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�� .,,. . q , . <br /> ..-�:,_,.=,y . . . . . ; � , .. . ... . .. a . . • ^ .-.a.w�-� . - -- <br /> ...n.._,. . ..�- - n , ' . , . . . . .... - � - . .. • . _..: °` <br /> . � . ' ' . . - '�•&.�, <br /> . . • � � �. —�•} . <br /> _ " , i- 1� .. , ~'�- <br /> � .�IU10�t M�IR LMd11'Iwjltll� '1����t�lliM'{IlOr1dl11�dM h�MpIl01E�111N IM WIOM��t�f10'M�►p Md�iOi��LrMM� . � <br /> • #ppluv�ll�hioh�h�p riot bi Wllo y 1Y11idMld. U Haeo�ar hi1�.�o ttIIdllWnoovaa�o dwcriM�{+�ixw�.I mq�.at - <br /> . �.�.derti op�loh,dx�in�a pnqroa I�aaderl��ha in�P�apwty U�ccarJMw�with pu�ph 7. � - <br /> ; All Liwnnoo poltcia�aed�vtls th�11 be�ooe�p�b�e to I.mdar�urd�iuU includs t tt�ndatd �e elwre. I.aider ' -- <br /> �b�U M�va da d�ht oo bold da aid�navv�t�. t l.a�der�equinp,Bdmow�er aadl p�a�t�Y�ive�t.aber W�pa <br /> cf p�d promiusu�nd rq�a�w�l n�o�. Ia tbe ovaot of�.Bo�m�r�II�ive p�pt audoe ro dr ia�aa�o�a�a�ir r�d . ,.. <br /> -- l.toder l.cnder mqy tnelce im�af of loss,jl�m�1�o�ra�tptly6y Bonower. , � <br /> I1Nl�t I�ender Mnd Bon�owrx ut�o�pao�n�rt1d�t+�anoe pi�a.�eedo d�U 6e.�plled a ae�oo�atioe a'leprir d . <br /> d�a d�rtuyed.i�d�o'tie�tor�tion a�ia 000n�om�+Jly feaible �ad I�de�ry secu�ity ti'riolt letreaed. If We <br /> �a�on or�is aa aoanamically rem�le or la�derti zocoriey wa�la 6e 1es.a�ea.t6e faw�ooe pooeea.�4e � <br /> appliod w the wmt secarod by Ihb Soarity l�puatpn,�rUeU�et ar nat Wea dna.wit4�oy oxoers p�t b Bm�ier. .�l <br /> Ba�nrwar ab�ndom tda Propaty.a does not+n�wa wlthia 30 dwya� notice from I�ood�r th�t the u�sunaoe e�rkr laa <br /> offarod w aatle a d�im,t6ea La�fer may oa�la�t the insia�noe p�oceaf�. [.e�ader mq wa�Le pooeede to or�+atare <br /> tbe Nitoperty or to psy smm cecw4d bY thio.Sc,�.v�itY Lut�ua�t.whetAer or na�4lbra dno. 'I�D 30�daY Pa���+� <br /> the notico i�giMaa. . � . <br /> - Ilnk�I.ender and Bpmwc#;wtb�se�oe iu writit�.wry appflc�doa of proae�fl�t M plinclpal slWl uot ext�nd or <br /> postpor�e the dae d�o of the montYi�Y P�Y�s neferrod w in p�r+�r�pfu 1 utd 2 ar ch�aige Ihe nnount ot the p�ymotii�. If <br /> ' undet p�rpph 2i�he i�wcqulrod by Lender.Bo►rowa7�right w amr ioaaance poliak�.�nd pv4dedK rasulang <br /> — --- fiam d�uaABe w the Pr�ertY�or w tho acqui�idpp�haU paas�to I.ender w the e�eat ot tLe wmr�ocw�ed Iry lhia S�m�u�ity <br /> = Iowu�aon�ly� ry i�an. aud Prd��clioN d We .,,.: • <br /> �.:. <br /> ��-� ��lVladf�d�wce <br /> _ --- ---- �w Pr+opnt�t Be:ro*etb i,esQ A�a, <br /> ----�_� .,..-- --- Leaoeb�ollb. Borrower shall oocupy.establisM,�and use tha.Proparty ae Borrowcr�priacipal nsidenc�s within sixty��^s� <br /> - the exccuNon of q�ie Security Inshwrr�t and•sball continue w ooarpy the P�op�erty as ilomowu�s ptinclpa�l n;�Wai�C <br /> --_ — ' � least a�e year afYer tbe dswe of occupancy.` u�tass Lender othe�vise -agrees in writing. which�ca�aent shaU nat be ' , ',��;�: <br /> ^_���?t ' urmeasonably withheld.or unless cstcmwting ci�umstances e�ist ahlch are beyond Borrnwerl�conq+ol. Barrower shatl not ��� � } <br /> -- destroy.dertw8e or unppir the Praperty�allow the Pmperty w detaiaale.or cot�unit Nraste�on the P►nparty. Aorrowe;�dall ,., <br /> y::� --- ���i�� ;�' be ln default if any forfalturo Actian or prnceeding,whether civi!or orirainal. ia bagun thm in Londal�good fai�b judg�oent 1�:';°'�i_ ; <br /> -_ • could�esult in forfetwre of{he ProPerty or othenvise matedaily i�h�mir�he Aer�.oreated 'by thir Secu�ity Imwnpient or <br /> ::`�;"` . ry , Arm'Ided fo pqrs�graph 18 by <br /> .. .