q .u�w»�+Q'�-'�------^^- � � - . __.
<br /> �-� . .:. , :�..,. -_ -
<br /> "..��;; �s.-
<br /> ;;._,:...�.•;C�:` - �-
<br /> . �:i,: .. --
<br /> .�-- - -,-_...�-�---��., - -- —_�_- --_-__--�_ _...
<br /> : ��, . .. . . � 91-� 1o27ai
<br /> � DEED OF TRUST " _..e.....
<br /> � �--�'«'�'-'''�' THIS DEED 0�TRU3T,nMd�ihis 30th �Y o� _ April ,1�91 �p�� ;
<br /> �; John W. Wtsyna and Teresa A. Wdyne, hueb�nd and wife ef T�uitor.
<br /> � " . ' Fia7f�r Bank,NatbnN Assocl�ilo�.Omah�,N�bpwlca as Truste�. --
<br /> ��,� ��.''.° �� F{rs�8ank.NAdanal MsociANon.Omaha.Nebratka �s 8�neficiary: �----- ___ . _ ---
<br /> ',,►'�Q, . � � n." .
<br />.r,.:.
<br /> ,;� < � +r- WITNES3ETH:
<br /> p��'. , , ' ,, �. ,
<br /> • . ' Thst T►uNor I�►avocably pranb,tranNe►s and aaafgns to Trustee in trust, with power of sate,the followlnp desc�ibed
<br /> � ' • property: The �rtherly Sixty-six (66) feQt of Lot Five (5), and the Northerly si�.ty-six (66) �='�',�^^.R��*•�<-
<br /> ,;,�, Y feet of the Weaterly Forty-four (4A) feot �f Lot Six (6) , in Block Fifty-four (54), in the - - J__ _
<br /> � Original Tor�m• ti'ww City of Grand Ieland, Hall County, Nebraska. _ ���
<br /> .t'�++, '
<br /> . �. , '� --
<br /> ;. �..-�.-___ -
<br /> .., , --- -
<br /> °:��;:;:;,;_;�;�w
<br /> . �z..,°-
<br /> togethe�with ell iMerest which Trustor now has or may horeafter acqufre in and lo seid property a�d in and to:(a)all �-.,. - ""'�
<br /> • ty ,,�;�:'.�y.awr;z...,�
<br /> ' easements and�ights of way appunenant thereta;(b)all tenements,hereditaments,buildings,structures,improvements, ��i;,,:;,�;.::�a;._��-=
<br /> �'?�` • ffxtures,equipment,turnishings and appurtenences�ow or hereeiter placed thereon;(a)all leasehold estete,�pht tflle, �• . �` �=-"'
<br /> . �,,,:..� i �� �.:,.. . _
<br /> • , ; , �-��''�• and interest of Trustor in end to all leases or subleases thereof or any portion thereof now or hereaiter existing or entered �r : •,�:;�
<br /> into,endallright,dtle,andinterestofTrustorthereunder,including,withoutlimitadon,allceahorsecu►itydoposits,advance � ' �„_�,�.
<br /> � ' � renWla,and deposita or payme�ts of simflar neture,and(d)ell minerel,ofi.gas�ighta and proNte,water,wete��fyhts,and � ,�,�,,Y,r�,,,;��
<br /> ��•�'�' " water atack.Trustor aq�ees to exeaute a�d deliver,from time to time,such iu�ther instruments es may be requested by ����_
<br /> �•.�•�7.��`�. ' ; - SG:•:F:'\_i�t'�� ..
<br /> �� Beneficiery in form and subatence satiafecfory to 8eneiiciary io cnniirn�ti�e iien of tiiie Deed ot Trusi on atty ot its8 �--. _
<br /> atoremendoned property.The property so conveyed to T�ustee hereunder is herelnatter reterted fo ae"such propeAy". �F�.' ���'�r`• _
<br /> �;` . ., �.
<br /> ,ti�-; -
<br /> • ° The Trusbrabsolutely end irrevocably granta,transfers and asai�ns to Beneliclery the rents,income,Issues,and profits _,. __
<br /> ; , '>;:�;--
<br /> �,,: - � .' ' ot all property covered by this Deed ot T�us� ;',`'�,��"�"" ';�;�:.
