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� yi� . : <br /> ' _ ' <br /> - .i„ _____ ...... �.__'.s�.. <br /> � �._��.y..i.� ' ' .'' ` <br /> .. �+.r.=y:'y_' - _- _-.-. <br /> • 7 .. .. . '_' <br /> �r. . . . . .. • . ..N��q��.� '___ .. .,� ' "��'- ._-_.__ <br /> . . . � 'd✓i.- _ . . <br /> . •. �. -....—_"'-.—_-"_ " . <br /> � - ...���:.i .a.�._ "" . .v .�-� �...__ . - - <br /> . �1 ^� ___ ____ ..___- __._ <br /> .; I ' . <br /> � � gl-- �,02728 <br /> � , periodr�hu�L.ender reyuircg. Tha in.rumoce carricr providing the inKUruncc rhnli he ch�nen hy&►m�wer rubject�o l.coderk <br /> ',,,.,? uppmvul which shull not be unrewon�bly withheld. If Bw�mwcr fuilr�lo muimuin rovc�ge decc�it+ed ahnvc,l.ciKla�muy,ut <br /> l.cnderk cryxic�n,aMufn covcroge to prolect Lender�right�in th�Pn�peny in uccuafuncc wUh�r.�pmph 7. <br /> •:.:, : All insuronce palicier und renewul++hull tx:uccepluble lo l.cnJer unJ�hall inrludc u�tundurd mong�►ge rlAUhe. Lender �_ <br /> xhall have Ihc right to hold the palicies and renewals. If Lende�requims.Burn►w•er,hull prompily give�o l.endc�ull mceipu: <br /> of�+nid premiums ond renewal r�oticez. In the event ot'losx,B�ower�hull givr pmmpt nu�ice�o the inxumnce curricr unJ _�� <br /> a Ix�aler. Lxnder muy nwkc praif ut'lo�,if nut mad�promptly by 8orrow•cr. �- _ _-__--- - <br /> -� � N� .�,,,,,�� Unlesx Lender und Borrowcr uthenvixe ugree in wridng.insurancc prcxecJr.hull he upplied to re�toruiion or rcpuir of <br /> ';,, f�;�'.,�,`�+,y, , �hc Propcny dumuged. If the re�torution or repuir ix cronomirully 1'eur.iMc+md I.rnder� �ecudty i� nut Ics.ened. If Ihe <br /> �' ' re�to�n�ion or�puir i:: nrn ��canamicully i'eusible or l,enderk ,ecu�ily would Ix Ir�+ened, the insurume prcxeed� ,hull Me --.•W=.��_. <br /> ,�,,,,,s,, , �` '` opplied ta�he +ums+ecured by �his Security Imuumem. whetl�r or not then due, with uny excexs puid�o Barmwer. If <br /> ,` Bnrmwer ubs►ndans�he Pm h or daer not :►nswer wilhin i0 duys u no�icc fnnn Lender�hu� �hc mrumnce co�rier hus �=-�"n"---�°°"'� <br /> ��Y;. ,. : � y �,—_�. <br /> offered to setUe a claim,ihen Lender muy c��llect�he imurunre pnxerdx. Len�icr muy u�e 1hc pnxcedx to n�pair or cestar —..�°-._- <br /> _- �'-';,".f� �+b�a�+��`'-- <br /> � ��;; the Propeny or la pay sums.�wured by ihir Security Intitrument.whothur or nat then due. '['!oe 3t1-ctay periai will begin Ntn�ra �__�_ <br /> �_-- �,:y�:,,.,,'°-'•'-= ihenoticcitigiven. <br /> ��_�:'.•���"� Unlesz Lende�und Bortower otherwi�e a�ree in writing. uny :�pplKatia► o[proccti�ti. lo�rinci�rrl xhull nat extend or �-_�_ ` <br /> "'r-'a'�:��`' postpone the duc date of the mon�hly p•ryments rei'eme�l to in par�gr.iphti 1 ;uxi��x rhan�e the unxw�t of�he paymemx. If ;�° <br /> _,�.:,�::.,,s�5,_,..