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'` r +Y :.�.....�--�_ .- r•+.: '��r <br /> a � �,• t. . -Ji-��,y T.s., .. <br /> � � � — <br /> n� ', - . , • '?n � :�i_�� :wrTr i R�t4r�- ._ <br /> ., n, .,:'`{,.�,,. . � y � �•�f� �� �� � y�- a�i�i�^ <br /> - � . . , ' , ' , • „„ .', - � �"r;3� �ir�-- <br /> :' ...- . �p�{��Aw�N'1r�1�@ ���Oe9Mi�lf t` '��w+� '� ��is�'�1��.{�..•`_�... <br /> � '�o�o�tb4N�b ~ ,b�1� j�*. ��, n''�'�:',.,�, .'�i�,��. ., =- . <br /> A�iwrr�+�F � a Mwi��6�f1 '��� '� .� `': , `� <br /> � .. .. �A�11 ir�w t�e�i�t�a iin�d tM pd�a►�naew�� ,�t L�IadK�;.��hdl prerap�p!�ir��a ��eeo .. <br /> • d p�W�inaw�nd wl�ral�otiou, !n the e�alN af'lai���INqfln�`'rtp�dw po�lt�,IM!��,'�,��,�i• <br /> l.en�fer.Landnrqw►y moke�eroa[otfoa if nol m�N"pna�nptlYl'Y��4x�'a*"�• . � ..." <br /> uaba rreader a�a Boirm�aaecMl�s+ia+aq.ju��+nM�t�qao. •�po�p�d oa. 4r e� . <br /> lu � <br /> d�epnope 9f th�ieNaradup or rop�t�eoonon�orqy t�i.o4dq���r:M��I�L -U 1�p�� . .` . <br /> re�u�doo at rep 4 uat e�oonamiaDy twdbb or i.enderti�1t1ty w�wid ba ��er��cpA��,paeali i�A11 bo ' <br /> a�plied b dle wnu�Oplrod by thir l3ecurity Inqnpna�N.wbedirr 01'uot tlroll dq0� .�nY s!D'Aper�wlM% !t <br /> Aunuwtir �birwlau�Iha Pnopaty�or doo�not attwer vvtAhia.90 d�yn� aatico&vm i�sder�ia��p6d c�rrier� <br /> . olYaed w�atie�cl�im,�I�en La�der m�y callect tho in�uanoc pr+nc�eeds. L.�ider aMy�uee the prt�Geeds ro�i rdr.twturo . <br /> t�a Pnopa�ty or w p�y aua�e�curod by d�L Secunity In�bwnem�whNha a uot tben dw.'�lle 30�dd�ypt�Nod w�ll bKin wLat <br /> Ilr ootioe i��iva�. , . � , . <br /> Ualw i.cMer�►ad Bo�mw�er al�erwisa a�roe in wrialnp�anY applicuian of po�aveds ta pri�!�bW na cztend ur <br /> �+o�ooe die due due d'the momhiY I�ytaenu nfrnvd to!n pRra�raplw 1�ad x ar ailt��c t,l►�.�o�Mc ol t4e pay It . <br /> uedcr 21 tho i�scqwiKd b�L�e�rier�So�awa�d�ht to�ny inai�µt�wd prooeed��� <br /> 6�om e xv.t0e Property�lo�he�ian�1i p�t w I.e�ider to the ex�nt of ihe wrs�red by d�Secwity <br /> ...( q�'Pr�ra�io�►a�aw� �bi ��h ��A�a1Ny. <br /> . i,. IY +w�d h�kr�a�Mie <br /> � ita� �exsa.uif��„ 1�ww�r itwll�y.:�Etfs[+.�d we EEr��`��r ss 6Sr�swctS y:�!�� . <br /> thc euocutia�of d�is Socudty In�m��nd sh�q rnoRi�W aaaipy tlie�u Boaow�tl��aio�ipl�tor aR <br /> ta:t ono y�r �fter the due of aocupoc�r. �nle�s l.en�ler at�vJ�e � wrlHag, v�ic�o�owe+� �It a�ot�e , <br /> tm�xasanaWy witdhold,or unkss oatenwting cit�cey exist wh�h aro b�yatd Barowenc�awnL Bo�mwet�b�ll not <br /> de�tmY.d�u8e��p�the I�ropaty,allow the Ptope�y t�deterioreoe.or croamnit w�ste oa the P1npe�tf Bono�wrr�11 <br /> 'bo in defavlt if�ny farfeitune acdon or proceeding,whedui civii a crimiml.ia be�un thst in Ladati gooa fiitb�judpneat <br /> could �ault in fart'e3tune of the Ptope�ty or otFkrwlsa nu�ierially impair the liai cieued by thia Soetinity Ia�Utwaat or <br /> L�WerS��rurity into�+es� Bonower mqy awe such e deYault nnd teln4t� provlded fn par�gr�y►b 18�ta3'�i�� <br /> or p�oceoding w bo dismisaed with�ruling Lender's good fnith detennin�tian�P�ocludea forfeldno of the Barow�et� � <br /> ittterost in the Propaty or other muer�al imp�innent of the lien cne�ted by this Sectuky Nspument�t L,,enderti ., <br /> inkrest. Bamwer sh�p alw 6e in default !f Bonower. during �he to�n applic�don p�ooes�. g�vo m�terWly f�or . <br /> inwxurnte fafomuuion or suuements ta L.ender(or failod w pmvlde Lender wlth ony materW infamadon)in raanecxiaa�ilh � ' <br /> the loan evldencod by tha Note, including, but not limited W. p�ese�utiom conceming Hartewer� d ti�i <br /> Property as a pru�oip:d residence. If d�is Security I�dumenl is on e�el aeeiwid.Bomower ahRii camply wid��pro�ie - <br /> of the IeASO. I�F Barower auquircs fee tidc w tho Ptnperty.tha leacehold And the fee dde ahnU�ot me�e unless l,a�der s�eei : <br /> w the merger in•wrlting. ' ,'. ..' • <br /> . 