��t.;�,,� l,ender's securi inkrest. Bmrowor may cure auch a defxult and rei�statc as . cauainQ thb•actittn <br /> --- ' or proaeding ro bc dismissed with a nding.thal,in l.cndert�good f�ith detem�inatlbn,�p�eclad�s fodoitun pf�he Hotrowerl� <br /> -�'.'.�'��i5�• intercat in tho Property ar nther material impaim�ent of tha Iten ozeated by this Security Inswn►w1t or L.anderia�.:eecurity ' . <br /> '=`� interest. Borrnwer shall also be (n default If Borrower, durin the �oan u licaHo� � <br /> 8 pP p�ess� Bave �nateri�lly false.or <br /> _ _ -��, ?nn� ' inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or Pailed to provido Lendor with any material iinfortnation)i�con�ection.with <br /> - -- ------ the loan evidenced by tha Note, including, but not limited to.rep�sentetiona conecrning Borrawer!� oceupancy of the <br /> _ ____� <br /> ��i'� ' Property as a principal r�esidence. If this Security[nst�ument is on a leasehold. Borrower shall comply wjth all the pmv�rlons <br /> of thc Icar,c. If Borrowcr acquines fea title to the properry.the leasehold and�he fee dtlo shall not mergo unlets Gea�der a,�neea <br />.,�-.z,. ` w the mcrgcr in wriNng. <br /> � •• 7. Protcetion ot I.ender's Itights in the Property. If Borrower fails to pert'om� the covenantR and agrxmeate <br /> �iy '._� �� contained in this Socurity Instrument,or thene is a legui praceeding that may significantly uffect Lender?�righta In Ihe <br /> °'".�;, �' '� .;��� Propeny(such as a pro�eding in bAnkruptcy,probate,for candemnntion or forfeitum or to enfo�re laws or rcgulation�).then <br />-- Lender muy do und pay for whatever is necessnry to pmtect the value of�he Propeny and L.ender�i righuc in tMe Pt�nperty. <br /> .`.;a Lenderh acilonx may include paying any sums recured by u lien which Iw4 priorfty over lhix 5ecudry Insltument,appewing <br /> �� in coun,paying reusonoble auorneys'fees and entcring c►n the P�opeAy to mWce rep�irr.AUhou�h Lcnder may tako aetion <br /> under Ihis EwragrAph 7,l.ender dues nol have to do w. <br /> `==' ��` Any umounts disbursed by Lender under thix parugtuph 7 .hull becomc addilional debt of Bomawer securcd by this <br /> � <br /> ' � '�' :��?' Secu�ity Inxtrument. Unle+s Bomower nnd Lendar ogrce io other term�of puyment,lhe.�e umountF�shall bear intc�st from the <br /> ; <br />;��• t-" _ `�:�+i` ' datc of diKbun�emetN ul Ihc Note rote and shull be pnyuble,�vitt� intere�u, upc�n notice fmm l.ender to Borrower�qucqing <br />_,�r' PaYmcnt. <br />•�" "' "`�"""' '` '` � 8. Morfgoge InsurAnce. If Lender rcyuired monguge in�ur.uice us u cc►ndition of making t0e loan securcd by this <br /> - • �.�R�"''�',"''�r„-'�'� Security Instrument,Borrower shull pay the premium�reyuired tu muintoin the mortguge ineurnnce in effect. If,for Any <br /> ''� reason, the moA a e insurunce covem e uined b Lendcr lo tirs or ccuse+ to 6e in effect, Bomower shall a Ihe <br />.s'= . a�• B 8 R re4 Y P•r P Y <br /> •�'?