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_ " ��' .' �t�� fT•rFt�ef:�y..�r?7i1;{�R�ld)'QMQT�7�Q��11FIf��.�'�YR'�3�a�SCi_Fi�=T-,��r.;�.�z.- . . - <br /> i �.�- •i4Y�9 f .f ,x } � - —. <br /> . ^ 1, ., . . ,r y-�I ""I�' -�i.�: 1 'i-�'9 'y,� . �:i� v• -._ i+—,p. <br /> 1 ; .. . . �I �����Y�� ___ <br /> . ' . 1 1. .. '- . 1 �'� ' ••11�.. . 1 . . . ..'R�__�.S—_--- <br /> � � .�y�1�.=v^�" <br /> . art�wr WWi�iy Mtaiqr:��t���!I�Ig►�ar�OUf�o,11�li�sd�I�Y�4 a�.M�l�►wl�i�I�Di'�,.;, -�- <br /> M�i�r,wl�.. ..,.,. .:, ... . . ... ... . . . _;f�;.� <br /> „ `. L��.w�at i�ala°� 'or�. Irrepa�y.dM"puooiiM�u e. �qli.a:.a�1w sr�. Iry�w�.o.�j►. `� ..�-" <br /> .: 1�n�eNt.wh�er a e�ee�,�pa•rwi1�any�a�a�w pa+4.ISo�owar: ta dn cv�IN.d'11!�1 pida�d dn���n � , . �. <br /> wid�.AIwR xiiir awirWrt aF dks.F�opettY iala�edlMelY belra��ha t�lcin,�b apwl�o a�drs d��t d die�es �. . <br /> � �tcwod by ih�ec+t�rylp�iutn�man im�rieditN�ly befiae 1he tait�.unMrs BoRO�wiet t�nd L�ee�det odMnvl�t�pe�i�wrMfi�.' ;'.: <br /> �aa++++,n�ea by�h�s secu�ity rmn,n�nt.h.R M►roduoea hy Ibe.mou�or thsp�� awwp+�ea,i�,��oiWrios . <br /> ' badi�an (a)d�p�qheu►�t af�he wnu�ecu�d bnmedl�lely b�!'ae the tdcln�.divlded��)�ha hk i��v�wF d�e , <br /> Piu�peny immedl�t� 6afae the t�kin�. My bal�noo sh�lt be p�W w 8arower.. In tha avent ot A't■k+t�t�ei d d� <br /> E'tapaty in�vhich the fai�mak�et value of the Pmpdty immedl�tely betare tLe Wtin�ia lait dNa iii��utiu�wtt,ot d�aunu <br /> �ecanea lmmeawaly bafaa the uikin�,unku ean�ara�.na Laider ahenw►i�e.pee in writin4 ar unlbn.pQ1ia�6M►I.w <br /> ahawl�o pnm+7da,tbe prooeod��1W1 be qrpllcd a ebo wcu secwed by tMi�Sacwxy hut�amnt wMker or�ot die aaa��e � <br /> tMea due. ' <br /> 1F the Property Ia ebatdo�d by Ibttower,a if.fier no�ice by l.ettder Io Bumrowa idr�t 6de C�o�daa�a'oifM w aut�e <br /> an�wa�d ar setda�cl�im fat dttn��.8omawer fula lo reapaad�01�der wiN�in 30 d��a aiP�'ifw dMiQ�iw antk�e Is�1ra� <br /> Lre+�der is�uthorizod ro colfcct and�pply thc pmceedc,�t tts aptioo.eu4er�o�mtaration a nep�ir nf IMe F1nopratiy or b i6e <br /> �aoc�f by tliis 5ccwity insuwnau,w1it�Aree�ar e�o1 thm duc. <br /> Unless Lender md Bomower oWerwis�e�e�ee ii�wridag.aey ' tion oi proc,badr�6a pnyaiciql�11 not cxtaid ar <br /> po�qia�e tbe dua data of tbe nNNStk�ljr pqY��Eerrr�l ea io w 1 and�rx ab�nge�a�oi acb prynnaMa. <br /> 11. Mo�rowa' Not Rele�wt�: �o�r�xs�r �Y Lx�der Not a Wiivee Batrnsioin of d�e tio�e for piyanait or <br /> modifiC#Nan oP ainoitizrtlon af the aums soc�ed by'lhis Soc�utitX Enwruman gtYntext by l�da w�rqr wc�soor i��Ma�St <br /> YI�F.