__.g�► :���ri� ' '��...:]f- -- �. _
<br /> I.. .�.7.�� '�-�.. _ -- .,_ _.
<br /> � � _ — _- - ---_-
<br /> • �. , �
<br /> r_ ` , �,�� �1.�. lo�sae 91-- ioo�ss
<br /> :�s�� .Ariy appUcation of the procoods to�ho princip�l stull no�exlend or postpane the due dute of the manthly paymeou,which
<br /> ,_ �rc reFerred to in PAra�raph 2.or changr thc amount uf such p�ymenta. Any�cxcess prceced�over an amount required to
<br /> .-;�r p�y�II wu�u�din�indebtedneu unde�the Note and�hi�Securiry In:t�umem sh�ll br paid to�he entity le�lly endtled thereto.
<br /> - i. F�u. Lcndcr may collec� f� and chu�e�Autha�iud by�he Soc�at�ry• �
<br /> ,
<br /> _, , ._ �' 9.G��fw Acceknllo� of Debl.
<br /> �.�.� _ _ _____ (s)1)tl'�pU.l.ender may,cxapt as Iimited by regulations issued hy thc Secrctary in the�aso af pt+Ymenl defaults.rcquire �_
<br /> �� immediale payment in full of all sumc rocured by this Secu�lly Inst�ument if:
<br /> - `°"`-;; (i)Borrower dcPaults by failing to pay in full any monthly payment required by this 5ecu�ity Inurumenc prior�a
<br /> - - - or on the due date of thc next monthly paymcm.or -
<br /> ._^iYA�S'. . - .
<br /> -��.;�-�, :�--' (ii)Bonowcr defauUs by failin�,for a pe�iod of thirty days. to perform any other obliQationc containad in thit
<br /> ��==���_� . Secu�ity Instrumcnt.
<br /> " �,,,,�- ;�_�=�-'°- (6)S�k Wllhont Ce�edU Approv�l. Lender shall.ii permltted by applicabte law and with the priar appraval of the
<br /> �t•`'•°�' '- SocretAry.require immediate paymene in full of att�tce suass securc� by thts Securiiy Instrument iP:
<br /> �oec•.�;:;',,..; ,,; -
<br /> .,e:�., �.:...
<br /> �='-"-�-��!;�� (i)All or part of the Property is otherwise transi'erred(otlrec�han by devisc o�dESCenU by tho Barrowe�, and
<br /> .�':�."_''.i���' " �
<br /> "'-�`=-`"=��f� •�� (ii)The Property is�ot occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her primary or secondary residence,or the =-
<br /> zs:,:•��..�r,r:....; ��.
<br /> �-�:�,r�,_<� . purchaser or grantee does so occupy�he Propeny but his or het credit has not bcen approved in accorda�ea with
<br /> � ="""'�-"°'°°' � the requirements of the Secretary. � -
<br /> __---�� �� --__-
<br /> - °�• (e)No Wdver, If circumstances occur that would permit Lender[o require immedia�e paymene in full,but Lender --
<br /> -'.•�;:,,,i�*L���• dces not rcquire such payments. Lender does not waive its rights with respect ro subsequent events. �,=:
<br /> �__.r�J� , l A"� s��._._
<br /> --- —� '�+�►'�'`.� (dl Re�al�doas ot HUD SeerMuy.In mer�y circumstances regulations issued by the Secretary will Gmit Lender's r ig hts
<br />- ����� � in the case of payment defaults to require imme�fiate payment in Pull and f'oreclose if not paid.This Security Instrument __
<br /> _=:��.
<br />____- �„ LL,� �: does not authoriu acceleration or foreclosure if not permitted by reQul�tions of the Secretary.
<br /> -ci,s�;'.t�:.`.:"r,�
<br /> --- `°"" y,�� 10. Reiast�teme�l. Borrower has a right to be reinstated ii Lender has required immediate paymcnt in Pull becausc of
<br /> ".Y^� 5�u� ,,..�Od_:.
<br />---- F� .x� Borrower's failure to pay an amounl due under the Notc or this Security Instrument.This dght applies eveo after foredosure
<br />__;;�:;�;� proceedings are i�stituted.To reinstace the Security Instrument.Borrower shail tender in a lump sum alp amouats required �,_
<br /> to bring 8orrower s account cuaent including.to the extent they ue obligations oP Borrower under this Secu�ity lnstrument.
