abUt be ciredited with�he bal�ncx romoining of r eU insialUn�.mta for itema(a)..(�)and(c)and_ar!�matgaga'uu�unu�ce , ,. <br /> =,: ; . ptemi4i'n.iasta3l➢raeat.that�l.ender has not become obliga�ed to pay w�he 9tcreuuY.arid Lender s�uw ptompl0y reilmd�tty <br /> -- . exces+flia�ks t��Hortawer. immediaely prlor to a faecloau�e saie ou ih�Pmperly ar ite�cyuisitian b�r�Lender.Iforroweri� � ','.''. <br /> ' . ��ount shp11 be credital wlth any balenoe romxiaing for a01 in�lx�Y�ems'for��ljfms(a).lb)aad(o)• ';'�I„ <br /> x� <br /> � 3. Apppcatlea of Payn�enb. All payments uader Qaragtaphs 1 and 2 sha�l be eppl�ed by L.ender aq folY�ws: '. . <br /> F��T,w ihe mortgag i n surencc prem�um to be puid by L,e n d e r w I h e S e r ret:ay or W t h e m o p l W y c h�rgc`by�t?�e <br /> '� . . �ipstead of the mon�hly mortgage Insunmce prmium; ' , <br /> :_:. <br /> ,W At►y taxes.apecial ass�ecsmeats.lcasehold paymen�s or grauaitl rent�.wid fu�e.lload and ather hazara <br /> _; ins�ra�scx pre��tqufstd; � ._ <br /> �.to duc under the No4e; <br /> �.w amortization of tho principal of thc Notc; <br /> ': j�p(.to lete charges due under the Nou. <br /> 4. Fira,F1oad aad Other H�wrd Ineurance. Borrower ahall insure all impmvements on the Pmperty,whether now <br /> ; in exietence or subsequenUy erected,sgainet any hazar�de,casualties.and contingencics.including Ma,for which Lender <br /> '� roqulres ineumnce. This tnswance ehall be meintained ln the amounts and for thc pedods that Lender requires. Borrower <br /> shall�Iso insure all imptovementa on the Property.whether now in exietence or aubsequently erected,ag�inst loss by floods <br /> w the eatent roquirod by the Sxrctary All insurance ahall be curied wilh rompanies approved by I.eMer. 77�e in�urance <br /> policies and rny renowels sholl be held by Lender and sh�ll include loss peyable clw�ses in favor of. and in a form <br /> aocepu�bk to.Lender. <br /> In the event of loss.Borrower sholl give Lender immedia[e nwice by meil. Lender muy mAke proof of loss if na <br /> mAde promptly by Bomower. Each insurance company concemed is hercby authoriud and di�cted to make payment for <br /> auch loss dinxUy to l.ender,instcad of to Bortower and to Lender jointl3. All or any part of the insurence procoods m�y be <br /> applied by I.ender,at ilc option,efthor(a)to 1he reduction of�F�e indebtedness under the Note and this Security Insuroment, <br /> --� tirst to smy del�q�ent amounts applied In the order in ParagroPh �,and then to p�+epaymcnt of principal,or(b)to the <br /> _� rostorotion or r�ep�ir of the domaged propeny. Any applicatfon of the praceeds to the principal shall not catend or postpone <br /> —__— Ihe due dete of the monthly payments which are referred to in Parngreph 2.or chunge�hc amount of Ruch pAyments. Any <br /> exccss insurance pracceds over an amoum required to pay all outstanding indebtedness unticr 1he Note and this Socurity <br /> _-�:� Inctrumenl shall be paid to�he entity legolly entitled thereto. <br /> In the event of foreclosure of�his Secu�fty Instrument or other transfcr of title to the PropeAy that exdnguishes the <br /> ����� indebtedness,all righ�,title and intcrest of Bomower in and to insurance policies in force shall paxs�o the purchaser. <br /> '� S. Oecupancy. Preservation, MaiMetwnce nnd ProtecNon o�the Propertyi Bon+ower's I.oan Applicatloni == <br /> " -�`� I.e�seholda. Bortower shell occupy. establish,and use the I'ropeny as Borrowerk princfpul reFidence within sixty days <br /> =�:=;�;� after the ezecution of this Security Instrument end shall contfnue to accupy the Property as Borrower�principal rcsldence <br /> ____�;,::,��� for at least one yeu after the date of occupency,unless the Secretary detemunes this requirement will cause undue hordship - <br /> ��" �'-- for Bomower, or unless extenuating circu�stonces exi�t which are beyond Borrower4 control. Bomower shall notify - <br /> �`��-_�� Lenders of any eatenuating circumstances. Bomower shall nat commit wuste or destroy,dumnge or substantially change = <br /> -.,;�.t..�i Ihe I'roperty or ullow the Property to deteriomte,�+eusonable wear and rec+r excepted. Lender may iospect the Propeny if the = <br />-__>�''-:"9 PropeKy ic vacant or abandoned or the loan is in default. Lender may take reasonable uction ta protect and preserve such = <br /> '�-m+��isr3 v�:�uK u� uLwniu��l Fw��iy. Borrower sholl ulbo bc in dcfAUlt if BoROU�er,during the loan uppllcation proress,gave = <br />�;T,� ''`� matedally false or inaccurate information or stacements �o Lender (or fniled to provide Lcnder wlth s�ny matenal = <br />-;��� information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Notc,including,bul not limiced to,represenintions conceming = <br /> Borrowerk occupancy of the Propedy ac a principal residenre. If this Security Inrtroment i�on n leasehold,Borrower shall <br /> comply wfth thc provisionb of the leasc. If Borrower ucquires fec titic to the Pmperty,the leaschold nnd fec titic shall nd - <br />°-_��k� be merged unless Lender agrees to the merger in wri�ing. Y <br /> =�-� -= 6. ChqrRe�tu Borrower and Protection of Lender•s Righfs in the Property. Borrower shnll pay all govemmentul <br /> __= nr municipal ci�arges,fines nnd impositions that urc not included in Porugrnph 2. Borrowcr hhull pay these obligations on ' <br /> - = time dircclly to the entity which is owed the payment. [f fAilure to pny would aiversely affect Lender's intercst in the <br /> �""r�"'_� Property.upon Lender�s request Borrower shell prompQy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing these payments. _ <br />