�iJWCf Slliili Ilul v�1CUtiC�u(C�t�io IisG�ci}'Ot 1�iG ltllghUl� 8trt�uwC� ut Fririivw::t�c��.a R��.l.Ciit�': . <br /> shall not be�ec�uirod to commenco pto�odin�t agAinst any sucassar in interoat or refuse w ext�d tiato Ifior payma�t ar <br /> • dhetwise modiFy�mottir4don of Ihe wms sacur�ed by this 5xuriry Insqument by roa,wn of any demMnd mWe by Ihe o�i�{Lwl <br /> Boaower or Barrowerb succescors in interes� Any forbearonce by I.ender in exaricing any ri�ht ar mmedy�11 not 6e� <br /> waiver of or proolude tha exo�ise of any ri�i�t ur remedy. <br /> 12. Suoeesww'A and A�igm&wnd;Jalot aod Several l�W4ty;C�si�uers. The cavena�ts and ag�r,ema�ts of thia <br /> Security Insaument sh�����d benefit the su�ces�ors snd a4signs of Lender and Bomuwer.subjoct to tha provisiais'of <br /> �ph 17. �c►mnwerk covens�ni�wd�g�oementa shafl6o joint and sevenl.My Bom►wer who co-aigns�his Secw�4y <br /> inshw�ent but does not exxute the NWe: (a)is casigning�his Securiry I�strument only w mortgage.grant and canvey that <br /> Barowarl�Interest in�he Property u�sder the uims of this Sucu�ity Instrumenh (b)is not persanally obligated to pay 1he wms <br /> securod by this Socudty Insirumenr.und(c)ag�es�hat I.ender and any ot6er 9mrower may agae to extend.modify,forbepr <br /> or make any ac�ronunodrlionx with rogaM to the tamis oF thia Security InshumeM or Ihe Note without tlut Barowerti <br /> • caisent. <br /> 1�. ChA�es. If the luan securcd Oy tltiis Security Insuument is subject w a law whicb sets maximum ioan '�- <br /> ctwrges,and that law ia f�nally inte�prcted so that�ds interest or other loan oharges collected or ta be collectecl in�annecdon <br /> wi�h the loan excced the pertnitted limits,then: (a}uny such loan charge sh�ll be reduced by the amount neoersary to reduce <br /> the cha�e ta the permined limit;and(n►nny sums nlreudy rnllxted from Borrower which exceeded pertrdttod limits will be <br /> nefunded to Bomower. Lender may chooxe to make this refund by rcducing�he pdncipal owed under the Note or by malcing a <br /> diroct payment to Bomnwer. If A nefund reduces principul,the reduction wfll be treuted ax a partial pt�puyment wl�hout�ny <br /> p�epayment charge uoder�he Note. � <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Bomowe�provided for in rhis Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering i[ or by <br /> malling it by first clasc mail enless applicuble law requfres use of another:nethod.The naice sh�ll be directed to 1he Pr+openy <br /> Add�ess or uny olf�er address Borrower designutes by nutice tu L.ender. Any notica to Lender shall be given by fitsl class <br /> mail to Lendert address stated herein or uny athe�Address lxnder decignotes by naice tu Borrower. Any notice providod•for <br /> in thiF Security lnsaument sholl bc decmed ia have t�rcn given to Barrowcr ar I.cnder when givcn as provided in thia <br /> P�Brnph. <br /> 15. GovernlnR Law: Sevembllity. 