�., , r��� <br /> undrr 1 the Ro ny is uired b • Lcnder. H«►m�x�cr�ri ht tu;ui imu�-e lici�x and racecds re+ultin ,�-'` '� ,�`-� <br /> _'—';9� ���r;,��i�. .. P�S�- (K +�cN ? 8 F Y Po p B ,;..�:t-:.'.:—_. <br /> - ;� ,^ ..;; :_;� from damage lo the Property priar tr�he xyuiKition siwll L�ml��lo the extem of�he+ums�ecured hy ihis Securily �.,5�,.;:��. <br /> -- -�� : �,�u��.. <br /> "�;;,;�, ,. Instrumem immediately prior t.►thc nryuisiti��n. �_ <br /> -, ='^�`:�. 6. llc��paacv Preservulinn, 1�1Ai�auenAnce and Protection uf the Propertr; Hvrrorre�'s Lonn Applicatloa: _,`??�+-::�H <br /> `�� I,ey�seYold,s. Bo�raW�er shall occupy,e.tubl��h,und use Ihe 1'nipeny us tiarrowert pmxipai rcwideme wilhin+ixly Juy+ufler � <br /> �'<•`_'•"�" . . IM execulion oY this Securily 1�:In�ment:u�d shall cuntinwt lo ixru �he Pro n .�,d��rruwert rinci ul residenee 1'or at ---�- <br /> PY P�' Y ' P P d�:==- <br /> :."'��' F�+����,-� • lea�st � yeur ufter the dute of ��.cupuncy. unle�. Lender othenvi+e ugrces in w�riting, �hich cnment .hall not bc �,�_,.-_- _. <br /> . .�r> >;ri V: , ; unre:�carrbly Kithheld.or unlr.s extenuu�img rircumstanc�s exi�t which uro heyond Bum�wer:r�xnml. BaroweR•hall not � — <br /> °.'�'r , ' '� 'k�;;.:� destroy.damage or impai�the Proprny.ull�u�the Pn�peny 1a deteriurute,nr commii wu.�r i,n the Pn�peny. Ba�rra��er.hall _��Si��i��.:��.�•, <br /> ,. .. ���: � .t:� :-;. _"n <br /> . . �.,. • � be in defuuU it':my farfeilum uction or prckceding,whe�h�r civil ur criminal,i. begun thut in Lendrrt g�xd taith,�udgment ��,�t;;�- <br /> ���. '�� �:�+It►,:.. �, � '` could rcsult in forfeiture af the Propeny .�r atherwitie mu�eriully impuir thc li�n creulrJ b} thi� 5rcuriy� In�aumem oc �.��:x�s�.� <br /> ;;F� `:� ��-- . '„+��, '' l.ender�xe�u�n�intare,t. Borro��•er may cure tiuch u defuuU und min�tate,a,providrd fn paracraph I�,by causinF the uction ;''i�'ih;;,;4 :�. <br /> '• �� '�''" ' � or pmceeding to t�di�mixxed wilh u ruling Lender's gcxxl fs�ith clelrrminaticxi,precludes fi�rteilure M'the Bormwer's '{�;;;!..'�°'-- <br /> ^� !,f ., ..,,.. <br />_ � L inc<rest in�I�r Property or otber moteriul impnimient of the lien c�atrd hy �his Srrurity In.trun�em or Lender's ,ecuri�y �,,:':'�-`-'r`'=` <br /> � '�`'' � .� intr•rcxt. R��rrou•er shnll �Iso he in defuull it' Borrower, during th� 1.►an upplicu�inn procrs,, guve matcriully fulxe ar �n�ti- <br /> :>`�a;;:';:• ;�. : . Fi� �•_-_--: <br /> � �� inaErur.