f.�� �1'N,.. . . �frSN'��41vt6'!1 . . �.... , ,.�...... � � .�_ _ _ _ _._-- _ ,.�.
<br /> „�� ' . �Ar � I��iwi�WM}YIr ,.[�,,.f.�- ..=i� .� . —
<br /> 1� . �.. ��-�- . - _ __ .
<br /> . „ . �. _:�. . .. . � _ .-
<br /> �:E.��w:�«._ ���__
<br /> :.. ..
<br /> ,f "y'' � �g'.a_':'. � .�-
<br /> � ----- — --- ---
<br /> v = � �� �t�.���
<br /> �.. `: =_--°
<br /> , . ` . . � —
<br /> �; ��' . , 91--102'730 --�
<br /> , ,�
<br /> ` � Laadar. The foregoinq warr�nties and repraee�tations, and
<br /> ,� ^ '- ° � ' " ' Borrowar's obliqations pursuant to the foregoing indemnity, ahall ���_
<br /> � ,r�,Y,,�: z:..__ �urvive xepayment oF the Not� snd xha raconvayanae ot thie D�ed
<br /> `� 1,��'�..,:,,, o! Ttttati.
<br /> . � . . . _
<br /> ' J.:,
<br /> � '�� • 9. Assi nment of Rents Mana ementi of Pro ert . As � �-�-
<br /> eraua er, Borrower ere y aas qna to Lencler '.�..- .-�n._
<br /> � ' . udditional secur ty rovided that ��"-
<br /> ��:.f :.��,�� � the renta, isauea and profits of the Property, p
<br />�;;,t� • t.�* . Borrower aha].1, prior to acce�eration under paraqraph 11 hereof ��''�.•"'}'''""_
<br />' ��. "� or abandanment oi' the Frogert�„ t�ave the riqht to col].ect and �"���-'���
<br /> ',. �. � �;� retAi�► sn�ch rents. 3ssuea ar►d prQfits as they become due ar�d F�Y- _ .
<br /> ', , Lender � - - -
<br /> .y able. U�n acaeleration or abanaoncaen►t of the Propert�, �_____� �T
<br /> , � may, efthex in person or by agent, wit�h or without brfmc�ing any _.�, _
<br /> • � action or proeeeding, os by a receiver appointed by a court and -���s�-
<br /> � �� -:,. , without reqard to the adequacy of ita security, enter upon an�� �
<br /> • ' take po�seeoion of the Property, or any part thereof, in its aw+n =_
<br /> ' � ,"' " r ° �' na�me or fn the name of the Truatee, and do any acts which it '--
<br /> ges�r;u�._.
<br /> � • "�.� . deem�s n�ceesary or desirable to preserve the value, m�rketability f,.�{� �..k„_;,,�,w,` _.
<br /> n 'H._"_'.�" .
<br /> ° � ,,•� 1 ' or rentaibility of the Property, or any part t hereo f or i n t e r e a t , r,,4� _
<br /> therefn, incraase the income therefrom or protect the secur�.t)� -�•`'� �� `";
<br /> ' '��•; :,_._
<br /> hereof and, with or without taking posaesaion of t�e Property, �-• �`�� ���.•�• _
<br /> ,i�;il',.,';,'`��; •,.,�
<br /> - � ' ° eue for or otherwise collect the �cente, isaues and profits
<br /> � ' �� thereof, fncludinq those past due and unpaid, and appl}� the same, ,,;�:�;,;{^ --
<br /> , • d colbection. �includinq �`-.^n1ti�, �
<br /> , ; •.�� , leas costs and expenses of o�ration an �,.�-.:.,_
<br /> , ' attorneys' fees, upon any indebtedness secured �n�rceby, all in ����h�;.��_-
<br /> '' .� such order as Lender may determine. The enterang upo� and taking �.;�.�,.::;•...:_�
<br /> .l � �� „ posseasion of the Property, the colleation of such rents, issues ' ti�'''� `•_ t�.
<br /> �; . and profits and the applieation thereof as aforesaid, shall not F��.-�-�_�..
