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<br /> � �' r r� y� '"�,.�,.� '
<br /> 5� TOOE7'HER WITH aU�hc impmvcmen�x naw ix hcnalic�crec�cd ��n dx ru n +u�d ull cwMnknt�,uppuhen+mccs. -
<br /> Aod tizlures now on c�reaftcr u pun uf Ihc pmpcAy. /111 rcpl�cmcnl�und ualiUunw�hull�I�u�ho covercd by Ihir S�wurily
<br /> - r , �.,��:n ,; Inruument. All��P thc fareguing ia refcrrcd 1��in�hia Sccu�fly M�trumcm u�tlk"Pruprny„
<br /> Y"'-;{i.:,.�'^°, BQRROWER COVENAN'1'S�hut QuR��wcr i�.luwfully Mi�.��l�►f il�e c,�uic hcnhy r��nvcycd und hu�thr �igh��u�runt
<br /> '� - �� and�anvey the Pra�xny and�hw��he Pro�eny is unrncuml�enyl,��acep�li►r emumh�unr��uf recutd. ti��rn►wer wuRUnt�and =-_—
<br /> ... .. � �1f
<br /> ' • •' •._ will defend generolly the litle to Ihe Pmpeny uguin+.1 uU cluim++und�kmand�,rubJcc��u uny c�xumhrunrc�ul'recunl• , r...,r.�..__
<br /> ,_ '_ r.t".r'�ls `.`�.,i. L.R. _.__.� ..- . .
<br /> � �..';;��,�,.,:'• TNIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT rambiner unif��rm awenum� fi�r nuti�mul u�r und ncm•uminrm cuvanuniK wi�h ��
<br /> ��;,;;.;� flmited vcufalions by ju�sdictian�a conr�lilute u uniform wcurfly in�lrumeM cuve�ing reul pmp�ny.
<br /> �':�-
<br /> - ':� UNIFORM COVENA(V'fS. �armwer und l.cnde�cuveonnt und ugr+ce u�:fallowa: whcn duc�he p`��`���
<br /> _ �;.�''� �� ' + ., 1. Ppyment of P�incipd and Interestt Prepwymee!and LAte Chpry[ea Ri�m►wer tihull �romplly puy
<br /> �.,.::�..1 ,
<br /> � pdncipal af und inierest an the debt evidenced hy�hc Nrne und uny prepuymenl ond lute cha�tes due undc�thc Note. '"-""�'�"'--_
<br /> ..�,�'�';,;�,:�,r�:...�-- _
<br />� -`�� , 2. FY�nds for'it�xes and Insurnnee. Subjecl�o upplicable luw iK t��u written wuiver by l.cnder.B��rrawer shall puy to __
<br /> t�.� �::: : . . L.cnder o��he day manthly puymems ure duc undcr�hc Note,until the Nwc i+paid in full.u �um l"Funds") foe (u1 ycnrly u•.==-N_
<br />'�':'.� �? "' • wxev and a�.cessmenta which muy attAie Pricxi�Y over thiti Se�:uri�y Insirument o.�a lic�n an the rty;lhl y�Arl Ieu�chold
<br /> � Y °, :;��_�--.�-==__
<br /> , :�� • Wl�nts or g�ou�►d rents on thc Pr�openy. if any: (cl ye�rly ha�urd or Fxopeng inaur�ux� �mium.r•; ld) ycurly Ilaal �,.,_._�--,. „--.- .
<br /> '"� a ��, insu�'e premiums. �P any:lel yearly mo�tguge iasumnce premiums. if uny: and 1tl un� +ums payaMc by Bcurow�er to Y"�"'3'?��=
<br />��t��' . miums. 7'I�se �M:f�:,�.�_....
<br /> Lender, i�acco�danc�e wilh 1he VI`31011�O) K,in Ifeu of ihe puYment oi maiR:�te insu�'P�e .�R==---
<br />?':.;' :. �,_ ,. , Pr'o p:uaBraPA
<br />.F-�;' ; �, ;.;., , items are called"�scrow Items." l.e�xier may,ut any timc.collecl and huld Fund+in;m:unawnt not w excced d�e m:ueimum ��r.i�,-
<br />�"�';�;`- �. amouiN a lender far A federull related mort a e luun mu reyuine tor 8orrower�escrow acccwnl und�r�he federal Real =__---
<br /> �.. ,�� ..�;�".t . Estnte Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as uginegiided from time to time. I�U.S.C.#26111 et si c�.l"RFSPA"1.unlcss another .::��"`=- s ,._:__,
<br /> I� ' � �.�.�t�ti����.; , - ..
