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:�;.�,.�.,�,is_.:: :.� <br /> .:_.. <br />_ ----_-�,.....- ------- - -- _.�.------ _ _ -- --__.-�---— ._ . <br /> �aawow�.EOa�w�r o�oun o��riusT <br /> 93�= �,00�s7�, <br /> tpuarc�wu�nas aa�o�c eaMtrp: , , � <br /> � lhMloiwMMMM�lhMR»dooiMwMwM'll►�M�hrM�awbM�aoiIMN+�OMddThNl�ndMl�n�ap1/��nd�11�NNpo�wr • <br /> OfMI� b1(nri�pMdolTtwtP����MMNIW�'tMIM�MApIN�ando1f11�MoMbTrwlorri�l/ N11MMiwIN <br /> M• or aMCh d uNdKtll�OMd ol Y�uM,inplwMnp,bu4 not INnIMd b.Mu L�MIflws flpMb�PropMly t01d <br /> by�rrlYw�d��bIN np.Y�wlar npi+MMM�snd waarmb tlwt MWr nowNdp��!wM��MOt�Md 4!► <br /> �,�.a�N.«�o��a�.8:.e�a m,�, <br /> r i T � NwOwa <br /> 1 R Un�l T�wa► Mit� • <br /> yi <br /> DEED OF TRUBT WITH FUTURE ADVIINCEB <br /> T�YC�GVV� �nWT��M�N���7a •wM �1��7�,N�""^7 <br /> tlN7in1110r. �L� � 11�1 i Batf• o ��..�� _ �....w...A .n.1 r f� <br /> . <br /> w1wM n�ilY�p�ddrw N 17�3 St P�ul � (iraad I�laa�nln'T�n�;^�i�i�r moa�, <br /> tlN TitMl��, Fiv� Pois�a B�ot 4 ii��uis� t�.otp,Qt�ion . <br /> whoM m�tlinp��s�Is P.O. Bax 15�? �s�ud It�l�ad, NG 69802 .�n�T�uqM'�,a,d <br /> �emM�larY�--��°�'t� B�nk � <br /> whpM m�ilinp uddhss is �ZS � rnadr�ll Cu�and f��, n�_ F�tD2-iSA7 (�p�����'�, <br /> FOR VALUABLE CANSIDERATION,inclwdirr,y l�ndw��n�bn ot orerJilld�ndNod h�nin ta��y � uw�� <br /> i E�t�l R U�rl Bu�ad & QYge , (hereip"Borrower",whether one or more)and the trust hereln creaMd, <br /> the raeNpt ot whiCh I�hsnby�Cknowledped.T�ustor hereby inevocebly qrents,bansters,conveys aod aai�m tp�ru�,IN — <br /> TRUBT,WITH POVYER OF SALE,(or the bsneiit anal�curity at Lendw,under and wbJeat to the torms and condidons tMroina(tK t�t <br /> bhh,th�ral propKly,daadbed w rollowa <br /> iAT � f 21 Ols �O@1��flD 3!lSD��13Sp3�TF.�M t 18) QTOYAg tlIP�BI.��A{IEN (li l�N�RT�H�B NA OE <br /> MIME�I9)�NBST�OFMTHB46TN�PMECNALL C�DUliTY �IEBRASKA EYCEPT11i8 'PNEAEFltOh THE <br /> MEST 13S FEET QF THB SOUTH 31.9 FEE1' OF fNE MORTN �130.5 6F��'. <br /> Topether wlth all bulldlnpa,Improvemente,8xtures,otreete,alleys,peasegeways,ea�emenb,rlphb,privllepes and appuRa- <br /> nana�IoaAted thereon or in anywlee perfalninp thereto,and the renb,issues and propts,reverabns and remelnders thereof,and <br /> wch p�nonel propeAy th�t Is altsahod W the improvemanb to as W contlituta e ifxturs,Includinp,but not Iknited lo,headnp and <br /> Coolinp aqulpmsn��nd to�ether wld�ths homettsad or m�ritel Intere�to,if eny,which intere�ts are hareby released�nd walved;�11 <br /> of whloh,I�oludin�replacemanl�and rJdiGune ii�ereto,fs hereby declered to be e pert of ihe real w�ti tacwed by th�Uan of thls <br /> DMd of Trutt uid aN of tho forpoinp belnp referred W herein�s the"Property". <br /> Thl�Desd ot Tru�t shaN secura(a)the payment of the principal sum and Interest widonced by e promisaory note or andit <br /> �preemsnt dated ��+� o�� t�o� ,havinp a maturity date ot �psiL 83b Z003 • <br /> In the ori�inal principel amouml oT s ���50.00 ,and eny and all modlNcations,exten�Ions end renewele <br /> thereot or thereto and any ens�All future edvancee and readvances to 8orrower(or any of them It more than one)herounder = <br /> punu�nt to o��or more promlasory notes or credlt agreements(hereln called"Note"):(b)the payment oi other sums advanced by <br /> Lsnder to protect the aecuriry o1 the Note;(c)the perlormence of all covenente end epreements of Trustor�at lorth horeln;and(d)all <br /> present and tuture Indebtednes�end obllyations of Borrower(or eny o1 them If more then one)to Lender whether dlrecR indfrecC <br /> abtolute or canUngerd end whelher arlsing by note,puara�ty,overdraN or otherwlse.The Note,this Deed of Trust end any and all <br /> other doouenUthat ieoure the Note or othervvlee executed in connecUon therewith,lncludlnp wlthout IlmitaUon�uarenteea,teCUrily <br /> apreemenb and awipnmenta ol leases and rents,shall be re(erred to harefn as the"Loan Inevuments". <br /> TruBtor covenunts and eprees wlth Lender aa follows: <br /> 1.