7. Protedlon of Lende�'s Wghfa•ia the Property. if Borrower feils to perform d�e covau�nu +Rad��'':,:�� . <br /> cantained �n thi�Socurity Instrument,or there is a legal procading that moy significandy afFect I,et�der� the • , ' <br /> Prnperty(such as a proc�eding in banlwptcy,probate,far condemnation or forfeiture or ro enforca lawa or tegulatiuqi)�dkn � , <br /> Lender mAy do and pay for whatever is necessary to protxt Ihe value of the Property and Lender�dghb in the <br /> l.endzrh acdons ma include in an sums secucal b a lien which hus rioril over this Securit Inswmrn� �y� � <br /> Y PaY 8 Y Y P Y Y ��; <br /> in courb paying rosisoneble attomeys'fees and entcrfng on the Property to moke�pai�s.Althou�h Lender m�y Wce aqion �,, <br /> under this paragnph 7.LendCt das not have to do so. <br /> Any amounu disbu�sed by I.ender under�his paragreph 7 sh�ll becomo additional debt of Ba�uwer secured by ddg <br /> Socurity Insaument. Unless Borrower and L.ender agrce to other lerms of payment.the�e�u�x►unts aha0 beu Inkmst�fiu�i the <br /> date of disbu►sement at the Nate rate and shall be payable.with intcr�cst.upon nodcc from Leoder to Borrower roquo�dng <br /> PaYmeru. <br /> g. Mortg�e Insurance. If I.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making tpe ian secural by thia <br /> Security Instrumrnt, Borrower shall pay the premium�reyuired to maintain the mortgage tnsurence in ef�oa� If,for any <br /> �ason. th¢ mongag� insurance coverage required by l.cnder lupses or ceuses to be in effect, Bar+nwer ahall pay the <br /> premiums reqaired to obtain coverage substantiully equivalent to the mortgoge insurnnce previowly in effect, nt a cost <br /> substundally equfvalent to the cost�o Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in effect.frorn an altemate mortgage <br /> Insurer approved by Lender. If substontially equivplent mortguge insurance coverage is not avstilable,Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lender ench mon�h u zum equal�o one•twelPth af�he yesvly mortgoge insumnce prrmium being paid by Borrower when Ihe <br /> insurance coverage lupsed or cea.+ed to Me in effect. Lender will pecept,use und retuin these paymen�s u a lass reserve in lieu <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymen�s mny no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance <br /> coverage(in Ihe wnoum and for ihe periad�hat Lender rryuirr+)provided by an insurrr upproved by I.ender again becanes <br /> Available and is obtuin�d.Barrower shull pay the premiums reyuired to muin�ain mongage insumnce ineffect.or to provide a <br /> loss reserve,until the tequirement for monga�e insumnce endx in ncrnrdaacr wi�h any wriuen agreement be[wan Bomower <br /> and Lender or applicable luw. <br /> 9. Iospeclfon. Lender or it�agent may m:d:e rea.onuble entrie.upon and intipections of the Property. Lcnder shall <br /> givC Buu.,wC� �wtwr at thc time uf or pi iu��u:a�i�i,{y:�ti.�+p�cifyin�t rc•r.wnablc caux far thc in+pca:tiaa. <br /> l0. CondetpnatMn. 7'he proc�eed�oP any �w�rd.x rlAim for d•rmage�,direct or rontieyuent�a[.in com��:6aa�w-ith any <br /> Singk�n►ily•-Fawie!NadFYeddk N�c UKff�iQM L�.YTRUl1fENT••UMf�xmCo.easum S1/'!Y �puRt tnf'6 pu�tt>i <br /> �i.�4�NRuMen Fanr.Ott.� <br /> ToQ�effY fp6.'�dfj06uifi7lt•It71 -. <br /> - �,.,..�_._.-.:---T ..-_-_-.,.., -- — ------ _ �.._ . <br />.F �.�._.T-.. ^�T"�' �-�{ir. _ ,.. , 'r*.s1'�. ,r ....�.--- --^ =v:r.-w��vf r.F..._-' �,. ....�-.-�-r-�c��� - �ei� <br /> � . . > . _' <br /> , � ' - . � � �I�• . .j`�._�e � v.rr _ <br /> ... . •�+ �i. <br /> .�.� :t..i' r.. � . . •-� '�.i t�Y `�' � N~ ___ <br /> . rw.. <br /> �� : �/y <br /> l' .. 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