<br /> .,.•t�
<br /> .. ,•,�,-
<br /> 4; ',1, ::�'�-_-
<br /> ' � � FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURINa: �`'�""�� �-�
<br /> ,',f•y�' =
<br /> 'ltee��ty t�� thousand eiqht hundred sixty-three and ,, �•ti�`'-M'
<br /> ,,• t. Peyment o1 the principal sum of __^^___ „, ���i7-�
<br /> r.. •� . 75/100 ------------($22,563.75) Dollars- � ., �s,,_��*
<br /> �,�. � ° •
<br /> . . ' ' evfdenced by the certain promissory note dated of�ven dete herewhh(hereinaiter referred toas the"Promissory Note'7 �^ '�`�'':ti`-i;�'
<br /> I�'1'' executed by John W. Wavne and Teresa A. Wavqe, husband and wife • •-. --
<br /> ;';,.�,�.;,:, ' . i;`
<br /> • ^ �•tr�'.i�:°: ;', in sald amount and payable b the order ol8eneticiary mafuring on May 30, 1991 , , , . ••
<br /> � � ���;�fv�if' � ' �., together with interest therean,late charges,and prepeyment bonuses accordi�g to the terms of the Promissory Note •• L'��--
<br /> i ..,.� .�-..,,,,_
<br /> � �''' ' ' ' � end all renewals,extensions,and modfftcatio�s thereof. � ""`'�`
<br /> ';,• .• :,.. , •
<br /> ..,,,, _ . , .•. M
<br /> � " �••`�'�'`��i'��'���+ �`���'�•� 2. Pe�torme�ce,discharge ot and compHance with every obligatlon,covenant and agreement o1 Trustor incorporated by �
<br /> ,. � '���';��;�:;;,., ,. � .:� reterence or contained herein or in any other security agreement or deed of trust et eny time glv6n to SeCUre any `
<br /> �• indebtednesa hereby seCU�ed,or any pert thereof. I " �'
<br /> ;1'; .,, .,. '`',t,' C J y., ry-
<br /> ... ,,. ,, ��;��
<br /> � ••��r�• 3. Peyment of all leas and charges of Beneflcfary or Trustee,whether ar not set torth herei�. i ���;�.,;�_;
<br /> ; , . �..,, ,,.a.�.,
<br /> , •'�i:;i;'' • � . �
<br /> + �� �' '�� '��"�'' TITLE:That it ia lewfully seized and possessed oi a good and indefeasible title and estate to all of auCh property In fee
<br /> • :�:,: �
<br /> � •i�;:;;,;,• � • simple iree from any prior lien or encumbrance,has good right a�d lawful authority to convey the same,and wfll forever
<br /> • wa��ant and defend the tNte thereto against the claims and demands of all per$ans whosoever;that it wtll,at its expenae, .
<br /> ' nt�iar.9ain end presen+e the lien ot this Deed of Trust as a first and peramouret lien�on auch property. ;;'.,.,
<br /> ,:;;:: , ' '• •,
<br /> � • MAINTEt�A�iCE 'Pcr�ee,�s�ch property in good ca:�d�non anc{reDair;Ao c�m�;ete or restorQ pam��tfy And dn good and •`°`�'� �1`i:,•.�.; • �•.,
<br /> � % �' workmanli�ce n^,a^rer�c�y 2+�itding wn�clrt may be constructed.�sa:�mug ed�o►des9n�yed the►emn�nd im�py.when due,all ��' �'i��t�.�',�'�';�• '•� � �:.
<br /> t . ,, claims for Oa�r pertormed aRd materiats farmshed therefore and�or a ry a�teraasons thereot to caPnply wutB�tho provlsions :� ;,�,�,!.�,•�;
<br /> � of atl insurance polwies caver,mg seid premises,lo compty with a���aws.�rc��na�ces.reg�Ya�+or+s.Covex�p^�,conditions • .
<br /> ; ' end resUictfons effecting suc�^Qroperry;not to remove.demolish�ar nnatesiaG�y a,:ter a�y bui9ding.or the�haracter or use .
<br /> � j thereof at eny time thereor�:n3t to drill or extract nor to permit the dnllin9 for or exeraction ot�il,gas or other hydrocarbon � '
<br /> .: �','��L ^ ; SUb818I1C@8.W8t8f 0�81iy mifl@f810i 8ny KinO uni�SS ln@ wniien conseni oi BeneiiCinry i�iirao anai ooinii�erci,fiui io w�im�ii�i
<br /> �` ,, i permlt any waste thereaf or any act upo�such property in viala6on ot law;to do all other acis irr a timely and proper manner
<br /> , which ttom the cha�acter or use of such property may be reasona�iy necessary to protect and preserve seid security,the
<br /> '..� f sp�eciNc enumeraUons t�ereu�not excludiny the yeneraf. �.
<br /> • ;' ., . t
<br /> Y�.i•
<br /> CONSTRUCTiON f3F�MPROVEMENTS:To complete rn good and workmanlike manner any buitding or�mprovement or
<br /> repair re�ae�g thereto wh�ch may be begun on such property of cor►temptated by tha toan secured he+eby,to pay when due
<br /> ' all costa anG liabilities incurred therefore,end not to perm�t any machan�c's I�en aga�nst such property.7rustor elso agrees,
<br /> � enything in this Deed CP�rust lo the contrary notwithstanding;(a)to prompt7y commence work and to complete the
<br /> ' � proposed improvementa promptly,(b)to complete same in accordance with pfans and specifications as approved by
<br /> ' Beneficiary,(c)to comply with all of the temnsof any buflding loan agredment between T�ustor and BeneHcfary,the terms of
<br /> which Are incorporated hereln by reference to the same extent as if fully set torth he�ein and made a part ot this Oeed ot �
<br /> � i Trus1.1 d)to allaw Beneticiary to inspect such property at all timss during const�uction.and(e)to replace any work or
<br /> I mate�ials unaatisfaCtory to BeneNciary,within fifteen(15)deys after written notice from Beneticiary ot such fact,wh�ch
<br /> not�ce may be fl�ven to Trustor by reyistered o�certif�ed mail,sent to his last known address,or by personal service ot the �
<br /> ' same. �
<br />