�te infWrmu�ion or statements to Lender(or fuiled�o pmviik Lencter w�i�h uny mu�criul inti►rmuii��nl in conneclion wi�h ��„��__ <br /> j`�{ �� �' !!se lnar eviclencecl hy �he No1e, includinu. but not Ifmited to. represen�u�i��ns runceminu Borrowcr+ occupancy af the �,,,.,,.. •-�- <br />_.t••'!-�.�'' ' � .Y. ,.� ' • � <br /> . Prciperty as u principal residenrc. If�hi�Security Inrtrument u Icusrhold,Boni►wer xhull ccimply wilh all tl�c provi�ion, c.`:"°t;4r•., ;, <br /> � . uf thr Icu�e. If Borrower ucyoire+fcr lide Io thc Pm�xhy.�hc leaxehold und the tee tiitc shull not mcrge unlc+�Lende�:�grce� '='-���;�:;�.:-_ <br /> , ' ` ta the merger in writing. 6:��::"�f`; <br /> �. ��5,,�<.Sl. 1 ': <br /> ;,•. • '' I 7, Protection oP Lender's Rlshts io the Nroperty. If Hormwer f:�ilti to prrforni the cavenams unJ u�recmcnlx pfi,��.',;;,°'.,}, <br />"�:<•`� ? '' 't '' ` .'�.;i� , ' cornained in this Security Instrument, or therr i, a� Irgul pnxeedin�! th:u may significaiuly uffrct l.endert riEhts in Ihr <br /> :� •'•� °'• �' ' . ; ''.�� �;,��. Prnpeny I,uch us�pr�x�eding in hunknipicy.prohmr.tiir rondemn:uiun��r ti�rl'eimre or u��nforcr Is�w�ur reguluiion,l.then _�-s,_�_�::_::-' <br /> i.',.i.�-�' :�r . . . �.�...._..... <br /> . ��,, �...':�• , l.ender muy do und pi�y for�vhntevrr i�nrr.stiury to proteci �hr vulur af thc Prorerry un�l Lr�xlerti righ�a in ihe Pmpeny. F:;-�,—.,;,;y.,�•••. <br /> �•" �•`:'��. . Lender's uctions muy inrlude puyin�imy�um. tircurrd hy a lien which hm pri�iriry ovcr Ihi�Serurily Instniment.appeuring , � <br /> . • t. ' � . '•'�'�, in coun.pu in� rcu,onablr uttomc � 1'ec+und rntcrin�an ih� 1'rn n� lo muhc rc uirs. Al�hou h Lender mu luke uctie►n •,y.��" • <br />.• Y b Y•� 6 F'� ) P !� Y r.,R,,_ <br /> :,:, 'x` � �.�'"•;::'; under�his puruEroph 7.LenJrr�iix.not hiwc to d��.n. �`-- <br /> -�;;�.;,'�i�, ', • " • Any umcwnts dishurreJ by l_endcr under thir paru�!raM� 7+huU hecome udJi�ionul debt uf Born�wer secured hy �hi� ����'- <br /> ;�, ,..': '. ; " Securiry In,trumem. Unlc..Burn►�vrr imd l.cndrr agrcr io oih�r icmi�ol'�aymenl.�hc�r:miounts shnll Ix�ur intem+�t'rom thr " �•�.:,, <br /> ° ,��•• ° %',. • Jote of di.bunemen� a��hr Nutr ru�c und.hull Ix puyaMc.with intcm��. u�xm n��tirc tmm Lender to Burmwcr n�yuc+ting '• - =:'� - <br /> �,_.. ... <br /> : • ' �, puyment. �,r.^.r:�=��- <br /> ,,,;�,• , S. MurtanRc In�;urume. It'l.cndcr rcquind mon�ugr in.uran�c a.a cc,ndition of making thr luun .rcurrd hy this �:_-- <br /> . "•,.. � '� Sccurit Imtrumcnl. Borrowcr .hall r Ihc rcmiums ir uir�J tu muinwin Ihr mort�a�i in+urun�c in clT�rl. It�. tiir�ut ��'.f,-,-'r <br /> ,.