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,�#.�!:.�R�� . ^`i.s�;��� . __. ______ - ° " ' - -- - e _ - <br /> ��' �var.�+�e�^"T' � �T"' <br /> , ..L�l'!,1 - . . , ' . .. - �. .n . - . _ ��" . n . H •' ��.p,X. ..-:^ <br /> � -�.��::. . , , . . „ ` d. �J::.T'_.. <br /> — ., .�. � „ ' � �" • , , . <br /> ., <br /> �.. <br /> .. ° . . ' 7�Q0�'1]�A�R A►t'IH ap�M�p�OVetrMnt�now ar 1�Air'�recbd an d�e piop�ty.�i�nit, p� " 6 � . �.�r <br /> . ., . �!AxWres Y�wv�ha�eatNr�prt oP 1heP�'�,Y. AU rept�oanenn uid addldaas�b�ll Wo 6�.�wwtid by�tl� . <br /> ..' �11�ifl1dldL A11'Of IIIR f0li0�q��d 1+Ofdf1011 blit UW�CCYdty IN�I�f�b d10��Mq�ly." '= <br /> , �OwQ�roV�A��f�t�[BOff�OWQ�(�W�1���1�O�iOd Of(�lO Gf��E hG0�1 COIIYO���Ip t�10 1'1�It t0�fillt ^ <br /> ard caaviey tbep�op�ty�d dut d�e Pt�opa�ty b a�eo�eaoapt for a�cumbnrioe�of�eoord. Botrowat w�rranq�ad <br /> ��rjl1 det'eod p�naai�y tlie ti�le a tbe Piopacy�pioq W d�,+ad dera�pd�wbJa�t a�ay a�cumbranoes af recoM. <br /> - �.� ,.....°" THlS 3BCURITY INS"IRUI�I4T caabiocs m�ifbnoa cu�orw�a�tland ute ad aon-wdfaa oa►wn�o�t w1W � <br /> dAai�ed vari�tiaM by J�uitdictiou 1aco�tid�te�uuifonn�ocu�ity iamuaiant ooae�p�ne�1 p�opa�ty, , . <br /> UN�ORM OOVENA[�f�7'6. Ba�rawcc�ad I.�a�dex cavci�ooR aod�groo u foibws: ,. <br /> _ : , L �Y��d��1M11�fa�liPr�lrnE+»1;n1�;�esCMrr�eo. Baaaw�ada�l paywMeadueda <br /> prwci�d otand intere�t aa Iha dql►t cviaeooed b�.tAe NQtc i�•�Q�43 pre�mq�t�pd b4e d�age�duc uo 1he Nvte. <br /> 1 3�Yt�ds t�w�'lyu�MM�NM�naua Spbj�t to�iplia�ibie(�w or•tm�wriaa,w�iv�r bY t,arlor,Banowe+r�lall pa�y w <br /> La�det on the d�r monthty�oo�a a�o dlue!�nr16t ti�.��toie.ari61 f48 Noie is paid in fup.s�swu Q"F�r�"1 Por.(�)yer�rly �.. �'� <br /> wca��nd asoesstpenw whidi►�aqY ivaiQ p�oQi over ttdp•5oc'w1tY�ent w a Iten on the Pnq�axly;.�b)3"�Y�1d `.:;'.:� �,. - <br /> .�•� <br /> _ p��a g�ound reosR ao�e Hoopat�. any; (c)yenttly fwxtd or propeity jnswat�ce Piemlam�: (� Ye�t y tlood •, '. <br /> i�au prorniwns. if atqt; (4)yDir�Y �BpSe inBU11t1ae p�endwhe�iP�ny: and(4 anY Swns PAY�by Sc�x+;�kyer to� � <br /> l��ccad�noe virith tAo�o v i s i a�s of p�arsg�ph deu of tbe payment of mong�ge lneucanae p�miumm�.: 111e,�.': P�.�.';'; <br /> � i t e n u�u�e c�U e d"F.s c ro w I l e�a�s �L e a d a r m a y�a t�n y t i m l l e c t�n d h o t d E�n d s i n An�tnounc not to e�ccad d�e mau�inum..�• '�t�.��' <br /> �mount R laider fck�faie�aliy ml�ted mongage lo�a may requiro fa Honower�oscraw acc�ount w�der da federd Ral�:'�.j}: • .�;;, <br /> _�_—^� �. BWAIO SOWa00W.Pli00EdU(!t ACt�1 V74 AR 111�1ld1�f1�0[!!�!!!C ZO lI!!!t•!?U.�.C.�76Q! �l Sttj•�°�.S��j�tS�C55�iCI'..' .;:•i 7:(', <br /> _—�j=� l�w UW�riias ta the Fnnda sets a lesser otnodn� If so.L,ender may,at any time.caUect and hold Fundc in�n Ariwunt not w :.,�,��t, <br /> ozoead the lesser amount. L�ender mwy esGmAte the amount of Runda duc an thc b�sis of cwndit dua a►d n;acon�bla .� .y.• •���,.. <br /> aUmMes of axpendiwt�es of futnne F.