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--- .A '...•..,i �� �•G�li-^�1►. �i- - :�' �. ��s.. .n '� h`i.. .:.�y�.�¢.•:�'•,u,� �4 �++� -t ��. ' .T r .�: u =.- - 6 - - <br /> :�� ,; , . ..,,. . . . ,� . :, .{;. . . , ,. � ..�� �..� .. '93 ' �' . ' r <br /> ---- _ - --- _ .--- - - .1��::a�-�g:.�y�, � �.y�kj��►e!'� l�rav�ts s�a�r e� a���{,.�.�a�a.�eote+a++Mr�. _ <br />. .__...._ ���:.� � _ __�� . �.�1�'��wR��i�Wi��Ri� �Y'��� ��1w�w�'..�rN � .. ,'�.:...: <br /> 1�ood�a,1�a����a irl�.t�wq�iti�L�pot,'n►ir ii�eiiqt�a11 t��i�d i�t oe tmwats�md�a►tir��iod} .,.-`_ <br /> - ° dw 1�� . '!1N ltN�+f�or c�eeiK.petwidf�y t1e�li+�v�d��6e cW�en 6y B�raw�wl�leot b l.aidar`s�p�b�l. ' �.,:-. <br /> � �U ao1 b�e u�y wNWMW. It�lhiu w��Wn cpre�e dacribod �bovw�r,�ppr�'�t L�if�t"i <br /> opcio�.obai«,00Mer�e W riraMrgt 1ru�d�r'�rijhY L tka W+opatty i�1 aocP�dM�oe�i�M��• ,,.., „ = <br /> � All la�utru�oe pdicier a9d nae�i�rnll b��jcoepaibb a L�eodeR�d�U fae]u3e.aanWd a�o�o�cl�we.{.eRWer <br /> � �hNl lrrw+the dAbl la liold tY�polkia aed e�a�erwli.U Lehder roquhvr,Hono��li PrampdY�w I.�ndK W�'o[ . <br />. ,._���—�_ s . P�Id P�ums aud t�ea�rval aa4ica.Ia the evatt d la��Hc�ree�rer�Il�1rC pron�{+t nMk�e 1�tM i�w�o�a�rrMr�ed[.*d�r. <br /> l�ender m�y�Ico poof of lop it Aot�do praaplly bY Bor�ow�er. <br /> � Unlep Laxler aad Aata�x otbinvlee�ea ia w�itlry.i�aq�r�a�e puoeed�al�ll be�pplied to ta�toratlaa ot rqMie oi tbe ' , <br /> Pmpaly d�m�{ed�if Ibo n�lo�atbn or iap�ir b e0000a�ically ta�ibb snd Leabt's aeauiity b eot le�ed.U q�e�atantiaa or. . . <br /> n�ir i�not�ly tea�iblo os Lender's tea�rity w�ould be les�ened.tbe iaou�aoa prooeod�slufl be�pplied w tha auna - <br /> �iod by ehi� Security InaqamaK. whed�er or nat tha� due. wlth wy e:ow paid w Bamwer. lf Bo�mwet ab�ndw4 the <br /> -- �b!'tSl•Or dOC!Iqt�ItliWO�WIlIII113O A��A 110fI00�1 LOIIdQT tFl�t tI10�IIZ11f�I100 l'#TfIEr M�I O�CfCd t0 zdtlC�CWIII,llfdl <br /> l.�ender m�y od�ect the lnann�x proceed�. L�ender mry uae the,pnocaed�w ropa�ir or rown the P�operty ar ta p�y.amo� .. � <br /> �ecurod by tbi�Suatrity In�d�umart.whctdeq or uot tb�4ue.,'1'ire 30yd�y patiod wlll bo�ia wben tho notioe i�glvea. <br /> Uaks� l.enda ud Hmrower ot�wire,�roe in�ia�. wqyr +�P�icuion oP pmoeeds w prindp�l �U aot �wtoaA oc <br /> postp�ne the due due of tre mo�ttily p�y�don refamod 4o ia pu�c�pha 1 �nd 2 or chaaYe Ihe amouei�of the p�yme�ts. 1P . <br /> - undet puagraph 21�the PROpaty is aoquired by L.ender.8ornuwu'r dg4l W�qr ins�Raaoe policiea ao�pax,�'raWtiq�ft�oaa • <br /> - - aameg�to tNe Pn+�ly pr�o►a►tAe aoqrisitim ihall pa to I�dr w th�asfeot of tho wmi tadeod by Isit Soaitlq'L�1no�t.._..< ,•.�. <br /> :� .� -_._ __..--._--— ��iypriorlothe�a�quusitioo. ,:� <br />-_ i. Ooa�p�Y�Praa�wtio�,�and PeutacNon ot the Prope�q:llon+ower'�I.o�Applk�tion; ' ' -_ <br /> = Borrowa aAall a�cupy.eswblish,ard use the Property ag Borrower'a principal raridan�ce wlthin sizty day�aRer tho eLi��oi} ��: <br /> this Senuity lostn�ment ard s1a11 eoatinua to oocupy the Pnnpe�ty ns Potrnwei`a�miudpal rosidenca for at le�st o0o year pf�a� � °' <br />- the dote of o�oapancy.unles�I.eader olberwlse stgroes in wridng. which consent clwfl not be unreasonably wid�hdd. or un� - <br /> = extenuating circumstanoes e�st which s►�e