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,r_; • +���y�•}�in-m:r �r �r.. ..���.,,�a�+;r,. , <br /> -- — � � �:���,- �:;X�4�W"�3�I1� , .. 1� • •..;�''"^',• �.+��f*�n` ,�;�� .1�r'[r-= .. � _ .�. _ <br /> ��Q • . _. . `, . o.�., / • •.�-- <br /> _ h r �����c..�'.'� ��r n, r�415� _ . �i�l'�� u• . . �P �.. � ,'f""rr'-. <br /> .�.., • _ r, , .�a�-„✓�, +�d. _ ' . ,. •:� , � n .„ . N• <br /> ' � �1Y� .b�����l0��'�/�'10 Mly�' �� ?.. <br /> 1�h �� ����' � . ��F��� '`III���� �� ,'.Y — <br /> , .-•:V, (r ��� ��tl�R 0�4C ��� �1�11��I�d� �� � --- <br /> ��.10.�sA��'�'+����.���� a.� <br /> ' ��1qr ��������co��o�'�������► ��� � . <br /> • . ., �. <br /> �� <br /> - -------------s- � � 1�++t+mme�t ead d���eo�ed he�d��r�II s�fi�l�tl�v�e M if saaotlM�dm l�d aoo���. �ae�':, "'. <br /> • d�lt b I�dIMqMO!�110t appiy ib 1�10�or�ooela�don M4dsFp�ii 17. � . • '� � • - - <br /> � 1!. 8�N d 1VNq C7w�e d t.o�a�nler. '�1Nr No�!ar a�il hMe�eK b dia No�e(oo��lfdc.� � . <br /> .. " lmpuma�)m�Y be�old aie or�none Nma�rlthaut p�iar nolioe w A aib m�y newlt iA a�1�i iR IYa a�tity' <br /> (kno�a u tba"U�n►Sa�►io�")Wpit cdleea moad�iy pym�eab�duA anAat the Na�e�ad�lid�9eamtry Id�hwae�tr''!'Mw+�Iw ,� <br /> mry bs aaa ar n►aa c�e�d tlie 1.0�Sav�oer u��Med ta a�1e�tbe Note. If tbeQb f��aNa�s ot tha Se�vloer� <br /> 1lax�ower vvill ba�iven wiitNa nd�lioe ai rha d�e ia wo�oe wtdt pr�ph 14 ab�oiro a�fi applkabb hw Tl�e nolioa <br /> � .. wW snte tbe n�nac wd Wdro�of d�e new1.Lc��b�x�id i4 ddiats a p�ye�t�oM{d be ttNde.�'t'4��olioo rill . . <br /> �Mo aanqtd rpy odier infamadan tequ�red b�v�plic�bia la�r. <br /> ► , �0. �do�n&�a� Bon�o�ror�In�q�ot ca�c ar p�nnh tlie pmiaiaa.uoe.dkPoW.�tor� alea�e d�oy <br /> ° H�z�rdout Subsla�es aa a ia tl�e Pw�e�ry. �io+�t� oot do�na�ilbw�ayoao elre w do.��Wo <br /> � �rapaty tb�t L ia vbl*tlon W�F,mir�ommtal 'll�e p�+ooedl�two saioenoes d�W not to Wo p�eta�ot�;oso.wr . <br /> � �aQe oa d1e Propaty of�qw�M�tia d Hn�undaus Subqaaaaa t�t�re�ae�dly r000p��be�PI�Pri�e�►�o�l , <br /> � • �wa�nd�o�nlaomoe af'IYe Hiopetty. ` . � <br /> __-_--. .-_- -.--__._�,. . ��l ., E�o��a!!p:+earep!!p giYe l�er�notEee���.��.i.,d�l.drvauit ac athic ar�Io�b7r an►-,_.____'.:1=-:' <br /> _.__-��. � . ,,, . �,amnamil or r�uWorY a�acy a P�vate pwty L►vdvin�the Ptopeity and aay Ha�udoaa Snbstar�oa ar Bav�rca�l <br /> Law af alikh Aart�uwar lutv aotual Imowled�o. U Hamwa kam�. or h rmtified,by u�y govam�eaW or�ul�oory <br /> - wd�ority.tbtu ao�►�aaoval or a�ber�rmedi�tian of my Ha�ious Sobsqnoe Weoatig ti�e P�nopetty is oeoe�ry.Bon�avex �. <br /> - +�P�PUY Wce�ll neccssary rapodlai actions ln�COO�danoe wjW FAViro���eotal Lsw. , <br /> As uaed ia tdL pat;gt�ph 20."H�r,tndour Substu�c�"�ne d�oce�'g i�neQ a�wsic or h�aa�dou:wbsnooa by <br /> - BmLo�una�al Law md the following sub�au�oes: gasoline,lcaoecne. othc¢9�nnm�ble ar wxic par�olarm product�.tio�c�e '''�:' ' <br />- `___ '. pes�c�da md herbicides. voLtile solveats.matedab containin��6eria ur gonn�IdehYde.And radloactive mataials. As � <br /> - used in thia p�agraph 20."Env��nnmaiW Law"means fodnd laws�ud Vws ot the jwiRditt�eqt wLae tbe P�npaty�lacaled <br /> � dat relate eo he�lth.ufety a eovironmp�tal protectian. '• , <br /> NON-UMFORM COVBNANTS. Bamwer and L.ender funher cavenant and n�nee ac ioUow�; <br /> lL Acadn�sUoai Rewedies. ��ead4r s1w11 dr'e�otloe W Borrowar prior to�tdN�Borro�we�y <br /> ,,• <br /> , 6�+es�i d soy oove�ad or agreeineat in Wis SecW'ity 4�ste'on1eM(6at oot prlor to�ooekaHo�q�dRr p�rap'apr 17 <br /> �� �le�s a�plky6k la�'W'avlde�al�erwise). T6e nofibe�p ' <br /> ;. ; r�i4: (�)tbe hult;(bYtbe�ctioa r�qotnd to�itve!Me . <br /> - -- ___ _�, . dda�lt.;(tD a d�te.