<br /> - _ - cu�s ar wa3vc any default c+r r��tice of default hereunder or = -__ _ __ _
<br /> � � �� invalidate any act done in response to such default or pursuant -- ;_
<br /> "' � to such notice of default and, notwithstanding the continuunce in -=�
<br /> . . �.;� ��,� �, � � .. . poasessioa of the Propex�y or the collection, receipt and applica- ' �•,._�--
<br /> � tion of rents , isaues ar profita, and Trustee and �ender ahall be �� �.� �.� ��
<br /> � `� t.i�:��
<br /> � ' Y entitled to exeraise every right provided for in any o� the Loan ,;,yr,r;�t;l:;;�--
<br /> . ::�� . . ' ' '. �x++n,�
<br /> Inatruments or by law upon occurzence of any Event of Default, ;;;5,�'y;,,;,�;:_
<br /> .,.:,�.,m.,.�
<br /> • includinq, without limitation, the riqht to exercise �he a�ae�aoh .�'::ti��;: � .___;,�
<br /> ` " � ` sale. Further, Lendex'a rights and remedies under thfs p Q P �•,�'.j�'�. :., .,,�____
<br /> � � 9 shall be cumulative with, and in no way a limitation on, � •::. .:-=�'�^�°
<br /> . '��t�'3Y�k0_
<br /> � � Lender's riqhts and remedies under any Assiqnment of Leases and `�'�,{��;: �r,�u,eA-
<br /> " Rents recorded aqainst the Property. Lender, Trustee and Che • ,�t:•��' .,�,=_
<br /> � � + � � receiver shall be liable to account only for those rente actually
<br /> ,�
<br /> " received. ► . ' � '�"�� .
<br /> � �s:: .
<br /> � i � ! 10. Events of Default. The followinq shall constitute �„:_
<br /> � an 8vent of Defau t under t s Deed of Trust: � t �,�,'��-•
<br /> , I .
<br /> ' (a) Failure to pay any installment of
<br /> � � � principal or interest or any ather sum secured hereby • � .,�_�__
<br /> :�, ' :. � � � ° when due, or Failure to pay �then due any other indebted- -` ���:'
<br /> � � ,;.�,.;;,, . � ness of Borrower to Lender= � , � -,� '
<br /> {.,,..�.
<br /> � ,��5�<';:.'-:."�':�� � (b) A bre�ch of or default under any provi-
<br /> '<�'' ��t;''.�`��i:'' . �:..`' sion contained in the Note, this Deed of Trust, any of
<br /> �r�,;�l�fa��r . ;� '
<br /> . �.���:���%-; � , the Loan Instruments, or any other encumbrance upon the
<br /> `' �"�r`'�f`��} � ��t�{ Property, after giving ef#ect to any applicable cure
<br /> .��;.�.,, ,,,,,�t:;;�,. : .�.. .
<br /> .t,. .,,,r;;�;�:;�•.
<br /> ,f;�.-:,,,•.,•:, �•;
<br /> • <<.;�: � ti� •),��, period contained thereim;
<br /> ��-,,'..',•i; � . .
<br /> •,.;.: ,.:rr�;.�,::��','�';: .'1
<br /> ��'��;� :•}t:"��•� '•� �•� (c) A writ of ex�ctn�ion ar attachment or any
<br /> . . � . ,'.,�;
<br /> . . ' , � �.,:� sa.milar process shall be enter-ed ngainst Dorrower which ��
<br /> � �'• � s9�a11 become a �3.�en ora t,he Psrop�erty or any portion , . .
<br /> '�' . � thereof or interest there.�n; , � �' •'�'�
<br /> . � ����'
<br /> � . (d) There sh�sl P b� f iled by or against ,. � • � . ,
<br /> �_�_ .., .
<br /> - � � Borrower an action uncier any presenc or iui.use LC..�:�-, -
<br /> state or other statute, law or �egulation relating to
<br /> bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief for debtors; or
<br /> , � there shall be appointed any trustee, receiver or
<br /> liquidator of Borrower or of all or any part of the
<br /> f Property, or the rents, issues or profits thereof, or
<br /> , Borrower shall �ake any gene�a� assignment for the
<br /> . , , benefit of creditors;
<br /> � . ' -4- � -
<br /> I �
<br /> i
<br />