beyond Bortower's oontrol. Borrower shall rat desttoy. dan�e or ia�ir''t6p ' <br />_�" Pr+nperty, altow the Property w detcrio�te.or oommit waste on the Prope�ty. Bomnwer ahall be i�i defrult if aoy foe�ei'a:f� <br />..S action or prn�eeding. whcthcr civil ar begun thot in Leoder's good faith,�udgment oauld resWt in forfeiwm'o�'{hR <br />-- - Pr�operty or otbcrwlse materi�lly impair the lien cnated by this Sacurity Instrument or Lender's cavdry inurcst. Bonower may <br />_-_ curo�ucb a defAUlt and rcinuate,As provided in paragraph 18,by causiog the xtion or prooeeding to be dismicsed wldt a tulia� <br />- =_= that, in Lendcr's determinat�on. Precludes forfeitu�of.the Borrowcr's interest in 1he Property or othar tpa�tEel�l <br />..;;;���--�- iriipair�ixnt aiti�iien�ctzs�ted by tilis Secasky Insiivmeni or i.etLder's see�irity 3nterest. Sorrowas sls�!!alsa ls;.�s �i�';; - <br /> ' Bc►rrower.dudng the loan aQplirntian,gave mater�ally false ar inaceurate infom�ation or stetemmta to Lender(tlr tiiiltlf`� <br /> �y�� _ ��'j to�irovide L.ender with anq material inPorniadon) in cannection with the loan evidenced by tl►e Note.including,but not li�`p1�' ;�'+1`,t_ <br />..«�� ��,, reE+nsentatbns mnceming Borrower's o�cupancy of the Property as a principal residence.if this Secudty Instnunent is aA a • <br />:':;;�i�E ' leasthold. Horrower stiall rnmply wir►� nll Ihe provisions of the lesise. if Borrower Acquires fee dde w the Propaty�; t]ye <br /> - ti` IeasehoW and the fee tiUe shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. , . <br /> � �,•�a 7.Protectioa oT I.euder's Rtghts in the Property.If Horrower fails to perForm the covenants and agroements oontalned in <br /> ����;�. � this Scxvrity Instrument,or there is a leg�l praceeciing that may significontly affect Lender's rights in the Propeny (such�s a <br />'�� =��;�.,�._�;� ;� proceeding in bankmptcy, probate, for rnndemnation or forfeiwre or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do and <br /> ���»>�+- e:.��-.•�,�'; pay for whs�tever is necessery to protect the value of the Property and.l,ender's righw in the Property. Lender's qctioas Inry <br />...�-. .. � ..y..,...'`, , • <br /> r�,;� • ,;+`,�::-� . � include paving any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying <br /> s "' 'h-ti:��i reasonable attome s fees and enterin on the Pro rt w meke re airs.Althou h Lender me tal�e action under thio a <br /> �`�, . Y � 8 p� Y P' R Y P�Bi,Pb . <br /> ., ;���. �n�� 7. Lender does nnt huve tn do so. ' <br /> • a ;. : Any amounts disbursed by L.ender under this pii�agraph 7 shnll l+ec:nme ndditionul debt of Borrower secured by.thfa <br />_u-i��.i�;. ... a•-.'Yi� <br /> _— i, Security Inatrument. Unless Eorrower and l.cnder ngree to other tetms of payment, these umounts shull beur interest ftum the <br /> �Z� � ' ,, �=.�' date of disbursement at�Ihe Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upnn notice fmm L.ender to Bortower requesting <br />.,:, `.;•.. , <br /> - payment. <br /> ' a� � � S.Mortga�e Insurance. If Lender required monguge insurunce us u condition of muking the loan secured by this Security <br />_ ' ''��{:.v'• ,�; : .• <br />��;. ..