� '7. . . ."�j 6iik�ti��:iYl,� S�ihe3L...T.,r,:,. . . dtiai.rawi.':Sia.S'.,....... ..' ,--�/,'... . ","�°T3 v ---- _ .�-.
<br /> �Ij�C � 7 e . i..� . .. ,
<br /> ,,•: ��. a�, �4k,� ¢y..iiw."�,ihr.-,.�r�......,,.• w�_a:-,-r- .
<br /> �s"1'.}�N'an i j-.M P( .,.a,.'�+�..�....-.._
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<br /> ' .1=�A.1.�� _ — __ t�:. ' '+-�L....:... -__.�.._�._
<br /> . aY�u.���. �...- ....._'.
<br /> � . �ri ..._..._.
<br /> v 1 . • •
<br /> 91--102730 :�::..-
<br /> .,. .� . . . --
<br /> , �
<br /> �� � ��.•;��-�.•,���� the Property in violation of any law, ordinance, or rogulation� �
<br /> t�, � And ehall pay and promptly disaharqe dt Horrawer s cost and �;.
<br /> expenae all liens, encumbrancea and chargee levied, imposad or
<br /> �.'��� .� � �'- � ' aase�aad aqainat the Property or any part tihereof. _
<br /> •t='��- : , , ��--- �:_...,
<br /> r,,� � �.. � 6. Eminent Domain. Lender 18 hereby aseigned all !_ =' ��"
<br /> •�� �� ' compensa�ion, awards, damaqea and other pt�yments or relief �..,,,a,.�,�,,�
<br /> , . . ;�;�. ' (hereinagter "Proceeas") in connection with condemna�tion or other
<br /> , „�
<br />.,,�: .
<br /> takirq of the Property or part thereof, or l�or conveyance in lieu �—'-'-=T -„�;-,-�-:
<br /> , ��;�.
<br /> � ,.. of condemnation. Lender shall be entitled, at its opt on, o �
<br /> ; �,° . , co�ence, appear in and prosecute in its own name any action or �,:;;.r::,r,,.,��,��.�_
<br /> proceedings, artd sha21 also be entitled to make any compromise or �� .;�„.,.�.,,��„.��.�,�.:
<br /> �� ` � sett�emeret nn caeueeat�fon wfth su�ch tal:ing ar damage. In the �.�.�. •,_.
<br /> . . � ° everet any gserti�vn of the Fropert� f s so �akera vr 8amaqed, Lender lir,-�",. ��:.
<br /> .` � T. . 4 aR,r;:. ��
<br /> ��` shall have the option, in it� sole and aDsolute diacretion, to iC��-� �.,, ..;��,.,,..
<br /> � ' � , `. appby aZ1� snch Proceeds, after deductinq therefrom all costs and �•-�3�•--
<br /> , _.,.;:•�
<br /> . . °�• �-. � •�'�: ¢xpe�ses incurred bp i� in connection with such Proceeds, upon r�;��;,.:
<br /> . �'-';,.. �_-_—
<br /> �:�.�� � ,r,..� an� fndebtedrieas secured hereby and in such order as Lender may _�__'�.`Il_`_,��
<br /> � `'�''�:n det�amine, or to apply all such Proaeeds, after such deductions, __ ,
<br /> - ' '����i�� to the restoration of the Property upan such conditions as Lender � " Y,�,M.:.;�_,
<br /> '�•-�"'� may dete�fee. Any application of Proceeds to indebtedness shall •f'r�:�',�
<br /> �����;� ' not extend or pos�pone the due date of any paymenta under the � 5-==
<br /> ..t;•.;,. ';:i,r���=
<br /> , f ;:_.�-��
<br /> ;. ..,;,t;r;; No�e, or cure any d�fault thereunder or hereunder. ;; ;:d��?�,;,;-,�
<br /> : , �. :•,��,�;�; �.:.f�r�'- --
<br /> . f,,,. �l� . ,
<br /> , ;.��.,, , .,, �. Performance by Lender. In the event of Borrower's �L,��.�_ __
<br /> ��'����� � failure to perform any of the aovenanta herein or make any pay- - _
<br /> , �;.,�..:.; . ,.
<br /> � •ri{�t'ri, ,.t;.•':t•;. .
<br /> <q;,;.� ments required hereby, or f f any act ia taken ar legal proceedinq r.���_�; 1;.�+__.; ��:--
<br />� • �• ' � ��!�;'" � couunenced whiCh materially affec�s Lender's intere�t in the �,����.�
<br /> � t,
<br /> !� `�-���_ Progerty, Lender may in its own discretion, but without obliga- _ ; '�__:�, n,�,�,
<br /> � t�,�'�`� _- %� ...
<br /> 1�. •, tion to do ee� and without notice �o or demand upon Horrowei, and � -:��_
<br /> , ��'��i,�:;�` ,. � without releasinq Borrower from any obligation, do any act which .,+��,s.K�u�i._:�.
