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'� �. � — <br /> �'_�.N .. • u , ��. , " , . .�7 .F .. k.. �,,� � `+������ e�0 '�•-.. <br /> • �`'�wi9R��M�;�t�f►1wt`.�lrF�6►•aiu��ll�y�wwi�Mr�dM�;'�}iMi1�!4�'iNI�M�"�^�:_,::=:-_ <br /> ���swm d i'�:tdd�of ths lia�e�tr.t��p� s1�0 6r 8p�i�', �e�MraoM�!Y^� l�b�� k'� -- <br /> ..'�r�rt.whelMb'r or oQ��'p�a�+dns►wHh any excoM•p�l b�B�rroww 6 k�ot�patW�.Qf I�. � .. . .> <br /> ' •� rybtob ei.tidr't�tlyt v�Id�P1�ha r�qiaty+mmedi.le�y b�ea�td p��.'��jwl�b ar�1ar 1l�r aM�euornt'�tMNr �„. „,. <br /> �CUro4 b�'q��c�aNf►'Ip�nqent tmtneAlMdy bet'aro d�0:���Mr�w�r and I..ender apre fa wf - <br /> ��aw.cec�p►�dbylt�t�'aY��6it�all W ned�cod by d�o � o#tha�p� lioc!by�t�ho.l��Ilor�'' �� . - <br /> � d�e b W�r i n o�s a t o t�h e a u�u secwad ildaa�'�.divlided by(�b)tl�s��i'�loot v�lta d qie . <br /> b�o� ( ) � <br /> , P�rppo�t�ima►adl�ut�r b�are da a�tla�. My b�aioe�U� pdd a �ban+w�r. �Ia dM ev�ait d r p�W t��{af U�`. <br /> ' .lAropetty ia whkh sl�e 8iir m�rket v�lue of the P�apaty IaaaodiM�y betoto tbe pici�i�ka duun d�e mtoaqt ot tNe wmt <br /> �aa�d im�dl�b�y befae the t�h�,�la� Ba�r�o��nd I.aider otbawGe apen in aritiaj or u�Miw�pli�bls Va <br /> �, af�+wbe provida.da praoeaU�II be�pplted to t1a awns�ecurod yr tNir Seawiry Inwuaaeat wUaF�a aot d�p sums�ns = <br /> — ". . �Utbe Prq�aty ir�6�la�ad iq►Bwonwer.or if.�lt�r aotba by Lcader to Bomowar tlWt tfie ca�daneor oftetr to n�lfte ' ' <br /> �n�vvad ac idnie a cl�im for Muiu�a:�ono�x fi�W to rp�pond b I.onder wlthin 30 d�ya�r tbe d�te tlie odioo i�S1vm. �.: . _ <br /> �l.pder b wd►a�ed to coueet md�ppi�►tho p�nooed�:a its opliom.aithet w rawatlon a�qir d rhe Propeity a�oa�a. <br /> a�u sacuied by thts Security lasurmaw.wbctbier or not tha�due. � ' <br /> - Uatas Leader�od Ha�rar otha�i�e�gree ia wri�n{,any �tion of poceed�a p�iacipMl tiu�ll aa aaland or . <br /> -- poppaie the due d�te of die moKhly paymeds�fared to in 1 �ad 2 a�dw�ge d�o amount of a�cb pqmiaau. � � <br /> __ iL Mrt�o�ea� IY� R�Mwd; Ii�rDeir�woe Sy l.ewdu' • �iiver. Eatauion of We tbpe fur p�ypn4mt ar ..: <br /> ,_. �� <br /> :.=: . a�Fia�ion of�qa�adaa oP We wou��oc!wed bl►t(a�3t�irit��a�aa�t�d bY i.endex tt�m�yr woocc�r��iniae�i•. �`_ <br />-�=_ .i.. a�Bormwer d�p nat operate to rck�ase Jw�i�biliqr af Ik aigia�l Ba7itower ar liamwety srcoe�oa io ioterat.�.e�det � <br /> • �,s�}�a11 not be�oquwed to oama�aa Pi�ceedings agai�pt:nri�►waessor in inare:t ar refuso�o eateod daoe�"ort pv�na�t ar � <br />_ �btbavvire.malify w�w�tFz�tian of the su�m s4emed bY tlilc.�acurity ia�ent by nacaa of aay dem�od mada by the ai�iau�l <br />- - - ' Ba�uaer or BonowerY�uecescor�ia ink�ai. My forbenraMS by [.a�der in acaei�aaY ri�ht ar troa�edy�Mlt aot 6e a <br /> w�dver ot or pt�dude�he exercise of any��g��i or rcmedy. <br /> --- • 12, Sua�sora�nd AWpu Ba�nd;Ddnt and Severa!Li�Wlilyi Co-slyoers. 