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: �.; ,.�y .� . . ...•...�.. <br /> �_ <br /> '-�.n:_�....r....... ...1,.i., ' . , ' . � ' - - - yn,. _ <br /> u �.�M.'r- �. �'.'-'�_<Y�• f - ' . �, .. ,r. �'d�. . .' ' ' . , ' . �'''`'�'_.s',_ <br /> ` .�, , r.�„.. ` - .. . . '. � ��. ��� [�ry��.. . . . <br /> ''rM'r�OMMq►M�o rfMe or dMMpN1.1+uMIt MwM IMw�qNlo�b M A�eb�M�OMA�M�DNrII�1� �a�1�11MN� . <br /> IM►�y M�1�1QM�MAOM�M�d M�MMM MlOwrfO��In oo�nMlMOM wM�MMp�MOMd�.YMM1 i�► 11MM�� <br /> h«.yr+�w M wa�.�wr��.na�r w�r aw��� � Q►� �vua� a��+a+aa��� rrn� <br /> �lO�MM I�M�MIa1�001i{�IMN M LMfd11111�O�f111YM.�r,y d d MMI�M�1�NMI!IIOtN�/Ot <br /> +h�du�dM�a�r�w�nM umM►�M NeM,a outi�dMr�l tl��rMMr a Iw��nin�/ln�r u�M��1u��Adl� <br /> ltudor. . � <br /> �. Mw/a+�.�o.b�,upon we oecurw�o.a�n Ewro a wMuRf�wnd.r.�x M�ny.ol i�wwe o.I�M�ro�dNq <br /> ao�w�ad wht�A�Mthr�M�aM l,+�ndK's In�►�t In 1M►�rap�y.L�f�y In IM arn dMonMon,bu1 MNa�tarMO�n�b do <br /> 00.aMl wNltot�t IKAIa b a d�nd upon Ttwbr rnd wlMtout tMMNnp TruMor Mom rny oDllp�tlon,do an�r�ot whloh�r� hM <br /> �pnd OIR h1N tp do�nd nwy Id�o do�n1►oMMr aat it dwnM Mo�M�ry b P+���M!►IMnot TfuMOr MNM�,M�1dMIMy <br /> a`���a�+o�'ana��'�io��wm�iii.�na�a�i a�n�a�.a����+°�ihw'"�e. <br /> .da�a b an nd�kN..Moune h.nq►.I�ndK.n�u�a U�ow�ny�IWUfqr waw. .n�u�p R nMy do a anit a aa <br /> hMMN1dM: <br /> �. NrsMdow MMMW�.7YuNOr�hldl kMP'h�P�oMMty in I�na�wllh NI applbd�N I�w�,ordlnnnoN 1111d npuUtlon� <br /> nt�tinp b Indwul�l hyplaM or�nvinonrtw►t�l proMaUon(oolN�ndw r nlwrod to h�rNn�t"EnWraun�nW I.nMn").ilrwlor M�11 <br /> kMp tha Prop�rty hw trom�II sub�neai dMr�d to b�hwrdow atoxb uad�r aay Eovl�m�nnl I.�wa laoll�y�M�rnd b <br /> 1��In u"Haa►dow 6A�briN�'�.Truswr h�nby wuana�nd nP►a�na w L�ttuit th�n�n na Hwrdow UA�MrwM on a <br /> unlMr M1�Prop�fty.Tiu�tor h�i�by apnes W I�dnllnity�nd hold hatmla�L,�ndK�W dincton►�wa�MnPb'��nd�p�eM�►�cd <br /> �ny woe�ora b L+�nd�►'s Int�e�t irom�nd�In�t�ny�nd atl claim�,damapN,bws�nd WiWWNa uMinq in oonMCfTOn wiw <br /> 1hs{ uso,di�potd or tansport W am►Has�rdow AA�t�rW�on,und�r,hom a�baA tA�Propwhr.TFIE FORE30�If3 <br /> WAHIRA�+N E�BANpRHPRE8ENTATIOP13.MiDTRU$TOR'808LIt�ATION8PUR6UANTTOTHEFORE00MiGMd0EM1�ITY.QNALL <br /> SURVIVE REt'OI�NL'YM10E OF THIS OEED OF TRUST. <br /> ,_— . _ tQ.��.:t d#:tsls.?rusi�t l.:.rtGy�ts3 to LertQ�th..�:.�ls,!�t��t�!!!sr Pr+�rlp:�ra�ld�tls�!Tss�t <br /> �han.unlil tho oewrrsnco ol sn Event ot Oehiun hareunder.havs ehs�lpht to colMet�nd rol�En suele ronb.�and D►o1fM 1n lhel► <br /> �scom�dus u�d payable.Upon tAe ocoum�c�oi sn Evant of OM�uIR I.�ndK m�y.Nth�r ie pKSa�a by�p�nt,wNA�or wttl�out - <br /> brinqinp an�r�atlon ap�acasdlnp,or by a r�lver eppointsd by a couA and wbho+M np�M b ehe�dsqwcy M Ib a�aurit�r.mM► - <br /> upon and hka po�t�eton oithe Property,or any part tMreaf,In Ib own�an�s a in ths nams ol th�Tivslw,and do any ael�whlch N - <br /> -- d�sme nease�ary or dsdrabls to pressrvs the value,mark�fabYiry or rentaWlfty of tM Prop�ty.a�ny part tlNreof a In1wMt ifwnira <br /> - = = Inero�ss lhe Income thsrefrom or p►ouct the�sawit�n c�iaof�nd.wfd+or withaut t�kln�pos�ebn of th�Prop�A�►.sw b►a <br /> _— otherwiRe coll6ct the rents,I�sues and prollb theroot,i�ctudinp thoas put dus and unpaid.