<br /> �.��`.,
<br /> ' the Borrower has agreed but fails to do and may also do any other �:, ,.:,�, . . .,.�.�-.;,,:_.
<br /> � ,,,,'.,,, . . �:,�''`�`. act it deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Borrower ��� '�•v'�:-��,' �,,,:-;�,-
<br /> � `�'�� ehall, immediately upon demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender ,�,�.,;;;,. ;��,,;��r�� _
<br /> , ...�r,;.:.:: . .,
<br /> ;1;����';;� all costs and expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in ;.� . . ,. ��-.=:.-..
<br /> ' 'i;'.;;�;s,�'�;%.'���?',;�;;� cannection with the exercise by Lender of the foregofng riqhts, : . '�r-
<br />, '..•°`�"`'.,�;id,:�;,t;'1, ' together with interest thereon at the default rate provided in � ��
<br /> i:'ti''`i��-,'`'`�'<,;``."`'';; the Note, which shall be added to the�ndeftedness secured ,
<br /> �':��'��' liabilit because of anything . .,.
<br /> , . ,Y ;:;�:
<br /> , ;;;�R�;}�%�tf, .`;;�:;r � hereby. Lender shall not incur any Y � ,
<br /> � /, .,s�''�'����
<br /> ;r�'"-''�'�:.�' i` � or omit to do hereunder. , �'`'� � °; •���
<br /> s •,;;� . ;,,i' i� may do .
<br /> �:-�tyrr I;���f .��.' _ ,o;71i' .
<br /> - _ .. •�l',:.'• ,�- ..\� . '
<br /> ��� � ' • • 8. Hazardous Materials. Borrower shall keep the :�, � '��:;� + ,
<br /> � ';. +�;`E`. � �;�. . .,,�>::�;.. ,:
<br /> � Property in compl ance w t any and all federal, state and local ,.,,,,.:,�
<br /> � , ' � �>���.�� laws, ordinances and regulations relating to industrial hyqiene :;'; �.;;;�: :.
<br /> ,. . � , �.,...t.
<br /> � � :;;�,�;`,; or to environmental conditions on� under or about the Property, f ���?�.�;� ��
<br /> � ����; including, but not limi�ed tQ, soil and qroundwater con8itions. � �.��.: :
<br /> � ���' Tzustar ahall not use, generate, manufacture, store or dispose of �•-�. �-
<br /> .� ! �,: .. . ����..,, ' ,
<br /> . r'�;,��;�, on, under or about the Property or transport to or from the E
<br /> :° �' ` � ; '�����: Property any flammable explosives, radioactive materials, hazardous ' �.,:}:;.;�:,
<br /> �, �� � wastes, toxic substances or related materials, includinq, without ;;,1,;
<br /> � � ' � limitation, any subetances defined as or included in the defini- �,.,:,��
<br /> f' tion of "hazardous substances", "hazarAovs wastes", "hazardous t�.. � � -,
<br /> + � •�� '`'+`�� . materials" or "toxic substances" under any applfcable laws, �' :
<br /> , . �...,c. .
<br /> �����`�. ordinances or requlations (collectively referrea #�o hereinafter
<br /> � `°��'•� as "Hazardous Materials") - Borrow�er hereby war�ants and zepre- , � ��
<br /> ' ,;,; sents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on or u�nder � . •
<br /> �i'�•� � the Property. Dorrower i��ereby agrees �o andemnify and ho�d �
<br /> harmless Lender, its dire�'�ors, officers, �employees and agents, .
<br /> . " , and any successers to Lend�r's int�erest, from and against any and ,
<br /> ' aIl1 elaims, damag�es and liabilit��� arA�i:ng in connection with
<br /> the presence, use, storage, disposal or transport of any Hazardous - ,
<br /> 5'. Materials on, under, from or about the Pra�perty, including, with- . , . .
<br /> � out limitation, (a) all damaqes directly or indirectly arlsing � '
<br /> _. . .... . ..._ _ . _ ____�___ ..��..,..e .... a:�.,�,�a] nf Hazardous ,
<br /> c—. . . . OUt OL tR@ USe� �CC�Ciclt.tva�� o..+.�y� �- ---r---- --
<br /> '•� . � Materials by Sorrmver or any prior owner or operator of the
<br /> • �!''�•�-,� Property, and (b) all costs of any required or necessary repair,
<br /> , ,��5`���• � . cleanup or detoxification and the preparation of any closure or
<br /> '�' �'` � other required plans, whether such acti�n is required or neces-
<br /> .� '.. �. .
<br /> , sary prior to or followinq transfer of title to the Property, to
<br /> � the full extent that such action is attributable, directly or
<br /> � , . , . . indirectly, to th� presence or use, generation, storage, release,
<br /> ' thx•eatened release or dfsposal of Hazardous Materials by any
<br /> ; person on the Property prior to transfer of title thereto by
<br /> -3-
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br />