'iliic Secu�ity Instrument xhull be�tnvemed by federal law end Ihe law of the <br /> ju�isdietion in which the Pmpeny is Inrated. In�he evem thut anv provisiun or clnuse��f this Securi�y Ins�rument or the Note <br /> canillats wilh npplicuble Inw.such canflict shall nd nlTert dher provisians of this Secud�y Instrument or Ihe Nwe which run <br /> be given effect wlthout the conflkting pravi�inn. To thiti end thc pnrvisionx of'lhis Security Instrument and the Note are -- <br /> declared to 6e severnble. _.. <br /> l6. Borrower's Co�y. BoROwer,hall be given one conform�til rupy of�he Note and af this Security Insltument. __. <br /> 17. 7Faasfer of the Prope�ty or a BeneBcial Interest in Burrower. If ull or uny pun of the Propeny ar any interect in <br /> it is wld or trunxfrrred (or if a beneficial in�cre,l in Bnrn�wer i�wld or Iranmfemed nnJ Bormwer is not a nuwrul person) <br /> wilhout Lender's prior written ronsent,l.ender muy,ui i�+�►ption,reyuire immediute pnyment in full of all sum�secured by <br /> �his Security Inslrumen�. However.�hix op�ian+hall not hr exe�ised by Lende�ii ezereixe is prohibi�ed by federal law aK of <br /> the date of thi�Secu�ity Instrument. -- <br /> If Lender exercixes thix��ption.Lendcr+hull give Born►wer noticr of urcelerntion. The notice shull provide u pe�iod of - <br /> not less than 30 days iram the dute the noiice is eielivercd or muiled within which Bornower mu�t pay ull:�urcns secured by thix �- <br /> ' , Security In�uument. It Borrower fuils to pay thesc sums prior to �he cxpi�ution �if thi�period. Len�ier may invoke ony =_ <br /> nem_diex pennitted by Ihis S��urin laseeumenl wilhou�furthrr m►tice or drmund on Born►a•ec. <br /> !8. Sarroa•er•s P.,��2 Sm !lria�tatr. If Sc�rmn•rr meetti ccrtain condition�, Ro�:o��e ,�IAII I1dV� IIl@ 1'I!llll IO IIiVQ ' <br /> ' enforeement uf this Seraei�v In.ttuQnen�Ji.continucd a�uny tim�priur�o�h�e:irlier of: <a?.`•��cx(or cuch othcr period a� — <br /> Single Family..Finnie�faeflrtddk�Lc l'\IFORN INtiTRI'�LIE'�V•-I eda•rm Covenan�.� 9190 �/wRe 4��Apuqeci �.- <br />- - - - � -..._. . v�.u�r:�s-- ,. <br /> ,,`'s��'w '�ss'r�,s.:;��.tE{$n�!.�l�il{r{s�+1�:. ����.�o'.�w,-�tr�:,:��,:' nrT:•:f•.s t�rj��`� ,r ..• r��4d�}�i4��i!��- <br /> � • �.�.._. <br /> �s�,.,�.•, •.+ . ,. � . ..,.... <br /> .. , . . 4 ' � " "����1f6��. <br /> , , . .. <br /> ,. ,,, <br /> �`Gd -,�,.._-�, �- ' - - _ .�t .���,_ �:. �'•-•�.r•��;� :�4�i�n>�.�w'----- <br /> - --- ----- :-- .,-- - - --- - -_ _ — - - - ty. <br /> • . . , . ,�, �,��:�,��. .. .,. •�. . �•: .. <br /> _ , ,�,: . ., � . . . . . .. .. , . . . <br /> , . <br /> `��o:.i�.'-'__ ;{ -- - <br /> �- � �......�. <br /> � <br /> ,�-�•�:�� — --..•-. ___ _ —_ _ -- : - . .T - --- � . . � <br />-_rGi��.,;b.Y� - ' _l '.�•� �r .� � .. -. . 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