�nl o11n�Mbbdn�p.All indebtedness eeCUred hereby ahall be pald when due. <br /> 2. "rruator Is the owner ot the Property, hea the ripht ond authority to convey the Property,end werranta that the Ilen <br /> ereated hereby ia a N►at and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Iiens and encumbrances aet torth by T►ustor fn writlnp and �. <br /> delivered to Lander bebre ezecution of thla Deed of T�wt,and the 0xacutlon and dellvery of thls Deed of Tru�t does not violete ony - <br /> conlract or other obliyetion to wh�ch i rustor�a eubject. ` <br /> 3. T�xM.MtM�a�nu.To pay before dellnquency all texea,speclal easessments and all other charpea epelnst the Property - <br /> now or heroa/ler levled, <br />_ 4. lmur�nee.To keep tha Property insured agalnst damape by fire.hezards included wfthfn the term"extended coverege",and <br /> such other hazarda a0lender mey requlre,In amounts and wfth compenles acceptable to Lender,namin�Lender ae en additlonai <br /> aAmed Inaured,wNh loss payabte to the Lende•.In case of loss under euch poticfaa,the Lentlar ia authorued to adjust,collect and � <br />- cAmprpmise,all clalma thorour�fleT and shal I t�ave the optlor+01 applylnp all or part of the insurance prxeeda(q ta any{ndebt9dness �_° <br /> eecured hereby and In wch order as Lender may determine,lii)to the Truslor to be used tor�he repair or restoraUon of 1he Propsrty 4, <br />�• or(Ilt)fo►eny olher purpoee Or obJect aaNefdatory to Lender wiihout aNectinp the Ilen of thla Deed ol Trust for the tull amouni socured 1 <br /> hereby before�ucfi payment ever took place.Any applicatlon of proceeda to Indebtedness shell not extend or poatpone ths due - <br /> d�l�of eny paymenfe under the Note,ar cure any defauN thereunder or horeunder. <br /> S. Ercrow.Upon wNtlen domand by Lendor,Truator ahalo pay to Lender,in euch menner aa Lender may desiynate,sulNclent - <br /> sums M anabte Lender to pay as they become due one or more ol the tollowinp:(q all taxes,a�eeaments end other chaKges apalnel _ <br /> th�Praperly, (N)tha pnmlu�+s on the prope►ry inaurence requlred nereuntler,enC p�q me premwma on any mortpapo msurance �; <br /> requl�d by LAMar. F <br /> � Q.�t0. Ropalrs and Cort�pllar,ss wHh Lew�. Tni�Mr�hnll kE�Np fhp Pre��ur�y�n 9�n� rTn�llll�n pn�1 raflAlr;f�hpll �, <br />- promptly ropalr,or replace ae�y improvement whlch mey be demeped a deetroyed: sha�� not cmr�eni�or permit any weste or ; <br /> detsrloratlon o1 the Properq;�halo not remove,demolish or eubatenGelly alter any ol Me Impravemenls on the Properly;shell not � <br /> commlt,suMer or permR any actto B�e done In a upon the Property In vloladon of eny law,ardmance,or re�uladon;and slwll pay and <br /> promptly dllchar�e at Trustor'e coet�nd expwiss oN liens.encumbrancee and aharpes ievied,Imposed or assess�d apainst the � <br />_ Propsrty or any part thereoL ` <br /> 7, En1N�nt Oomaln.Lendar is hareby assi�ned all compa��ation,aw�rda,damape�and otl�er WYments or reliel(hereinafler - <br />- "Procesds")i�connectlon wlth condemnafbn or other fakinp of the Property a paA thereof,a for convoyance In Ifeu ot condemna- <br /> tlon.Lender shdl be endded at qs optlon to cammence,app�ar fn and protacute in its own neme any actlon or proceedl�ps,and <br /> shall alw M�ntld�d to mak�arry compromlee o►eeMMmem in connecUon wlfh euch takfnp or damepe.ln the event any pordon ot <br /> wc�»,«io�M l . � . 2 <br /> •��wtlww�wae«�rar�.ma��w.ew+.n.�rbow�.N.w.w <br />