<br />�'' " '���" `�:,:;..,:`��;s<<;�• law thul applie�lo the Fundati sets a lesser amount. li'xo.Lende�may.at iuiy�in�.collect and hofd Funds in su�amuuRt rtot tv � ., .
<br />'� '� '`. exceed the Iesser umount. Lende� mAy estimate the amount of FuMls duc on the ba+i� 01'rwrem data und reu+wwble ��-L
<br /> ,. _. �:,r-�_.. . �S
<br /> estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or ntherwise in accardance wiUi appl�cable l+�w. ,:":.•--"?°:t'
<br /> ° "' ' Thc Funds shAll bc held in an institutian whose deposils are insured by •r t'eJeral u�,zency,instrumentulity, or entiry �.1`..�_.,_
<br /> , `.y{� ° (including Lendcr,if Lender is.uch ua►i�e,tirolion)or in any FcdenQ Home Loun Bunk. Lcndrr shull apply thc Funds io pay "'�'
<br /> k ' � �"'���`" the Escrow Items. L.ender m:►y no� rh;zr,ee Boirower for holdinF und upplying thc Fundy,aeinnully unalyzing the c.�.-roK
<br /> .5�,,�,.,,rr ��'".,
<br /> � account. or verifying lhe Escrow It�rm.. �rnless l.ender pnys Barower intercsl on the Fun�J. �nd upplicnble luw permit. 1..4;1,�::: .�
<br /> , , Lender to makc such u charge. How•�v�r,Lender may requim Borrowcr to puy u one-timc rhiugc for un independent rcr+0 �""' ' " :�.,�._.
<br /> ; ` �� ^ y!'�.,� estate�ax reponing servirc u�ed by Lend�r in cnnneciion with�his lonn.unlesti applicAble law provides uthetwire. Unkrs an ___A_ _
<br /> .N.Y�t!! 4 P�Y ?' ��Lt"i:�.-...�::�
<br /> ••'�� ,� ,, agneement is r��ade a�appiicable IAw reyuites interest to be paid,l.ender shull not be rc uircd to Borrower an intercst or __
<br /> .t.. �.<�.,�';: . �,.x.,-
<br /> � ;�;.;,�i;, eam�rg�ur��he Fund.. aarrowcr and Lender may agree in writinR,however.�hut interest shall be paid on�he Fund�. Lrnci�r
<br /> " ` � }°i:':�`� ,haDl give to gonawer,aithaut cQws��.un�nnuAl ucronn�iog af�tvz Funds,+howing rredit�und debits w the Fumis And�hr
<br /> •n
<br /> _ - x ' '� ���'�' rw.�� f{,�wh�h q�h dchil tt�a�r�unds wus ma�. 'llie�u�cix ure pledged as udditional s�unty for ull sums secured by ,t":�:-
<br /> ��../tl..` -�_
<br /> ;,,_y.:� ' this Securiry Insmament. ��'-t�/F`i�:�`:,
<br /> �;�,. , � If the Funds helc� by Lender exceed Ihe Amounts pt:rmitted �o tie held by upplicuble luw. Lender shull uccount to �i•��
<br /> � 1: '. � � "`�� BoROwer for the exceti�Funds in accordnnre with ihc rcquirementti of Applicuble luw. If the umount of the Funds hcld by , ,�;��L
<br /> • h '� '�•' ;'���?��� L e n d e r a t u o y i i m e i s n a s u f f i c i e n t[o p a y t h e E s c m w I t e m s w h e n d ue, Lender mo y so notit'y &►rrower in writing,vnd,in ;
<br /> �;,t , _�:_..._.:.'
<br /> "�+ such case Barrower shall pay to Lender the s�mounl n�cesxnry to make up the deliciency. Borrower xhull mnke up t he � ;,�r=�;:
<br /> de�ciency in no more than twelve monthly puymenls,ut Lender z sole discretion. ,z-.
<br /> � Upon puyment in full of ull tiumx sccurcd by ihis Secunry Insuumen�. I.ender shall prompdy mfund to Borrower uny - ,,;,;
<br /> . .' "' Funds held by I.ender. If,undcr puragraph 21.Lend�r shull ncyuirc or.ell the PropertY.Lender.prior to ihe acquisition or ,, � � t_�,t�� �: `�._
<br /> ,`� sale of the Property.shull apply ony Fundh held by Lcndcr ut �hc �imc of acyuisition or sule as a credit a�uin�t�hc sums : �;;.'
