f "� ��' � ' ' ;�
<br /> ,��� ,,,�i�iiir.r
<br /> 1; ,.,_ �J'.` .._ - , _
<br /> �`; ' �
<br /> ..: � . ��� 1..� 102688
<br /> -
<br /> -_ � NON-UNIFORM CUVENANYS. Borrowcr and l.cnder fonher covenant and a�rce�s ful�ow�.
<br /> 17.ForecbwR Proredu�e.It I.e�der nVuitn ImMedlAle WY�et Iq tuil uader p�narspM 9.l.e�dv auY I�ro1►�IMe powa
<br /> � otsde�ad a�Y at4e��edcdlei�e►dltel by�pplic�bk I�w.4ead�r:hs116e eatllkd lo caltec1�p e�pe�ues I�cuned 1�prnrlq{
<br /> . Ilie repiedks uNder IMts p�nse�sPM 17�laclydlnp� bqt aot IIa�01ed to. �saa�bk �IlorneY�' te�w�d co�b°of IIK�Properly
<br /> � 1/1Ye povre►of ale U I�voYed,Tn�tse�h�l)ncord s woUce o/det�ull In e�ch cau�ty fM wMkM��y pu� _
<br /> ` is Ionled��d Rkall maU copla of sne�wtke In Ihe�a�•�e*Pr�r�b�d by�ppllcnbk taw�o Barrower srd�o�M aMer peno�u
<br /> � pnscdbeA by�ppticabk I�w.Ailer Ihe Iime requlrcd by apPU�bte I�w�Trunlee shdl�ive pnblic aolkc ot rwk 10 Ihe penon� � ,
<br /> .-� ;• aad i�Ibe m�aae►prs�ceibed by�pp1lc�Yle U�w.Trasleo.w11Moa1 dem��d o�Barrower�rhW�e111Me PropeAY�t pa��wctlo�
<br /> �'+ lo Ibe hiQhest bidder pl the Ilme��d pl�ce�od under IMe lernu derlan�ted In lbe nalke ot wk In oae or more pwrcels�ad
<br /> '�� �' la�ny order Trustee determiaw TruWa m�y poslpane c�le o f d l or pay pp r c e l o t I h e P ro p e N Y b y Publk aanouncepeal wl
<br /> —�-°:� !Me time wad pb�ce of Aay provba�lY�b�uled sple. Lender or il�desigaee mpY Purch�e Ihe PropeMY�t �ny wk.
<br /> .,�,.;.
<br /> .��::;Y;;�;,�r.,_.«�_�� Upoa receipt oi p�ymeat a� lae price Wd.Tructee�haU ddlver la Ihe purchwcer Trurtee's deed coaveyfaQ Ibe PropeMY•
<br /> .� �..� 7'Ye,rccRq�a i��Ye Tnwlee'r deed�hpll be pdm�tpcle evidcace oP the Irath ot Ihe sl�temen�r m�de Iberefn.Tnulee aqdl app1Y
<br /> -��-� �- -_�- «,�" �k p�xcds ot llhe snle ia the folbw{a� orde�s lo)lo�II expense»oi t6e srle.includina.but aot Wo1led to,Tn�stee's tees _ -.
<br /> �'�'�.'�. I�w nnd rea�on�bk allorneys'[ea:lb)!o nll�una r�ecured by Ilds Sawuib 1�:�(cl�11'
<br /> ,;,�,. _=- .4:._.,'� ��nea ar�b
<br /> '��"" e�oess tu IMe pdsw�or Ve�ouu�le�lly epNlkd l011.
<br />-:;;.;!4',.;���.;',:: :..; -'`
<br /> • �"`'"'';�"' U,Itecopveyuce,Upon payment af all sums secured by tbis Securfty Instrua►ent.l.ender shall rcquest Tructee to reconvey
<br /> �r:���i�::�ii�:,
<br /> �•� tiK Property and shall sumendcr this Secudty Inslrument and all notes evidcncing debt secured by this Security Instrumcnt
<br /> _� " to Trustee.Trustee shail reconveX the Property without werranty and without cha�e to the person or persons IeQaIIY entitled
<br /> �� ��`" to it.Such person or persons shall pwY any recordation costs. - _
<br /> _,..,�,;.•. �,,
<br /> ' �� ��'� 19.Sab�Ulate Tracta. Leader. mt fts option.may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to ___
<br /> .�.�;;,��'; � _
<br /> ��,�,�;;.`r,°;"• ,. �ng Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Secudty Instrument is recorded.Without _
<br /> -=_�.�';;;',:,,;�:�." con•r�,+rance of the Property,the s+�ccessor trustee shall succeed to aU the title.power an�duties conferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> - ;��''"�'�ro"; aud 8���Plicable law.