�crow Items or otherwlae in accondance wlth sipplic�ble law. ;� <br /> _ 71a Fands shaQ be hcld in an institutlon whose deposits aro insureri 6y a fedeial agenoy.insuumenWity. or entity.: <br /> (lnolwUng L:ender.iN'l.ender is such�n ineHtudofl)or ia any Faler�l Home Loan Bank. L.eMer ehall apply the E�mds w pay.. '' <br /> �ha 13scnow Ytems. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding�nd wpplyfng thc Punda,�nua��y�n,in�,g�ne�� <br />:.,; ;:r�,�,■ Account� or varifylng the Facmw Items,u�ess I.ender pays Borrower intenest on rhe F'�nds and applioablo law permita • <br />= L�►ider,w make auch a charge. However.Lcnder may requine Borrowu to pay a anc-Ume charge for ah indapendem res! <br /> � eukte.taa neporiing savice used by I,enQer in coru�ec8on with this losn.unleas applicable law ptovldes oth�rwisc. UNess an . � <br /> __ � . agroe�nent la made ar+�plkable law nequircs intereat ta be pald,l.ender shall not be reyuired ta pay Horrower eny i�tarest or <br />_- __ , c,�n►ir�gs an tha FUnds, Hm�owor And I.,opdcr may agrec in wridng,however,that intcreat ahall be paid on 1he I�nds. Lender " � <br /> :._ _._____ . shall glve to Hotrawer,withoW eharge,an annuel aceounting of the Pbnds.showing credits and debilc to the Funds and 1he <br /> � . . ,.,; <br /> �• purpose for which each ilebit to the FLnda wu made. The FLndc are pledged na qAdit�onfll secutlty fa s!l.aum�sscaced by ; <br /> `rf _--__ _ __. _ .._ uI�B�CCIII�[y�IIS�IN11Q11�. <br /> � If the FUnda held by Lender exc�eed the amounts permitted to be held by appllcable IAw, Lender stwll account to <br /> . Borrower for tha excess Funds in accadance with the�equiremenu of applicable law. If ihe amount of the Punds held by <br /> "� i.ender at any time i�not cuf�Icknt to pay[bc Escrow items when duo,l.ender may so notify Homowcr In writing,aid,in <br />:.;F such cace Bormwer shall p�y to Lender the unount nxessary to make up the deflciency. Bomnwer ihall m�ke up tha <br />-'. deflclency in no more than twelve mon�hly payments,at Lendcr'�sole discretion. <br />-{' Upon pzyment in full of�II sums secural by this Security Instrument,l.ender�hall pmmptly r+efund to Barower any <br />� Wnds heW by L,ender. !f.under paragraph 2�,Lender shall acquim or sell the Property,L.ender,prior to�he acquisit�on or <br /> wle of the Propeny.ahall apply any ii�nds I�eld by Lender u the tlme of ocqui:ition or s�le aa� credit ag�fest tNe:ums <br /> rocured by this 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> 3. Applkatbn d Paymmta Unkss applicable law provides otherwise. all payments rcceivod by Lender under <br /> pm�g�aphs 1 and 2 shall be appHed:first,to anyprepayment charges due under the Note;sccond,to amounfs payAblo und�r - <br /> pua�nph 2:Ihird,ro lnterest due;fourth,to principal due;and any late charges due under the Nde. <br /> � �' 4. Ch�esi Liens. Bomnwer ahal! pey al� taxes, assessments,charges. fincs and impositions atlribuuble to �he = <br /> ; �,�1�}'� P►opetty which may attein priority over this Sxurity Insuument,and Icasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Bmmwer - <br /> � *„1' shdl p�y these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in th�t mumer,Bomower shell pay them on <br />_-. < ,,, ,���Y :, tia�e directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly turnish ro l.ender all notfces of emaints to be paid under <br /> '�.:�,..Y. �' thic pwagraph. IP Bwrower makes thesc payments directly.Borrower sholl prompdy fumish to Lenda receiptc evldencing - <br />-=:�: ..r,,,�,�.,;�:•���. ��yments. - <br /> � ,� =�� Borrower shall promptly discharge Any lien which has priority over Ihis Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> �� `�;� � • '.'v in writing to the payment of the obligation secured b the lien in a manner acce table to I.ender. <br /> � � Y p (b)contests in good faith the <br />-- ���• �-�= lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien proceedings which in 1he Lender�opinion operate to prevent the - <br /> " 4 ".,,.���' enforcxment of the lien;or(c)secu�s from the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordineting the lien � <br /> ?•, .L,� ��;t.,F•, to this Sxurity Instrument. if I.ender determines that any part of ttie Property is subjec�to a lien whlch may attein priority �. <br />;...r� "�:>',;�.y, ;�7 over this SecuBty Instrument,Lcnder may give Bomnwer a nwice identifying thc lien. Bonower shall s�tisfy the Ikn or take <br /> :.}: •:'';a''�+1�.. one or mo�e of thc actions set fotth above within 10 days of the givingof notice. = <br />:"� ' '�':�,°t�''�' S. Harud or Property Insurance. Borrower shall kap the improvements now exisiing or hereafler erectcd on the <br /> ��•�!_h s,.r± r.. _ <br /> - T k�_. Properry insurcd against loss by Gre,hazards included wi�hin the term"extended coeersge"and any aihtr hazards,inctuding . - <br /> __� _ <br /> �.�,�;;;:• ,',,,,t,,�:.:•, ., tlood�or floodfng.for which Lender requir�ec insurance. This insurence shell be maintainaf in the unounts and for the <br /> w,,•. ,,�f;,,.,, <br /> :1j � 'r��:;i'.'i:.s�;)Nfrt: �. <br /> .�.: ... .�•.k+y+.;,.,- __ <br /> :_�: >.•� �'�• ' Fbrm�OZY 9194 IpnRe 2 oJ6 poget► - <br /> _.i '�'.r.-':��f'.. t i' ` e <br /> ,k` �ti�r �t�` s�� � <br /> '_r, �.�t,s,,,,,��j� � � �-. <br />-�r «�4V ,-a.�.r, <br /> -.i. •:.i�:.<.. �-.. <br /> � � . • <br /> .;,�._.1. ��.., . . , .. .� . ' •� . :::'.-^'_-.^^-.Tr�-� . .. �' � T�ry�ymee�essi:. <br /> - _ , <br /> ,.�,_•.L::?i+r_tt�.c_ ..��_'��^+`i,!•�.l,d:elt�.�1�.0lHm�r(�1i�iy�(r,�• .S�3�t�'_;.4�Y.dF,_R.:�t �i,1c,. `�v <br /> � ;,-;-w)-r* .- c �- -- �- _ -- ---- . —- . _, �,�.--q, �.�.�--.--r — -� <br /> .�At� �,Q�'�i,.{:,� nl� } � ti I it ' • r i .. a�f,��./,.+ `� �• �Vrtu 5.:f�V+�1';*`�iYi&�'t'� r'y�'!�Ss"' _ <br /> � v�i .i •f l����� . . ; . . . . - � .,h?FwA aw�[> l' � '{4� _^' s!�V �{�'` <br /> .1i .,..�. r ll y ,iF - �.i��� .- . • rt� °{ i .nr r � � r7� �`�A �llt� �'FI�L <br />�7A ' .s�1:�t�sl4ti+�s.a�,i+r;+kiti�:w,r>::�1'n-..:. :t.. :. .• .4 -- '�`�' Z` R! ���� � � nr1 �� �. � � - <br /> �1 ,� � ,�L'�1�T"'-..�..,,=''--�•�r------- r. � #1W ,r�i"" �1'�� �`r���h-f .r�L�t. �:{,i�•:ir� <br />.��-i �4.. w':�?. `�7`)�.. .,4� :�r} .' � Y•. . . . -;� l����4�� "i„? �1.'a�n�1�a�•.�:r�?:w��f�4�� ,•�:�. 'T`;"- .'ty��?`�'t��' ��i�� � <br /> -� t '� �(.:=• . 7. � ,- �`t L. 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