�nd apply th�s�m�,teu oasb�tld <br /> �xp�nsss of operation and collecHon inoludinp�ttomepa'Ne�,upon any indebtsdnes��cund Mreby,aN In�uch ordK u LMid�r <br /> N%�— m�y det�rmins.Ths enterinp upon snd takinp pos�essan at 1he Property,tbe CoNecUo�of�uah�enh,laues And proflb u�d th� <br /> �ppllcadon thereof aa atoeeiaid,shall not curo or waive Any defAUlt or nodce of dehult her�under or Inv�tidRt�*ny�ct don�in <br /> — raponte to suah defeuit or purouent to wch notice ol delault qnd,rt�tw`1h�tandlnp the coMlnuancs In posee�elon ot fh�PropKty a <br /> __ — ths colleCUon,�eesipt and appliaa4on W��nu,issues or prolita,tand TTwtde and Lender sh411 bs antlded lo qcerciss every dyht <br /> --� provided for In any of q�s 6+can InsflumQnta or by I�w upon xcwroence of any Event of DNauft,Includlnp without IlmiMlon ths�3t��t <br /> ��:��a__.� W exerei�e ths powe►ot,aab..�WtAer,.lender's riphte and�emedies under thi�panpnph�h�ll b�eumWaGvO w16h,and In no way a <br />:;�'�����;��:Y�l�� 9imihtlon on,lends►'s N�MS an0�lmetlles under any dssi��ment ot 1ea�and rent�reoordW ap�inq tha Proper�+.L�na�r,Tru�w - <br /> _;����,�':���' aeqi the rocelvar ahall b91ia69e t�aCCOUnt only for those renb actually received. <br /> ::Y:� 11. ErMtM ol D�uR.the lol�w3ng ehaH conedtute An Event of Default under this Oeed of Trurt <br /> .-� '`},• • (ay Falltus to pay any Inat�lumenl of principal o�ialereat a1 any other ium sscured hereby when due; <br /> a <br /> ya � � '�,''` (b) A bre�ch of o►default Uroaor ar�r provlaton contained In the NoW,thi�Deed of Trust,any of tho Loan Inqrurtwnb,or�ny <br /> _ I ,¢.A• <br /> otFw►tlen or enaumbrence upon tha Property; <br /> (c) A wrN of exeaudon or aftachment a any¢+miiar prxess�hell be enterad�peirot Trustor whieh ahall b�cam�a Il�n on <br /> fhe Property or any pordon thereot or interest ther�ein; <br /> (d) There shell be Iiled by o►against Truator or Borrower an actfon under eny preaent or tuture federel,atete or other <br /> atatute,law w repuledon relednp to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reNef lor debtore;or there ahall be sppointed any buatee, <br />_ �! recelvar or Ilquldator of Truetor or Borrower or of all or any pe�f of the Properry,or th�rents,l�suss or proflb tha�of,ot Trusta <br /> . ,�,,.,.. • • or 8or�ower shall make eny general afal�nment(or the benellt ol c►aditoro; <br /> ;:; �Y`��� ?��w (e) The eale,transler,leaee,aesipnment,conveyence or further encumbrance of NI or any paA ot or any intereet!n tfie <br /> ar�".•• ,•, _ Properly,either votun�ariy or involuntarlly, wlt2+�ut the expre�s wriKen consent ot Lender, provided that T�ueWr ahall be <br /> ;{,,� n.� permUted to axeaute a lea�e of the Property that doee not contein en optbn to purcha4e end fhe iv►m oi whlcA does nat eKCe6d <br /> �' ���c � ono ear, <br /> � �4•_ ,-'{b�';+;,;;� " � Abandonment ot the Properry;or <br /> � •'�'��,- �J�S�S��ij�.�.: (y� II Tru�tor is not�n individual,the is�uanca,sale,trensfer,asslgnment,conveya�ce or encumbranceolmorethan a tota) <br /> '; , •��y.�F ,. <br /> ,r..`;;. ��'�t ��✓�'�°' of percenl ot(If a corporation)it�Isaued and outstanding atock or(ia a partnership)a total of percant o} <br /> „ ,�,:� . <br /> ,�.,,. � � parbterahlp Intere9ts during the perfod thfa Deed of Truat remalna a Ilen on the Property. . <br />=-:+ �1�'.'? w•1"`�`"�'��" 12. RMNAIa;Acai�r�don Upoh�eleulL In the event of any Event ol Delault Lender may,without notice exaept as required by - <br /> '•''�''"`� law.deole�e all Indabtedness aecured hvreby to be due and payeb+e and the eAme ehaU thoreupon becoms due and payable <br /> 4.,�ti;�. �� - wi�out ony preaentmen�demand,prot�st or notice of any kind. ThoreaNer Lender mey: <br /> ., ��� + "�'�" ' (a) Demand that Trustee 6xeKcise the POWEH OF 3ALE eranted hereln, end Trustee ahell thereafler ceuee Trustor's <br />-' ,.. <br />:,�) ���,. . ��:`' _ Intereat in the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be dfstrlbuted,all In the monner provlded in the Nebraska T►u�t Ooeds <br /> �` n�.c"�.