<br />.�•� ,, :. . • .
<br /> ��=yti•i •=• .� ?A.Reqnest tor NoUces. DaavNer requests that copies of the naices of defauit und sale be sent to Borcc�ti�es's a dress �-...,
<br /> _ ".`�'' '" � �� J which is the Propeny Address."Borrou�e�fur[her requests that copies oA the notices of defau�t and sale be seaa ac�zhe person r
<br /> _���•;y,�.�lfr�:t� set foRh herein."
<br />.;np,�. ,�± ���'- Acceleralloq Clouee.Bae�ower agrees that should this Security Instrument and the note se�ured thereby not be eligible
<br />-�nz������� �=�^�'°' for insurance under the National Housing Act within eixty daqa f'rom the date hereof,Lender may,at
<br />.�°;� ��r;;,�•�,'}'��:_ its option and notwithatanding anythin�in Paragraph 9,require immediate payment in i'ull oP all sums secured by this Securiry
<br /> ` - -- � �"�•t.� Instrument.A written statement oi any authuri�d egent of thc Secretary c!a!sd subsequen�to y�YLp d� e
<br /> ..'..`.. s"i i�tl%S� -':.1�1.�`
<br />':.;,'�. '7;�. `•� from the date hereof,declining to insure this Security Instrument and the note secured thereby,ahall be ecmed conclusive _
<br />,.-�,�,� .�, ;�:.: .;','i,
<br />-,__;, __�;��;?.... , .^ ,• proof oi such ineligibility.Notwithstanding the foregoing,this option may not be exercised by Lender when the unavailability
<br />'-'`'" '► � ' ' ' ' ' of insurance is solely due ta l.ender's failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the secretary.
<br />.;��.tit,r • ,
<br /> '��'' `�'"�' ` � � f r�� Rlders ta IUIs Security InQtrumenl. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded togethe� with thls
<br /> �,.±i
<br /> �_ '': . ,�;�r:•j
<br /> ''��"� ,�s,..��•r-•' �•� `'• Security Instrument.the covenents of each such rider shall bc incorporated into and ahall amend and supplernent Ihe covenants
<br />=:�z�+� �.w�:...-�.:..°%*,� •� and a�rcementa of thi�Securlty 1nsl�ument es if the rlder(s)were in a part of this Security Instrument.[Check applicable box�es)J
<br />'°'�.`'. '�.s,;w�.:, C]Growln E ui1 Rider --�
<br />_ - �(�.�;�"' ❑Condominium Ridcr 0 Adjustablc Race Ridcr 8 4 Y
<br /> 0 Graduated Payment Rider �Other �xhib3t E
<br />-='?'•";�;. �s.,. '�' . 1� (��lanned Unit Devclopment Rider �rtggge Addendum
<br /> 'tir:1; - �� :tili 1,�. .,,,� .
<br /> "F'r.Ia;! ��. ..�h[��.,'�.,,;�,�,p
<br />.�.t•,. , . �„ .:f
<br /> �..
<br /> ' � 'd9'..... ,,..;
<br />;�_, .• .. ,�3,���7.:�_-:,yG.�:��y, � � .S:-
<br /> - .�c�G�};�....,.,.:�:' ': ' • BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to th�terms conlained in this Security Instrument and in any rider(s) ��,r
<br /> ':•_;:; '•'� . '-,:°; .� . executed by Borrowet and recorcled with it. ---
<br />_47�: � �' ,• ,•'�; u ;
<br /> �` ''+RU Q-�_.
<br /> _f�-.' ` , .. • ,,� r, Wirnesses: � (Sea00 f .
