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<br /> ., +�:. •• •� ���'�� � FIRE,CA3UALTY,AND OTHER IN3URANCE:To keop such property Insured apaimt loss ar dama�e by tfre and other �=�J��----,,_�_r_
<br /> � rbk a�blcs whlah,in the wl�opinlan ot Beneficlery�hould ba I�sured apelnet.und�popcios of intW�ence with loss �;__
<br /> . �� „ � payable to 8ene11ciary in form,amount and campanles acceptebla to Beneficisry.Ssid�iolieiss�hall be dellwred to�nd
<br /> , , �� � , . remalnfnpoue�s�onotesnst�ci�ryastu►thersecuriqforihefalthtulperlormanceoftheseabllpolons,whichd�llvsryshall
<br /> ' C� conaUtute an aselpnmenl by Truator to 8eneficfary of all rl�hb lhereunder,includlny alf return pnmlums;to d�liver to
<br /> C BaneQcfery a pollcy or policies renewinp or extendin�any expirin�fnsurance with a receipt showin�p�amfums pNd�t ��_�
<br /> *" least thirty(30►days betore expiration.N Truator fafls to ao deliver any re�ewal polfciea,8enellciary may procurs such —
<br /> insu�ance s�a it may elect and may make payment ot premiums the�eon,which payment ia repeyable an demand.Neither _ __ _ _.
<br /> I � _- --
<br /> Trustee nor Baneticiary ahall be responsfble for obteining or maintaining such inswance.Beneticiery,f�om time to time,
<br /> may fumish to eny Insurance agency or compeny,or any other person,eny intormatlo�cantained in or extraated Uom any
<br /> T � inaura�ce poHcy theretofore delivared to Benetfciary purauant hereto,and any intormatlon concerninp the lo�n aecured �__
<br /> hereby.In no event and whether or not defeult hereunder has occurred ahell Beneficiary,by the fact o1 approvfnq, ��
<br /> . , acceptinp oroblaining such insurance,incur eny Ifabiliy forthe amountof such insurance,theform or legal sufficiency of �:__.____
<br /> • • ir�surence contracts,solvency of insurers,or payment of losses by insurers,end Trustor hareby expressly aasumes full °_ _ _ _
<br /> � responsibiliry therefore and IiabiHy,if any,thereunder.In lhe event of loss.Trustor shall give immedfata wrltten�otfce to ;�,�.N,.�_,__��.
<br /> � � � Beneficlary,and 8eneficiary m�ay,but�S not obtigat,eC 4o,.rnakQ proof of loss it notmade promptly by Trustor.In case of eny .k';����.:=7��:::
<br /> � � ��.�:�,n���,:��X=:.�.
<br /> Uoas the amouMC011ected�trtdier ac�x pdic�r ot insurart,ce on s+.rch prope+ty may,atttte aption of the BeneliCiery,be appUed ;.��,.n,o�
<br /> ru�� _ �rn�.
<br /> byBeneBciaryuponanyiodebledRess+and'lorobli atiansecuce�krereby2intFinsuchord�e�ernctam°untas8eneflcierymay �;,.:�;,�,��._ :,,,,,�N
<br /> 9 � _..