't'he oova�tu wd sgroema�of d�is <br /> Securiry In�hwnait ihrll bind ud UenCtit the sucoes�e and wigns of La�der and Bon+nwcr.wbjxt to tbe pnw►uia�s of <br /> �ph 17. Baa+owul�covenants And a�nts chWl be jalnt and savual. My I3onnwer who co-�i�u this Security , <br /> = Imtrumau but does not exxute the Note: (a)is co-signing thf� Sxurity lnstrunient only to mongage�g�aru nd oa�vey du�t <br /> - Bomnwer�inW�eu In�he!'rnpeny under�he tertns of thia Security Insbu�e� (b)is not persannlly abligued w p�y We�mr • <br /> - cceunod by this Se�t}rity,It�menr and(c)ABroes d�at Lender and any other Barrower may a�ree w extend,modlfy.farbear <br />>,,. or malce pny�000dntha�lion�aith re�d to the tem�s of this Sexurity�n9wmart or the Note withau flwt Banuwerl� <br /> ___ _ ��, .. .' . -• _ <br />—"-�=� � 13� Lwn C�a9. Uu yhe loan secwrd by this Secudty lnsu�ane�t is sub)ec�to a law which sats�►m loAn <br />"�'�T'�'�' �charges,and�hat law e tinuGGy inte�prctod so tiwt the f�terest or oU�er loan charges coilectod or to be collected��,aaxdon <br /> u wi�h tlie loan exaed the permitted limits,tlun: (u)any such loui charge sholl be reduced by the amauit neauu�r�YO roduce <br />_ „�: � the charge to the pesmitted limit;and(b)any sums already colkcted from 6unower which exccede��tm itted limits wHl be <br /> ' �funded w Bormwec L.ender may chaose�o matce this r�efund by�educing the principal owod wider the Nde or by malcing a <br /> di�xt pxYmrnt w Bomuwer. If a refund reducec pri�uipal.the rpducUon will be aeate�as a partial p�epoyma�t witbout any <br /> pn�ayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14, Notices, My naice to Bomnwer provided far in�his Security Instrumcnt shall be given by ckGv�Yipg it or by <br /> mailing it by Firs�claas mail unless applicable Inw requires use of another methad.7he notice shall be directed to 1he P�opeRy <br /> - Address or any mher addrcss 8ortuwer designutes by notke ro Grnder. 1ny notice to L.ender shall be givm by Pust class <br /> 'r mafl to Lender's address s�ated herein or r�ny dher uddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice ptavided for <br /> in Uas Secu�ity )nstrument shall be deemed to huve been given to Bonawer or Lender when givcn as provided in this <br /> �,Ya,,. _ <br /> f.� �1S�Governing Law; Severabflity. This Security lnstrurncnc shall bc govemed by federnl law as�d the law of the _ <br />- �+ jurisdicUon in wNch the Property is lacated. In the event that nny provision or clause of this Securi[y lnatrument or the Nou m- <br /> � contlicta with upplicable law,such contlict shnll not affect other provislons of this Security Instrume nt vr the Note which can _ <br /> - '�? '''�•� be given effect without the contlicting provision. To this end ttie provisionr uf this Security Instrument and the Nou arc <br />