- } Instrument, Horrower sh:►II pay �he premiums reyuircd to maintuin the mongAge insurance in effect. If, far uny re�son, the <br /> e <br /> 1 ;`=�', a• •t� a' mongage insuranee coverage requirecl by L.ender lapses or��e�.ties to bt:in effect, &�rrower sh�ll pay the premiums required to <br />°����-� ` abtaln coverage substanlinll��rquivnlent tn the mortgage insumncr previausly in effecl,ut u cost subsluntially equivalent to the <br /> �r "�`���' , ' cost ta Borrower of�he mort a e inaur;uue reviousl in effect, t'rom un ulternate mort u e insurer u roved b I,ender. If <br /> : ?�,:,�� �(�'•: !�'g P Y � g B PP Y <br /> 'f',;b�'�'•° ,«'�' . i;j subs�antially equi�•alent mongage insurancc coveragc iti nut available, Bonowrr xfiall p•ry to Lender cach month a sum equal to <br />_ �. �.j� <br /> ° 'r �i, one-twelfth of the yenrly mm�gage imurunce premium tx�ing puiJ by 8orn�wcr when tlx�insurance coverage lupsed or ceased to <br /> ��� - be in Cfkct. l.en.irr will accept, use and retain these payments as n lass resen•e in lieu of moctgage insurance. Loss resen�e <br /> '�'�r�=� . � "s° Fo.m aoze areo <br /> :J:; y . ' - �; v+w 3 oi e <br />,,.,��'��.f��"�;;�: .. , t.. <br />:�. `. ",� .: <br /> ,,.,,� j'�;��t���"� . :j <br /> ,.,,,.�. <br /> :i �,,•.� <br /> .�4 <br /> '' � , �r��1r� . I�f��''� `���'":,� � �a�►�.,�,�, :. <br /> � �., a�rf.� ����,. -} <br /> iL' - ' -��i�' �� , �1',� , ��1'.t:s'i?�� t 1�G� � i' ti .,rt`�',��y0�`�PT�ii`-. �. <br /> -Y> � ,u ,�, r � . , ,�t�i��.t• ����.,�•t�� 1 y .r �*t � r a > >k� y�., .}'.:.._ <br /> ; �. ` ��. ...`'�,tr. . .t' , l( r.t r�r'`� .��}'A r��Q �st�u - <br /> �.�<•e• � . � . xl•�'�,('<<,r e;?,; r yta;�?141'� crti�w�- -- <br /> . .. . . <br />- , � ' .. . ._ - , <br /> . <br /> -i ' '�,.3-�__. _. ,._ _ •----_ --- ���y�_..�....�•4���5..�.t' 11t�, ;1 � _,: <br /> . _. <br />_ ••� <br /> .� . . <br /> _. . _ • - - ------ -_ - ----- --- •r--; �......,... — <br /> z c �,� _ -- - ------ --'r ,� i F:r �F•:`�.ir � • ., ,�z��,�.. �rf" <br /> ���� ' ' Mij �r <br />.� � �1 � � 1 � i' . . 1/ '1i} - . �1�7.,�t f�i�� Cu� !',�+�.�7,'� .�)M!� ��� ,}••M <br /> _ _ . . _. _ _' . ._ <br /> ° , � <br /> ���I���., iz1 S��iiS4L 4� <br /> • � <br /> S, �--� .� e�t4C��: i� t 1� ' � �r r �;�a,pi �f� •�l`:r'_.••Hnlp�a,14��►.� <br /> ���—� ll.�.�^^r—r � � . r:` _ '_ . • ... ... . q_ ! . T�N`ti��� ��.�'�+�'V��f•-77IW ��,�.��-����yT�qg,V� __ <br /> _— .7� , . ' ( �� �� �.� l�i. H ! �.••'4��C�P�- �31i�1f1. <br /> _ . . . - , , . � t�. � �u f 1�.Lt,rSc- .:0�`f«�. � /1. � <br /> ���'�� � . � . _ti.1� , �.1. . ' � rI. ��l t .t, 6s <br /> .—�,• ' � 1 f�� . ��1,�� 1 .��� } 'i - •!�.} �'�1'�'�� ' <br /> �� ' >y�. � ' " . . � - � ' '`�'.a \ Y :� ll��).l'` t�,. , , , r ��l"+� } <br /> —r� �' t . .. . . �,: . , ..�.,.:� ; �.... -• ,���;,,� __. <br /> .r' _ . . �- ', ' ,l,� f f�,�n,:3.��!�! :r��ry{-�'r.l����� <br /> ! 1 .. � � ' ` - . ..). .�K/CLa: � 1: Vf.Y ` .W�i{V �„y _{��`F;� — <br /> , .. . .. . . ,, • .,. ,� �r s+,dd\•�:r �..�.� �-ti; _ <br /> ' r-, , .. . • • ' . ,�. ' c... 4'�v'' .. <br /> 1 -. ,� •• • . . � . '�•.•;;� tt; �.'� � ,�.Aka��d� �,'I_ - <br /> ,�,��,� , ' ` .. ?, i, .. � `�;": �fi,�- <br /> : )•'�, � . . - . . � . M.:,c:�' _ .tS\�;• ,�, a�.x�. .. <br />: �' a 'v ...ty w��. .. • 5 � .. . = .. ' � � ` �..",j,• -.i �"? �"�tf,f w� •��� . . 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