<br /> �: :`�.... � '#S,{:,
<br /> `'-'":� .. • '.t�r �I�n�. Saveng S vi9ay •Bonower �;;�
<br /> _•:'j�- •��'��(�`�iir,���.� .* �„[�;
<br /> �:;d ;�,��',..:��,,�.��?3T,s";;,•. .S. � (Sea61 ��:
<br />":ii ' 'I�.�Yl��:y�(I�,�. . _
<br />�s��'+�� �1,,. ��'r. /Y�<<'it.i:,� -
<br /> Y-, .a�,:�r!t; �� � � SOmpo[1 St. iesy •Batrower N��
<br /> .�.{ ,�.� 4t}._ ,�,�.��k.i r,,
<br /> �1'r;'}% ..��"� �:�''
<br /> "±`' ',, ,�f'',,�;;!•,7�;r�' (Seal) �' — lSca61 r,�t'.:
<br /> •r. i��. .t.,..i_� , ..
<br /> _. +'f,��4�;:t?''' •Borrowar
<br />,':1`f i�:}` . .. ,'_ •dorrower Pdxr�oJ� (f¢i.
<br /> ., ir.i� _ y�"�
<br />�.�';: '�:� ; ,",i,:ct ACKNOVI'LELH;�1�.'�'t �
<br /> �'��'* ';+ � �• �'r. ,(,`•ti4' ��w�� Saveng Sr3vieay and Som�+crg Srivisay ,(•'Trustor"),under tha►;.�::ain Deed of Trust dated
<br />�„��. '�.:�. � �.• .,'�;;,� � Commercial Federal � �:
<br />.:ti• ` '�,,��;�.,�;�'�;;,•`, .,�•, January 18, 1991 , �••peed ol Trutit"1 tu be en�ered imo am�•ng Trus�or, :`
<br /> � • i r;?�'(��••,:� ,•� �';;,� Bank, A Federal Savio:t3s E:ank S S :> S .1"Trus�ee")und
<br /> ��;t� .' "' • �r!�-• T h e O v e r Land Natlons� !:�anTic of Grar:d Island �••Bcneficiary"1�o��cring the following dcxribed property: � �''
<br /> i ' � �`j'� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Westexly Forty Seven Feet (W47.0') of Lot Three (3), Block 'l�.io (2) Axt �
<br /> �;•:
<br />�'`%;;�•',, • ' '' and Hagge's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nall County, Nebraska �
<br /> ' � � hereby acknowledBe that it is understoud ihat lal the[�ed oi Trusi to bc rxecuted by Trus�i�r is a trust deed and not a mortgagc
<br /> ,, . .
<br /> _--_, :� ___.. ___ ..�..�____..__�._��.......:.io,i fnr in ihr Ilrrd nf 7ruu erovldes sUbsl:llll'IAlly diffcrem rights nnd obligation�to the Trustur
<br />--- `- allu Iv�wc 1n...0.,.e�..p........_._.......- ---
<br /> � than a mortgage in the eoent of a defaul� of breach ot ohligation.
<br /> • Trustor Ackrtow[edges �hat this Acln�u�IcJgmenc was madc Criur Io Ihc rrecution o(the Uced o1' Tru,t.
<br /> � � � Executed t�nd delicered this I8th day o( January . 19 91 �.
<br /> ,��
<br /> :•::� .
<br /> . , c
<br /> ' � �• :. .�'A�/rV � - - - - ------
<br /> rru.�or veng Srivisa �1O""'1�5ompong S ivisay �
<br /> �
<br /> ' • .. . Slale of Nebnstn. Hall ('ounl� +�:
<br /> �. r..,_,�,,,,__� The foregoing instrumenl w�as acknoxledgcd belore me thi� lSth ��>��•�. January • �y91 : �
<br /> • • ' by Saveng Srivisay and Soopong Srivisay. husband and wife '
<br /> Witness my hand and d, NE in.aid Count�.�hr Ja�c afur�.:�id. ,
<br /> . ��x=ti!��i(�ia[.C�. ^
<br /> . _ , �aaaut�owrsr�w wwr. �S' f i�.��� i
<br /> �1�•rommis�ion c�pirc�: �L��
<br /> � ����.�.�S.1� \.��.u� Puhh.
<br />