�' premiums required lo obtain caveruge sub�,�untiully eyuivnlent to the mongage innurunce pr�eviously in etTect, ut a cos[ <br /> ��,f•.'.. ,, ;`'� �' substantially equivalent �o the cost to Borrower of the murtguge in+urnnce pn:vlously in effect,from an alternate mortg�qe <br /> •' • .� -• ' insurer approved by Lender. If suMxtantiully eyuivulent mnrtgage in�urunce coverage ix not availuble,Bomower shall pay to <br />_ • ','��`�'`';!{,5 ' � � Lender euch month u,um cyuul to onr-�welfth of thr ycarly mortga�e insurance premium being paid by Bortower when the <br /> ;?;, :��_`-."`:: �+_ iagurance coverage lupaed or ceased to br in effec�. Lendcr will nc��pi,u,e und rctuin these puyments as a loss neserve i�o lieu <br /> ;�-"'t •�+�<<`�1�,�f � of mc�nFage insur.u�re. Loss rexcrvc puyments muy no Inn�;cr lx r�-yuitid,ut ihr option of Lender,if mortgage insunmce <br /> �;;,;,,;,,,, , , , <br /> i^ '` � ;,. .. �: caverage(in the amaunt unJ for 1he�rial iha�Lender rcyuire.) pmvideJ by un insurer upproved by Lender again becomes <br />�� �� ° �x�.:'-;�s s�vailable and is obtained.BoROw�er,hall puy lhe premium.nyui�+�J to mair�uin murigagr insurance in eFfect,a to provide a <br /> ���.� '�'i, � � "`'t`.'�:':: loss reserve,umil the re irement fiir mort a•e inxuranrc xcordnnce with un�written a reement between Bomower <br /> ` ,�,� , ,,µ,... � qu' g �. y F <br />. �:� ; . , ,S. , und Lender or applicable law. - <br />�:�� . �'.Y �'•^•<'?t�'<.�,ij�'� �. In4peclion. Lende�or it.ageM mu� m:�kr m��.�maMle rnlrie�u�xm:mJ in+�xrtion�of thP Pmpet7y. Lender yha!! <br />"' " �,r•t" ; 't�,�,"'';��?';�$ give Bortnwer notice u�the time of or rrior u�an in.per�iix��peril'yin�rca��mahle�au>c fi�r ihr inspection. ' <br /> ,���,,. . <br /> i, ,,: , � 10. Condemtwlion. The pnxerd.of;m�•award or rL•�irn ti�rJ.ima�r.,dimct or ronkyuenliul,in conneclion with any <br /> a•� • ��r <br />_ k: ,'� .. Sing�F•rmi�y-•Foanic�1�,tYeddk�fur UNIN(IR11 I�.tiTRI'NEhT••Unifunn Co�enam+ 9NY ip,iKr.f.�n�wRr�l _ <br /> ,- �'.;t.:,:_.' <br />�- � � . , �xa�Iata.e�rees ra��K.■ _� <br /> - . � " .., To Urtr CW I�ODp.9D�3R7 O YAt 81F7O1•1131 -- <br /> . i�' <br /> s <br /> -, r . <br /> ..L y e'.. . . ,. ;Y� � �. •� p• sd-Y.{ . .�+Sr/ifi+►A.i�u��4..u9� . . . -...-..a.��_ - _ <br /> .d, <br /> .� <br /> � .. . . , V _ __ <br /> �C� ,.. . . . „ . .i�.:i.\ti '_— <br /> . <br /> � 5�i,cc,+sr�,��.•='-•,. +•, - .��.�,�w..�����:�:.�.a. <br /> . s . . • � <br /> Rt,.— - --. . -.F+.�r �, .^__ . __"_ . -_—_.- _-___ _ _ ___ _.. 'rya., —' � "_'_�. . -• - �.-�-.� - . �N k * �•.���r�,�--•-r•.T.� � .1��1,::`. <br /> S.eL�11Ni_Y �.� _ _ ':�' �L r��. <br /> .T .�� � �tMy_.5� ..y�_. ' . . :i .:!`.. . . "' - , A� <br /> r'({ � r _1 y��T . � , � . .h�,..�� . . i.� . . � . �ti t�.t�`���(����' .,�yt. '�t��•.c;y�JH4 <br /> . . `f` �K�t'���\��1•c t� . . , , . .� _ �� �=.•�=i�irl��SSy���}��K4.��-�l.ri,'.�:�'rT.r�ly���� � .YS.�. <br /> � �A ''Jl Y�'s'�re`l_� -----'--- ' ' - - - t - r r. --- <br /> � t ' � . � '�• . . • . . � � � 1 . . -. � .f �y r"y:1�J,t � FS'i?'iA:'l�nr�--+ar..r-^rer.. . ,e', C�� �' __ <br /> �'1 1`.'�, b�• � �:���1'.��., .j _ {�. . 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