<br /> � ` determine;or said amvunt w an��thereof may,et the option of the Benenciary,either be uaad in replacing or ,��,����:.h�T�
<br /> '�'' . restoring the impro�ements part�aVly or totally destroyed to e condition satiafactory to said 8eneficiery,or said amount or ��:. •��w��_`�;_____
<br /> � �"'" -�--
<br /> � any portion thereof may be released to the Trustor.In any such event neither the Trustee nor 1he Beneficiary ahell be � ,:.�_.��',.v.�_- �
<br /> +���'''` ob�ti,Qated to sseto Me p�o�er applicatfon thereoF nor shall 1he amount so released or used be deemed e peyment on any .t����•.i
<br /> ..�... �_�a��-
<br /> � nn;��mtedness sece�reci hec�ee�r.8ueh application,use and/or release shall not eure or waive any detaulto�notice ot default '•�`4�_,_�_
<br /> ,; � �� 1�re�mrJ�er or invalidate arny act done pu►suaM to such notice.Any unexplred insurance and all retur�able insurance , ��;;�.5.�,=�;s
<br /> ,pra�+nit�m�s'h���i in9u►e tothe benelit a1,and pass to,the purchaser of the property covered thereby at any Trustee's sale held � ��.-p�-�=-�
<br /> d�ereunder.II sald properry Is sold pursuant to the power of sele contained herein or pursuant to any decree of toreclosure, � ��{`',``�
<br /> all right,tltle and intereai ot Truator in a�d to the proceeds of tlre a�d other inaurance pollcies for damage prforto the aele, ' � ���.
<br /> � which proceeds are�ot recelved pria�to the date ot said sele,ahall belong to Beneficiary.Truator will comply with such � _
<br /> other requirements and provlde such other type of insurance as Beneficiary may require from time to time torthep►otecdon �;;�
<br /> ' ' by insurence of the fnterest of the respective parties hereto. 'y`�
<br /> ,� . :rF.�-
<br /> .:�1��:;'��� TAXES ANO OTHER SUMS DUE:To pay,satisy and diacharge,at least to ten(10)days before delinquency all general ; : ;;�j��.��
<br /> and speciel taxes and essessments and other publlc charges,and in no event Ister than the dete auch amounts become .
<br /> _-- �= due Snd to turthar pay whsn dua or raquc�tsd:{1)aN sncumbrancea,ch�r�ea And Ilene,with interes�on such property,or � ' ?�+';���
<br /> .. �•;;;;;.;., . �. ...
<br /> �, � !� � any part thereof,whfoh are,or appear to beneflclary,in its sole discretlon,to be prior to or supe�lor hereto,(2)all costs,lees !, . ,; ,
<br /> .',,;�,�-.'' ' andexpensesofthfstrust,whetherornotdescrfbedherein,�3)feesorchargesforanyatatementreyardingtheobllgatlon � , � '` _
<br /> t ..
<br /> . � aecured hereby In any amount demanded by 8eneficiary,not ta exceed the maxlmum amount allowed by law therefore at
<br /> the time when such request ia made,(4)such other charges as the Beneticiary may deem reasonabla for services rendered .
<br /> � by Beneflclary and tumfshed at the request of Trustor ar any succeasor in intereat toTrustor,(5)if such p�operty inoludes a ;;;'�,j �;,�
<br /> leaoehold eatate,all payments and obllgations required of the Truator o�hia succesao�In intereat under the te�ms of the . ,_,
<br /> instrument or instruments creating auch leasehold,(6)all payments and mo�etary obHgatlons requked of the owner of � � }
<br /> such property under any declarallon of covenants, conditfons end restrictlons pertalning to such property or any 1 �
<br /> '�•' 1 modilicatfon thereol;(7)all mortgage insurance or guaranry fees.premluma,or charges of any nature pertefning to such { ;
<br /> . �;j���.';,•,•' property.Trustoragreesto notily Beneficlary immedlately upon receipt by Trustor o1 notice of any increase fn the assessed `
<br /> �; �';!' '��' value ot such propery a�d agreea that Beneficlary,in the name of Trustor,may contest by appropriete proceedin�a such
<br /> . . � Increase in assessmenl �� .
<br /> , , ,i' � . ..
<br /> ,. In the event of the passage ot any law deductfng from the value of real prope►ry tor the purposes of texatlon any lien ' �;,;;�;.