�ol fes�tl�w JY d�ys 1'tom U�e dste tMe�dce is �ivea to Bor�^o��r.iary wiici d�e defaoit,�a�ao?�e <br /> _ '�ii'�� crndi'aad(d)lh�t fAllare to c�ve t9u defanit aa or befort.tRK�d�te specifkd in fbe nqt9ve may rwlt te sooder7lbibr'�+d <br />=..;: i the aams secured 6y tNts Securi�Y Instrument aod sale of the�'aperly. The notke sh�ll�nrther fatorm Borrowd�� <br />- � tbe ri�ht to reWstate atter acoekrntlou wid the rieht to brlug p;colrrt�eRRiw�to assert t6e non-e�steaoe of a ddwlt or . <br /> _,��`�`a" � aoy d6er defease of Sorro�ver to acceleralbn and snle. IF the�ldsawll is�at cured on or be�ore t6e d�ta specHied io <br /> ,-r�J.iia« .. <br />-ti'�'."" the ooNce,Lender at ib optbo nwy nquire immediate paqmen:l3a fi�rp vi'aDl sums secured by this Savtity Iastrument <br />, � without fWrther deow�d ud mAy lavolce the power oi csale A»d any ol6er remedies permitted by sppliaible law <br />:`Y� � I.eoder�slull be eaHtkd to colkct �II expenses iocurrcd io pu�suiag tbe remedks provWed b tbls psra�rap6 tl, <br />�`� iodnding.but not Umifed ta.reasonable attarneys'fees aad easts ot titk evldence. <br /> U tbe poWer at sWe L�lavaked,7lrustee s6al1 record a aotice oi detswlt ia wcb county in whlcb aay part ot the <br /> _—?1 I Property Lv located And slwll mail coples of such notice io Ihe maaaer pl•esa�i6ed by applica6le Isw to Botrower sad to _ <br /> _�._._,��, fhe other person.s prescri6ed by appllcaWe law ARer the tlme requfred by applkabk law�'I�ustee sb�dl give public <br /> _- - _= aotice of sate to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by ApplicAble Ww 7�ustee,witbout demnnd on Borrower. <br /> J�� ' s6Wl sell t6e Property At public auction to Ihe highest bidder aR iMe dme and place aad under the tet�as deaigaated ia <br /> ° ;,1 the notice ot spk in one or more parcels And in any order 7lrustee detertnines. 71ru�tee may pastpone�le d'pli or any <br />_ "�� pareel of the Property by public anaouncement At the time �nd place oP any previously schedukd N�Ye. t.�nde�or(t� . <br />- designee may purcas�se the Property at any sale. • <br /> .�k,. '";Y;r_ r " Upon receipt o�payment of the price bid.71�ustee shnll�e�lver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the <br /> ,���`'�"�`' � Propert,v. The recitals in Ihe 7lrustee's deed shall6e prima fucle evidence of the truth o�the statetnents made therein. <br /> .,�:.�� x-.°;� ,,,. <br /> � `%�d j°;+�s'�-�"'' ��'� ' 7Mustee shWl apply the precceds of the sale In the followin�order:(al ro all ca�t.g aad expenses of exercWw�Ihe power <br /> }� '. � <br />_ '�. •��.��� � I <br /> � ._� �'., <br />: ..�Yt. i•' �•:�_. � <br /> r,_•- <br />. .54' '..'�?,',. I , <br /> '.it����,'�y r - <br /> l��f�'�� <br />- ��'y wr+�'+�f;ctr.� � _ <br /> ' �., f, _ <br /> _� ..i�.fi.,: •..aTL:y I _. <br />. ' 4.�""7I'�j�.�l[ _ <br /> � ��'-�I <br />., r.��� . . !,%�r� _.. <br /> • +t,� <br /> � ,: . ( �t,:�.. Far1q JYIM Y/9D I puXr�of b(+uAr.v� _ <br /> ..,. I"�:� <br /> T�,.�• �<,".:t <br /> �� ..�.'�`+�!�.��a _ <br /> '`�-�' .1� K�:•V. <br />. .� �. 'S P .��J =. <br /> /y11�� <br /> . 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