�: r:' . ; ��' ' .,��• y r�>• r 4 b 6' Y —z;:---4: <br /> • � nu+on. Ihc ntortgugc in�ur,�ncc ruvrrci�!c rcyuired hy l.rndrr Ic�p�c� or cca�r. li, Ix in cl'lecl. Nurc��N�er �hull puy �hc ��',k:' <br /> `%` �' r�miums re uircd la ablain covcru�� .uh�u�ntiull ci uiv.dcnl lu Ihc m�►n�a�� in,urancc rcvioutil in cttccl. ut u ro+l <br /> ,"�'1:' �� ' P ' y b' . Y I b !-' P Y ' r.b�_•»:._- ,. <br /> ' )i':��.. .� .;,.•, �. ; . <br /> �ubatantiully rquivalcn�to�hr cu,t tu Borr����rr of Ihc murtgugc iosumncr prcviuutily in�Itcrt.from un uUemmc munEuge r�j�?),dx;,�b:. <br /> 1'`;�,d'�;��'�°� � in�:urcr�ppmvrd by(.rnder. If+ub,�anliully ryuiralrm mung:►gc in.unmcr c�n�cr.i�c iti nut a��ailuhlr.B��rn���•�r,hall puy Io `x°`..,.- - <br /> :,�2t',, �. � <br /> Lcnder ruch momh u .wn r�uul io one-twcltlh ut'�hr carh•m�►n•,��e intiur,uur rrmium hein• �iJ b eorn,wer tihcn�he ��"`-st;v�_=_ <br /> -��;���.,��...�:�' i s � � r �r� r °--- <br /> .i;��ji•��; j ��r;',�;:�,,, ' in�:urnnrc rovcrogr Inp.ed ur cr;iticcl�o he in cl'trri. Lrndcr��•il l accrpi.uu and reiain ihr.c papmcnl+a.a lu.,m,ervc in licu -_--:_� <br /> ,!:;:,.,� . Y, ; ��. �..,:'•;l'" of nwn�agr imurunce. Luss rrsen•e p:iym�nt. may n�� lun�cr Ik Ihe oplian ul l.indrr. il'murt�cige in,nruncc �;'�r.-"�°-_ <br /> �•. ::;.. . � <br /> , ,�.,; : .;.,;•,',� covernge lin�he:miount a�nd ti�r Ihr�xri��d Ihut Lendrr Ryuirrrl pr����ideJ h�•an in,urcr,���ry,��a n�� Lender i�guin Ikrumr� <br /> • �':.f�ml;�I�'' ,°� ��`, •rvailuble und i.uhtuincd.Horri,«•cr�h�dl p:�y Ihr pRmi�nn�rc��uircd tu maimam mung:�g� in.urcmrr in rltccl.llf lU(try1Vllll`il '`J,,,.'• . . <br /> .. lox�resrrvr,until Ihr requiremem t'or mm��:a�e in,ururnr�nce��iih uny�rriurn agieemenl IxlNr�n 8�,rtrn�.r �;�_;, .,, <br /> , , .. a'�- . <br /> . ,�•,. . ' undLcnderarapplirablcluw. {,;,,��� ., <br /> " ' � 9. Inspeelion. Lrnder ur ilti.��:rnl ma� mal�e rea+unahk entrie� u��un and in,�xc�i��m��I Ihe F'ru�,em. L�ncl��r.hali .:�•'l <br /> 'i.. ',�. � gjve Dormwcr nulirr al d�r�imr��t'ur prior lu a�n in.�xr�iun.p�•rif�ii��rra.�mahl�rauu I��r th�im�xrtiun. s : <br /> . _ .. � 10. C�Indemnqtiun. 'I'hr pn�r�ccl>af:m� a�c:�rJ ur rlaim Inr cl:nna�r.,dircrt ur ran.eyu�nli:d. in r�mnrcu�,n wuh un} � ' <br /> � •, �;:�`. <br /> }�nrlrlannl�• Fannk�fuc�Frecldlr�fucl'\IF/IR\I11�1'RI'\fE�'1'..lmi��uut'��� 4-411 �/•�i:� :.�••.•.�ie�. }: ' . <br /> • . aral I.�I.�*Iw,mn.1��nn. I.0 ■ 'S'",. • <br />� � 1.�1��I�tt.111 I IY��:111•U'�1 h\\•�1��'�t�. . �••�'• . <br /> ,,i <br /> r'; ��:� � , ' . . c� • . . <br /> :� il i' <br /> ':i�� r({,:` <br /> `�'';:.,;�, � `�r:,,;: - �i.;�;. 4 <br /> �.ti�' � �;,�.,�. <br /> , �S .. � _._•- + -i2�{Fr�L�:.}jL�r....>>• '4(�1�,:, �,,...;��- , ,, �«� <br /> . . . . . ,�. . `'� . . <br /> -;'.�'- : -,.--__ • .. i i ` <br /> � • • ; <br /> ' � �. <br /> . 1 <br /> . ' � _ _ <br />