<br /> ' ` 1.�.y '� . . . � '�`��-.
<br /> � secur+ed by this Security Instrument. ''��•
<br /> } � 3. Appllcation of Poyments. Unle�ti applicuble luw providet otherwise, �dl puyrnents received by Lrnder u�ckr
<br /> � porogrnphs I nnd 2 shull be upplieJ:first, to uny prepuyinent churgesdue under the Note;ticconJ,to amaunt�pav.►ble under y: ,:,T.�Y•%�,:- __
<br /> ' x 1 � • �. paragruph 2:third,to inter+e+t due;faunh,to principul due;�+nd It�sl,to any lute churge4 due undcr�he No�e. � �u .; `
<br /> ' ` 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shull pay all tuxex, assescments, churgc�, Cmes and imposili4ns nllribwable to the �, ..$����'�; ;��,_
<br /> ;ak. .. .
<br /> � „ Property which may attt►in priarity ovcr this Securi�y Instrument,and IeaschalJ puyments c>r brcwnd rents,if nny. Borrowcr ' � _
<br />�� • shall pay thesc obligations in the manncr proviJed in paragmph 2.or if nui pnid in Ihat manner,Borrowcr shull pay them on � �- .._,,.;�- __ _
<br /> �� � � time direcily to the person owed puym�:nt. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender ull nu�ices af amounts to he p�id under �;�:��::`��
<br /> � ,�t.{�:,.� :.,,_;:, ';Y•. • -
<br /> ;;,',:. . , . �his parngrnph. If Borrower mukes�hesN puyments direcUy.Bormwer shall prompUy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing -;,•_••_;.�#4'Y+,J._�
<br /> �;..,�;..:.�� ' �he payments. ' •.
<br /> '� "� ' � ' � Borrowcr shull pr+ompdy dischnrge any licn which hus priority ovcr this 5ecuri�y Imtrument unless Borrower:lal s+grce� ,•_',W':�•:;:_,r,,
<br /> '�'��; " ' `'�' in writing to the puyment of the obligation s�K:urcd by the lien in a munncr ucc�ptuble to Lender. Ibl contests in goai fuith the � ;<`'" _=_ --
<br /> •��� � - �t;Jw:
<br /> �� lien by,or defends nguinst enforcement of the lien in.Icgal proe��.dings which in the Lender's opinion operute 10 prevent the ..:
<br /> � A „ ' enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien un ugreement s•rUsfuctory to Lender subonlinuting the lien a�'•-';,
<br /> � !� '�'•� ' to this Security Instrumen�. If LenJer detertnines that uny purt of Ihe Prupc:ny i,subject to u lien which muy uttuin prioriry i� " •�.-=
<br /> . .�,�:�;• ��
<br /> !�t:� • ., over this Securiry Instn�ment,Lender mny givc BoROwcr u nwice iik�ntifying the licn. Bormwcrshull sutisfy the licn or take ��;. ° � �
<br /> j �' � one or more of the actions sei forth above within 10 duys of the giving of notice. �` .
<br /> `` S. Ha�wrd or Property lnsurance. Borrower shull kccp thc impmvcments now exititin@ un c�real'ter crccted on the '
<br /> Pmperty in�ured ug•rinst loss by fire,hazards included within�Fk�crni"cxtrndcd cuvcruge"amd nny ulhcr huuNs,including i ..,1,
<br /> �,:;r,:�. floods or floodinb, for which Lender n:yuircs insurunca Thi. insuranre shall bc muintainrd in the t�mounl6 and for thc �• ';� ��
<br /> �.f r;',.;�.
<br /> .. • �, �. �
<br /> :s�,,;�, • F'orm J928 919U ipuX�:uJn�xrs�
<br /> �.. �!i
<br /> , ,'� =i�.`�' ,•1�..��•1,�;.: .
<br />. . ��.;4ifi'• �.f;�t��t�i.t; • �
<br /> . ,�. t ::�.•' :';' '.
<br /> . ,.�' f,'tl+J���.Y; '����t I -. �
<br /> ' .;f �. �' `` ��'tt''t' ' . .. � ., . �;
<br /> ,•' '!: ;;;. rr
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