<br /> ' thereon or changing In any way the laws for the texadon ot deeds of trust or debts secured by deeds of trust for state or local
<br /> . pu�poses.or the manner of the collection of any such taxes,so as to aHect this Deed ot Trust,the holder of thia Deed of Trust
<br /> and of the obligetlons whlch it secures shall have the right to declare all sums secured hereby due as of a date to be
<br /> � speciNed by not less than 30 days'written notice to be gfven to 7rusfor by Beneficlary;provided, however,thai such
<br /> eleation shall be ineffective if Trustor fs permitted by law to pay the whole of such tax in addNfon to afl other payments
<br /> � requlred hereunder and if,prior to such specified dete,does pay such tax and agrees to pay any such tax when hereatter
<br /> levied or aesessed against such properry,and auch agreement shall constdute a modlflcaiion of this Oeed of Trust
<br /> FUNDS FOR YAXES AND INSURANCE:If Beneticiary shall so request,Trusto�agrees that there shall be edded to the
<br /> pe�fodical payment required to be made hereunder an amount estimated by Trusted to be suHicient to enable trustor to
<br /> � ' pay,at least thirfy (30)days before dellnquency,all general�nd special taxes,assessments,or other public charges
<br /> ; agalnst such property,the Promissory Note,or upon or on account of the debt or the 1 ien of this Deed otTrust,together wfth
<br /> ' premfums tor insurance required to be provided under this Deed of Trust and aN mongage insu�a�nce or guaranty fees,
<br /> , ' premiums or slmilar charges and no fnterest shall be peyable to Trustor�n respect thereof.Upan demand by Trustee.
<br /> . Trustor shall deliver to Trustee such additional sums ot money As are necessary to make up ae�y deticiency In the amOUnls ,
<br /> •� � necessary to enable Trustee to pay any of the foregofng ite+rs.
<br /> .� '.
<br /> � SUMS ADVANCE�TO BEAR INTEREST:To pay immediate�y�upon demand any sums advances or paid by Beneticiary
<br /> or 7ruatee underamy waause or provision otthis�eet0 of Trust.Any such sur�s.ufl7i1 sa+epAid,shall be secured hereby and
<br /> bear interest from ti�e date advanced or paid a!tlhe same rate as set fonh in su�h P�omissaryr Note and ahall be secured by �
<br /> this Deed ot Trus�
<br /> � r...��...6..�..1...1•ai+e/arc onA
<br /> � ASSIGNM�NT OF DEP051TS:That as aaa�ac,r,Ar secunryr�Y i�+s bn e c�r�3i�u��+���7voT, ��..a.... .�.......� .....•-•-•--••-
<br /> assigns to Beneficiary during continuance of these Zrusts,all right,t�tle and interest to any and all monies depos�ted by
<br /> � Trustor or deposited on behelf of Trustor wdh are�v cany,counry.public body or agency.samtary d�stnct,gas end/or eleciric
<br /> �� ;.� company,telephane company and any othe►bady ur agency.tar the installat�on or to secure the instelletion of any ulility by
<br /> . .� j Trustor,peAaining to this property.
<br /> FA�LURE OF 7RUSTOR TO COMPLY WITW DLED OF TRUST:In theevent Trustor should fafl to make any payment,or to
<br /> do arty act as prov�ded in this Deed ot Trust,or fa�i to peHarn any oC��gat�on secured by this Deed ot Trust,or do any act
<br /> , Trustor agreed not to do.Beneficiary,but without oBl�gat,un so to do and without�otice to or demand upon Trustor end
<br /> . ' without releasing Trusto�f�om any obligetion hereot and w�tnout contesting thevalidity or amount o11he same,may(a)pay,
<br /> make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as it mey deem necessary to protect the security hereof,
<br /> � Beneficiary being authorized to enter upon such property for such purposes, and (b) pay, purchase, contost or
<br /> campromise any encumbrance,charge or Ilen,which in its�udgement is or appears to be pnor or super�or hereto,and l c►
<br /> � in exercising any such power,pay necessery costs.fees,and expenses,employ counsel and pay counsel's reasonable :
<br /> 1 lees.Trustor asrees to repay any amount so expended on demand ot Beneficiary. I
<br />