`- � `. Act <br /> • ,.^_i}, �. � (6� Exercise any and all rl�hta provfded tor In any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon xCUrrence of any Event of � <br /> •�;_.:^-.=:�,�_._�s��_ Dofau�k and <br /> – • –" (c) Commence en eclion te�oreclose thls peed of Trust as e mortpaye,appoint a recewe�,or apecdically enbrce any of zne <br /> .� - • , - covenants hereot. <br /> ^,.�csr No remedy heraln conle�red u�on oT reaerved to T�ustee or Lender is fntended to be exclualve of any other remedy hereln,in tAa � <br /> . Loan(neUumente or by Ipw prpvider0 or permitted,but each ahall ba cumulative,ehall be fn edditlon to every other remedy yiven <br /> �'� . " heraunder,in d�e Loan InaUumente or now or hereafter ex�euny at law or In equlty or by statute,end may be ezerclied concurrentty, <br /> :.��•. i•; " . Ind�ndenUy or succe�slve�y. <br />_ ':;�,,�r���"� °f: . 13. TnnIN.The Truetee may rea�go�at eny time without cause,and Lender may at any time and wNhout Cause appoln•t a <br /> ';;., ` _, � successor or substltute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Ileble tn any perty,including wNhout Ilmltation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any <br />- -�• �• purchas�r o1 the Property,lor any loas or demeye u�tees due to reckless or wdNul m�sconduct,enq ahall not ba requlred to feke any <br />_� • ,- actlon in connectlon wlth the enforcement ol th19 Desd ot Trust unlesa Indemnlliecl. In wNting, lor all coats, compensallon or <br />. ��, ' ��, � expen�w which mey be aewclated tharewlth.In add�t�an,Trustee mey become a purchaser a!any aalo of the Pr�perry(�ud�lal pr <br /> `�`�• under th�power of�aIQ pranted hvein):postpone the saie of all or any portion ot the P�opery,aa provided Dy law;or setl the <br /> �a Orw�����uJW� nr in��n��ab ru���l�nr Inf�N Tn�dm'�ai�m�.nw <br /> �- � i..�� ...�.�.�. . '....._��-.'_"_' _. <br /> �� �: �°;� 14. F�u�d E�p�n�.ln the event Trustee sells the Properly by exercise o1 powpr o1 aale.Ttustee shaQ be entHled to aA,pty <br /> ��-��" �}' any wts roceeds fint to psyment of all co�b and ex aes o1 exerciain <br /> .�:.._1 P P� 9 power ot aale,incl�dmp all Trustee'e fees,and Lender'e <br />--� an0 Tru�e's attomey'�feet,actwuy n+�cunea to earent permitted by ayyl�w��d t;, the evsnt 8orrawor or Tru�tor axCrci:;a a�;r <br /> � �<'�' �Ipht provid�d by I�w to cure an Evant of OMauit,Lender shall be entitled to recover Irom Trustor all cosis ond expenwa acwal�y <br /> - �F`��' �' Incur►ed as a r�tulf of Trwtor'�dMauR,includlnp without Ilmitatlon all Yruetee'e and ettorhey'�fees,to Me extenf permiwQ by " <br /> —�`����?�'f= rpplicable law. <br /> __�,�i"�` '�� ��•�� �� 15. futun Advane�.Upon requeet ol Borrower,Lender mey,at ils optlon,meke edditional and luture advencea and re- <br /> ����� '� advanca to Bonower.8uCh edvancea end readvances,wiN�Interett thereon,shall be eecurad by tMe Deed of TruaL A1 no time ehall <br /> '�� �; the principal�mount ot th�Indebtedneas aecured by this Oeed of True�not fncluding auma advanced to protecl the aecurlty ol thl� � <br /> �":1 • -K..�. � OMd of 7ruq,�xowd fhe odpinN p►inolpal amoun�smted he�ain,or s �p•�-�� whlchever 14 preater. <br /> __ y,: ',»,...';,�� . . t -. <br /> ��;.r: . r � i�• ,. a <br /> � <br /> . � . . _ -- -' „ -- -'..^.-- �- -� . 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