<br /> s_�..-?"i��vY�.__':"..�Q;�: : ,
<br />-=- �'.`-k�_. Poreclosurc costs and reasonable and customary attorneys fees and exponses properly associated with the forcclosare proceeding.
<br />.:�`� ��,,��• -` .'•`;� '. Upon reinstatement by Bonower, chis Security Instrument ana tne v���gations[hat u secures shalf remuin in cfi'cti�wa it i.rndc� _
<br />�-�_'°�� had rt�¢+ a� uired immediate paymen�in full.Huwever,Leader is n�t�equired to permit reinstatement if:(i)Lender has uccepted
<br /> , •z• �:
<br /> ��F'"" �`��''• .� ��� '• reiases�eIInent after the commencement oP foreclosure proceedings within two years immediateiy preceding the commencement �_,
<br /> .rt�� • —
<br />_�=}'. ..•�':�; :. .�B a current foreclusure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement wfll preclude ioreclosure on different grounds in the future,or(iii)
<br /> =-;,�;� ,�;. '•� � reinstatement will adversely affect Ihe priority of the lien created by�his Security Instrument.
<br /> , '•,��.;.�; •
<br /> "_�'r��' ;i.�r'.• '�. . 11, Borrower Nol Released; Forbesirance By Lender Nol A Wniver. Extension of the time of payment or modi�cAtion
<br /> �k,� 1 � . oP amortization of the sums sewred by this Securiry Instrument granted by I.ender to any successor in interest of 8orro�ver ��,;
<br /> :.:����,{ �'�'z� 's"� shall not operate to release the liabili�y of the original Borrower or Borrower's surcessor in interest.Lender shall na be rcquired e,__-
<br /> ,��, ..
<br /> • ^�• • � to commence proceedings agains�uny successor in m�erest or retuse to ex�end�ime(or payment or otherwise modify nmortization
<br /> � � , '"°���� of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasan of any demand mude by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors
<br /> in interest.Any Porbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exacise of �__.
<br /> � :. - ", any right or remedy.
<br /> _ ,.` '�a;i;: � ^ „ .
<br />"�.,.;, '`�f°• ,." • � � 12.Succes.gors and Assig�s Bound;Joinl pnd Severnl LiAbllily:Co•SiRners.The covenants and ag�eements of this 5tcuriiy `"�
<br /> � Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of l.ender And Sor�ower,subject to the provnsions of paragraph ��
<br /> : '�.' �n;,��'�?' � '� 9,b. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall fiz ioint and several.Any B��rrawer who co•signs thi�Security lnstrument _
<br />_ � �'�'�` ' '' '�G7��:' but doe�s not execute the Note: �a)is co•signing t6�is Se�uric}�InsnetoQnent only[�mortgage,gtant ansl coe�vey rhat Borrower's -�
<br /> � ,•,.. ,;�,.�,.,� —�
<br />__"�;�; � " 't,'!'�"'�'t;n;J, interest in the Propeny under the terms of this S�ecurity lna�r�rmenr, lb) is not personally�biigated ta�pa}�the sums secured __
<br /> "�{A't,"n? el,�i,_„
<br /> •°"�;r•� ,���,��, by this Security lnstrumem;und(c)agrees tha�Le�der and any c��her Borrower may agree to�xtpnd.mod�fy,forbear or make �_
<br /> r-���� ^ any accommodations with regard to the term o0 tfiis Seruriq� Inatrument or the Note without that Bar►ower's consent. _ -`
<br /> _�"-`';`''"�: :'•"•.'����'`�,�,���.:'.;,,Y 13. NoUces.Any notice to Borrowc�pravia3cd f,r in this Security Instrumem shull be given by dclicesing it or by mailing -�
<br />�_�.'��.�.!" a� : . ',•��'�� .� it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use o(unother methai. The no�ice shall be direcled to[C�e Propertv Address �,
<br /> ���'� '�'�t�� or any other address Borrower designaaes by notice to l.ender.Ar�p noticc to Lcnder shall be given by first olASS mail to Lender's
<br />' � '� •.'�f.;�'�h. :. � _
<br /> �;,�` : , :i,�{����`y;;, address s�aaed herein or any address I.ender designates by no�ice a��B�nrrower.Any notice provided for in this Se�:uritg lasa�ment �
<br /> • ,;' t�}���; . shall be decmed to have been given to Borrower or Lender��O�tc givcn as provided in this paragraph. �
<br /> •.'•r;,
<br /> ,. � . �,' : 14.Governing L�w:Severability.This Sccuriu�•Intitrumrnt shall bcgoverned by Fedrral law and the��ti�af�he jurisdiction �..
<br /> ��::���.;r:�. in which the Properry is located. In the event that uray provision or rlause of rhi�Security Instrument ��r,he Note conflicts � •
<br /> .'���<,'•1i: . with applicable law,such conflict shal!r.a�affect other pro�iri�m of this S��urit}• In,irument or the Note x•bich can be given �
<br />' ��'<�`" efferi witE�r�uc ihe ronflictin rovisian_ To�hi�rnd ihe m�•a::�.�n>of thi.Securii�� In,trumem and the Notc arc declared to :_.,�
<br /> .. �k,.::;:: e n r
<br /> •��5. be se�•era0�tc. f�
<br /> ' I5. Barrawer's Cc+�}. Borrr.ia•er +hall be g�«r..�n�runformed �urc o( �hi.S�tiuri�>• In�trume��. f:�
<br /> , �f+�t ,� �.
<br /> � ' �+�J 16.Axsigneenl oP ReMs.HorroHCt unrnnditiuma;l'} a:.ign•a�d tran,l'rr+tu LrnJer all�hc rrn�y and re�enues ot�he Pro�xny. �' �
<br /> ' Borrower aut:�orizes Lender nr Lcnder',agems ta.oll�ct thc rents and re�•rnuc�and hereb.direct,cach tenant of thr Propeny �
<br /> to pay the rents to Lender ur I.ender's agrnts. Ho«e�er, rrior ar l.c�xlcr'+nutirc to HurroNCr a(�iorro��er'�hrcach oP un> �
<br /> ° co�•enant or agreement in�he S��unt� In,trumrre�,Borro+�cr.hall rt�lle�t and re�ci�c all rcm.and r�tirnu�y al Ihe Propcn> ;
<br /> �l�.•�=;n,�:,_�s _ ns irustee for the brnrfit ol'Lcnder and Borrox�e. Y[��ti a,.ignmen� ul' rcm� cun+�mae+r�e ab.ulu�r a+.�gnmrnt and not an
<br /> - ;- . ,., . . ussignment for additionul�c�unr� nnt}.
<br /> � � If Lender give.nutirc uf hrerrM���F3�rrower:1�1 atl rcnr.rece��ed h� B��rr�+��cr�hrlf hr:hcEd hy 1Sa�rr��wcr a.�ru.t��:iur °
<br /> , hcncfit of Lrndrr onl��, tu h�apy�k��ct t�f rhe wm�.r�ur.d hc rh�ti�curu: In.�rmurm: �h�C�nJcr .hatl hr�n�rrtrJ ru�ul�c�t �
<br /> • • • and reccicc pll ot'thr rrnts uf thc !'rop�rt�:.+nd f.:►ea�h t�nant ut tl�r I'ru�xrt� .hall��►�> aU rrnt+du�and un�a��t co f endcr
<br /> i�r Lendcr'ti agent on Lrndcr'� ��rinen Jcmand r.�ih� Irnunt. ;
<br /> • � Borr����cr ha�nal c�ccu�edan}rrii�r ati+i�nmcm ul ihr irnl.and ha.nal and aill nat prrturm an�a.t Ihut ��uuld�rc�cnt ,
<br /> 1 rndrr from rtcrci.in�e i�� righi. undcr Ihi.para�raph Ih.
<br /> ', • � Lcnder.hal)nut be rcyuircJ �ucmcr upcm.tal�c rumnd ul ur maintam the I'ru�xn> hrl�,rc u�,iur►�i�rog rn,ur.ul hicarh
<br /> ,b �,, • �o HorruNCr. HuNr�cr. I rnJcr i�r a judi�iall� ar�x�imrd rerri�cr ma> .lu��►.n an> umc �hrrr �•a hr�:i.h. \m .�rp�i.au�,n
<br /> ul rrnt. ,hall not curr ar aai�r am Jctauh ��r imalid•r�c any u�hrr righ� u� rrmrd> ul 1�nJr�. I lu.a..��nmrnt ��I rrm.�,1
<br /> ' o„ � •, thr 1'ru�xrl� .hall trnninatr�.hcn ihc Jrbi xcurcd h> thr tiecuri�� In,lrunxm i. �,•riJ in tull.
<br /> � , ` , r.„ . .,, , �
<br />